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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Eastern European History in 2015

Fegelein's Horsemen and Genocidal Warfare: The SS Cavalry Brigade in the Soviet Union by Pieper, H.
Essays on the Latin Orient by Miller, William
Slavonic & East European Review (93: 1) January 2015 by
Ukrainian Cinema: Belonging and Identity During the Soviet Thaw by First, Joshua
Die Apokalypse in dem Film "Stalker" von Andrej Tarkowskij by Griskjane, Jeva
The Land of Weddings and Rain: Nation and Modernity in Post-Socialist Lithuania by Lankauskas, Gediminas
History of Albania by Zavalani, Tajar
The Sabres of Paradise: Conquest and Vengeance in the Caucasus by Blanch, Lesley
The Past in the Present: The Construction of Polish History by Traba, Robert
Aleksandr Nikolaevič Radisčev (1749-1802): Leben und Werk by Hoffmann, Peter
Tell It to the World: International Justice and the Secret Campaign to Hide Mass Murder in Kosovo by Behar, Eliott
Poland's War on Radio Free Europe, 1950-1989 by Machcewicz, Pawel
Myths about Russia by Medinskiy, Vladimir
Eastern Europe and the Challenges of Modernity, 1800-2000 by Bianchini, Stefano
Gathering Clouds: The Roots of Ethnic Cleansing in Kosovo and Macedonia - Early Twentieth-Century Documents by Elsie, Robert
The Albanian Treason Trial (1945) by Elsie, Robert
Myths about Russia by Medinskiy, Vladimir
A History of Czechs and Jews: A Slavic Jerusalem by Wein, Martin
Das Massaker erinnern: Katyń als lieu de mémoire der polnischen Erinnerungskultur by Kalmbach, Cordula
Mapping Jewish Loyalties in Interwar Slovakia by Klein-Pejsová, Rebekah
Kosovo in a Nutshell: A Brief HIstory and Chronology of Events by Elsie, Robert
Bearslayers: The Rise and Fall of the Latvian National Communists by Prigge, William D.
On the Very Edge: Modernism and Modernity in the Arts and Architecture of Interwar Serbia (1918-1941) by
Albania in a Nutshell: A Brief History and Chronology of Events by Elsie, Robert
Protectorate Cyprus: British Imperial Power Before Wwi by Hook, Gail Dallas
The Left Side of History: World War II and the Unfulfilled Promise of Communism in Eastern Europe by Ghodsee, Kristen
The Left Side of History: World War II and the Unfulfilled Promise of Communism in Eastern Europe by Ghodsee, Kristen
The Imperial Orgy-An Account of the Tsars from the First to the Last by Saltus, Edgar
War die Vertreibung Unrecht?: Die Umsiedlungsbeschluesse des Potsdamer Abkommens und ihre Umsetzung in ihrem voelkerrechtlichen und historischen Konte by
Timişoara - The Real Story behind the Romanian Revolution by Szőczi, Árpád
Surviving the Bosnian Genocide: The Women of Srebrenica Speak by Leydesdorff, Selma
Czechoslovakia's Interrupted Revolution by Skilling, Harold Gordon
Reisen in den Balkan: Die Lebenserinnerungen des Franz Baron Nopcsa by Nopcsa, Franz
Histoire de l'Albanie by Faveyrial, Jean-Claude
Valerii Pereleshin: The Life of a Silkworm by Bakich, Olga
Automatic for the Masses: The Death of the Author and the Birth of Socialist Realism by Petrov, Petre M.
