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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Eastern European History in 2017

The History of the Holocaust in Romania by Ancel, Jean
Slavonic & East European Review (95: 1) January 2017 by
Hitlers voelkische Vorkaempfer: Die Entwicklung nationalsozialistischer Kultur- und Rassenpolitik in der Baum-Frick-Regierung 1930-1931 by Esche, Alexandra
The Stalinist Dictatorship by
Freud's Russia: National Identity in the Evolution of Psychoanalysis by Rice, James L.
The Czech and Slovak Republics: Twenty years of Independence, 1993-2013 by
A City and the Dead; Zablotow Alive and Destroyed: Memorial Book of Zabolotov, Ukraine by
Genocide in the Ottoman Empire: Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks, 1913-1923 by
Performance Art in Eastern Europe Since 1960 by Bryzgel, Amy
Performance Art in Eastern Europe Since 1960 by Bryzgel, Amy
Fragile Loyalität Zur Republik Moldau: Sowjetnostalgie Und 'Heimatlosigkeit' Unter Den Russischen Und Ukrainischen Minderheiten by Dom, Rosanna
The Catholic Church and Antisemitism by Modras, Ronald
The Zookeeper's Wife: A War Story by Ackerman, Diane
Venire contra factum proprium: Herkunft und Grundlagen eines sprichwoertlichen Rechtsprinzips by Isola, Lisa
The Jewish Revolution in Belorussia: Economy, Race, and Bolshevik Power by Sloin, Andrew
The Jewish Revolution in Belorussia: Economy, Race, and Bolshevik Power by Sloin, Andrew
Wald- und Ressourcenpolitik im Siebenbuergen des 18. Jahrhunderts by Rus, Dorin-Ioan
Flaying in the Pre-Modern World: Practice and Representation by
Memorial Book of Brichany, Moldova - It's Jewry in the First Half of Our Century: Translation of Britshan: Britsheni ha-yehudit be-mahatsit ha-mea ha- by
The City That Does Not Age: The History of Sofia by Johnson, Bistra
Musik am russischen Hof by Erren, Lorenz
Dealing with the Yugoslav Past: Exhibition Reflections in the Successor States by Zubkovych, Alina
Blood Stained Feathers: My Life Story By Mordechai Lustig from Nowy Sącz by Lustig, Mordechai
Castle and Cathedral: Longing for the Sacred in a Skeptical Age by Berglund, Bruce R.
Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland by Browning, Christopher R.
Castle and Cathedral: Longing for the Sacred in a Skeptical Age by Berglund, Bruce R.
Der Erste Weltkrieg. Deutschland und Russland im europäischen Kontext by
Großschlesisch? Großfriesisch? Großdeutsch!: 'Stamm', 'Region' Und Nation in Schlesien Und in Friesland, 1918-1945 by Weger, Tobias
Environmentalism in Central and Southeastern Europe: Historical Perspectives by
Migration and the Ukraine Crisis: A Two-Country Perspective by
Transferprozesse der Moderne: Die Nachbenennungen Alpen und Schweiz im 18. bis 20. Jahrhundert by Frei, Philippe
Ethnic Germans and National Socialism in Yugoslavia in World War II by Zakic, Mirna
After the Stasi: Collaboration and the Struggle for Sovereign Subjectivity in the Writing of German Unification by Ring, Annie
Eurasianism and the European Far Right: Reshaping the Europe-Russia Relationship by
Melchior Wankowicz: Poland's Master of the Written Word by Ziólkowska-Boehm, Aleksandra
The Great Departure: Mass Migration from Eastern Europe and the Making of the Free World by Zahra, Tara
Performative Contradiction and the Romanian Revolution by Bogdan, Jolan
The Oxford Handbook of the History of Communism by
History of a Disappearance: The Story of a Forgotten Polish Town by Springer, Filip
Essays and Studies in Middle English: 9th International Conference on Middle English, Philological School of Higher Education in Wroclaw, 2015 by
Ukraine in Conflict: An Analytical Chronicle by Marples, David R.
