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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Eastern European History in 2025

Carnage and Care on the Eastern Front: The War Diaries of Bernhard Bardach, 1914-1918 by
101 Sarmatians - Noble Intrigues for Baptism of Fire by Rpgpundit, The
The Community of Horodlo (Horodlo, Poland) by
Appropriating History: The Soviet Past in Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian Popular Culture by
Battleground Ukraine: From Independence to the War with Russia by Karatnycky, Adrian
The Kamenets-Podolsky Pocket 1944: Encirclement of Hube's 1st Panzer Army by Forczyk, Robert
Eteri Chkadua In conversation with Charles Moore by Chkadua, Eteri, Moore, Charles
Thaddaeus Hagecius, or Hájek, 1526-1600: Bohemian Polymath of the Rudolfine Period by
Education and the Politics of Memory in Russia and Eastern Europe: Infested with History by
A History of Crimea: From Antiquity to the Present by Jobst, Kerstin S.
A History of Crimea: From Antiquity to the Present by Jobst, Kerstin S.
The Unpredictable Past?: Reshaping Russian, Ukrainian, and East European Studies by
Kyrillos Loukaris as an Author of Sermons (1602-1626): Inventory of the Autograph Codices in the Collection of the Metochion of the Holy Sepulchre by Paradoulakis, Dimitris
The Last Peasant War: Violence and Revolution in Twentieth-Century Eastern Europe by Benes, Jakub S.
The Institutionalization of Indoctrination: An Exploratory Investigation Based on the Romanian Case Study by Aligica, Paul Dragos, Preda, Simona
Central Asia - Russia's Near Abroad or Crossroads of Asia? by Pomfret, Richard
Central Asia - Russia's Near Abroad or Crossroads of Asia? by Pomfret, Richard
Populism in Central and Eastern Europe by Krakovsky, Roman
The Banat of Temesvar: Borderland Colonization in the Habsburg Monarchy by Olin, Timothy
Tunguska by Bruno, Andy
Montenegro and Serbia: A Velvet Divorce? by Garcevic, Vesko, Morrison, Kenneth
Visual Memory and Oblivion: Monuments and Conflicts in Urban Spaces in Central and Eastern Europe from the Nineteenth Century to the Present Day by
Stalin's Liquidation Game: The Unlikely Case of Oleksandr Shumskyi, His Survival in Soviet Prison, and His Subsequent Arcane Assassination by Slaveski, Filip, Shapoval, Yuri
Walking Europe's Last Wilderness: A Journey Through the Carpathian Mountains by Thorpe, Nick
The Fate of the Soviet Bloc's Military Alliance: Reform, Adaptation, and Collapse of the Warsaw Pact, 1985-1991 by Kramer, Mark
The Fate of the Soviet Bloc's Military Alliance: Reform, Adaptation, and Collapse of the Warsaw Pact, 1985-1991 by Kramer, Mark
Icons, Ornaments, and Other Charms of Christian Arabic Books: Second Volume of Collected Works of the Typarabic Project by
Slave Trading in the Early Middle Ages: Long-Distance Connections in Northern and East Central Europe by Fontaine, Janel M.
Baustelle Mensch - Politischer Humanismus in Der Sowjetunion Und Danach: Ein Wortgeschichtlicher Essay by Scherrer, Jutta
The Stories Old Towns Tell: A Journey Through Cities at the Heart of Europe by Kohn, Marek
Take My Grief Away: Voices from the War in Ukraine by Gordeeva, Katerina
Women in Romania's First World War by Ciupalã, Alin
Wallachian Mobility and Settlement Along the Carpathian ARC by
Monuments and Territory: War Memorials in Russian-Occupied Ukraine by Gabowitsch, Mischa, Homanyuk, Mykola
Vesticja Basta: A Witch's Garden by Ristic, Radomir
The Caucasian Silk Roads and Eurasian Connectivity, 500-1405: Trade, Culture, and Warfare in Transit by Avdaliani, Emil
A History of Kepstowe Freight Services Ltd.: Trucking Through the Iron Curtain by Ireland, Mat
The Art of Witnessing: Documentary Art, Literature, Film and Theatre in Eastern Europe and the Baltics by
From Martyrs to Planetary Croats: The Croatian Diaspora in Argentina by Zidek, Nikolina
The Routledge Handbook of Sexuality in East Central Europe by
A Life for Belarus: The Fall and Postmortal Rise of the USSR by Shushkevich, Stanislau
Azerbaijani Literature and the Gendered Narratives of Nationhood: Weaving Identities by Dadashova, Shafag
Parliamentarism in Northern and East-Central Europe in the Long Eighteenth Century: Volume II: Practices of Representation by
Transgressive Humanism in Mid-Socialist Poland by Seiler, Nina
Opium in the Balkans: Cultivation, Processing, and Trade During the Interwar Period by Jovanovic, Vladan
Solid as a Rock: Fallschirmjäger Regiment 1 on the Eastern Front and the Winter Battle for Orel (19 October 1942-31 March 1943) by Zimburg, Albrecht
My Legs Were Praying: A Biography of Abraham Joshua Heschel by Rose, Or N.
