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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Eastern European History in 2016

Art beyond Borders: Artistic Exchange in Communist Europe (1945-1989) by
Slavonic & East European Review (94: 1) January 2016 by
Export Empire by Gross, Stephen G.
British Clandestine Activities in Romania During the Second World War by Deletant, Dennis
Globalizing Southeastern Europe: Emigrants, America, and the State since the Late Nineteenth Century by Brunnbauer, Ulf
Post-Yugoslav Constellations: Archive, Memory, and Trauma in Contemporary Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian Literature and Culture by
The Jews in Siedlce 1850-1945 by Kopówka, Edward
State Building and International Intervention in Bosnia by Belloni, Roberto
Chauvinism, Polish Style: The Case of Roman Dmowski (Beginnings: 1886-1905) by Krzywiec, Grzegorz
Nationalsozialismus Und Regionalbewusstsein Im Östlichen Europa by
Zwischen Akkulturation Und Assimilation: Karrieren Und Lebenswelten Deutsch-Österreichischer Beamtenfamilien in Galizien (1772-1918) by Röskau-Rydel, Isabel
Velvet Revolutions: An Oral History of Czech Society by Vanek, Miroslav, Mücke, Pavel
The God of the Gulag, Vol 1, Martyrs in an Age of Revolution by Luxmoore, Jonathan
The God of the Gulag, Vol 1, Martyrs in an Age of Revolution by Luxmoore, Jonathan
Writing Postcommunism: Towards a Literature of the East European Ruins by Williams, D.
Collision of Empires: The War on the Eastern Front in 1914 by Buttar, Prit
The God of the Gulag, Vol 2, Martyrs in an Age of Secularism by Luxmoore, Jonathan
The God of the Gulag, Vol 2, Martyrs in an Age of Secularism by Luxmoore, Jonathan
Aus Den Ruinen Der Alten Erschaffen Wir Die Neue Welt!: Herrschaftspraxis Und Loyalitäten in Kosovo (1944-1974) by Ströhle, Isabel
Gewalt Und Koexistenz: Muslime Und Christen Im Spätosmanischen Kosovo (1870-1913) by Frantz, Eva Anne
Polish Patriotism after 1989: Concepts, Debates, Identities by Szeligowska, Dorota
Krosno by the Wislok River - Memorial Book of Jewish Community of Krosno, Poland by Leibner, William
The Book of Dembitz (Dębica, Poland) - Translation of Sefer Dembitz by Leibl, D.
Disrupted Landscapes: State, Peasants and the Politics of Land in Postsocialist Romania by Dorondel, Stefan
Modern Albania: From Dictatorship to Democracy in Europe by Abrahams, Fred C.
A Prince Too Far: The Great Powers and the Shaping of Modern Albania by Salleo, Ferdinando
The Tragedy of Bleiburg and Viktring, 1945 by Rulitz, Florian
The Albanian Operation of the CIA and MI6, 1949-1953: Conversations with Participants in a Venture Betrayed by Bethell, Nicholas
The Ottoman Culture of Defeat: The Balkan Wars and Their Aftermath by Ginio, Eyal
Total Wars and the Making of Modern Ukraine, 1914-1954 by Liber, George
Au bout de l'enfer: l'Amour by Doppee, Alban
Slavonic & East European Review (94: 2) April 2016 by
The History of Turkey by Howard, Douglas
Belonging to the Nation: Inclusion and Exclusion in the Polish-German Borderlands, 1939-1951 by Kulczycki, John J.
Einfluss des Nationalsozialismus auf die Presse der deutschen Volksgruppen in Rumaenien, Ungarn und Jugoslawien: Zeitungsstrukturen und politische Sch by Böhm, Johann
Der Zweite Weltkrieg im polnischen und deutschen kulturellen Gedaechtnis: Siebzig Jahre danach (1945-2015) by
The Belzec Death Camp: History, Biographies, Remembrance by Webb, Chris
Unbound: Ukrainian Canadians Writing Home by
Whose Memory? Which Future?: Remembering Ethnic Cleansing and Lost Cultural Diversity in Eastern, Central and Southeastern Europe by
Rationed Life: Science, Everyday Life, and Working-Class Politics in the Bohemian Lands, 1914-1918 by Kučera, Rudolf
The State, Antisemitism, and Collaboration in the Holocaust by Dumitru, Diana
Year That Changed the World the by Meyer
Poyln: My Life Within Jewish Life in Poland, Sketches and Images by Trunk, Yehiel Yeshaia
Prosecuting Slobodan Milosevic: The Unfinished Trial by Tromp, Nevenka
Zionists in Interwar Czechoslovakia: Minority Nationalism and the Politics of Belonging by Lichtenstein, Tatjana
Wladyslaw Gomulka: A Biography by Prazmowska, Anita
The Albanian National Awakening by Skendi, Stavro
The Roots of Solidarity: A Political Sociology of Poland's Working-Class Democratization by Laba, Roman
Open Borders, Nonalignment, and the Political Evolution of Yugoslavia by Zimmerman, William
Poland Between East and West: Soviet and German Diplomacy Toward Poland, 1919-1933 by Korbel, Josef
Svetozar Markovic and the Origins of Balkan Socialism by McClellan, Woodford
Conflict and Cohesion in Socialist Yugoslavia: Political Decision Making Since 1966 by Burg, Steven L.
