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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Eastern European History in 2013

We Are Children Just the Same: Vedem, the Secret Magazine by the Boys of Terezín by
The Making of Modern Romanian Culture Literacy and the Development of National Identity by Drace-Francis, Alex
The Death of East Prussia: War and Revenge in Germany's Easternmost Province by Clark, Peter B.
History Education and Post-Conflict Reconciliation: Reconsidering Joint Textbook Projects by
Useful Enemies: John Demjanjuk and America's Open-Door Policy for Nazi War Criminals by Rashke, Richard
Civic and Uncivic Values in Macedonia: Value Transformation, Education and Media by Ramet, Sabrina P.
A History of Eastern Europe 1740-1918: Empires, Nations and Modernisation by Armour, Ian D.
Zwangsmigration in Friedenszeiten?: Jugoslawische Migrationspolitik Und Die Auswanderung Von Muslimen in Die Türkei (1918 Bis 1966) by Pezo, Edvin
Geteilte Regionen - Geteilte Geschichtskulturen?: Muster Der Identitätsbildung Im Europäischen Vergleich by
Reise Zu Den Illyriern: Kroatienstereotype in Der Deutschsprachigen Reiseliteratur Und Statistik (1740-1809) by Zeman, Mirna
Living with a Scent of Danger: European Adventures at the Fall of Communism by Stankievich, Joanne Ivy
Return of the Jew: Identity Narratives of the Third Post-Holocaust Generation of Jews in Poland by Reszke, Katka
The Truth about Poland: Toward Better Understanding of Recent Developments by Penzik, Abraham
The Truth about Poland: Toward Better Understanding of Recent Developments by Penzik, Abraham
Tito and His People by Fast, Howard
The Problem of Relief for Poland by Paderewski Testimonial Fund
The Secret Parchment: Five Tibetan Initiation Techniques by Cinamar, Radu, Moon, Peter
Birth Certificate: The Story of Danilo Kis by Thompson, Mark
Freedom Climbers: The Golden Age of Polish Climbing by McDonald, Bernadette
To Walk with the Devil: Slovene Collaboration and Axis Occupation, 1941-1945 by Kranjc, Gregor J.
Thomas Garrigue Masaryk by Hunt, Richard McMasters
My Beliefs In Defense Of The Hungarian People by Nagy, Imre
Jahrbuch Polen. Jahrbuch Des Deutschen Polen-Instituts Darmstadt / Jahrbuch Polen 24 (2013). Arbeitswelt by Harrassowitz Verlag
French Film in Britain: Sex, Art and Cinephilia by Mazdon, Lucy, Wheatley, Catherine
Loyal Unto Death: Trust and Terror in Revolutionary Macedonia by Brown, Keith
East Central Europe in the Middle Ages, 1000-1500: Vol. III by Sedlar, Jean W.
Samizdat, Tamizdat, and Beyond: Transnational Media During and After Socialism by
Socialist Escapes: Breaking Away from Ideology and Everyday Routine in Eastern Europe, 1945-1989 by
Timisoara: The Real Story Behind the Romanian Revolution by Szőczi, Árpád
A Social History of Twentieth-Century Europe by Tomka, Béla
A Social History of Twentieth-Century Europe by Tomka, Béla
Adel in Schlesien Und Mitteleuropa: Literatur Und Kultur Von Der Frühen Neuzeit Bis Zur Gegenwart by
Ethnische Säuberungen in Der Moderne: Globale Wechselwirkungen Nationalistischer Und Rassistischer Gewaltpolitik Im 19. Und 20. Jahrhundert by Schwartz, Michael
Rumania, the Land of Marie by Bride, William Witthaft
Education In Poland: Past And Present by Drobka, Frank Joseph
Dalmatia and Montenegro 2 Volume Set: With a Journey to Mostar in Herzegovia, and Remarks on the Slavonic Nations by Wilkinson, John Gardner
Dalmatia and Montenegro - Volume 1 by Wilkinson, John Gardner
Dalmatia and Montenegro - Volume 2 by Wilkinson, John Gardner
Military Saints in Byzantium and Rus, 900-1200 by White, Monica
Protest, Reform and Repression in Khrushchev's Soviet Union by Hornsby, Rob, Hornsby, Robert
The Struggle of Hungarian Lutherans Under Communism by Baer, H. David
Yugoslavia's Foreign Policy by Tito, Josip Broz
Hot Books in the Cold War: The Cia-Funded Secret Western Book Distribution Program Behind the Iron Curtain by Reisch, Alfred A.