Der Luthereffekt Im Östlichen Europa: Geschichte - Kultur - Erinnerung by
Slavonic & East European Review (95: 2) April 2017 by
Theories of Dynamic Cosmopolitanism in Modern European History by Cavallar, Georg
Reimagining the Character of Urban Operations for the U.S. Army: How the Past Can Inform the Present and Future by Johnson, David E., Saum-Manning, Lisa, Gentile, Gian
Britain and Interwar Danubian Europe: Foreign Policy and Security Challenges, 1919-1936 by Bakic, Dragan
Beau Monde on Empire's Edge: State and Stage in Soviet Ukraine by Fowler, Mayhill
Revolution Auf Der Morea: Die Peloponnes Während Der Zweiten Turkokratie (1715-1821) by Vlachopoulou, Anna
The United States Immigration Policy and Immigrants' Responses: Past and Present by
A History of Poland by Prazmowska, Anita
Unequal Friendship: The Patron-Client Relationship in Historical Perspective by Mączak, Antoni
The Near Abroad: Socialist Eastern Europe and Soviet Patriotism in Ukraine, 1956-1985 by Wojnowski, Zbigniew
Socially Engaged Art After Socialism: Art and Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe by Galliera, Izabel
Der Lauf der Dinge. Wechselverhaeltnisse zwischen Raum, Ding und Figur bei der narrativen Konstitution von Anderwelten im Wigalois und im Lanzelet by Selmayr, Pia
The Croatian Spring: Nationalism, Repression and Foreign Policy Under Tito by Batovic, Ante
Women as Essential Citizens in the Czech National Movement: The Making of the Modern Czech Community by Francíková, Dása
Europe's Balkan Muslims: A New History by Clayer, Nathalie, Bougarel, Xavier
Curtain of Lies: The Battle Over Truth in Stalinist Eastern Europe by Feinberg, Melissa
Poland Daily: Economy, Work, Consumption and Social Class in Polish Cinema by Mazierska, Ewa
The Habsburg Empire: A Very Short Introduction by Rady, Martyn
Orphan Eagles: Polish Armies of the Napoleonic Wars by Rospond, Vincent William
Smarter Power, Stronger Partners, Volume I: Exploiting U.S. Advantages to Prevent Aggression by Kelly, Terrence K.
Parliamentary Representatives and Parliamentary Representation in Hungary (1848-1918) by Pap, József
Lessons from Russia's Operations in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine by Migacheva, Katya, Nichiporuk, Brian, Kofman, Michael
Zabrze (Hindenburg) Yizkor Book by Leibner, William
Der bessere Nachbar? by Pufelska, Agnieszka
The Ngo Game: Post-Conflict Peacebuilding in the Balkans and Beyond by McMahon, Patrice C.
The Ngo Game: Post-Conflict Peacebuilding in the Balkans and Beyond by McMahon, Patrice C.
A History of the Czech Lands: Second Edition by
Magnetic North: Conversations with Tomas Venclova by Hinsey, Ellen, Venclova, Tomas
Temporary Croatization of Parts of Eastern Slovenia between the Sixteenth and Nineteenth Century: Changing Identities at the Meeting Point of Related by Golec, Boris
Russkaya Osen (Russian Autumn) by Voylokov, Vyacheslav
Yizkor Book of Ostrow Mazowiecka (Number 2): Translation of Ostrow Mazowiecka by Levin, Yehuda Leib
Pseudo-Euripides, Rhesus: Edited with Introduction and Commentary by Fries, Almut
The Budapest Operation: An Operational-Strategic Study by Soviet General Staff
Vanished History: The Holocaust in Czech and Slovak Historical Culture by Sniegon, Tomas
Ritual Murder in Russia, Eastern Europe, and Beyond: New Histories of an Old Accusation by
Germany's Empire in the East: Germans and Romania in an Era of Globalization and Total War by Hamlin, David
Slavonic & East European Review (95: 3) July 2017 by
The Private World of Soviet Scientists from Stalin to Gorbachev by Rogacheva, Maria
Governing Diasporas in International Relations: The Transnational Politics of Croatia and Former Yugoslavia by Ragazzi, Francesco
For the Good of the Nation: Institutions for Jewish Children in Interwar Poland. a Documentary History by Martin, Sean
Ritual Murder in Russia, Eastern Europe, and Beyond: New Histories of an Old Accusation by
Stalinism: Essays in Historical Interpretation by Tucker, Robert C.