Poland's Place in Europe: General Sikorski and the Origin of the Oder-Neisse Line, 1939-1943 by Terry, Sarah Meiklejohn
Czechoslovakia's Interrupted Revolution by Skilling, Harold Gordon
Life is War: Surviving Dictatorship in Communist Albania by Woodcock, Shannon
The European Sultanas of the Ottoman Empire by Buxton, Anna Ivanova
Life is War: Surviving Dictatorship in Communist Albania by Woodcock, Shannon
Watersheds: Poetics and Politics of the Danube River by
Thoughts of a Polish Jew: To Kasieńka from Grandpa by Lilien-Brzozdowiecki, Artur
World War II and Two Occupations: Dilemmas of Polish Memory by
Das deutsche und das russische Sonderbewusstsein. Parallelgeschichtliche Studien zur Geschichtsphilosophie Oswald Spenglers und Nikolaj Berdjaevs by Pocai, Susanne
Zionism Without Zion: The Jewish Territorial Organization and Its Conflict with the Zionist Organization by Alroey, Gur
The Culmination of Conflict: The Ukrainian-Polish Civil War and the Expulsion of Ukrainians After the Second World War by Rapawy, Stephen
Poles in Defence of Britain: A Day-By-Day Chronology of Polish Day and Night Fighter Pilot Operations: July 1940 - July 1941 by Gretzyngier, Robert
Eastern Europe and the Challenges of Modernity, 1800-2000 by Bianchini, Stefano
A Degenerate World by
Ioannis Canani de Constantinopolitana Obsidione Relatio: A Critical Edition, with English Translation, Introduction, and Notes of John Kananos' Accoun by
Medieval East Central Europe in a Comparative Perspective: From Frontier Zones to Lands in Focus by
Primed for Violence: Murder, Antisemitism, and Democratic Politics in Interwar Poland by Brykczynski, Paul
Worlds of Hungarian Writing: National Literature as Intercultural Exchange by
Unfinished Utopia: Nowa Huta, Stalinism, and Polish Society, 1949-56 by LeBow, Katherine A.
Russia's Long Twentieth Century: Voices, Memories, Contested Perspectives by Kirschenbaum, Lisa A., Field, Deborah A., Chatterjee, Choi
Genocide in the Carpathians: War, Social Breakdown, and Mass Violence, 1914-1945 by Segal, Raz
Zwischen Krieg und Hoffnung: Internierung der 2. polnischen Infanterieschuetzen-Division in der Schweiz 1940-45 by Matyja, Miroslaw
Narrative of a Journey Into Persia, in the Suite of the Imperial Russian Embassy, in the Year 1817 by Von Kotzebue, Moritz
Ukraine and Russia: People, Politics, Propaganda and Perspectives by
Das kulturelle Gedaechtnis Europas im Wandel: Literatur ueber Shoa und Gulag by
Medieval East Central Europe in a Comparative Perspective: From Frontier Zones to Lands in Focus by
Die Sowjetunion 1917-1991 by Hildermeier, Manfred
Another Hungary: The Nineteenth-Century Provinces in Eight Lives by Nemes, Robert
TV Socialism by Imre, Anikó
TV Socialism by Imre, Anikó
Studies on Socialist Realism: The Polish View by
Deutsch-russische Kulturbeziehungen im 20. Jahrhundert. Einflüsse und Wechselwirkungen by
How We Survived Communism & Even Laughed by Drakulic, Slavenka
The Balkans and the Byzantine World before and after the Captures of Constantinople, 1204 and 1453 by
Yrittäjyyden historia ja filosofia Venäjällä by Pompejev, Jurij
Ethnische "Säuberungen" in der Moderne by Schwartz, Michael
Slavonic & East European Review (94: 3) July 2016 by
Conversations with Milosevic by Roberts, Ivor
Memorial Book of Kozienice (Poland) - Translation of Sefer Zikaron le-Kehilat Kosznitz by
In the Eye of the Storm: Political, Diplomatic and Military Struggle for Croatian Independence by
The Kurim Case: A Terrifying True Story of Child Abuse, Cults & Cannibalism by Green, Ryan
Die Slaven im Mittelalter by Mühle, Eduard
Die Sorben Und Wenden in Deutschen Konversationslexika Des 19. Jahrhunderts by Lehmann, Cornelius
Neuorientierung einer Elite: Aristokratie, Staendewesen und Loyalitaet in Galizien (1772-1795) by Řezník, Milos
The Tito-Stalin Split and Yugoslavia's Military Opening toward the West, 1950-1954: In NATO's Backyard by Tasic, Dmitar, Lakovic, Ivan
A Ray of Light: Reinhard Heydrich, Lidice, and the North Staffordshire Miners by Phillips, Russell
Zwischen Liebe, Verstaendigung und Hass: Die Darstellung religioeser Konflikte in der Literatur Galiziens (1848-1914) by Borakovskyy, Lyubomyr
Circles on the Mountain: Bosnian Women in the Twenty-First Century by Powers, Janet M., Prozo, Marica
The Politics of Genocide: The Holocaust in Hungary by Braham, Randolph
The Early Slavs: Eastern Europe from the Initial Settlement to the Kievan Rus by Dolukhanov, Pavel
States of Obligation: Taxes and Citizenship in the Russian Empire and Early Soviet Republic by Kotsonis, Yanni
About Russia, Its Revolutions, Its Development and Its Present by Reiman, Michal
Balkan Wars: Habsburg Croatia, Ottoman Bosnia, and Venetian Dalmatia, 1499-1617 by Tracy, James D.
