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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 1982

Politics Versus Markets: International Differences in Macroeconomic Policies: A Study in Contemporary Economic Problems by Black, Stanley W.
Preismanagement by Simon, Hermann
Der Praktische Fall: Das Gesamte Rechnungswesen in Aufgaben Und Lösungen Ein Übungswerk Und Repetitorium by
Kosten- Und Leistungsrechnung Im Handel by Hartmund, Barth
Latin America and the New International Economic Order by
Grundlagen Der Bankenwerbung Aus Verhaltenswissenschaftlicher Sicht by Wünsche, Gert
Angebotspolitik by Haedrich, Günther, Berger, Roland
World Bank: A Critical Analysis by Payer, Cheryl
Fallstudien Und Übungsaufgaben Zur Betriebswirtschaftslehre Der Öffentlichen Verwaltung by Krause, Wolfgang, Reichard, Christoph
Eureka and Its Resources by Molinelli, Lambert
Steuerliche Wahlrechte: Analyse Der Außerbilanziellen Steuerlichen Wahlrechte (Rechtswahlmöglichkeiten), Ihre Zuordnung Zu Entscheidungsträger by Michels, Rolf
Checklist Usp: -- Produktpositionierung Und Produktversprechen Systematisch Entwickeln -- by Großklaus, Rainer H. G.
Steuerliche Sonderbilanzen by Schulze Zur Wiesche, Dieter
Schülerlexikon Wirtschaft by Kuhn, Manfred
Die Zukunft Der Gemeinden in Der Hand Ihrer Reformer: Geplante Erfolge Und Politische Kosten Der Kommunalen Neugliederung -- Fallstudien in Ostwestfal by Albertin, Lothar
Liquiditätsreserven Und Zielfunktionen in Der Kurzfristigen Finanzplanung: Lineare Ansätze Zur Finanzplanung by Glaser, Horst
Eigenfertigung Und Fremdbezug Unter Finanzwirtschaftlichen Aspekten by Kremeyer, Heinz
Ziele Multinationaler Unternehmen: Der Zwang Zu Investitionen Im Ausland by Heinen, Hjalmar
Bilanzanalyse Und Bilanzkritik by Lägel, Rudolf
Darstellungstechniken Der Aufbau- Und Ablauforganisation by Schmidt, Götz
Buchhaltung Und Abschluß Im Handel by Balzer, Karlheinz
Neuere Entwicklungen in Der Unternehmenstheorie: Erich Gutenberg Zum 85. Geburtstag by
Handelsrechtlicher Jahresabschluß: Bilanz Und Gewinn- Und Verlust-Rechnung by Kostka, Gerhard
Handbuch Export -- Import -- Spedition by Heiko, Ohling
Beschaffungsmarktforschung by Blom, Frank
Die Substanzsteuern by Rose, Gerd
Gabler Büro Lexikon by Manekeller, Wolfgang, Appel, Jo, Leubner, Manfred
Eigenkapital Und Wachstum Der Kreditinstitute: Eine Theoretische Und Empirische Analyse Unter Berücksichtigung Des Neuen Körperschaftsteuerrechts Und by Sonnentag, Horst
Games, Economic Dynamics, and Time Series Analysis: A Symposium in Memoriam Oskar Morgenstern Organized at the Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna by Fürst, Xy, Schwödlauer, Xy, Deistler, Xy
Communication, Social Structure and Development in Rural Malaysia: A Study of Kampung Kuala Bera by Wilder, William
Sektorale Strukturwandlungen ALS Problem Einer Regionsspezifischen Arbeitsmarktpolitik by Adams, Erwin
Konsumverhalten Und -Einstellungen Im Familienstrukturellen Kontext by Grundhöfer, Horst
Der Einfluß Von Verkehrswegeinvestitionen Nach Dem Gemeindeverkehrsfinanzierungsgesetz Auf Den Innerstädtischen Modal Split by Schmitz, Hans
Das Ökonometrische Programmsystem EPS by Frohn, Joachim
Die Private Konsumnachfrage Im Ausgabensystem: Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 1960 - 1979 by Steinpass, Patrick
Grundlagen Der Unternehmungsplanung by Wild, Jürgen
Technische Versicherungen by Meyer-Rassow, Wolfgang
Bankbetriebliches Rechnungswesen: Kosten- Und Leistungsrechnung Bei Kreditinstituten by Abicht, Rolf
Handbuch Des Kreditgeschäfts by Jährig, Alfred, Schuck, Hans
Von Der Gruppendynamik Zur Organisationsentwicklung: Praxismodelle Für Training Und Organisationsberatung in Der Wirtschaft by Rosenkranz, Hans, Breuel, Reinhard
Innerbetriebliche Standortplanung Bei Einfacher Und Mehrfacher Zielsetzung by Wäscher, Gerhard
Integrierte Unternehmensplanung by Koch, Helmut
Betriebliches Personalwesen by Arndt, Norbert
The Grants Register 1983-1985 by
Exchange Rate Policy by Batchelor, R., Wood, Geoffrey E.
Developing Countries as Exporters of Technology: A First Look at the Indian Experience by Lall, Sanjaya
European Direct Investment in the U.S.A. Before World War I by Roberts, Brian R., Buckley, Peter J.
Organisationsstrukturen Und Ihre Einflußfaktoren by Hoffmann, Friedrich
Authorship Puzzles in the History of Economics: A Statistical Approach by O'Brien, D. P., Darnell, A. C.
Alternativen Der Arbeitsgestaltung Und Ihre Bewertung by Schmied, Volker
Planung in Der DDR: Aspekte Des Systems Der Zentralen Planung Und Leitung Der Wirtschaft by Kracht, Gerhard
Verteilungsprobleme in Industriegesellschaften by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Personalbeschaffung Und -Freisetzung by Weber, Wolfgang, Storr, Rolf
Volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnung -- Volkswirtschaftliche Finanzierungsrechnung -- Zahlungsbilanz: Ein Grundriß by Richter, Rudolf
Aufbruch in Die Büro-Zukunft: Sonderausgabe Der Zeitschrift Sekretariat by Bund Deutscher Sekretärinnen E. V. (Bds)
Unternehmensführung Im Handelsbetrieb by Oehme, Wolfgang
Finanzmathematik: Zinseszins-, Renten-, Tilgungs-, Kurs- Und Rentabilitätsrechnung by
Ertragsermittlung Bei Unternehmensbewertung by Kraus-Grünewald, Marion
RAK-Anwendung in der Deutschen Bibliothek by
Hard Times: Beginnings of the Great Depression in North Carolina, 1929-1933 by Bell, John L.
Industry at the Crossroads: Volume 7 by
The Long Default by Tabb, William K.
Dynamics of Global Crisis by Frank, