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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Databases in 2020

Relational Database by Bharambe, Manisha
Introduction to R for Business by Adair, Troy A.
Guide to Efficient Software Design: An MVC Approach to Concepts, Structures, and Models by Voorhees, David P.
Microsoft SQL Server 2019: A Beginner's Guide, Seventh Edition by Petkovic, Dusan
Trends in Communication, Cloud, and Big Data: Proceedings of 3rd National Conference on Ccb, 2018 by
Chinese Lexical Semantics: 20th Workshop, Clsw 2019, Beijing, China, June 28-30, 2019, Revised Selected Papers by
Introduction to Environmental Data Analysis and Modeling by Emetere, Moses Eterigho, Akinlabi, Esther Titilayo
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2019 International Workshops, Vienna, Austria, September 1-6, 2019, Revised Selected Papers by
Statistics and Data Science: Research School on Statistics and Data Science, Rssds 2019, Melbourne, Vic, Australia, July 24-26, 2019, Proceedings by
SAP HANA SQL Script Essentials: # Programming Concepts with Examples # Procedures, Functions and AMDP # Case Studies and Practical Solutions # Best Pr by Varma, Narayana
Data Science Programming All-In-One for Dummies by Mueller, John Paul, Massaron, Luca
Programming Persistent Memory: A Comprehensive Guide for Developers by Scargall, Steve
Analítica de datos: Una guía esencial para principiantes en minería de datos, recolección de datos, análisis de big data para negocios y c by Jones, Herbert
Data Mining: The Data Mining Guide for Beginners, Including Applications for Business, Data Mining Techniques, Concepts, and More by Jones, Herbert
Data Science for Business: Predictive Modeling, Data Mining, Data Analytics, Data Warehousing, Data Visualization, Regression Analysis, Database by Jones, Herbert
Data Science: The Ultimate Guide to Data Analytics, Data Mining, Data Warehousing, Data Visualization, Regression Analysis, Database Querying, Big Dat by Jones, Herbert
Data Science: What the Best Data Scientists Know About Data Analytics, Data Mining, Statistics, Machine Learning, and Big Data - That You Don't by Jones, Herbert
Data Analytics: The Ultimate Guide to Big Data Analytics for Business, Data Mining Techniques, Data Collection, and Business Intelligence Concepts by Jones, Herbert
Refactoring Legacy T-SQL for Improved Performance: Modern Practices for SQL Server Applications by Bohm, Lisa
Big Data Analytics for Cyber-Physical System in Smart City: Bdcps 2019, 28-29 December 2019, Shenyang, China by
Introduction to Computational Health Informatics by Khan, Javed Iqbal, Alam, S. Kaisar, Bansal, Arvind Kumar
Basketball Data Science: With Applications in R by Manisera, Marica, Zuccolotto, Paola
Introduction to Computational Health Informatics by Bansal, Arvind Kumar, Khan, Javed Iqbal, Alam, S. Kaisar
Advances in Data Science and Management: Proceedings of Icdsm 2019 by
Basketball Data Science: With Applications in R by Zuccolotto, Paola, Manisera, Marica
Mongodb: The Definitive Guide: Powerful and Scalable Data Storage by Chodorow, Kristina, Bradshaw, Shannon, Brazil, Eoin
Complex Pattern Mining: New Challenges, Methods and Applications by
Communication in Vehicles: Cultural Variability in Speech Systems by Molina-Markham, Elizabeth, Van Over, Brion, Winter, Ute
Big Data Analytics: 7th International Conference, Bda 2019, Ahmedabad, India, December 17-20, 2019, Proceedings by
Processo de Data Warehousing - Livro II -: Apresentação da Metodologia PDW by Pinto, Marcus Vinicius
Python Feature Engineering Cookbook by Galli, Soledad
Relevant Query Answering Over Streaming and Distributed Data: A Study for Rdf Streams and Evolving Web Data by Della Valle, Emanuele, Zahmatkesh, Shima
Databases Theory and Applications: 31st Australasian Database Conference, Adc 2020, Melbourne, Vic, Australia, February 3-7, 2020, Proceedings by