Darmgesundheit im Mittelalter: Analyse ausgewaehlter deutschsprachiger Kochrezepttexte aus dem Muenchener Arzneibuch Cgm 415 vor dem Hintergrund der by Sulzer, Elisabeth
Politics and the Novel During the Cold War by Caute, David
Intermarium: The Land Between the Black and Baltic Seas by
Coca-Cola Socialism: Americanization of Yugoslav Culture in the Sixties by Vučetic, Radina
Empowering Revolution: America, Poland, and the End of the Cold War by Domber, Gregory F.
White Eagle, Black Madonna: One Thousand Years of the Polish Catholic Tradition by Alvis, Robert E.
White Eagle, Black Madonna: One Thousand Years of the Polish Catholic Tradition by Alvis, Robert E.
Law and Critique in Central Europe: Questioning the Past, Resisting the Present by
Containing Balkan Nationalism: Imperial Russia and Ottoman Christians, 1856-1914 by Vovchenko, Denis
Written in Blood: The Battles for Fortress Przemysl in Wwi by Tunstall, Graydon A.
The Art of Identity and Memory: Toward a Cultural History of the Two World Wars in Lithuania by
Beyond Mosque, Church, and State: Alternative Narratives of the Nation in the Balkans by
The South Slav Conflict: History, Religion, Ethnicity, and Nationalism by
Reframing the History of Family and Kinship: From the Alps towards Europe by
In the Name of the Great Work: Stalin's Plan for the Transformation of Nature and Its Impact in Eastern Europe by
Hasidism and Politics: The Kingdom of Poland, 1815-1864 by Wodzinski, Marcin
Migration Trauma, Culture, and Finding the Psychological Home Within: Views From British Object Relations Theory by Conroy, Grace P.
Anarchy in Macedonia: Life under the Ottomans, 1878-1912 by Sinadinoski, Victor
Românii Contra Aromânilor? by Matzota, Eugen
Memorial Book of Goniadz Poland: Translation of Sefer Yizkor Goniadz by
Stepinac: His Life and Times by Harris, Robin
Stepinac: His Life and Times by Harris, Robin
The Value of Labor: The Science of Commodification in Hungary, 1920-1956 by Lampland, Martha
Poland: The First Thousand Years by Dabrowski, Patrice M.
Geschichte von Böhmen: Das Zeitalter Georgs von Podiebrad by Palacky, Frantisek
Erinnerungskonkurrenz: Geschichtsschreibung in den boehmischen Laendern vom 16. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart by Bahlcke, Joachim
Crime and the Silence by Bikont, Anna
St. Georg mit Tiersymbolen: Das typologische Deckenprogramm der unteren Abtsstube des Klosters St. Georgen in Stein am Rhein als Teil eines Raumpr by Bretzigheimer, Gerlinde
Slavonic & East European Review (94: 4) October 2016 by
Voelkische Bewegung zwischen Weser und Ems: Richard von Hoff und die Nordische Gesellschaft in Bremen und Nordwestdeutschland by Loeber, Matthias
Nations and Citizens in Yugoslavia and the Post-Yugoslav States: One Hundred Years of Citizenship by Stiks, Igor
Military Saints in Byzantium and Rus, 900-1200 by White, Monica
Radzyn Memorial Book (Poland): Translation of Sefer Radzyn by
The Black Sea Encyclopedia by Zhiltsov, Sergei S., Zonn, Igor S., Grinevetsky, Sergei R.
