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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Eastern European History in 2024

Radio and the Performance of Government: Broadcasting by the Czechoslovaks in Exile in London, 1939-1945 by Harrison, Erica
Memoirs of a Woman From Bialystok by Kositza, Rachel Anna
The Vistula-Oder Offensive: The Soviet Destruction of German Army Group A, 1945 by Baxter, Ian
The Legacy of Serbia's Great War: Politics and Remembrance by Tomic, Alex
Stories Between Tears and Laughter: Popular Czech Cinema and Film Critics by Vojvoda, Richard
Putin's Wars and Nato's Flaws: Why Russia Invaded Ukraine by Moorcraft, Paul
Exploring Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Journey through History, Culture, and Nature by Jones, William
Exploring Belarus: A Journey into the Heart of Europe by Jones, William
Historical Knowledge Production Cultures in Late Socialist Hungary and Croatia: Expertise Unsettled by Krizmanics, Réka
Makhno: La Revolte Anarchiste 1917-1921 by Ternon, Yves
Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 36: Jewish Childhood in Eastern Europe by
Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 36: Jewish Childhood in Eastern Europe by
Exploring Bulgaria: A Traveler's Guide by Jones, William
Théodore II et le nouvel empire d'Abyssinie by Lejean, Guillaume
Le Sennaheit by Lejean, Guillaume
La Russie et l'Angleterre dans l'Asie centrale by Lejean, Guillaume
L'Abyssinie en 1868 by Lejean, Guillaume
The Cieszanow Memorial Book (Cieszanów, Poland) by
This Is Not My World: Art and Public Space in Socialist Zagreb by Rounthwaite, Adair
Czechoslovak Armies 1939-45 by Thomas, Nigel
This Is Not My World: Art and Public Space in Socialist Zagreb by Rounthwaite, Adair
Le Drame macédonien by de la Gravière, Jurien
The Battle for Kyiv: The Fight for Ukraine's Capital by Lawrence, Christopher A.
Handbuch Der Religions- Und Kirchengeschichte Der Slowakei Im 20. Jahrhundert by
Ukraine: The Forging of a Nation by Hrytsak, Yaroslav
Tarnopol Volume (Ternopil, Ukraine) by
Before the Uprising by Kenez, Peter
The Russian Invasion of Ukraine, February - December 2022: Destroying the Myth of Russian Invincibility by Harrel, John S.
Sinology during the Cold War by
2023: Bewegung - Organisation - Ideologie. Sportliche Mobilisierung in Südosteuropa Im 19. Und 20. Jahrhundert by
Machtkirche Zwischen Diktatur Und Demokratie: Eine Geschichte Der Rumänischen Orthodoxen Kirche (1918-2023) by Schmitt, Oliver Jens
Arabic-Type Books Printed in Wallachia, Istanbul, and Beyond: First Volume of Collected Works of the Typarabic Project by
Zentralen Des Terrors: Die Dienststellen Der Kommandeure Der Sicherheitspolizei Und Des SD Im Reichskommissariat Ukraine by Schmittwilken, Christian
The Stark Carpathians: Ritual, Text, and Authority Among Ukraine's Hutsuls by Amato, Anthony J.
Eastern Europe: 1968-1984 by Narkiewicz, Olga A.
The Old Bulgaria Museum Collection / Стара България Му&#1079 by
Redefining Archaeological Cultures: Boundaries and Interactions During the Late Neolithic in the Great Hungarian Plain by Riebe, Danielle
Nothing is Normal: Witness to the Greek crisis 2015 by Bolger, Colleen
Faustian Bargain: The Soviet-German Partnership and the Origins of the Second World War by Johnson, Ian Ona
A Nasty Little War: The Western Intervention Into the Russian Civil War by Reid, Anna
The Assyrian Empire by Nerds, History
Daring Dreams of the Future: Slovenian Mass Migrations 1870-1945 by Kalc, Aleksej, Milharčič Hladnik, Mirjam
Imigrace českých Němců by Steiner, Joan Naomi
The British and the Turks: A History of Animosity, 1893-1923 by McCarthy, Justin
Spectral Borders: History, neighbourliness and discord on the Polish-Belarusian frontier by Joyce, Aimée
Beyond Tolerance and Prejudice: Jewish and Protestant Responses to Violence in Post-Reformation Cracow by Vaturi, Anat
Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists on Emigration: Its Formation and Transnational Connections in 1929-⁠1934 by Gibiec, Magdalena
Emotionen - Medien - Diskurse: Affekte in Deutschen Und Polnischen Medialen Diskursen. Theorie - Methode - Medienereignis Nord Stream Unter Mitwirkun by Schiewer, Gesine Lenore, Pociask, Janusz, Szczepaniak, Jacek
Pan-Slavism and Slavophilia in Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe: Origins, Manifestations and Functions by
Medieval Eastern Europe, 500-1300: A Reader by
Medieval Eastern Europe, 500-1300: A Reader by
When Israel is King by Tharaud, Jerome, Tharaud, Jean