Gab es einen Stalin-Hitler-Pakt?: Charakter, Bedeutung und Deutung des deutsch-sowjetischen Nichtangriffsvertrages vom 23. August 1939 by
Italians in Early Modern Poland: Translated by Katarzyna Popowicz by Tygielski, Wojciech
Scattered Stones, Shattered Seeds: The Story of a Shtetl and a Family Who Lived There by Neuringer Levy, Myrna
Stalins Kommandotruppen 1941-1944. Die ukrainischen Partisanenformationen by Gogun, Alexander
Samizdat, Tamizdat, and Beyond: Transnational Media During and After Socialism by
İsmail Bey Gasprinskii. 'Nation-maker' oder 'Nation-breaker'? by Blank, Hannes
Balkan Genocides: Holocaust and Ethnic Cleansing in the Twentieth Century by Mojzes, Paul
Stawiski Memorial Book (Poland) - Translation of Stawiski; Sefer Yizkor by
Slavonic & East European Review (93: 2) April 2015 by
The Polish Saber by Marsden, Richard
Political Justice in Budapest after World War II by Pető, Andrea, Barna, Ildikó
Chernobyl Strawberries by Goldsworthy, Vesna
Enemies for a Day: Antisemitism and Anti-Jewish Violence in Lithuania under the Tsars by Staliūnas, Darius
Working in the Killing Fields: Forensic Science in Bosnia by Ball, Howard
The All-Encompassing Eye of Ukraine: Ivan Nechui-Levyts'kyi's Realist Prose by Tarnawsky, Maxim
Hans-Carl von Schlick (1874-1957): Eine Biographie - Mit den Tagebuechern aus 1945 by Kopp, Roland
De Geit van mijn Buurman: Hoop en teleurstelling na de val van het IJzeren Gordijn by Hellinga, Runa, Hirs, Henk
Death in the Shape of a Young Girl: Women's Political Violence in the Red Army Faction by Melzer, Patricia
Memorial Book of the Molchad (Maytchet) Jewish Community - Translation of Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Meytshet by Ayalon, Benzion H.
WechselWirkungen: Austria-Hungary, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and the Western Balkans, 1878-1918 by
To Get Ukraine: A report from inside the country, for those looking on from the outside by Shyshko, Oleksandr
To Get Ukraine: A report from inside the country, for those looking on from the outside by Shyshko, Oleksandr
Protest, Reform and Repression in Khrushchev's Soviet Union by Hornsby, Robert
Modern Albania: From Dictatorship to Democracy in Europe by Abrahams, Fred C.
Politics of Virtue in Early Modern Poland-Lithuania: Common Wealth, Common Good by Wagner-Rundell, Benedict
Holy Legionary Youth: Fascist Activism in Interwar Romania by Clark, Roland
A History of the Roumanians by Seton-Watson, R. W.
Historical Dictionary of Estonia by Miljan, Toivo
Keeping an Eye on the Albanians: Selected Writings in the Field of Albanian Studies by Elsie, Robert
Beitraege zu einer Geschichte der Translation: Vom Wirken bedeutender Dolmetscher und Uebersetzer by Salevsky, Heidemarie, Müller, Ina
Territorial Revisionism and the Allies of Germany in the Second World War: Goals, Expectations, Practices by
Socialist Escapes: Breaking Away from Ideology and Everyday Routine in Eastern Europe, 1945-1989 by
Jozef Pildsuski: Monografie. Full-color Edition by Mares, Nicolae
Imperial Russia's Muslims by Tuna, Mustafa
The Trigger: Hunting the Assassin Who Brought the World to War by Butcher, Tim
Screwed: Dancing with the Generals by Urma, Sergiu Viorel
Gottfried Ernst Groddeck und seine Korrespondenten by Rothe, Hans
Eliten Im Vielvölkerreich: Imperiale Biographien in Russland Und Österreich-Ungarn (1850-1918) by
Erinnerung an Diktatur und Krieg by
Probing the Past: Festschrift in Honor of Leo Schelbert by
Negotiating Normality: Everyday Lives in Socialist Institutions by Koleva, Daniela
Slavonic & East European Review (93: 3) July 2015 by
Eurasianism and the European Far Right: Reshaping the Europe-Russia Relationship by
The Hungarian Patient: Social Opposition to an Illiberal Democracy by
Witchcraft and Sorcery of the Balkans by Ristic, Radomir
The Essential Trotsky (Routledge Revivals) by Trotsky, Leon
Psychiatry in Communist Europe by
White Spots--Black Spots: Difficult Matters in Polish-Russian Relations, 1918-2008 by
All Russia Is Burning!: A Cultural History of Fire and Arson in Late Imperial Russia by Frierson, Cathy A.
Serbia Since 1989: Politics and Society Under Milosevic and After by
The Mixed Multitude: Jacob Frank and the Frankist Movement, 1755-1816 by Maciejko, Pawel
The First to Be Destroyed: The Jewish Community of Kleczew and the Beginning of the Final Solution by Glowacka-Penczynska, Anetta, Medykowski, Witold
Peter Hoffmann - Studien zur Kultur- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte sowie zu den deutsch-russischen Beziehungen des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts: Gesammelte by
The Discovery of Albania: Travel Writing and Anthropology in the Nineteenth Century Balkans by Von Hahn, Johann George
Serbia and the Balkan Front, 1914: The Outbreak of the Great War by Lyon, James
Serbia and the Balkan Front, 1914: The Outbreak of the Great War by Lyon, James
Nations and Citizens in Yugoslavia and the Post-Yugoslav States: One Hundred Years of Citizenship by Stiks, Igor
Jan Hus - 600 Jahre Erste Reformation by
Among Russian Sects and Revolutionists: The Extraordinary Life of Prince D. A. Khilkov by Camfield, Graham
The Yugoslav Wars of the 1990s by Baker, Catherine
A Concise History of Bosnia by Carmichael, Cathie
Elusive Alliance: The German Occupation of Poland in World War I by Kauffman, Jesse
A Concise History of Bosnia by Carmichael, Cathie
Agrarian Reform in Russia by Leonard, Carol S.
