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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Eastern European History in 2006

Post-War Bosnia: Ethnicity, Inequality and Public Sector Governance by Bieber, F.
Poland's Transformation: A Work in Progress by
A Cardboard Castle?: An Inside History of the Warsaw Pact, 1955-1991 by
A Concise History of Bulgaria by Crampton, R. J.
A Concise History of Bulgaria by Crampton, R. J.
Claiming Macedonia: The Struggle for the Heritage, Territory and Name of the Historic Hellenic Land, 1862-2004 by Papavizas, George C.
Mitteilungen Der Gemeinsamen Kommission Für Die Erforschung Der Jüngeren Geschichte Der Deutsch-Russischen Beziehungen. Band 2 by
Serbia Between East and West: The Events of 1903-1908 by Vucinich, Wayne S.
The Politics of Ethnic Survival: Germans in Prague, 1861-1914 by Cohen, Gary B.
On the East-West Slope: Globalization, Nationalism, Racism and Discourses on Eastern Europe by Melegh, Attila
Aspects of Balkan Culture: Social, Political, and Literary Perceptions by Milojkovic-Djuric, Jelena
Postsocialism: Politics and Emotions in Central and Eastern Europe by
Culture and Customs of the Baltic States by Ph D., Kevin C. O'Connor
Communism, Post-Communism, and Democracy: The Great Shock at the End of a Short Century by Iliescu, Ion
Polish Refugees and the Polish American Immigration and Relief Committee by Cisek, Janusz
GegenErinnerung by
Letters from Prague: 1939-1941 by
Wissenschaftsbeziehungen Und Ihr Beitrag Zur Modernisierung: Das Deutsch-Ungarische Beispiel by Fischer, Holger
Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Second World War by Redzic, Enver
Liberal Nationalism in Central Europe by Auer, Stefan
The Political Economy of Peacebuilding in Post-Dayton Bosnia by Donais, Timothy
Courage and Resistance: Remembering the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising by Steiner, Barbara
The Myth of Ethnic War: Serbia and Croatia in the 1990s by Gagnon, V. P.
2005 by
Reiche Und Territorien in Ostmitteleuropa by
Trade and Urban Development in Poland: An Economic Geography of Cracow, from Its Origins to 1795 by Carter, F. W., Carter, Francis W.
The Prague Spring, 1968 by
A Terrible Revenge: The Ethnic Cleansing of the East European Germans by de Zayas, Alfred-Maurice
The Sixteenth Century by
Arms And Armour: In Antiquity And The Middle Ages Also, A Descriptive Notice Of Modern Weapons by Lacombe, M. P.
Michaud's History of the Crusades V1 by Michaud, Joseph Francois
Gender and War in Twentieth-Century Eastern Europe by
Die Jahrhunderthalle Und Das Ausstellungsgelände in Breslau - Das Werk Max Bergs by Ilkosz, Jerzy
Kosovo Between War and Peace: Nationalism, Peacebuilding and International Trusteeship by
It's the Gypsy in Me: The Autobiography of Konrad Bercovici by Bercovici, Konrad
Inside a Gestapo Prison: The Letters of Krystyna Wituska, 1942-1944 by Wituska, Krystyna
The Three Yugoslavias: State-Building and Legitimation, 1918-2005 by Ramet, Sabrina P.
Borders of Socialism: Private Spheres of Soviet Russia by
Late Enlightenment: Emergence of the Modern 'National Idea' by
The Case for Kosova: Passage to Independence by
The History of the Free Church of Scotland's Mission to the Jews in Budapest and its Impact on the Reformed Church of Hungary; 1841-1914 by Kovács, Ábrahám
The Dynastic Policy of the Arpads, from Geza I to Emery (1074-1204) by Kosztolnyik, Zoltan
In the Shadows of the Holocaust & Communism: Czech and Slovak Jews Since 1945 by Heitlinger, Alena
Dreams and Shadows by Yakimov, Radka
Ethnic Politics in Europe: The Power of Norms and Incentives by Kelley, Judith G.
A More Excellent Way: A Peace Drama of the Balkan War and Other Writings by Thomas, Henrietta M.
Paderewski: Patriot And Statesman by Jezierski, Bronislas A.
The Last King Of Poland And His Contemporaries by Bain, R. Nisbet
Theodor Herzl: Excerpts from His Diaries by Herzl, Theodor
Dictatorship of the Air by Palmer, Scott W.
Culture and Customs of the Czech Republic and Slovakia by Cravens, Craig
The Politics of Greed: How Privatization Structured Politics in Central and Eastern Europe by Schwartz, Andrew Harrison
Peace at Any Price: How the World Failed Kosovo by King, Iain, Mason, Whit
Jews in Poland-Lithuania in the Eighteenth Century: A Genealogy of Modernity by Hundert, Gershon David
The Jews of Eastern Europe, 1772-1881 by Bartal, Israel
Romania's Tortured Road Toward Modernity by Keil, Thomas
Verräter oder Widerstandskämpfer? by Warth, Julia
Making a Great Ruler: Grand Duke Vytautas of Lithuania by Mickūnaite, Giedre
Southeastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 500-1250 by Curta, Florin
The Defeat of Solidarity: Anger and Politics in Postcommunist Europe by Ost, David
State Sovereignty and Intervention: A Discourse Analysis of Interventionary and Non-Interventionary Practices in Kosovo and Algeria by Malmvig, Helle
The Burdens of Freedom by Kenney, Padraic
Russian-German Special Relations in the Twentieth Century: A Closed Chapter by
Dubrovnik: A History by Harris, Robin
Art and Design in Romania, 1866-1927: Local and International Aspects of the Search for National Expression by Kallestrup, Shona
Where Two Worlds Met: The Russian State and the Kalmyk Nomads, 1600-1771 by Khodarkovsky, Michael
Von Krain Zu Slowenien: Die Anfänge Der Nationalen Differenzierungsprozesse in Krain Und Der Untersteiermark Von Der Aufklärung Bis Zur Revolu by Hösler, Joachim
Alexander II: The Last Great Tsar by Radzinsky, Edvard
With Their Backs to the World: Portraits from Serbia by Seierstad, Asne
Byzantium's Balkan Frontier by Stephenson, Paul
The Other Prussia: Royal Prussia, Poland and Liberty, 1569 1772 by Friedrich, Karin
The History of Siberia by Naumov, Igor V.
Turizm: The Russian and East European Tourist Under Capitalism and Socialism by
The Portrayal of Czechoslovakia in the American Print Media, 1938-1989 by
A Clean Sweep?: The Politics of Ethnic Cleansing in Western Poland, 1945-1960 by Curp, T. David
The Balkans: A Post-Communist History by Bideleux, Robert, Jeffries, Ian
The Balkans: A Post-Communist History by Jeffries, Ian, Bideleux, Robert
Macmillan, Khrushchev and the Berlin Crisis, 1958-1960 by Newman, Kitty
A History of Hungary: Millennium in Central Europe by Kontler, László
Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 19: Polish-Jewish Relations in North America by