Deep Learning in Mining of Visual Content by Zemmari, Akka, Benois-Pineau, Jenny
Advanced Analytics and Learning on Temporal Data: 4th Ecml Pkdd Workshop, Aaltd 2019, Würzburg, Germany, September 20, 2019, Revised Selected Papers by
Nature Inspired Computing for Data Science by
Deep Learning-Based Approaches for Sentiment Analysis by
Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems: 11th International Symposium, Foiks 2020, Dortmund, Germany, February 17-21, 2020, Proceedings by
Environmental Software Systems. Data Science in Action: 13th Ifip Wg 5.11 International Symposium, Isess 2020, Wageningen, the Netherlands, February 5 by
Fourth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology: Icict 2019, London, Volume 2 by
Advances in Data and Information Sciences: Proceedings of Icdis 2019 by
Classification Methods for Internet Applications by Pulc, Petr, Kopp, Martin, Holeňa, Martin
The Department of Defense Posture for Artificial Intelligence: Assessment and Recommendations by Parker, Edward, Tarraf, Danielle C., Shelton, William
Python for Finance Cookbook by Lewinson, Eryk
SQL Database Programming (Fifth Edition) by Fehily, Chris
Database Management System Concepts by K. Reddy, K. Prema, A. Gowri Shankar Reddy
Convergent Cognitive Information Technologies: Third International Conference, Convergent 2018, Moscow, Russia, November 29 - December 2, 2018, Revise by
Practical Oracle Cloud Infrastructure: Infrastructure as a Service, Autonomous Database, Managed Kubernetes, and Serverless by Jakóbczyk, Michal Tomasz
Data Science: 6th International Conference, Icds 2019, Ningbo, China, May 15-20, 2019, Revised Selected Papers by
Analysis of Images, Social Networks and Texts: 8th International Conference, Aist 2019, Kazan, Russia, July 17-19, 2019, Revised Selected Papers by
Multidisciplinary Social Networks Research: 6th International Conference, Misnc 2019, Wenzhou, China, August 26-28, 2019, Revised Selected Papers by
Automated Software Testing: Foundations, Applications and Challenges by
Language and Automata Theory and Applications: 14th International Conference, Lata 2020, Milan, Italy, March 4-6, 2020, Proceedings by
Access for Beginners by Humphrey, M. L.
Intermediate Access by Humphrey, M. L.
Intermediate Access by Humphrey, M. L.
Access for Beginners by Humphrey, M. L.
Data Mining in Structural Dynamic Analysis: A Signal Processing Perspective by
Web Information Systems Engineering: Wise 2019 Workshop, Demo, and Tutorial, Hong Kong and Macau, China, January 19-22, 2020, Revised Selected Papers by
Cursive Script Text Recognition in Natural Scene Images: Arabic Text Complexities by Razzak, Muhammad Imran, Yusof, Rubiyah, Ahmed, Saad Bin
SQL For Beginners: A Step-by-Step Guide to Learn SQL (Structured Query Language) from Installation to Database Management and Database Administration. by McKinnon, Julian James James
Aprende SQL en menos de 20 horas. by Romero Aguirre, Juan Pablo
Processo de Data Warehousing - Livro 3: Templates by Pinto, Marcus Vinícius
Mining of Massive Datasets by Ullman, Jeffrey David, Leskovec, Jure, Rajaraman, Anand
Blockchain Technology and Application: Second Ccf China Blockchain Conference, Cbcc 2019, Chengdu, China, October 11-13, 2019, Revised Selected Papers by
Semantic Technology: 9th Joint International Conference, Jist 2019, Hangzhou, China, November 25-27, 2019, Proceedings by
Decentralised Internet of Things: A Blockchain Perspective by
Handling Priority Inversion in Time-Constrained Distributed Databases by
Intelligent Information and Database Systems: 12th Asian Conference, Aciids 2020, Phuket, Thailand, March 23-26, 2020, Proceedings by
Handling Priority Inversion in Time-Constrained Distributed Databases by
Transactions on Computational Science XXXV: Special Issue on Signal Processing and Security in Distributed Systems by
Dark Data: Why What You Don't Know Matters by Hand, David J.
