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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Eastern European History in 2023

Cultures of Mobility and Alterity: Crossing the Balkans and Beyond by
Small State Foreign Policy in Contemporary World: The South Caucasus States (Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Armenia) and Beyond by Ibrahimov, Rovshan
The History of Europe in Bite-Sized Chunks by Field, Jacob F.
The New Jerusalem by Chesterton, G. K.
The Torture Camp on Paradise Street by Aseyev, Stanislav
Slavonic & East European Review (100: 3) July 2022 by
Engineering the Lower Danube: Technology and Territoriality in an Imperial Borderland, Late Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries by Gatejel, Luminita
Communist Propaganda at School: The World of the Reading Primers from the Soviet Bloc, 1949-1989 by Wojdon, Joanna
Politics and the Slavic Languages by Kamusella, Tomasz
Milan Rastislav Stefánik: The Slovak National Hero and Co-Founder of Czechoslovakia by Ksiňan, Michal
Eastern European Music Industries and Policies after the Fall of Communism: From State Control to Free Market by
The Cultural Legacy of the Pre-Ashkenazic Jews in Eastern Europe: Volume 8 by Taube, Moshe
The Forest Soldier: The True Story of Sergeant "Avalanche," Poland's Greatest Partisan Unit and Their Fight Against Two Evils by Nurt, John Roman
Socialist Yugoslavia and the Non-Aligned Movement: Social, Cultural, Political, and Economic Imaginaries by
Social Aspects of Memory: Stories of Victims and Perpetrators from Bosnia-Herzegovina by Jeftic, Alma
Byzantium After Byzantium by Iorga, Nicolae
Europaische Kulturbeziehungen Im Weimarer Dreieck /Europejskie Relacje Kulturowe W Ramach Trojkata Weimarskiego / Les Relations Culturelles Europeenne by
Yugoslavia in the British Imagination: Peace, War and Peasants Before Tito by Foster, Samuel
A Concise History of Serbia by Djokic, Dejan
Ukrainian Cinema: Belonging and Identity During the Soviet Thaw by First, Joshua
A Concise History of Serbia by Djokic, Dejan
Cominform Crisis: Soviet-Yugoslav Stand-Off, 1948-1954 by Dimitrijevic, Bojan
Yad l'Yedinitz; memorial book for the Jewish community of Yedintzi, Bessarabia by
Karel Kosík and the Dialectics of the Concrete by
Ensnared Between Hitler and Stalin: Refugee Scientists in the USSR by Zimmerman, David
Borderland: A Journey Through the History of Ukraine: Revised and Updated Edition by Reid, Anna
Borderland: A Journey Through the History of Ukraine: Revised and Updated Edition by Reid, Anna
Kittever Memorial Book by Husen, Eisig
Glass Wall by Egremont, Max
Children of the Night: The Strange and Epic Story of Modern Romania by Kenyon, Paul
Borderland: A Journey Through the History of Ukraine by Reid, Anna
Handbuch Der Deutsch-Polnischen Kommunikation: Teilband 3: Von Popkultur Bis Stereotyp by
Elephant Paths: Combat History of Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 203 by Anderson, Thomas
Don't Call Me Gypsy by Hilmarova, Kytka
Mongol Warrior Vs European Knight: Eastern Europe 1237-42 by Turnbull, Stephen
Pan-Slavism and Slavophilia in Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe: Origins, Manifestations and Functions by
Courageous Women: Stories of Czech Women in the Fight for Freedom by Hilmarova, Kytka
Enemy Archives: Soviet Counterinsurgency Operations and the Ukrainian Nationalist Movement - Selections from the Secret Police Archive by
Bosnian Studies: Perspectives from an Emerging Field by
Ein Imperium wird vermessen by Jeske, Martin
Stateless: The Politics of the Armenian Language in Exile by Chahinian, Talar
Stateless: The Politics of the Armenian Language in Exile by Chahinian, Talar
Bosnian Studies: Perspectives from an Emerging Field by
The Museum Age in Austria-Hungary: Art and Empire in the Long Nineteenth Century by Veszprémi, Nóra, Rampley, Matthew, Prokopovych, Markian
The Secret Police Dossier of Herta Müller: A "File Story" of Cold War Surveillance by Glajar, Valentina N.