Baltische Erzähl- Und Lebenswelten: Kultur-, Literatur-, Translations- Und Sprachwissenschaftliche Aspekte by
Budapest and the Bronx: Portrait of an Intermarriage by Miller, Stephen
Blood of Others: Stalin's Crimean Atrocity and the Poetics of Solidarity by Finnin, Rory
Silence in the Quiet of Peace by Jancan, Sinisa
Occupazione italiana dell'Albania by Notaro, Daniele
Albania's Italian occupation by Notaro, Daniele
Towards the Abyss: Ukraine from Maidan to War by Ishchenko, Volodymyr
Royal Fraud: The Story of Albania's First and Last King by C. Austin, Robert
Enigma in Rus and Medieval Slavic Cultures by
Bulgaria Through the Ages: A Concise Guide by Miller-Yianni, Martin
Alejandro Magno: Una apasionante guía sobre el surgimiento del Imperio macedonio, su gobernante y sus conquistas by Wellman, Billy
Memorial book of Drohobycz, Boryslaw and Surroundings by
Shifting Lines, Entangled Borderlands: Mobilities and Migration Along the Prussian Eastern Railroad by Musekamp, Jan
A Cultural History of Serbia: Tradition and Change by Norris, David A.
The Rise and Fall of Communist Yugoslavism: Soft Nation-Building in Yugoslavia by Ivesic, Tomaz
Shifting Lines, Entangled Borderlands: Mobilities and Migration Along the Prussian Eastern Railroad by Musekamp, Jan
The Death of Tony: On Belonging in Two Worlds by Sileika, Antanas
Remnants of Wehrmacht Soldiers: Burial and Commemoration Practices of German Soldiers of the Second World War in Russia and Europe, 1941 - 2023 by Janz, Nina
Genocide Revealed by Veljic, Aleksandar
Your Eyes Will Be My Window: Essays by Varon, Jodi
Your Eyes Will Be My Window: Essays by Varon, Jodi
Empire of Rags and Bones: Waste and War in Nazi Germany by Berg, Anne
Cost of the Ukraine War for Russia by Shatz, Howard J., Reach, Clint
The Soviet Nuclear Archipelago: A Historical Geography of Atomic-Powered Communism by Högselius, Per, Klüppelberg, Achim
Countryman: An Immigrant Son's Odyssey by Konecnik, Ed
Putin's Wars and Nato's Flaws: Why Russia Invaded Ukraine by Moorcraft, Paul
Putin's Wars and Nato's Flaws: Why Russia Invaded Ukraine by Moorcraft, Paul
The Ukrainian Night: An Intimate History of Revolution by Shore, Marci
Trip to Romania coloring book: A awesome trip to romania coloring book for adults by Press, Flafy
A History of Croatia: Important things you should know by Jones, Franklin M.
Portraits of Medieval Europe, 800-1400 by
Portraits of Medieval Europe, 800-1400 by
Through the Window: Kinship and Elopement in Bosnia-Herzegovina by Doubt, Keith
The Roma - A Minority in Europe: Historical, Political and Social Perspectives by
Political Justice in Budapest after World War II by Barna, Ildikó, Pető, Andrea
Reflections on the Russia-Ukraine War by
Soviet Adventures in the Land of the Capitalists: Ilf and Petrov's American Road Trip by Kirschenbaum, Lisa A.
Bulgaria: Everything You Need to Know by Gil-Smith, Noah
Collisions: The Origins of the War in Ukraine and the New Global Instability by Kimmage, Michael
Collisions: The Origins of the War in Ukraine and the New Global Instability by Kimmage, Michael
A History of Polish Literature by Nasilowska, Anna
Rethinking Violence in Valencia and Catalonia: Fourteenth to Seventeenth Century by
Blindati ungheresi Zrínyi e Csaba by Mujzer, Péter
Planning for the Aftermath: Assessing Options for U.S. Strategy Toward Russia After the Ukraine War by Charap, Samuel, Priebe, Miranda
Ukraine by
Austria-Hungary's Last War, 1914-1918 Vol 2 (1915): From the Battle of Limanowa-Lapanow Finale to the Capture of Brest-Litowsk by
Austria-Hungary's Last War, 1914-1918 Vol 2 (1915): Leaflets and Sketches by
On the Balkan Stage: Romanian Diplomacy During World War II by Nistor, Ionuț
The Bielski Brothers: The True Story of Three Men Who Defied the Nazis, Built a Village in the Forest, and Saved 1,200 Jews by Duffy, Peter
Беларусь у XXI стагоддзі: па&# by
Vom Umgang Mit Nationaler Vielfalt: Eine Geschichte Der Nicht-Territorialen Autonomie in Europa by Kuzmany, Börries
Gone with the World Wars by Bruni, Hildegard Bonacker
Diplomatic Dispatches about Circassia from the Consulate of France in Odessa, 1836-1840 by
On Bonifratrów Street: How a Boy from Lwów Escaped the Nazis, Based on the Life of Michael Katz by Swart, Mia
Gone with the World Wars (Chinese Version) by Bruni, Hildegard Bonacker
Between the Devil and the Host: Imagining Witchcraft in Early Modern Poland by Ostling, Michael
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Everything You Need to Know by Gil-Smith, Noah
The Nation-Free Recipe by Lolja, Saimir a.
