• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Eastern European History in 2003

Electoral Systems and Political Transformation in Post-Communist Europe by Birch, S.
The United States, Western Europe and the Polish Crisis: International Relations in the Second Cold War by Sjursen, H.
St Petersburg, 1703-1825 by Cross, A.
The Balkans in Focus: Cultural Boundaries in Europe by Törnquist-Plewa, Barbara
Lords of the Horizons: A History of the Ottoman Empire by Goodwin, Jason
Fools' Crusade: Yugoslavia, Nato, and Western Delusions by Johnstone, Diana
Yugoslavia Unraveled: Sovereignty, Self-Determination, Intervention by
Rise and Fall of the Brezhnev Doctrine in Soviet Foreign Policy by Ouimet, Matthew J.
Eastern Question in Its Various Phases by Weethee, J. P.
The Ideas of the Hungarian Revolution Suppressed and Victorious, 1956-1999 by
Yugoslavia and Its Historians: Understanding the Balkan Wars of the 1990s by
2002 by
Figures of Alterity: French Realism and Its Others by Schehr, Lawrence R.
The Balkan Wars by Gerolymatos, Andre
Hus the Heretic by Poggius the Papist, The Papist
Collaboration in the Holocaust: Crimes of the Local Police in Belorussia and Ukraine, 1941-44 by Dean, M.
Understanding the War in Kosovo by
Understanding the War in Kosovo by
Germany and the European East in the Twentieth Century by
The Fall of Milosevic: The October 5th Revolution by Bujosevic, D., Radovanovic, I.
The Fall of Milosevic: The October 5th Revolution by Bujosevic, D., Radovanovic, I.
The Silent Conspiracy: A Communist Model of Political Cleansing at the Slovak University in Bratislava After the Second World War by Mesko, Zoltan
Bosnia-Herzegovina: The End of a Legacy by Andjelic, Neven
Local Communities and Post-Communist Transformation: Czechoslovakia, the Czech Republic and Slovakia by
The Eagle & the Cross: A History of the Polish Roman Catholic Union of America, 1873-2000 by Radzilowski, John
National Reconciliation in Eastern Europe by
The Last King of Poland and His Contemporaries by Bain, R. Nisbet
Breaking the South Slav Dream: The Rise and Fall of Yugoslavia by Hudson, Kate
Schulalltag Und Nationale Integration in Ungarn: Slowaken, Rumänen Und Siebenbürger Sachsen in Der Auseinandersetzung Mit Der Ungarischen Staatsidee 1 by Puttkamer, Joachim Von
Repression and Resistance in Communist Europe by Sharman, Jason
The Myth of Greater Albania by Kola, Paulin
Wild Europe: The Balkans in the Gaze of Western Travellers by Jezermik, Bozidar
The Dynasty of Chernigov, 1146-1246 by Dimnik, Martin
Baptism in the Holy Spirit: An Ecumenical Theology of Spirit Baptism by Yun, Koo Dong
Yugoslavia Unraveled: Sovereignty, Self-Determination, Intervention by
Historical Dictionary of Poland by Sanford, George
International Public Opinion and the Bosnia Crisis by
Postcommunist Transformation and the Social Sciences: Cross-Disciplinary Approaches by
Gypsies by Leland, Charles G.
Framing Democracy: Civil Society and Civic Movements in Eastern Europe by Glenn, John K.
St Petersburg, 1703-1825 by Cross, A.
Vereine und nationale Bewegung in Breslau 1830-1871: Ein Beitrag Breslaus zur Bewegung fuer Freiheit und Demokratie in Deutschland by Gürtler, Christian
Die Jungtürken Und Die Mazedonische Frage (1890-1918) by Hacisalihoglu, Mehmet
Soldiers and Societies in Postcommunist Europe: Legitimacy and Change by
Soldiers and Societies in Postcommunist Europe: Legitimacy and Change by
Ceausescu: The Countdown by Campeanu, Pavel
Russia in the National Interest by Gvosdev, Nikolas K.
The History of Anti-Semitism, Volume 2: From Mohammed to the Marranos by Poliakov, Léon
Homeland Calling by Hockenos, Paul
Yugoslavia: A Concise History by Benson, L.
Die Institutionalisierung Der Rumänischen Monarchie Unter Carol I. 1866-1881 by Binder-Iijima, Edda
Chronik Der Moskauer Schauprozesse 1936, 1937 Und 1938: Planung, Inszenierung Und Wirkung by Hedeler, Wladislaw
Hungarian-Italian Relations in the Shadow of Hitler's Germany, 1933-1940 by Réti, György
Beyond the Mountains of the Damned: The War Inside Kosovo by McAllester, Matthew
White Eagle, Red Star: The Polish-Soviet War 1919-20 and 'The Miracle on the Vistula' by Davies, Norman
The Balkans in World War II: Britain's Balkan Dilemma by Catherwood, C.
The Balkans in World War Two: Britain's Balkan Dilemma by Catherwood, C.
The Vanishing Hectare: Property and Value in Postsocialist Transylvania by Verdery, Katherine
The Vanishing Hectare: Property and Value in Postsocialist Transylvania by Verdery, Katherine
Electoral Systems and Political Transformation in Post-Communist Europe by Birch, S.
Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 16: Focusing on Jewish Popular Culture and Its Afterlife by
From Cold War to Democratic Peace: Third Parties, Peaceful Change, and the OSCE by Leatherman, Janie
From Cold War to Democratic Peace: Third Parties, Peaceful Change, and the OSCE by Leatherman, Janie
Providence Watching: Journeys from Wartorn Poland to the Canadian Prairies by
Imagining an Austrian Nation: Joseph Samuel Bloch and the Search for a Supraethnic Austrian Identity, 1846-1918 by Reifowitz, Ian
The Neighbors Respond: The Controversy Over the Jedwabne Massacre in Poland by
Auschwitz, Poland, and the Politics of Commemoration, 1945-1979 by Huener, Jonathan