Data Analytics: An Essential Beginner's Guide To Data Mining, Data Collection, Big Data Analytics For Business, And Business Intelligence Concepts by Jones, Herbert
Semantic Technology: 9th Joint International Conference, Jist 2019, Hangzhou, China, November 25-27, 2019, Revised Selected Papers by
Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition: Proceedings of Cipr 2020 by
Practical Oracle SQL: Mastering the Full Power of Oracle Database by Berg Hansen, Kim
Digital Mapping of Soil Landscape Parameters: Geospatial Analyses Using Machine Learning and Geomatics by Garg, Rahul Dev, Shukla, Gaurav, Garg, Pradeep Kumar
Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language: 14th International Conference, Propor 2020, Evora, Portugal, March 2-4, 2020, Proceedings by
Beginning Microsoft Power Bi: A Practical Guide to Self-Service Data Analytics by Clark, Dan
Next-Generation Machine Learning with Spark: Covers Xgboost, Lightgbm, Spark Nlp, Distributed Deep Learning with Keras, and More by Quinto, Butch
PostgreSQL 12 High Availability Cookbook by Thomas, Shaun
Cloud-Based Rdf Data Management by Zampetakis, Stamatis, Kaoudi, Zoi, Manolescu, Ioana
Communications and Networking: 14th Eai International Conference, Chinacom 2019, Shanghai, China, November 29 - December 1, 2019, Proceedings, Part I by
Information Retrieval Technology: 15th Asia Information Retrieval Societies Conference, Airs 2019, Hong Kong, China, November 7-9, 2019, Proceedings by
Pandas 1.x Cookbook - Second Edition: Practical recipes for scientific computing, time series analysis, and exploratory data analysis using Python by Petrou, Theodore, Harrison, Matt
Data Science: A Comprehensive Guide to Data Science, Data Analytics, Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Big Data by Hurley, Richard
Database Design and Implementation: Second Edition by Sciore, Edward
International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications: Proceedings of ICICC 2019, Volume 1 by
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Advances and Applications 2019: Proceedings of Icaiaa 2019 by
ICT Systems and Sustainability: Proceedings of Ict4sd 2019, Volume 1 by
Numerical Nonsmooth Optimization: State of the Art Algorithms by
Deep Learning Applications by
Introducing Machine Learning by Esposito, Francesco, Esposito, Dino
Human Behavior Analysis: Sensing and Understanding by Wang, Zhu, Yu, Zhiwen
Clustering and Outlier Detection for Trajectory Stream Data by Jin, Cheqing, Zhou, Aoying, Mao, Jiali
Data Visualization: Trends and Challenges Toward Multidisciplinary Perception by
Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering: Proceedings of 7th Icicse by
Concepts of Database Management by Monk, Ellen, Friedrichsen, Lisa, Ruffolo, Lisa
Ciencia de Datos: Guía completa para principiantes para aprender los reinos de la ciencia de datos by Vance, William
Access 2019: The Basics by Maddy III, Luther M.
Transactions on Computational Science XXXVI: Special Issue on Cyberworlds and Cybersecurity by
Vergleich objektorientierter und relationaler Datenbanken by Anonymous
Data Mining and Machine Learning by Meira, Wagner, Jr., Zaki, Mohammed J.
Der Methodenstreit. Gegenüberstellung des qualitativen und quantitativen Forschungsansatzes by Schneeweiß, Kai
Genetic and Evolutionary Computing: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, November 1-3, 2019, by
Financial Cryptography and Data Security: FC 2019 International Workshops, Voting and Wtsc, St. Kitts, St. Kitts and Nevis, February 18-22, 2019, Revi by
Data Science Building Blocks: Analytics Starter Kit by Malaya Rout, Radhakrishnan Guhan, Jyothsna Sravanthi
Soft Computing and Signal Processing: Proceedings of 2nd Icscsp 2019 by
The Data Catalog: Sherlock Holmes Data Sleuthing for Analytics by Fryman, Lowell, O'Neil, Bonnie K.
Big Data Preprocessing: Enabling Smart Data by Ramírez-Gallego, Sergio, Luengo, Julián, García-Gil, Diego
Advances of Science and Technology: 7th Eai International Conference, Icast 2019, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, August 2-4, 2019, Proceedings by
PostgreSQL Configuration: Best Practices for Performance and Security by Shaik, Baji
MySQL 8 Query Performance Tuning: A Systematic Method for Improving Execution Speeds by Krogh, Jesper Wisborg
Cognitive Analytics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, VOL 1 by
Cognitive Analytics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, VOL 2 by
Cognitive Analytics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, VOL 3 by
Cognitive Analytics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, VOL 4 by
Build a Career in Data Science by Robinson, Emily, Nolis, Jacqueline
Introduction to Data Science and Machine Learning by
Pods '19: Proceedings of the 38th ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI Symposium on Principles of Database Systems by Pods '19
Smart Cities: Big Data Prediction Methods and Applications by Liu, Hui
Knowledge Engineering Tools and Techniques for AI Planning by
Access 2019: Beyond the Basics by Maddy III, Luther
Multiagent Systems: Introduction and Coordination Control by Mahmoud, Magdi S.