Historical Archives and the Historians' Commission to Investigate the Armenian Events of 1915 by Güçlü, Yücel
Suleiman the Magnificent by Balakrishnan, Srikala, Giri, Satyananda
Coming of Age Under Martial Law: The Initiation Novels of Poland's Last Communist Generation by Vassileva-Karagyozova, Svetlana
Nationalism and Yugoslavia: Education, Yugoslavism and the Balkans Before World War II by Troch, Pieter
Their Childhood and the Holocaust: A Child's Perspective in Polish Documentary and Autobiographical Literature by Kowalska-Leder, Justyna
Die Typologisierbarkeit von Staedtereformation und die Stadt Riga als Beispiel by Pabst, Martin
Stalin and the Struggle for Supremacy in Eurasia by Rieber, Alfred J.
Communist Czechoslovakia, 1945-89: A Political and Social History by McDermott, Kevin
Arbeit als Hoffnung by Tauber, Joachim
Reisen in Die Vergangenheit?: Westdeutsche Fahrten Nach Polen 1970-1990 by Felsch, Corinna
The Kabbalistic Culture of Eighteenth-Century Prague: Ezekiel Landau (the 'Noda Biyehudah') and His Contemporaries by Flatto, Sharon
Europa by Anonymous
Recollections of Russia During Thirty-Three Years' Residence by a German Nobleman by Kolbe, Eduard
The Unholy Alliance: An American View of the War in the East by Dix, William Giles
The Text and the World: The Henrykow Book, Its Authors, and Their Region, 1160-1310 by Gorecki, Piotr
History of the Byzantine Empire: 324 to 1453 two volumes, unabridged by Vasiliev, Alexander Alexandrovitch
Bolschewistische Ordnung in Georgien: Der Große Terror in Einer Kleinen Kaukasischen Republik by
A Sephardi Life in Southeastern Europe: The Autobiography and Journals of Gabriel Arié, 1863-1939 by Benbassa, Esther, Rodrigue, Aron
Candles in the Dark: A New Spirit for a Plural World by
State and Intellectuals in Turkey: The Life and Times of Niyazi Berkes, 1908-1988 by Dincsahin, Sakir
Slavonic & East European Review (93: 4) October 2015 by
Alpine Warriors by McDonald, Bernadette
Geschichte Oberschlesiens: Politik, Wirtschaft Und Kultur Von Den Anfängen Bis Zur Gegenwart by
On the Threshold of the Holocaust: Anti-Jewish Riots and Pogroms in Occupied Europe: Warsaw - Paris - The Hague - Amsterdam - Antwerp - Kaunas by Szarota, Tomasz
The Price of Freedom: A History of East Central Europe from the Middle Ages to the Present by Wandycz, Piotr S.
Views of Albion; The Reception of British Art and Design in Central Europe, 1890-1918 by Szczerski, Andrzej
Memoirs Red and White: Poland, the War, and After by Dembowski, Peter F.
Bearing Witness: A Personal Perspective on Sixty Years of Polish History by
Clean Bombs and Dirty Wars: Air Power in Kosovo and Libya by Gregory, Robert H.
English Literature: Its History And Its Significance For The Life Of The Englishspeaking World by Long, William J.