La forma epistolar en los espectadores españoles: Características y tipología de las cartas by Hobisch, Elisabeth
Die gespiegelte Schweiz: Erzaehlte Zeitgeschichte in ausgewaehlten Romanen von Jakob Bosshart, Meinrad Inglin, Kurt Guggenheim und Charles Lewi by Mazurkiewicz, Ewa
Czech Politics: From West to East and Back Again by Kopeček, Lubomír, Balík, Stanislav, Hlousek, Vít
Globalizing Southeastern Europe: Emigrants, America, and the State since the Late Nineteenth Century by Brunnbauer, Ulf
Comrade Baron: A journey through the vanishing world of the Transylvanian aristocracy by Scholten, Jaap
Swiss and Their Neighbours, 1460-1560: Between Accommodation and Aggression by Scott, Tom
Exodus: Die Juden Europas Nach Dem Holocaust by
The Non-Surviving Preterite-Present Verbs in English: The Demise of *dugan, munan, *-nugan, *Þurfan, and unnan by Wojtyś, Anna
Albania and the Albanians in the Annual Reports of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 1820-1924 by Hosaflook, David
The Kingdom of Rus' by Raffensperger, Christian
Tanks and Combat Vehicles of the Warsaw Pact by Phillips, Russell
Sociology in the Czech Republic: Between East and West by Skovajsa, Marek, Balon, Jan
Local Legitimacy in Peacebuilding: Pathways to Local Compliance with International Police Reform by Gippert, Birte Julia
A Modern History of the Balkans: Nationalism and Identity in Southeast Europe by Veremis, Thanos
Bortne: Selo Z Kaminia (Tom 2) by Horbal, Bogdan
Cinema in Service of the State: Perspectives on Film Culture in the Gdr and Czechoslovakia, 1945-1960 by
The Siege of Shkodra: Albania's Courageous Stand Against Ottoman Conquest, 1478 by
The Experiment: Georgia's Forgotten Revolution 1918-1921 by Lee, Eric
Slavonic & East European Review (95: 4) October 2017 by
Bearing Witness: A Personal Perspective on Sixty Years of Polish History by
Russian Revolution of 1917: The Essential Reference Guide by
Political Reform in the Ottoman and Russian Empires: A Comparative Approach by Brisku, Adrian
Imperial Spheres and the Adriatic: Byzantium, the Carolingians and the Treaty of Aachen (812) by
Ikonen der Nationen by Sabo, Klaudija
Transregional Versus National Perspectives on Contemporary Central European History: Studies on the Building of Nation-States and Their Cooperation in by
Secret Agents and the Memory of Everyday Collaboration in Communist Eastern Europe by
The History of Europe: Prehistoric Ages by Durham, Tisha
The History of Europe: Middle Age by Durham, Tisha
The History of Europe: Early Modern Age by Durham, Tisha
The History of Europe: Modern Europe by Durham, Tisha
Bortne: Selo Z Kaminia (Tom 1) by Horbal, Bogdan
Eastern Europe Unmapped: Beyond Borders and Peripheries by
Russia's Last Gasp: The Eastern Front 1916-17 by Buttar, Prit
Portraits of Medieval Eastern Europe, 900-1400 by
The Luther Effect in Eastern Europe: History - Culture - Memory by
Der Hochadel Kroatien-Slawoniens: Zwischen Verlust, Verteidigung Und Neuerwerb Gesellschaftlicher Elitenpositionen (1868-1918) by Lalic, Daniel
Memory Laws, Memory Wars: The Politics of the Past in Europe and Russia by Koposov, Nikolay
Children of Rus': Right-Bank Ukraine and the Invention of a Russian Nation by Hillis, Faith
Governance of a Distant Province in the Middle Ages by Fokt, Krzysztof
Ukraine's Quest for Identity: Embracing Cultural Hybridity in Literary Imagination, 1991-2011 by Rewakowicz, Maria G.