States, Secessionists and de Facto Control After Separatist Wars: Strategies for Controlling Territories and Populations After Conflict by Barker, Nicholas
The Politics of Famine in European History and Memory by
Ukrainische Literaturgeschichte by
The Inquisition and the Christian East, 1350-1850 by
Empire of the East: Poland-Lithuania 1500-1700 by Rospond, Vincent
The Müteferrika Press: Arabic Typography in an Ottoman Context by Sabev, Orlin
Medieval Europe from Another Angle: Volume II: Transformations by Curta, Florin
Medieval Europe from Another Angle: Volume I: The People by Curta, Florin
Year 1966: Socialism and Nationalism in the Polish People's Republic by
Czech Silesia: Negotiating German Past and Czech Present by Wyss, Johana
The Bosnian Serb Army at War 1992-95 by Dimitrijevic, Bojan
Ukrainian Cossacks Late 16th - Early 18th Century: Organisation, Clothing, Equipment, Armament by Shemenkov, Sergey
Early Modern Overseas Careers: Central-Eastern Europeans as Jesuit Missionaries and Voc Employees by
Prague Revisited: From World War II to the Velvet Revolution by Von Zur Muehlen, Bernis, Von Zur Muehlen, Peter
Challenging Norms: Family Planning as a Reflection of Social Change in Twentieth-Century Eastern Europe by
After the Invasion: The Soviet Army and Czech Society 1968--1991 by Cerná, Marie
Tsars, Soviets, Putin: A Study of Russia's Politics of History by Materski, Wojciech
Echoes of Exile: A Family's Odyssey Through the Holocaust and Cold War by Spenser, Daniela
Echoes of Exile: A Family's Odyssey Through the Holocaust and Cold War by Spenser, Daniela
Bitter War of Memory: The Babyn Yar Massacre, Aftermath, and Commemoration by Khiterer, Victoria
Bitter War of Memory: The Babyn Yar Massacre, Aftermath, and Commemoration by Khiterer, Victoria
Encountering Race in Albania: An Ethnography of the Communist Afterlife by Ohueri, Chelsi West
Encountering Race in Albania: An Ethnography of the Communist Afterlife by Ohueri, Chelsi West
Tactical and Strategic Insights from the Russo-Ukrainian War: Western Security and Defence in the 21st Century by Young, Thomas-Durell, Gryz, Jaroslaw
Schostakowitsch-Handbuch by
The New Slavery: Accounts of Human Trafficking in Eastern Europe by Transchel, Kate
Persistent Illusions: Visual Culture and Historical Memory in Interwar Hungary by Veszprémi, Nóra
Persistent Illusions: Visual Culture and Historical Memory in Interwar Hungary by Veszprémi, Nóra
Unsilencing: The History and Legacy of the Bulgarian Gulag by Topouzova, Lilia
Progressive Women's Movements in Austria and Hungary: Conflict, Cooperation, Circulation by Fedeles-Czeferner, Dóra
Progressive Women's Movements in Austria and Hungary: Conflict, Cooperation, Circulation by Fedeles-Czeferner, Dóra
The Enduring Legacy of the Habsburg Islam Policy: Muslim Communities in Central and Southeast Europe by
Between Berlin and Moscow: German-Soviet Relations in 1939-1941 by Dębski, Slawomir
The Planning and Preparations for the Battle of Kursk: Volume 2 by Zamulin, Valeriy
Thunderbolt of the North: Harald Hardrada, Viking King by Bartlett, W. B.
A Handbook on Post-1956 Hungarian Refugee Relief: From Local Crisis to Global Impact by
The Holocaust in Eastern Europe: At the Epicenter of the Final Solution by Beorn, Waitman Wade
The Holocaust in Eastern Europe: At the Epicenter of the Final Solution by Beorn, Waitman Wade
Tito's Gulag: A History of the Prison Island of Goli Otok by Previsic, Martin
Constructing the Danube Monarchy: An Environmental History by Mevissen, Robert Shields
Georgi Dimitrov: A Biography by Stankova, Marietta