Romanian Crucible: The Trial of Corneliu Zelea Codreanu by Buzatu, Gheorghe
Occupation and Communism in Eastern European Museums: Re-Visualizing the Recent Past by
Family and the State in Soviet Lithuania: Gender, Law and Society by Leinarte, Dalia
World War II as an Identity Project: Historicism, Legitimacy Contests, and the (Re-)Construction of Political Communities in Ukraine, 1939-1946 by Melnyk, Oleksandr
Romanians and Hungarians: Historical Premises by Sassu, C.
Sugarland: The Transformation of the Countryside in Communist Albania by Hoxha, Artan R.
Artists in Uniform: A Study of Literature and Bureaucratism by Eastman, Max
The Stolen Narrative of the Bulgarian Jews and the Holocaust by Comforty, Jacky
Bulgarian Readers Easy-Intermediate Bulgarian Short Stories: 10 Exciting Stories to Improve Your Bulgarian by Goldmann, Jenny
Archaeological Finds from the Main Town in Gdansk: A Catalogue from Excavations at Dlugi Targ and Powroznicza Street by Starski, Michal, Polak, Zbigniew
Stavisht by
Memorial Book to the Holocaust Victims of the City of Pshaytsh by
Memorial Book of Biala Podlaska by
Freud's Emissaries Vol. 2 by Magnone, Lena
Freud's Emissaries Vol. 1 by Magnone, Lena
Imagining Slovene Socialist Modernity: The Urban Redesign of Ljubljana's Beloved Trnovo Neighborhood, 1951-1989 by Aplenc, Veronica E.
In the Maelstrom: The Waffen-SS 'Galicia' Division and Its Legacy by Shkandrij, Myroslav
Imagining Slovene Socialist Modernity: The Urban Redesign of Ljubljana's Beloved Trnovo Neighborhood, 1951-1989 by Aplenc, Veronica E.
In the Maelstrom: The Waffen-SS 'Galicia' Division and Its Legacy by Shkandrij, Myroslav
Slavonic & East European Review (100: 4) October 2022 by
Prunkvoller Frauenschmuck Während Des Langen 9. Jahrhunderts Im Mährerreich: Typologie, Chronologie Und Historische Bedeutung by Chorvátová, Hana
The Crossroads of Civilization: A History of Vienna by Robertson, Angus
The Crossroads of Civilization: A History of Vienna by Robertson, Angus
Prince Eugene's War in Hungary 1716 - 1718 by Schmettau, Frederick
The Frontline: Essays on Ukraine's Past and Present by Plokhy, Serhii
Writing the Nation: The Ukrainian Historical Profession in Independent Ukraine and the Diaspora by Yekelchyk, Serhy
The Usage of Ochre at the Verge of Neolithisation from the Near East to the Carpathian Basin by Kosciuk-Zalupka, Julia
East Central Europe and Communism: Politics, Culture, and Society, 1943-1991 by Ramet, Sabrina P.
Memorial Book of the Community of Maków-Mazowiecki by
East Central Europe and Communism: Politics, Culture, and Society, 1943-1991 by Ramet, Sabrina P.