Long Awaited West: Eastern Europe Since 1944 by Bottoni, Stefano
Long Awaited West: Eastern Europe Since 1944 by Bottoni, Stefano
Spirits that I've cited ... ? . Vladimír Clementis (1902-1952). The Political Biography of a Czechoslovak Communist by Baer, Josette
"Spirits That I've Cited...?" Vladimír Clementis (1902-1952): The Political Biography of a Czechoslovak Communist by Baer, Josette
Words for War: New Poems from Ukraine by
Yizkor Book of Our Birth Place: Bendery (Bender, Moldova): Translation of Kehilat Bendery; Sefer Zikaron by
God, Hierarchy, and Power: Orthodox Theologies of Authority from Byzantium by Purpura, Ashley M.
Rowing Through the Barbed Wire Fence by Karaliene, Rima
The Russian View of U.S. Strategy: Its Past, Its Future by Lockwood, Jonathan Samuel
Red Hangover: Legacies of Twentieth-Century Communism by Ghodsee, Kristen
Red Hangover: Legacies of Twentieth-Century Communism by Ghodsee, Kristen
Albania and the Albanians in the Annual Reports of the British and Foreign Bible Society, 1805-1955 by Hosaflook, David
From Stalin to Mao: Albania and the Socialist World by Mëhilli, Elidor
Imperial Russia's Muslims by Tuna, Mustafa
Sasha, pour one more!: With love and vodka through 25 years in Ukraine by Schulze, Brigitte
American Jewry and the Re-Invention of the East European Jewish Past by Krah, Markus
Bauen Für Den Einheitsstaat: Die Eisenbahn Belgrad-Bar Und Die Desintegration Des Wirtschaftssystems in Jugoslawien (1952-1976) by Kezic, Danijel
Catastrophe and Utopia: Jewish Intellectuals in Central and Eastern Europe in the 1930s and 1940s by
Artists and Nobility in East-Central Europe: Elite Socialization in Vilnius and Brno Newspaper Discourse in 1795-1863 by Beresnevičiūte-Nosálová, Halina
Scanderbeg: A History of George Castriota and the Albanian Resistance to Islamic Expansion in Fifteenth Century Europe by Brackob, A. K.
Greetings from Novorossiya: Eyewitness to the War in Ukraine by Pieniazek, Pawel
Memory Laws, Memory Wars: The Politics of the Past in Europe and Russia by Koposov, Nikolay
Grobovete Na Trikeri by Sis, Vladimir
Auschwitz im Kontext: Die ehemaligen Konzentrationslager im gegenwaertigen europaeischen Gedaechtnis by
The Velizh Affair: Blood Libel in a Russian Town by Avrutin, Eugene M.
Jenseits Der Volksgruppe: Neue Perspektiven Auf Die Russlanddeutschen Zwischen Russland, Deutschland Und Amerika by
Schriften Zur Geologie Und Zum Berg- Und Hüttenwesen (1742-1765): Herausgegeben Und Kommentiert Von Friedrich Naumann by Lomonosov
Imperien, Nationen, Regionen: Imperiale Konzeptionen in Deutschland Und Russland Zu Beginn Des 20. Jahrhunderts by
The House of the Dead: Siberian Exile Under the Tsars by Beer, Daniel
Prosecuting Slobodan Milosevic: The Unfinished Trial by Tromp, Nevenka
2017: Nach Dem Großen Krieg: 1918-1923 by
Deutschland - Russland: Band 1. Das 18. Jahrhundert by
Witnessing Romania's Century of Turmoil: Memoirs of a Political Prisoner by Margineanu, Nicolae
Muslims in Eastern Europe by Račius, Egdūnas
The Imperial Russian Project: Autocratic Politics, Economic Development, and Social Fragmentation by Rieber, Alfred
A Ray of Light (Large Print): Reinhard Heydrich, Lidice, and the North Staffordshire Miners (Large Print Edition) by Phillips, Russell
Born to Be Criminal: The Discourse on Criminality and the Practice of Punishment in Late Imperial Russia and Early Soviet Union. Interdisci by
Exaltare und Stabilire - Legitimierungsstrategien der Medici im Uebergang zum Herzogtum by Lentz, Christina
Napoleon's Other War: Bandits, Rebels and their Pursuers in the Age of Revolutions by Broers, Michael
Croatia Under Ante Pavelic: America, the Ustase and Croatian Genocide in World War II by McCormick, Robert B.