State and Minority in Transylvania, 1918-1989: Studies on the History of the Hungarian Community by Hunyadi, Attila Gábor
Yizkor Book in Memory of Rozniatow, Perehinsko, Broszniow, Swaryczow and Environs by
A City in Flames - Yizkor (Memorial) Book of Yampol, Ukraine by
An Environmental History of Russia by Josephson, Paul, Dronin, Nicolai, Mnatsakanian, Ruben
Bitter Harvest: Antecedents and Consequences of Property Reforms in Postsocialist Poland by Zbierski-Salameh, Suava
Inside Yugoslavia by Adamic, Louis
Critical Thinking in Slovakia After Socialism by Larson, Jonathan
Bosnia before the Turkish Conquest by Miller, William
Zlota Ksiega Zjednoczenia Polsko Narodowego by Lenartowicz, Stefan
The Golden House of Nero: Some Aspects of Roman Architecture by Boethius, Axel
The Memorial Book of Podhajce, Ukraine - Translation of Sefer Podhajce by
Hungary and Romania Beyond National Narratives; Comparisons and Entanglements by
The Polish August by Ascherson, Neal
In the Shadow of Empires: The historic Vlad Dracula, the events he shaped and the events that shaped him by Jens, Sir
An Environmental History of Russia by Josephson, Paul R., Hall, Karl, Cherp, Oleg
I'll Stand by You: One Woman's Mission to Heal the Children of the World by Montanti, Elissa
The Maple Tree Behind the Barbed Wire - A Story of Survival from the Czestochowa Ghetto by Einhorn, Jerzy
The Journeys of David Toback by Malkin, Carole
The Polish Experience through World War II: A Better Day Has Not Come by Ziólkowska-Boehm, Aleksandra
Memorial (Yizkor) Book of the Jewish Community of Novogrudok, Poland - Translation of Pinkas Navaredok by
Christian Democracy in Central Europe: Achievements and Aspirations of the Christian Democratic Movement by Christian Democratic Union
Yugoslavia: East-Central Europe Under the Communists by
The Origins and Onset of the Romanian Holocaust by Eaton, Henry
The British and the Balkans: Forming Images of Foreign Lands, 1900-1950 by Michail, Eugene
Constitutional Developments of the Habsburg Empire in the Last Decades Before Its Fall: The Materials of Polish-Hungarian Conference. Cracow, Septembe by
Return of the Jew: Identity Narratives of the Third Post-Holocaust Generation of Jews in Poland by Reszke, Katka
Reval im 16. Jahrhundert: Erfahrungsraeumliche Deutungsmuster staedtischer Konflikte by Niemsch, Tatjana
Melchior Wankowicz: Poland's Master of the Written Word by Ziólkowska-Boehm, Aleksandra
After Yugoslavia: The Cultural Spaces of a Vanished Land by
Unfinished Utopia by LeBow, Katherine A.
The Expansion of Russia by Skrine, Francis Henry
Slavonic Europe: A Political History of Poland and Russia from 1447 to 1796 by Nisbet Bain, R.
The House at Ujazdowskie 16: Jewish Families in Warsaw After the Holocaust by Auerbach, Karen
'Undetermined' Ukrainians: Post-War Narratives of the Waffen SS 'Galicia' Division by Khromeychuk, Olesya
Independent Eastern Europe: A History by Palmer, Alan Warwick, Macartney, Carlile Aylmer
Stolzes Gedenken und traumatisches Erinnern: Gedaechtnisorte der Stalinzeit am Weißmeerkanal by Makhotina, Ekaterina
Bringing the Dark Past to Light: The Reception of the Holocaust in Postcommunist Europe by
Honorary Aryans: National-Racial Identity and Protected Jews in the Independent State of Croatia by Bartulin, N.
The Beginnings of Russian History: An Enquiry Into Sources by Chadwick, Nora K.
