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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Eastern European History in 2014

The Slovak-Polish Border, 1918-1947 by Jesenský, Marcel
Dancing Genius: The Stardom of Vaslav Nijinsky by Järvinen, Hanna
Religion and Politics in Post-Socialist Central and Southeastern Europe: Challenges Since 1989 by
Greece, the EEC and the Cold War 1974-1979: The Second Enlargement by Karamouzi, E.
Women, Communism, and Industrialization in Postwar Poland by Fidelis, Malgorzata
Slavonic & East European Review (92: 1) January 2014 by
Liberating Kosovo: Coercive Diplomacy and U.S. Intervention by Phillips, David L.
An Empire of Others: Creating Ethnographic Knowledge in Imperial Russia and the USSR by
Secrets and Truths: Ethnography in the Archive of Romania's Secret Police by Verdery, Katherine
Das Deutsche Kulturerbe in Schlesien: Fragen Und Perspektiven by
Arrested Mourning: Memory of the Nazi Camps in Poland, 1944-1950 by Woycicka, Zofia
Evoking Polish Memory: State, Self and the Communist Past in Transition by Witeska-Mlynarczyk, Anna
The Way We Lived: Memoirs from a Romanian Past, 1944-1988 by Giurescu, Anca
Abkhazia and Sochi: The Roots of the Conflict 1918-1921 by Andersen, Andrew
Deutschland Und Die Verfolgung Der Juden Im Rumänischen Machtbereich 1940-1944 by Glass, Hildrun
Politische Strategien Nationaler Minderheiten in Der Zwischenkriegszeit by
Religion and Politics in Post-Socialist Central and Southeastern Europe: Challenges Since 1989 by
The Bosnian Muslims in the Second World War by Hoare, Marko Attila
Bulgarians in the Seventeenth Century: Slavic Orthodox Society and Culture Under Ottoman Rule by Hupchick, Dennis P.
Battant A La Terre De Liberte by Dervishi, Altin
Ravished Armenia: The Story of Aurora Mardiganian, the Christian Girl, Who Survived the Great Massacres by Mardiganian, Aurora
Religious Life in Poland: History, Diversity and Modern Issues by Garbowski, Christopher
Center Stage: Operatic Culture and Nation Building in Nineteenth-Century Central Europe by Ther, Philipp
English Literature by Long, William J.
Making the Soviet Intelligentsia by Tromly, Benjamin
In the Shadow of Hitler Personalities of the Right in Central and Eastern Europe by
Reading the Ground by Ragan, Tera Vale
Yizkor (Memorial) Book of Lyubcha and Delyatichi - Translation of Lubtch Ve-Delatitch; Sefer Zikaron by
Legacies of Violence: Eastern Europe's First World War by
The Resurrection and Collapse of Empire in Habsburg Serbia, 1914 1918: Volume 1 by Gumz, Jonathan E.
A Life Dedicated to the Republic: Vavro Srobár's Slovak Czechoslovakism by Baer, Josette
Traveler, Scholar, Political Adventurer: A Transylvanian Baron at the Birth of Albanian Independence: The memoirs of Franz Nopcsa by
Families, Rabbis and Education: Traditional Jewish Society in Nineteenth-Century Eastern Europe by Stampfer, Shaul
Poland in the Modern World: Beyond Martyrdom by Porter-Szücs, Brian
Polish Cinema in a Transnational Context by
The Impossible Border: Germany and the East, 1914-1922 by Sammartino, Annemarie H.
Poland in the Modern World by Porter-Szücs, Brian
A contre-courant- Gegen den Strom: Résistances souterraines à l'autorité et construction de contrecultures dans les pays germanophones au XXe siècle by
A Brief History of the Crimean War by Atkinson, Charles Francis
Strigat Dupa Gratii by Bochis Borsanu, Alexandru
Socialist Countries Face the European Community: Soviet-Bloc Controversies over East-West Trade by Kansikas, Suvi
The Life Of Napoleon Bonaparte Emperor Of The French by Young American's Library
The Kalevala: The Epic Poem of Finland by
Eastern Question in Its Various Phases by Weethee, J. P.