Post-Quantum Cryptography: 11th International Conference, Pqcrypto 2020, Paris, France, April 15-17, 2020, Proceedings by
Information Search, Integration, and Personalization: 13th International Workshop, Isip 2019, Heraklion, Greece, May 9-10, 2019, Revised Selected Pape by
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: International Workshops of Ecml Pkdd 2019, Würzburg, Germany, September 16-20, 2019, Proceeding by
Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication: Selected Papers from the 19th International Conference on Reliability and Statistics i by
Visual Studio 2019 VB.NET Reports: Working with the OLEDB and the Dataset by Edwards, Richard
Careers in Data Science by Institute for Career Research
Issues with Access to Acquisition Information in the Department of Defense: A Series on Considerations for Managing Program Data in the Emerging Acqui by McKernan, Megan, Drezner, Jeffrey A., Sollinger, Jerry M.
Fighting Disinformation Online: Building the Database of Web Tools by Cherney, Samantha, Kavanagh, Jennifer, Reininger, Hilary
Mining Software Engineering Data for Software Reuse by Symeonidis, Andreas L., Diamantopoulos, Themistoklis
The Ten Commandments of VBA for Microsoft Access Newbies: Practices that produce safe, understandable, and reliable software by Roth Mse, Peter N.
Big Data: Concepts, Warehousing, and Analytics by Santos, Maribel Yasmina, Costa, Carlos
Cisco HyperFlex im Einsatz: Hyperkonvergente Infrastruktur by Stubbig, Markus
Statistics for Data Science and Policy Analysis by
Visual Studio 2019 C#.Net Creating Reports: Fixed the issue with the ReportViewer not showing on the form! by Edwards, Richard
Murach's SQL Server 2019 for Developers by Syverson, Bryan, Murach, Joel
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XVIII: 18th International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis, Ida 2020, Konstanz, Germany, April 27-29, 2020 by
A Hands-On Introduction to Data Science by Shah, Chirag
Trustworthy Online Controlled Experiments: A Practical Guide to A/B Testing by Xu, Ya, Kohavi, Ron, Tang, Diane
Machine Learning for Intelligent Decision Science by
Big Data and Innovation in Tourism, Travel, and Hospitality: Managerial Approaches, Techniques, and Applications by
Internet of Things--Applications and Future: Proceedings of Itaf 2019 by
Signal and Information Processing, Networking and Computers: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Signal and Information Processing, Net by
SQL Database Programming: The Ultimate Guide to Learning SQL Database Programming Fast! by Warren, Tim
Applications and Developments in Semantic Process Mining by Okoye, Kingsley
Cyber Defence in the Age of Ai, Smart Societies and Augmented Humanity by
Big Data Analytics and Computing for Digital Forensic Investigations by
How To Recover Deleted Files: Your Step By Step Guide To Recovering Deleted Files by Howexpert
Data Science Uncovering the Reality: IITians uncover how Data Science is transforming some of the world's biggest companies by Kunal Kishore, Pankaj Gupta, Srijan Saket
Blockchain Technologie. Chancen und Potenziale in der Immobilienwirtschaft by Tecle, Aman
Blockchain: An Essential Beginner's Guide to Understanding Blockchain Technology, Cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and the Future of Mone by Jones, Herbert
Intelligent Computing in Engineering: Select Proceedings of Rice 2019 by
Statistics for Hci: Making Sense of Quantitative Data by Dix, Alan
Applications and Developments in Semantic Process Mining by Okoye, Kingsley
Intelligent Human Computer Interaction: 11th International Conference, Ihci 2019, Allahabad, India, December 12-14, 2019, Proceedings by
Advances in Information Retrieval: 42nd European Conference on IR Research, Ecir 2020, Lisbon, Portugal, April 14-17, 2020, Proceedings, Part I by
Erforschung Und Entwicklung Von Communities: Handbuch Zur Qualitativen Textanalyse Und Wissensorganisation Mit Gabek(r) by Zelger, Josef
Information Engineering for Ports and Marine Environments by Wang, Lizhe, Wang, Mingwei, Mu, Lin
Decision Support Systems X: Cognitive Decision Support Systems and Technologies: 6th International Conference on Decision Support System Technology, I by
Machine Learning for Networking: Second Ifip Tc 6 International Conference, Mln 2019, Paris, France, December 3-5, 2019, Revised Selected Papers by
Machine Learning and Visual Perception by Li, Ce, Lin, Nana, Zhang, Baochang
Strategic Analytics: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review by Glaeser, Edward L., Review, Harvard Business, Siegel, Eric
Artificial Intelligence for Business: A Roadmap for Getting Started with AI by Anderson, Jason L., Coveyduc, Jeffrey L.