Slavonic & East European Review (91: 3) July 2013 by
Telekhan Yizkor (Memorial) Book - Translation of Telkhan by
The Essential Guide to Being Polish: 50 Facts & Facets of Nationhood by Spysz, Anna, Turek, Marta
Die Tragödie Europas by
The Ambiguous Nation: Case Studies from Southeastern Europe in the 20th Century by
Kosovo, Intervention and Statebuilding: The International Community and the Transition to Independence by
Tito's Communism by Korbel, Josef
Performing the East: Performance Art in Russia, Latvia and Poland since 1980 by Bryzgel, Amy
The Man They Killed on Christmas Day by Gruia, Catalin
Ukrainistik in Europa: Historische Entwicklung und gegenwaertiger Stand by Schaller, Helmut
The Construction of European Holocaust Memory: German and Polish Cinema after 1989 by Pakier, Malgorzata
Forgotten Voices: The Expulsion of the German from Eastern Europe After World War II by Merten, Ulrich
Leskovac Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow: Leskovac throughout history in pictures by Jovanovic, Dejan
Dracula's Bloodline: A Florescu Family Saga by Cazacu, Matei, Florescu, Radu R.
Secret City: The Hidden Jews of Warsaw, 1940-1945 by Paulsson, Gunnar S.
Memorial (Yizkor) Book for the Jewish Community of Ciechanow - Translation of Yisker-Bukh Fun Der Tshekhanover Yidisher Kehile by Yassini, A. Wolf
Bosna u Istorijskoj Perspektivi by Avdic, Camil Ef J., Al-Ahari, Muhammed Abdullah
Iron Curtain: The Crushing of Eastern Europe, 1944-1956 by Applebaum, Anne
Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin and Hitler: Their surprising role in Eastern Europe in 1944 by Leu, Corneliu
Preying on the State: The Transformation of Bulgaria After 1989 by Ganev, Venelin I.
Peacebuilding in Practice by Moore, Adam D.
The Road to the Dayton Accords: A Study of American Statecraft by Chollet, D.
Writing Postcommunism: Towards a Literature of the East European Ruins by Williams, D.
The Classic French Cuisine by Donon, Joseph
Der Titokult: Charismatische Herrschaft Im Sozialistischen Jugoslawien by Halder, Marc
Oil Resources in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus 1885-1978 by
Pioneers of Zionism: Hess, Pinsker, Rülf: Messianism, Settlement Policy, and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict by Schoeps, Julius H.
Entartung by Nordau, Max
Konstrukcija Slovenstva U Politici I Nauci: Stvaranje (Sve)Slovenskih Tradicija, Ideoloske Koncepcije O Slovenskom Jedinstvu I Njihove Refleksije by Obsust, Ma Kristijan
Slovakia in History by
Assisi and Umbria Revisited by Hutton, Edward
Die Geschichte Des Ungarischen Nationalismus by Markus, Adam
Reconstructing Memory: The Holocaust in Polish Public Debates by Forecki, Piotr
Absent Culture: The Case of Polish Livonia by Zajas, Krzysztof
Once, Only the Swallows Were Free by Gouch, Gabriella
Guilt, Responsibility, and Denial: The Past at Stake in Post-Milosevic Serbia by Gordy, Eric
Revolution, democratic transition and disillusionment: The case of Romania by Pusca, Anca
The Great Sea: A Human History of the Mediterranean by Abulafia, David
The Lost Romans: History and Controversy on the Origin of the Romanians by Davidescu, Mircea Rasvan
The Rise and Fall of Saxon Transylvania by Gruia, Catalin
How to Write an Ib History Essay: The Safe Hands Approach by Thomas, Joe, Brewer, Lorenzo
Misty Mists by Itamar, Arie
Slavonic & East European Review (91: 4) October 2013 by
Memory and Theory in Eastern Europe by Blacker, Uilleam, Etkind, Alexander
Memory and Theory in Eastern Europe by Etkind, Alexander, Blacker, Uilleam
The Land Between: A History of Slovenia by
The Jews in Poland and Russia: A Short History by Polonsky, Antony
Bibliografia Della Dalmazia E del Montenegro - Primary Source Edition by Valentinelli, Giuseppe
Afgantsy: The Russians in Afghanistan 1979-89 by Braithwaite, Rodric
Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union in the Early Cold War: Reconciliation, comradeship, confrontation, 1953-1957 by Rajak, Svetozar
Readings on Maramarosh by Slomovic, Elieser
Then They Started Shooting: Children of the Bosnian War and the Adults They Become by Jones, Lynne
Revolution with a Human Face by Krapfl, James
Armies of the Volga Bulgars & Khanate of Kazan: 9th-16th Centuries by Nicolle, David, Shpakovsky, Viacheslav
From Communism to Capitalism: Nation and State in Romanian Cultural Production by Andreescu, F.