A Balkan Freebooter: Being the True Exploits of the Serbian Outlaw and Comitaj Petko Moritch by Gordon, Jan
Napoleon's Campaign in Poland 1806 to 1807 by Petre, Francis
From Perestroika to Rainbow Revolutions: Reform and Revolution After Socialism by
Region, Staat, Europa: Regionale Identitäten Unter Den Bedingungen Von Diktatur Und Demokratie in Mittel- Und Osteuropa by
Economic Nationalism and Globalization: Lessons from Latin America and Central Europe by Szlajfer, Henryk
Abkhazia i Sochi: korni konflikta 1918-1921: History, Eastern Europe, Middle East by Andersen, Andrew
The Ukraine: A History by Allen, W. E. D.
Slavonic & East European Review (92: 2) April 2014 by
A Concise History of Romania by Hitchins, Keith
A Concise History of Romania by Hitchins, Keith
Literary Translation and the Idea of a Minor Romania by Cotter, Sean
Brest-Litovsk - Encyclopedia of the Jewish Diaspora (Belarus) - Volume II Translation of Brisk de-Lita: Encycolpedia Shel Galuyot by
The Collectivization of Agriculture in Communist Eastern Europe: Comparison and Entanglements by
Die Schärfung Des Quellenblicks: Forschungspraktiken in Der Geschichtswissenschaft 1840-1914 by Saxer, Daniela
Antisemitism in an Era of Transition: Continuities and Impact in Post-Communist Poland and Hungary by
Der gescheiterte Anti-Faschismus der SED: Rassismus in der DDR by Waibel, Harry
Hero, Conspiracy, and Death: The Jewish Lectures: Translated by Alex Shannon by Janion, Maria
The Second World War and the Baltic States by
The Kosova Liberation Army: Underground War to Balkan Insurgency, 1948-2001 by Pettifer, James
Vanished History: The Holocaust in Czech and Slovak Historical Culture. Tomas Sniegon by Sniegon, Tomas
Eagle Unbowed: Poland and the Poles in the Second World War by Kochanski, Halik
Apple of Discord: The Hungarian Factor in Austro-Serbian Relations, 1867-1881 by Armour, Ian D.
My Diary in Serbia: April 1, 1915-Nov. 1, 1915 (Wwi Centenary Series) by Stanley, Monica M.
The Luck of Thirteen: Wanderings and Flight Through Montenegro and Serbia (Wwi Centenary Series) by Gordon, Jan, Gordon, Cora J.
Systematisches Fallrepetitorium Verfassungsrecht: Staatsorganisationsrecht, Grundrechte, Europarecht by Heinze, Arne-Patrik
Dancing Genius: The Stardom of Vaslav Nijinsky by Järvinen, Hanna
An Uncanny Era: Conversations Between Václav Havel and Adam Michnik by
Women's Lives and Livelihoods in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan: Ceremonies of Empowerment and Peacebuilding by Tursunova, Zulfiya
Feb 1944 El Shatt Egypt Nov 1948 by Matuli, Rusko
Feb 1944 El Shatt Egypt Nov 1948 by Matuli, Rusko
Zagare: Litvaks and Lithuanians Confront the Past by Manobla, Sara
Die Koenigsaaler Chronik by
Justice in the Marketplace in Early Modern Spain: Saravia, Villalon and the Religious Origins of Economic Analysis by D'Emic, Michael Thomas
The Struggle for Form: Perspectives on Polish Avant-Garde Film, 1916-1989 by
The Struggle for Form: Perspectives on Polish Avant-Garde Film, 1916-1989 by
Ideas and Identities: A Festschrift for Andre Liebich by
The Reign of Ivan the Terrible by
Pursuit of the Nazi Mind: Hitler, Hess, and the Analysts by Pick, Daniel
Հայոց Պատմություն by Խորենացի, &#
Volar A La Tierra De La Libertad by Dervishi, Altin
Transitional Justice in Post-Communist Romania: The Politics of Memory by Stan, Lavinia
Slavonic & East European Review (92: 3) July 2014 by
Conflict and Cohesion in Socialist Yugoslavia: Political Decision Making Since 1966 by Burg, Steven L.
The Roots of Solidarity: A Political Sociology of Poland's Working-Class Democratization by Laba, Roman
Poland's Place in Europe: General Sikorski and the Origin of the Oder-Neisse Line, 1939-1943 by Terry, Sarah Meiklejohn
Open Borders, Nonalignment, and the Political Evolution of Yugoslavia by Zimmerman, William
Cold War in the Balkans: American Foreign Policy and the Emergence of Communist Bulgaria 1943-1947 by Boll, Michael M.