Zur Kultur der DDR: Persoenliche Erinnerungen und wissenschaftliche Perspektiven- Paul Gerhard Klussmann zu Ehren by
Behind the Iron Curtain: Soviet Estonia in the Era of the Cold War by
History of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: State - Society - Culture - Editorial work by Iwo Hryniewicz - Translated by Grażyna Waluga (Chapt by Augustyniak, Urszula
Stalin and the Struggle for Supremacy in Eurasia by Rieber, Alfred
Negotiating Marian Apparitions: The Politics of Religion in Transcarpathian Ukraine by Halemba, Agnieszka
Siebenbürgen Zwischen Habsburgermonarchie Und Osmanischem Reich: Völkerrechtliche Stellung Und Völkerrechtspraxis Eines Ostmitteleuropäischen Fürstent by Volkmer, Gerald
After the Stasi: Collaboration and the Struggle for Sovereign Subjectivity in the Writing of German Unification by Ring, Annie
A Memoir of the Warsaw Uprising by Bialoszewski, Miron
Humor and Nonviolent Struggle in Serbia by Sombatpoonsiri, Janjira
Menschen Zählen: Wissensproduktion Durch Britische Volkszählungen Und Umfragen Vom 19. Jahrhundert Bis Ins Digitale Zeitalter by Brückweh, Kerstin
Memory and Change in Europe: Eastern Perspectives by
Nested Security: Lessons in Conflict Management from the League of Nations and the European Union by Jenne, Erin K.
Geschichte als Politik by Guth, Stefan
Czechoslovakia in Africa, 1945-1968 by Muehlenbeck, Philip
Meanings of Jazz in State Socialism by
Imposing, Maintaining, and Tearing Open the Iron Curtain: The Cold War and East-Central Europe, 1945-1989 by
Germans, Poland, and Colonial Expansion to the East: 1850 Through the Present by
Die deutsche Besatzung in Lyon im Blick der Taeterforschung by Meier, Elisabeth
Reclaiming the Personal: Oral History in Post-Socialist Europe by
Once Upon a Yugoslavia: When the American Way Met Tito's Third Way by Green, Surya
Three Minutes in Poland: Discovering a Lost World in a 1938 Family Film by Kurtz, Glenn
Whose Bosnia?: Nationalism and Political Imagination in the Balkans, 1840-1914 by Hajdarpasic, Edin
Making the Soviet Intelligentsia by Tromly, Benjamin
Auf der Suche nach politischer Gemeinschaft by Feindt, Gregor
Res publica Redefined?: The Polish-Lithuanian Transition Period of the 1560s and 1570s in the Context of European State Formation Processes by Ijäs, Miia
With Their Backs to the Mountains: A History of Carpathian Rus' and Carpatho-Rusyns by Magocsi, Paul Robert
Cinema in Service of the State: Perspectives on Film Culture in the Gdr and Czechoslovakia, 1945-1960 by
With Their Backs to the Mountains: A History of Carpathian Rus' and Carpatho-Rusyns by Magocsi, Paul Robert
Transformation on the Southern Ukrainian Steppe: Letters and Papers of Johann Cornies, Volume I: 1812-1835 by
The Albanian National Awakening by Skendi, Stavro
Poland Between East and West: Soviet and German Diplomacy Toward Poland, 1919-1933 by Korbel, Josef
Svetozar Markovic and the Origins of Balkan Socialism by McClellan, Woodford
Rabbis and Revolution: The Jews of Moravia in the Age of Emancipation by Miller, Michael
Crescent and Iron Cross: The theories of the old and the new Turks-The end of the Armenian question -The question of Syria and Palestine... by Benson, Edward Frederic
Veterans, Victims, and Memory: The Politics of the Second World War in Communist Poland by Wawrzyniak, Joanna
The Paradox of Ukrainian LVIV: A Borderland City Between Stalinists, Nazis, and Nationalists by Amar, Tarik Cyril
Revolution and Counterrevolution in Poland, 1980-1989: Solidarity, Martial Law, and the End of Communism in Europe by Paczkowski, Andrzej
Water, Towns and People: Polish Lands against a European Background until the Mid-16th Century by Sowina, Urszula
Between State and Church: Confessional Relations from Reformation to Enlightenment: Poland - Lithuania - Germany - Netherlands by
Kosovo and Diplomacy Since World War II: Yugoslavia, Albania and the Path to Kosovan Independence by Ceku, Ethem
Politicization of Religion, the Power of State, Nation, and Faith: The Case of Former Yugoslavia and Its Successor States by
Archivführer Zur Geschichte Der Deutschen in Kronstadt Und Dem Burzenland: Wegweiser Durch Die Bestände Des Staatsarchivs Kronstadt/Brasov Und Des Arc by
Verlagsmetropole Breslau 1800 - 1945 by
The Utopia of Terror: Life and Death in Wartime Croatia by
Concrete Statues by Garrison, Paul
Kaleidoscope of Poland: A Cultural Encyclopedia by Swan, Oscar E.