From Communism to Capitalism: Nation and State in Romanian Cultural Production by Andreescu, F.
The Military Institutions of the Romans by Vegetius, Clark, John
Pilsudski: A Biography by Pilsudska, Alexandra
The Letters of Pliny the Younger: Selected and Edited Together with a Companion to Pliny's Letters by Tanzer, Helen H.
The Popes' Palace at Avignon by Colombe, Gabriel
The Memoirs of Felix Kersten by Briffault, Herma, Morwitz, Ernest
The Rape of Poland: Pattern of Soviet Aggression by Mikolajczyk, Stanislaw
Theodor Herzl: Excerpts from His Diaries by Herzl, Theodor
The Seven Wonders of the World: Ancient, Medieval and Modern by Carrington, Hereward
The Sacrificed Body: Balkan Community Building and the Fear of Freedom by Aleksic, Tatjana
Die Schweiz im KSZE-Prozeß 1972-1983 by Rosin, Philip
Inszenierte Gegenmacht Von Rechts: Die Legion Erzengel Michael in Rumänien 1918-1938 by
The Shining Beacon of Socialism in Europe: The Albanian State and Society in the Period of Communist Dictatorship, 1944-1992 by Czekalski, Tadeusz
The Lemko Region in the Second Polish Republic: Political and Interdenominational Issues 1918-1939 by Moklak, Jaroslaw
Nato's Gamble: Combining Diplomacy and Airpower in the Kosovo Crisis, 1998-1999 by Henriksen, Dag
Chronicon Aulae regiae - Die Koenigsaaler Chronik: Eine Bestandsaufnahme by
Imposing, Maintaining, and Tearing Open the Iron Curtain: The Cold War and East-Central Europe, 1945-1989 by
Blood Ties: Religion, Violence and the Politics of Nationhood in Ottoman Macedonia, 1878-1908 by Yosmaoğlu, İpek
Children of Rus': Right-Bank Ukraine and the Invention of a Russian Nation by Hillis, Faith
Blood Ties: Religion, Violence and the Politics of Nationhood in Ottoman Macedonia, 1878-1908 by Yosmaoğlu, İpek
Osmanen Und Islam in Südosteuropa by
The Life of Jews in Poland Before the Holocaust by Gold, Ben-Zion
The Sandzak: A History by Morrison, Kenneth, Roberts, Elizabeth
Savagery in the Heart of Europe: The Bosnian War (1992-1995) Context, Perspectives, Personal Experiences, and Memoirs by Israeli, Raphael, Benabou, Albert
Holocaust in Rovno: The Massacre at Sosenki Forest, November 1941 by Burds, J.
Between States: The Transylvanian Question and the European Idea During World War II by Case, Holly
Religiöse Erinnerungsorte in Ostmitteleuropa by
Das Plakat als visuelles Medium der Agitationskunst am Beispiel der ROSTA-Fenster by Kriesel, Marita
Die Shoah im Spiegel öffentlicher Konflikte in Polen by Kowitz-Harms, Stephanie
Freedom's Price: Serfdom, Subjection, and Reform in Prussia, 1648-1848 by Eddie, S. A.
Rabbi Marcus Jastrow and His Vision for the Reform of Judaism: A Study in the History of Judaism in the Nineteenth Century by Galas, Michal
Solidaritaet mit Polen: Zur Geschichte und Gegenwart der deutschen Polenfreundschaft by
Deutschland - Russland: Band 3. Das 20. Jahrhundert by
Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 26: Jews and Ukrainians by
Remembering the Cold War: Global Contest and National Stories by Lowe, David, Joel, Tony
Polen: Generalgouvernement August 1941 - 1945 by
Zbig: The Man Who Cracked the Kremlin by Lubowski, Andrzej