Collectivization of Agriculture in Eastern Europe by
Balkan Village by Sanders, Irwin T.
The King's Honor and the King's Cardinal: The War of the Polish Succession by Sutton, John L.
Orphans of Versailles: The Germans in Western Poland, 1918-1939 by Blanke, Richard
Designing Tito's Capital: Urban Planning, Modernism, and Socialism in Belgrade by Le Normand, Brigitte
Jews in the Russian Army, 1827 1917: Drafted Into Modernity by Petrovsky-Shtern, Yohanan
Critique of Cosmopolitan Reason: Timing and Spacing the Concept of World Citizenship by
Genocide on the Drina River by Becirevic, Edina
Totalitarian Speech by Glowinski, Michal
Saving Children: Diary of a Buchenwald Survivor and Rescuer by Werber, Jack
Danse macabre: Wspomnienia polskiej dziewczyny z czasu rewolucji rosyjskiej (1914/24) by Tarnowicz, Aniela
Investigating Srebrenica: Institutions, Facts, Responsibilities by
The Romanian Battlefront in World War I by Torrey, Glenn E.
Bulgarian Horrors and the Question of the East (1876) by Gladstone, William Ewart
Byzantine Churches in Constantinople: Their History and Architecture (1912) by Van Millingen, Alexander
Lives of the Orange Men: A Biographical History of the Polish Orange Alternative Movement by Fydrych, Major Waldemar
Rumania by Kormos, C.
Ottoman Tulips, Ottoman Coffee: Leisure and Lifestyle in the Eighteenth Century by Sajdi, Dana
The Islands of the Eastern Mediterranean: A History of Cross-Cultural Encounters by
Der Abschied vom Kommunismus - die Rückkehr nach Europa?. Beiträge zur russischen und polnischen Zeitgeschichte by Luks, Leonid
Through the Window: Kinship and Elopement in Bosnia-Herzegovina by Doubt, Keith
Worlds of Dissent: Charter 77, the Plastic People of the Universe, and Czech Culture Under Communism by Bolton, Jonathan
The Slovak-Polish Border, 1918-1947 by Jesenský, Marcel
Polish Roots. Second Edition by Chorzempa, Rosemary a.
History Education and Post-Conflict Reconciliation: Reconsidering Joint Textbook Projects by
Mastery and Lost Illusions: Space and Time in the Modernization of Eastern and Central Europe by
Sowjetische Verbrechen Und Russische Erinnerung: Orte - Akteure - Deutungen by
Soviet Society in the Era of Late Socialism, 1964-1985 by
Every Day Lasts a Year by
'Our Glorious Past': Lukashenka's Belarus and the Great Patriotic War by Marples, David
'Our Glorious Past': Lukashenka's Belarus and the Great Patriotic War. by Marples, David
States of Obligation: Taxes and Citizenship in the Russian Empire and Early Soviet Republic by Kotsonis, Yanni
The Sea of Identities: A Century of Baltic and East European Experiences with Nationality, Class, and Gender. by
Slavonic & East European Review (92: 4) October 2014 by
Remembering Communism: Private and Public Recollections of Lived Experience in Southeast Europe by
Anti-modernism: Radical Revisions of Collective Identity by
Poland: The First Thousand Years by Dabrowski, Patrice M.
Greece, the EEC and the Cold War 1974-1979: The Second Enlargement by Karamouzi, E.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn: Cold War Icon, Gulag Author, Russian Nationalist?: A Study of the Western Reception of His Literary Writings, Historical Inter by Kriza, Elisa
Alexander Solzhenitsyn: Cold War Icon, Gulag Author, Russian Nationalist?. A Study of the Western Reception of his Literary Writings, Historic by Kriza, Elisa
The Black Sea Encyclopedia by Zonn, Igor S., Grinevetsky, Sergei R., Zhiltsov, Sergei S.
Fegelein's Horsemen and Genocidal Warfare: The SS Cavalry Brigade in the Soviet Union by Pieper, H.
Nowa Huta: Generations of Change in a Model Socialist Town by Pozniak, Kinga
A History of Belarus by Bazan, Lubov
Ethnic Bargaining: The Paradox of Minority Empowerment by Jenne, Erin K.