Learning SQL: Generate, Manipulate, and Retrieve Data by Beaulieu, Alan
Analytics Best Practices: A Business-driven Playbook for Creating Value through Data Analytics by Southekal, Prashanth H.
Information Management and Big Data: 6th International Conference, Simbig 2019, Lima, Peru, August 21-23, 2019, Proceedings by
Fuzzy Transforms for Image Processing and Data Analysis: Core Concepts, Processes and Applications by Di Martino, Ferdinando, Sessa, Salvatore
Cross-Industry Use of Blockchain Technology and Opportunities for the Future by
Data-Driven Process Discovery and Analysis: 8th Ifip Wg 2.6 International Symposium, Simpda 2018, Seville, Spain, December 13-14, 2018, and 9th Intern by
Implementations and Applications of Machine Learning by
Deep Reinforcement Learning in Action by Brown, Brandon, Zai, Alexander
Mastering Azure Machine Learning: Perform large-scale end-to-end advanced machine learning on the cloud with Microsoft Azure ML by Waaijer, Kaijisse, Körner, Christoph
Clustering and Outlier Detection for Trajectory Stream Data by Jiali Mao, Cheqing Jin &. Aoying Zhou
Data Science Building Blocks: Analytics Starter Kit by
Advanced Data Science and Analytics with Python by Rogel-Salazar, Jesus
Enabling Technologies for the Successful Deployment of Industry 4.0 by
Data Structures Based on Linear Relations by Ren, Zhiyuan, Ma, Yanzhuo, Zhou, Xingni
The Practitioner's Guide to Graph Data: Applying Graph Thinking and Graph Technologies to Solve Complex Problems by Gosnell, Denise, Broecheler, Matthias
Intelligent Systems, Technologies and Applications: Proceedings of Fifth Ista 2019, India by
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 33rd Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Canadian AI 2020, Ottawa, On, Canada, May 13-15, 2020, Proce by
Advances in Geophysical Methods Applied to Forensic Investigations: New Developments in Acquisition and Data Analysis Methodologies by Leucci, Giovanni
Legal Regulations, Implications, and Issues Surrounding Digital Data by
A Guided Tour of Artificial Intelligence Research: Volume I: Knowledge Representation, Reasoning and Learning by
Advanced Data Science and Analytics with Python by Rogel-Salazar, Jesus
Genomics in the Cloud: Using Docker, Gatk, and Wdl in Terra by Auwera, Geraldine A. Van Der, O'Connor, Brian D.
Hands-On Kubernetes on Azure - Second Edition: Automate management, scaling, and deployment of containerized applications by Franssens, Nills, Gopalakrishnan, Shivakumar, Lenz, Gunther
New Frontiers in Mining Complex Patterns: 8th International Workshop, Nfmcp 2019, Held in Conjunction with Ecml-Pkdd 2019, Würzburg, Germany, Septembe by
Illustrating Statistical Procedures: Finding Meaning in Quantitative Data by Cooksey, Ray W.
Intelligent Computing and Innovation on Data Science: Proceedings of Ictids 2019 by
Fast and Scalable Cloud Data Management by Gessert, Felix, Wingerath, Wolfram, Ritter, Norbert
Data Structures Based on Non-Linear Relations and Data Processing Methods by Ren, Zhiyuan, Ma, Yanzhuo, Zhou, Xingni
Logic and Relational Theory by Date, Chris
Opinion Mining in Information Retrieval by Chaudhary, Poonam, Dey, Nilanjan, Bhatia, Surbhi
Management of Organizational Culture as a Stabilizer of Changes: Organizational Culture Management Dilemmas by Brzozowska, Anna, Bubel, Dagmara, El Emary, Ibrahiem M. M.
Agents and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications 2020: 14th Kes International Conference, Kes-Amsta 2020, June 2020 Proceedings by
Principles of Data Mining by Bramer, Max
Cross-Industry Use of Blockchain Technology and Opportunities for the Future by
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