• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Eastern European History in 1993

The Destruction of Yugoslavia: Tracking the Break-up 1980-92 by Magas, Branka
A Man of Honour: Adam Czartoryski as a Statesman of Russia and Poland 1795-1831 by Zawadzki, W. H.
Mutiny and Rebellion in the Ottoman Empire by
The State and Revolution by Lenin, Vladimir Ilich
A Surplus of Memory: Chronicle of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising by Zuckerman
Serbs and Croats: Struggle N Yugoslovia by Dragnich, Alex N.
The Balkan Express: Fragments from the Other Side of the War by Drakulic, Slavenka
Estonia: Return To Independence by Taagepera, Rein
Summer Meditations by Havel, Vaclav
Shaping Identity in Eastern Europe and Russia: Soviet and Polish Accounts of Ukrainian History, 1914-1991 by Velychenko, S.
Shaping Identity in Eastern Europe and Russia: Soviet and Polish Accounts of Ukrainian History, 1914-1991 by Velychenko, S.
Hooliganism: Crime, Culture, and Power in St. Petersburg, 1900-1914 Volume 19 by Neuberger, Joan
Political Organization and the Interwar Crisis in Europe by Karvonen, Lauri
1993 by
The Magic Lantern: The Revolution of '89 Witnessed in Warsaw, Budapest, Berlin, and Prague by Ash, Timothy Garton
Beacons in the Night: With the OSS and Titoâ (Tm)S Partisans in Wartime Yugoslavia by Lindsay, Franklin
Sándor Wekerle 1848-1921: Die Politische Biographie Eines Ungarischen Staatsmannes Der Donaumonarchie by Geyr, Gaeza Andreas Von
Conrad: Eastern and Western Perspectives: Contexts for Conrad by
The Baltic States: Years of Dependence, 1940-1990 by Taagepera, Rein, Misiunas, Romuald
Democracy and Right-Wing Politics in Eastern Europe in the 1990s by Held, Joseph
The Columbia History of Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century by Held, Joseph
Macedonia: The Politics of Identity and Difference by