The Galician Division 1943-45: Ukrainian Volunteers and Conscripts in the Waffen SS by McCormack, David
Die Rolle der russisch-orthodoxen Kirche im Verhältnis zum Staat. Ein Vergleich der sowjetischen Zeit mit dem heutigen Russland by Köhler, Daniela
Analysing Conflict Settings: Case Studies from Eastern Europe with a Focus on Ukraine by
Germany: The Long Road West: Volume 2: 1933-1990 by Winkler, Heinrich August, Sager, Alexander
Germany: The Long Road West: Volume 1: 1789-1933 by Sager, Alexander, Winkler, Heinrich August
Voices in the Shadows: Women and Verbal Art in Serbia and Bosnia by Hawkesworth, Celia
Along Ukraine's River: A Social and Environmental History of the Dnipro by Cybriwsky, Roman Adrian
Hungary in the Cold War, 1945-1956: Between the United States and the Soviet Union by Borhi, László
Traveler, Scholar, Political Adventurer: A Transylvanian Baron at the Birth of Albanian Independence: The memoirs of Franz Nopcsa by
Notes from the Valley of Slaughter: A Memoir from the Ghetto of Siauliai, Lithuania by Pick, Aharon
Notes from the Valley of Slaughter: A Memoir from the Ghetto of Siauliai, Lithuania by Pick, Aharon
Black Humor and the White Terror by Bodó, Béla
Nadia Comaneci and the Secret Police: A Cold War Escape by Olaru, Stejarel
The Miraculous Escape by Dimov, Jim
Travels With Ferdinand and Friends: A Centennial Journey Through Austria-Hungary by Nuckols, Mark Eliot
To jaro v Praze - That Spring in Prague: Bilingual Czech-English edition by Wills, Jonathan
Kharkov/Kharkiv: A Borderland Capital by Kravchenko, Volodymyr
The Anthems of East-Central Europe: Reflections on the History of a National Symbol by Kiss, Csaba G.
The Stories Old Towns Tell: A Journey Through Cities at the Heart of Europe by Kohn, Marek
Spying on the Reich: The Cold War Against Hitler by Howard, R. T.
Spying on the Reich: The Cold War Against Hitler by Howard, R. T.
The Oxford History of the Third Reich by
Soziologie in Der Tschechischen Republik by Balon, Jan, Skovajsa, Marek
Die Dukate des Merowingerreiches by
Picturing Russian Empire by Neuberger, Joan, Kivelson, Valerie, Kozlov, Sergei
Sternstunden am Kaiserhof: Michael Scotus und sein "Buch von den Bildern und Zeichen des Himmels" by Ackermann Fsa
The Middle Kingdoms: A New History of Central Europe by Rady, Martyn
Jahrbuch Polen 34 (2023) Osten by Harrassowitz Verlag
Post-Imperial Encounters: Transnational Designs of Bessarabia in Paris and Elsewhere, 1917-1922 by Suveica, Svetlana
Re-Imagining the Balkans: How to Think and Teach a Region. Festschrift in Honor of Professor Maria N. Todorova by
Men Under Fire: Motivation, Morale, and Masculinity Among Czech Soldiers in the Great War, 1914-1918 by Hutečka, Jiří
Coproducing Europe: An Ethnography of Film Markets, Creativity and Identity by Sideri, Eleni
The Russian General Staff: Understanding the Military's Decisionmaking Role in a "Besieged Fortress" by Demus, Alyssa, Evans, Sandra Kay, Blanc, Alexis A.
Proxy Warfare in Strategic Competition: Military Implications by Watts, Stephen, Frederick, Bryan, Chandler, Nathan
The Perils of Race-Thinking: A Portrait of Ales Hrdlička by Brandon, Mark A.
Governing Divided Societies: Habsburg Austria's Democratic Legacy and the Czechoslovak First Republic by Lorman, Thomas, Howe, Philip, Miller, Daniel
War in Ukraine: Volume 2: Russian Invasion, February 2022 by Crowther, Edward, Cooper, Tom, Fontanellaz, Adrien
As It Happened Yesterday by Cohen, Yosl
The History of Slovenia: From Alpines to Adriatic by Hansen, Einar Felix, Novak, Maya
The History of Moldova: Exploring the Rich Heritage of an Enigmatic Nation by Hansen, Einar Felix, Ursu-Hoffmann, Natalia
Slavonic & East European Review (101: 1) January 2023 by
Prison as a Mirror of Society: The Unequal Battle between Politics, Science and Humanity, Czechoslovakia 1965-1992 by Pinerová, Klára, Haluzíková Busková, Kristýna, Louč, Michal
Vienna: The International Capital by Robertson, Angus
Vienna: The International Capital by Robertson, Angus
Moldau: Geschichte weltweit by Weltweit, Geschichte
The Forgotten Battle of the Kursk Salient: 7th Guards Army's Stand Against Army Detachment Kempf by Zamulin, Valeriy