Gdańsk: Portrait of a City by Loew, Peter Oliver
Starlight and Stargazers: Slavic Screen Celebrities by
Escaping Kakania: Eastern European Travels in Colonial Southeast Asia by
Beyond the Siege of Leningrad: One Woman's Life during and after the Occupation: The Recollections of Evdokiia Vasil'evna Baskakova-Bogacheva by
Survival under Dictatorships: Life and Death in Nazi and Communist Regimes by Borhi, László
War and Punishment: Putin, Zelensky, and the Path to Russia's Invasion of Ukraine by Zygar, Mikhail
Domestic Service in the Soviet Union by Klots, Alissa
Book of Bursztyn (Burshtyn, Ukraine) by
A Comprehensive Guide to Moving to Moldova by Jones, William
Russian Baptists and Spiritual Revolution: 1905-1929 by Coleman, Heather J.
Russia's Denial of Ukraine: Letters and Contested Memory by Shpylova-Saeed, Nataliya
Ejszyszki, its History and Destruction (Eisiskes, Lithuania) by
The Jews of Galicia: A Genealogy Handbook by Wynne, Suzan
Stalin's Failed Alliance: The Struggle for Collective Security, 1936-1939 by Carley, Michael Jabara
Kolyma by Pembroke, Julian
Four Britons and Nationalism: Henry Wickham Steed, Robert William Seton-Watson, Arnold Joseph Toynbee and Carlile Aylmer Macartney in/on East-Centra by Beretzky, Ágnes
Shared Heritage - Gemeinsames Erbe: Kulturelle Interferenzräume Im Östlichen Europa ALS Sujet Der Gegenwartsliteratur by
Survivors by Biskupska, Jadwiga
Vikings of the Steppe: Scandinavians, Rus', and the Turkic World (C. 750-1050) by Katona, Csete
Picturing the Workers' Olympics and the Spartakiads: Modernist and Avant-Garde Engagement with Sport in Central Europe and the USSR, 1920-1932 by Strożek, Przemyslaw
Romania, 1916-1941: A Political History by Deletant, Dennis
Biopolitics in Central and Eastern Europe in the 20th Century: Fearing for the Nation by
The Intellectual Foundations of Modern Ukraine: The Nineteenth Century by Zayarnyuk, Andriy, Sereda, Ostap
Nordost-Archiv 33 (2024): Die Erste Teilung Polens (1772) Und Die Entstehung Westpreussens / The First Partition of Poland (1772) and the Format by
Western Corporations and Covert Operations in the Early Cold War: Re-Examining the Vogeler/Sanders Case by Manchester, Margaret Murányi
Succession to the Throne in Early Modern Russia by Bushkovitch, Paul
An Embodied Religion: Materialities and Devotion in Medieval Europe by
A New Organon: Science Studies in Interwar Poland by
The Eastern Bloc and Sub-Saharan Africa: Czechoslovakia, UNESCO and Development Aid from the 1960s and Beyond by Buzássyová, Barbora
Name Unknown: The Life of a Rusian Queen by Raffensperger, Christian
Name Unknown: The Life of a Rusian Queen by Raffensperger, Christian
Map Men: Transnational Lives and Deaths of Geographers in the Making of East Central Europe by Seegel, Steven
Homes of the Past: A Lost Jewish Museum by Shandler, Jeffrey
Homes of the Past: A Lost Jewish Museum by Shandler, Jeffrey
Battleground Ukraine: From Independence to the War with Russia by Karatnycky, Adrian
The Untold Journey of the Nazarene Emigration from Yugoslavia to North America by Milovanovic, Aleksandra Djuric
And That Was The Last Time I Saw My Family by Teich, Ina, Kolokoff Hopper, Rachel
The Sobibor Death Camp: History, Biographies, Remembrance by Webb, Chris
Witnesses to Interwar Subcarpathian Rus': The Sojourns of Petr Bogatyrev and Ivan Olbracht by Krafcik, Patricia A.