The Crooked Mirror: A Memoir of Polish-Jewish Reconciliation by Steinman, Louise, Steinman, Louise
Czechs, Germans, Jews?: National Identity and the Jews of Bohemia by Čapková, Kateřina
The Southern Flank of NATO, 1951-1959: Military Strategy or Political Stabilization by Chourchoulis, Dionysios
Czechoslovak Diplomacy and the Gulag: Deportation of Czechoslovak Citizens to the USSR and the Negotiation for their Repatriation, 1945-1953 by Polisenská, Milada
The Emergence of Modern Jewish Politics: Bundism and Zionism in Eastern Europe by Gitelman, Zvi
Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 27: Jews in the Kingdom of Poland, 1815-1918 by
The History of a Forgotten German Camp: Nazi Ideology and Genocide at Szmalcówka by Ceran, Tomasz
Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 27: Jews in the Kingdom of Poland, 1815-1918 by
Die Landesheil- und Pflegeanstalt Tiegenhof: Die nationalsozialistische "Euthanasie" in Polen waehrend des Zweiten Weltkrieges by Schwanke, Enno
Ortsumbenennungen im sowjetischen Russland: Mit einem Schwerpunkt auf dem Kaliningrader Gebiet by Freitag, Sven
Describing Who?: Poland in Photographs by Jewish Artists by Auron-Gorska, Joanna
Russia's Wars of Emergence 1460-1730 by Stevens, Carol
Eastern Europe 1945-1969: From Stalinism to Stagnation by Fowkes, Ben
Yankel's Tavern: Jews, Liquor, and Life in the Kingdom of Poland by Dynner, Glenn
A History of Belarus by Bazan, Lubov
The Economy of East Central Europe, 1815-1989: Stages of Transformation in a Peripheral Region by Turnock, David
Dracula Is Dead: Travels in Post-Communist Romania by Rosapepe, Jim, Kast, Sheilah
Campaign in Poland 1939 by Military Academy, United States Army, Rohde, Aleksandra Miesak
Verwaltete Erinnerung - Symbolische Politik: Die Heimatsammlungen Der Deutschen Flüchtlinge, Vertriebenen Und Aussiedler by Eisler, Cornelia
Imperiale Herrschaft im Weichselland by Rolf, Malte
Nationalistische Intellektuelle in Der Slowakei 1918-1945: Kulturelle PRAXIS Zwischen Sakralisierung Und Säkularisierung by Witt, Sabine
Siebenbürgen Ohne Siebenbürger?: Zentralstaatliche Integration Und Politischer Regionalismus Nach Dem Ersten Weltkrieg by Kührer-Wielach, Florian
The Memorial Book of Serock (Serock, Poland) - Translation of Sefer Serotsk by Gelbart, Mordechai
Birth of the Intelligentsia - 1750-1831: A History of the Polish Intelligentsia - Part 1, edited by Jerzy Jedlicki by Janowski, Maciej
At the Crossroads: 1865-1918: A History of the Polish Intelligentsia - Part 3, Edited by Jerzy Jedlicki by Micińska, Magdalena
The Vicious Circle 1832-1864: A History of the Polish Intelligentsia - Part 2 by
The Book of Klobucko; In Memory of a Martyred Community - Translation of Sefer Klobutsk; Mazkeret Kavod le-Kkehila ha-Kkedosha she-Ushmeda by Jasny, A. Wolff
Politicization of Religion, the Power of Symbolism: The Case of Former Yugoslavia and Its Successor States by
Politicization of Religion, the Power of Symbolism: The Case of Former Yugoslavia and Its Successor States by
Dubossary Memorial Yizkor Book (Dubasari, Moldova) - Translation of Dubossary; Sefer Zikaron by Rubin, Y.
Creating Kosovo: International Oversight and the Making of Ethical Institutions by Skendaj, Elton
Politicization of Religion, the Power of State, Nation, and Faith: The Case of Former Yugoslavia and Its Successor States by
Creating Languages in Central Europe During the Last Millennium by Kamusella, T.
The Ukrainian Diaspora by Satzewich, Vic
Memorial Book of the Community of Turka on the Stryj and Vicinity (Turka, Ukraine) - Translation of Sefer Zikaron le-Kehilat Turka al nehar Stryj ve-h by
Historical Dictionary of Bulgaria by Detrez, Raymond
Broadcast Policy in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia: Power Structures, Programming, Cooperation and Defiance at Czech Radio 1939-1945 by Pinard, Peter Richard