War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict by Davies, Nicolas J. S., Benjamin, Medea
Artists & Agents: Performance Art and Secret Services by
War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict by Davies, Nicolas J. S., Benjamin, Medea
EU Socio-Economic Governance in Central and Eastern Europe: The European Semester and National Employment Policies by Munta, Mario
Czechoslovakism by
Poland in a Colonial World Order: Adjustments and Aspirations, 1918-1939 by Puchalski, Piotr
The Memory of the Second World War in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia by
Central Europe Revisited: Why Europe's Future Will Be Decided in the Region by Brix, Emil, Busek, Erhard
Public History in Poland by
Britain and the Revolutions in Eastern Europe, 1989: Documents on British Policy Overseas, Series III, Volume XII by
The Polish Crisis and Relations with Eastern Europe, 1979-1982: Documents on British Policy Overseas, Series III, Volume X by
Denial: The Final Stage of Genocide? by
The Church and Cistercians in Medieval Poland: Foundations, Documents, People by Dobosz, Jozef
The Decline and Fall of the Eastern Roman Empire: From the Time of the Fourth Crusade to the Capture of Constantinople by Pears, Edwin
Regional Networks in Context: Economy and Trade in the Lower Danube Balkans of the 19th Century by Lit Verlag
Von Der Nationalen Form Zum Nationalen Inhalt: Litauische Folklore Zwischen Sowjetisierung Und Nationsbildung (1940-1990) by Rudling, Odeta
White Eagle, Black Eagle: Ethnic Relations in the German-Polish Borderlands by Parkin, Robert
Bulgarian Population Within Ottoman Empire: Legal status of Bulgarians within the Ottoman Empire by Ismail, Ertin
The Nonconformists: American and Czech Writers Across the Iron Curtain by Goodman, Brian K.
City of Modernity. Lodz by
Interacting Francoism: Entanglement, Comparison and Transfer Between Dictatorships in the 20th Century by
Europe Against Revolution: Conservatism, Enlightenment, and the Making of the Past by Lok, Matthijs
Magic as an Element of Political Debate in the Historiography and Imperial Biography of the 1st -5th Centuries AD: A Study of Tacitus, Suetonius and A by Migdal, Justyna
Slavs to Slavs in Mission: Identity of Czech Missionaries in Former Yugoslavia Countries by Symon, David
Memory Archipelago of the Communist Past: Public Narratives and Personal Recollections by Koleva, Daniela
A Comprehensive Account of the Nuclear Disaster by Lancaster, Oliver
Freedom to Win: A Cold War Story of the Courageous Hockey Team That Fought the Soviets for the Soul of Its People--And Olympic Gold by Scheiner, Ethan
Reparti corazzati bulgari by Crippa, Paolo
Warnings by Grob, Leonard, Roth, John K.
Warnings by Grob, Leonard, Roth, John K.
Bulgarian armoured units by Crippa, Paolo
The Russians and Prussians in the Seven Years War by Rambaud, Alfred
The Last Lancer: A Story of Loss and Survival in Poland and Ukraine by Czerkawska, Catherine
Surviving Genocide: Personal Recollections by Chmara, Donna
Goodbye, Eastern Europe: An Intimate History of a Divided Land by Mikanowski, Jacob
Only in Dubrovnik: A Guide to Unique Locations, Hidden Corners and Unusual Objects by Smith, Duncan J. D.
Polish Theory of History and Metahistory in Topolski, Pomian, and Tokarczuk: From Hayden White and Beyond by Pomorski, Jan
Bandera's Boys: Twelve Historic Scenarios and Background Material About the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) During and After WWII by Mandzy, Adrian
Yugoslavia Without Yugoslavs: The History of a National Idea by Jezernik, Bozidar
Autocracy and Health Governance in Russia by Kravtsov, Vlad
De La Livonie, .... L'ordre Teutonique, ... Les Guerres... Pour Cette Province... Etc... by Blomberg, Karl Johann
With Serbia Into Exile; an American's Adventures With the Army That Cannot Die by Jones, Fortier
Geschichte der Deutschen in den Karpathenländern. Geschichte der Deutschen in Galizien bis 1772... by Kaindl, Raimund Friedrich
Dávid Ferencz Emléke: Elitéltetése És Halála Háromszázados Évfordulójára... by Jakab, Elek
Adó És Két Garas... by (Gróf), István Széchenyi
Histoire De Pologne: Depuis Son Origine Jusqu'à Nos Jours... by Schneider, L.