Diogenes Station: A Perspective on Transformational Leadership Thirty Years Later by Hanne, William G.
Diogenes Station: A Perspective on Transformational Leadership Thirty Years Later by Hanne, William G.
One Day in May - Bleiburg 1945 by Lunt Marinovic, Jean
Yugoslavian Inferno: Ethnoreligious Warfare in the Balkans by Mojzes, Paul
A Difficult Neighbourhood: Essays on Russia and East-Central Europe since World War II by Besemeres, John
The Cinematic Bodies of Eastern Europe and Russia: Between Pain and Pleasure by
The Unlikely Hero of Sobrance: (Sobrance, Slovakia) by Price, Larry, Leibner, William
The Holocaust in Croatia by Goldstein, Ivo, Goldstein, Slavko
Rewolucja: Russian Poland, 1904-1907 by Blobaum, Robert E.
Occupation in the East: The Daily Lives of German Occupiers in Warsaw and Minsk, 1939-1944 by Lehnstaedt, Stephan
Focus on Religion in Central and Eastern Europe: A Regional View by
Romania and the Holocaust: Events - Contexts - Aftermath by
Romania and the Holocaust. Events - Contexts - Aftermath by
Der Europa-Diskurs der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche (1996-2011) by Alshanskaya, Alena
Die Konfliktkommissionen in Der Ddr by Brüning, Holger Horst
Jewish Souls, Bureaucratic Minds: Jewish Bureaucracy and Policymaking in Late Imperial Russia, 1850-1917 by Schedrin, Vassili
The First to Be Destroyed: The Jewish Community of Kleczew and the Beginning of the Final Solution by Medykowski, Witold, Glowacka-Penczynska, Anetta
Hijacked Justice: Dealing with the Past in the Balkans by Subotic, Jelena
Brothers or Enemies: The Ukrainian National Movement and Russia from the 1840s to the 1870s by Remy, Johannes
Balkan Smoke: Tobacco and the Making of Modern Bulgaria by Neuburger, Mary C.
The Archaeology of Mediterranean Placemaking: Butrint and the Global Heritage Industry by Hodges, Richard
Cleansing the Czechoslovak Borderlands: Migration, Environment, and Health in the Former Sudetenland by Glassheim, Eagle
Staedtische Selbstverwaltung im Wandel - Ekaterinodar 1870 bis 1914 by Reshetko, Andrii
Stadtbuergerliche Verwandtschaft und kirchliche Macht: Karrieren und Netzwerke Luebecker Domherren zwischen 1400 und 1530 by Voßhall, Anja
Violence as a Generative Force: Identity, Nationalism, and Memory in a Balkan Community by Bergholz, Max
Wearing the Letter P: Polish Women as Forced Laborers in Nazi Germany, 1939-1945 by Hodorowicz Knab, Sophie
Geschichtskultur im Strukturwandel by Tomann, Juliane
Konstruierte (Fremd-?)Bilder by
Kosovo and Serbia: Contested Options and Shared Consequences by
Flight from Latvia: A Six-Year Chronicle by Neimane, Dagnija
Dropping out of Socialism: The Creation of Alternative Spheres in the Soviet Bloc by
The Formation of Turkey: The Seljukid Sultanate of Rum: Eleventh to Fourteenth Century by Cahen, Claude
Encyclopedia of Piestany by Corfield, Justin
Searching for Butsnevits: A Shtetl Tale by Rothman, Jack
Secret Police Files from the Eastern Bloc: Between Surveillance and Life Writing by
My Handwriting Saved Me: Memoirs of A Holocaust Survivor by Halm, Albert
How Generations Remember: Conflicting Histories and Shared Memories in Post-War Bosnia and Herzegovina by Palmberger, Monika
2016: Migration by
Ästhetik Und Ideologie 1945: Wandlung Oder Kontinuität Poetologischer Paradigmen Deutschsprachiger Schriftsteller by
The Life and Destruction of Olshan (Gol'shany, Belarus): Translation of Lebn un umkum fun Olshan by
Fuer ein freies Polen und ein liberales Preußen. Czartoryskis Deutschlandpolitik am Vorabend der Revolution von 1848: Ein Beitrag zur polnisch-deutsch by Rassek, Peter
Renaissance Craftsmen and Humanistic Scholars: Circulation of Knowledge between Portugal and Germany by
European Community - Yugoslav Relations: Debates and Documents That Mattered (1968-1992) by
Kaisertum, Papsttum und Volkssouveraenitaet im hohen und spaeten Mittelalter: Studien zu Ehren von Helmut G. Walther by
Bagnowka: A Modern Jewish Cemetery on the Russian Pale by Szpek, Heidi M.
Futura contingentia, necessitas per accidens und Praedestination in Byzanz und in der Scholastik by Gerogiorgakis, Stamatios
Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 29: Writing Jewish History in Eastern Europe by