• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Eastern European History in 1995

Yugoslavia Dismembered by Samary, Catherine
Children of Atlantis by
Stalinism and Soviet Rail Transport, 1928-41 by Rees, E. A.
Stalinism and Soviet Rail Transport, 1928-41 by Rees, E. A.
A History of the Gypsies of Eastern Europe and Russia by Crowe, D.
Rewolucja by Blobaum, Robert E.
Cultural Politics in Greater Romania: Regionalism, Nation Building, and Ethnic Struggle, 1918-1930 by Livezeanu, Irina
The Third Reich and the Holocaust in German Historiography: Toward the Historikerstreit of the Mid-1980s by Low, Alfred
Balkan Tragedy: Chaos and Dissolution after the Cold War by Woodward, Susan L.
Serbien Ist Judenfrei: Militärische Besatzungspolitik Und Judenvernichtung in Serbien 1941/42 by Manoschek, Walter
Yugoslavia's Bloody Collapse: Causes, Course and Consequences by Bennett, Christopher
Yugoslavia, the Former and Future: Reflections by Scholars from the Region by
Europe and War in the Balkans: Toward a New Yugoslav Identity by Rezun, Miron
The Legacies of Communism in Eastern Europe by
Broken Bonds: Yugoslavia's Disintegration and Balkan Politics in Transition by Cohen, Lenard J.
American Effects on Hungarian Imagination and Political Thought: 1559-1848 by Zavodszky, Geza
Genders 22: Postcommunism and the Body Politic by Berry, Ellen E.
Genders 22: Postcommunism and the Body Politic by Berry, Ellen E.
Carl von Clausewitz by Rose, Olaf
Imperium by Kapuscinski, Ryszard
Russia and a Divided Azerbaijan by Swietochowski, Tadeusz
National Ideology Under Socialism: Identity and Cultural Politics in Ceausescu's Romania Volume 7 by Verdery, Katherine
Women of Prague: Ethnic Diversity and Social Change from the Eighteenth Century to the Present by Iggers Wilma Abeles
Women of Prague: Ethnic Diversity and Social Change from the Eighteenth Century to the Present by Iggers Wilma Abeles
The Impossible Country: A Journey Through the Last Days of Yugoslavia by Hall, Brian
Bosnia and Hercegovina: A Tradition Betrayed by Fine, John, Donia, Robert
Being Muslim the Bosnian Way: Identity and Community in a Central Bosnian Village by Bringa, Tone
Elementarbildung in Jugoslawien (1918-1941): Ein Beitrag Zur Gesellschaftlichen Modernisierung? by Mayer, Martin
Geographie, Geschichte und Bildungswesen in Rußland und Deutschland im 18. Jahrhundert by
Genocide after Emotion: The Post-Emotional Balkan War by
Genocide After Emotion: The Post-Emotional Balkan War by
Genocide in Bosnia: The Policy of "Ethnic Cleansing" by Cigar, Norman