Notitiae Politico-geographico-statisticae Inclyti Regni Hungariae, Partiumque Eidem Adnexarum: Notiae Politico-geographico-statisticae Partium Regno H by Nagy, Lajos
La Pologne Historique, Littéraire, Monumentale Et Pittoresque, Volume 2... by Chodzko, Léonard
Piasty: Rys Hisoryczny by (Hrabia), Kazimierz Stadnicki
Mittheilungen Über Die Pest-Epidemie Im Winter 1878-1879 Im Russischen Gouvernement Astrachan by Hirsch, August, Sommerbrodt, M.
Die Hussiten, Zweite Abtheilung, Dritte verbesserte Auflage by Herlosssohn, Carl
Geschichte Der Bukowina Von Den Ältesten Zeiten Bis Zur Gegenwart: Unter Besonderer Berücksichtung Der Kulturverhältnisse by Kaindl, Raimund Friedrich
Mährens Allgemeine Geschichte: Bd. Vom Jahre 1197 Bis Zum Schlusse Des Jahres 1261, V BAND by Dudik, Beda
Czasopismiennictwo Polskie Weike XIX..... by Kucharzewski, Jan
A History of the Holy Eastern Church; Volume 3 by Neale, J. M. 1818-1866
Histoire de Pologne by de Marles, Jean LaCroix de Marlès J.
The Future Of Nations by 1802-1894, Kossuth Lajos
Der Freiherr Nicolaus Wesselényi, A. de Gerando, und die Sachsen in Siebenbürgen by Schuller, Johann Karl
Angol Diplomatial Iratok II Rákóczi Ferencz by Simonyi, Erno
The Hungarian Revolution: Outlines of the Prominent Circumstances Attending the Hungarian Struggle by Prágay, János
Histoire Générale De Hongrie: Depuis La Première Invasion Des Huns, Jusqu'à Nos Jours, Volume 3... by Sacy, Claude-Louis-Michel De
Kronika Polska... by Turowski, Józef, Bielski, Marcin
La Bessarabie Ancienne Et Moderne: Ouvrage Historique, Géographique Et Statistique... by Bugnion, François-Louis
Dejiny obcanské války, s pripojením zkuseností ceských vojín u by Cermák, Josef 1858-
A'magyar Kronikanak by Kálnoky, Sámuel
Frontière septentrionale des Yougoslaves by Cvijic, Jovan 1865-1927
Roumelian Coup D'état, Servo-Bulgarian war, and the Latest Phase of the Eastern Question: Talbot collection of British pamphlets by Lang, Robert Hamilton
Geografia Historyczna Ziem Dawnej Polski by Gloger, Zygmunt
Bosnien: Land Und Leute: Historischethnographisch-Geographische Schilderung, ERSTER BAND by Strausz, Adolf
La Questione D'oriente: Storia Contemporanea Che Descrive Le Cause Della Questione E Ne Segue L'andamento Diplomatico Fino Alla Conchiusione D by Anonymous
Chronica Nestoris by Nestor
La Pologne et L'équilibre Européen by Retinger, J. H.
Nouvelle Serbie by Anonymous
Zur Kunde Der Balkanhalbinsel by Nopcsa, Franz Baron
Istoria Romînilor Din Dacia Traiana: Istoria Moderna... by Xenopol, Alexandru Dimitrie
Illyrici Sacri Tomus Sextus by Farlato, Daniele
Storia Della Polonia: Fino Agli Ultimi Tempi; Volume 1 by Zaydler, Bernard
Polska W Czasie Trzech Rozbiorow, 1772-1799: 1772-1787.-T.2.1788-1791.-T.3.1791-1799 by Kraszewski, Józef Ignacy
Czasy Stanisawa Augusta Poniatowskiego: Przez Jednego Z Pozow Wielkiego Sejmu Napisane... by
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