Moral Communities: The Culture of Class Relations in the Russian Printing Industry 1867-1907 Volume 14 by Steinberg, Mark D.
Das Neue Kosovo: Eigenstaatlichkeit, Demokratie Und Europa Im Jüngsten Staat Des Kontinents by
The Days of Solomon Kahn by Itzkowitz, Martin
The Days of Solomon Kahn by Itzkowitz, Martin
The Russian Empire, Slaving and Liberation, 1480-1725: Trans-Cultural Worldviews in Eurasia by Witzenrath, Christoph
Hungary as a Sport Superpower: Football from Horthy to Kádár (1924-1960) by Venuti, Lorenzo
Das Vergessene Appeasement Von 1920: Lloyd George, Lenin Und Polen by Nowak, Andrzej
Chernobyl and the Mortality Crisis in Eastern Europe and the Former USSR by Tapia, José A.
Erinnerungen Eines Kgb-Agenten: Kontexte Des Mordes an Stepan Bandera Und Lew Rebet by Staschinski, Bogdan
The KGB, Russian Academic Imperialism, Ukraine, and Western Academia, 1946-2024 by Zhuk, Sergei I.
Mediating Spaces: Literature, Politics, and the Scales of Yugoslav Socialism, 1870-1995 by Robertson, James M.
Operation Allied Force 1999: Nato's Airpower Victory in Kosovo by Laslie, Brian D.
Bruno Schulz and Galician Jewish Modernity by Underhill, Karen
Bruno Schulz and Galician Jewish Modernity by Underhill, Karen
TanketteTK/TKS by Cristini, Luca Stefano
TanketteTK/TKS by Cristini, Luca Stefano
Contemporary Russia by Bacon, Edwin
Fuel and Power by Perovic, Jeronim
Fuel and Power by Perovic, Jeronim
The Staszic Palace as Affective Heterotopia: New Category of Spatial Description by Wójtowicz, Aleksandra
Passage through Turbulent Times by Derkowski, Andrzej
Our Townlet Swir (Svir, Belarus) by
The Bone Whisperers: Two Women Scientists and Their Work to Connect Lost Lives in Bosnia-Herzegovina by Tervonen, Taina
The Soviet Myth of World War II: Patriotic Memory and the Russian Question in the USSR by Brunstedt, Jonathan
Serbian Kings and Dynasties by Philips, S. T.
History and Myth in Pictorial Narratives of the Russian 'Patriotic War', 1812-1914 by Nedd, Andrew M.
Our Comrades in Havana: Cuba, the Soviet Union, and Eastern Europe, 1959-1991 by Yordanov, Radoslav
Globalization in State Socialist East Central Europe: Looking Beyond Dominant Narratives by Tomka, Béla
Krieg Der Narrative: Russland, Die Ukraine Und Der Westen by
Die Westdeutsch-Ungarischen Beziehungen in Wirtschaft, Politik Und Kultur 1973/74-1987 by
Goodbye, Eastern Europe: An Intimate History of a Divided Land by Mikanowski, Jacob
Twenty-Five Women Who Shaped the Early Modern Holy Roman Empire by Keller, Katrin
Twenty-Five Women Who Shaped the Early Modern Holy Roman Empire by Keller, Katrin
Moeller van den Bruck Le troisième Reich by Grunewald, Michel
A Short History of Albania and the Albanian People by Iorga, Nicolae
Pál Teleki (1879-1941): The Life of a Controversial Hungarian Politician by Ablonczy, Balázs
Women in Eastern European Post-Socialist Countries: Social, Scientific, and Political Lives by
Die Perestroika, Die Intelligenzija Und Die Geburt Des Weissrussischen Populismus, 1988-1997 by Liavitski, Anton
New Europe by Palin, Michael
Frida: My Long-Lost Grandmother's War by Grünfeld, Nina F.
Bosnian Hajj Literature: Multiple Paths to the Holy by Karic, Dzenita
Italy, Yugoslavia, and the Controversy over the Adriatic Region, 1915-1920: Strategic Expectations and Geopolitical Realities in the Aftermath of the by
Eastern European History: A Captivating Guide to the Stories of Nations, Empires, and the Golden Horde by History, Captivating
East Central European Crisis Discourses in the Twentieth Century: A Never-Ending Story? by
The Community of Swislocz, Grodno District by
The New Jerusalem by Chesterton, G. K.
Black Humor and the White Terror by Bodó, Béla
Romanian Crucible: The Trial of Corneliu Zelea Codreanu by Buzatu, Gheorghe
The Eastern Front: A History of the Great War, 1914-1918 by Lloyd, Nick
Central and South-Eastern Europe 2025 by
The Blood Countess: The True Crime Story of Elizabeth Bathory, the Hungarian Noblewoman Serial Killer by Carlton, Jason
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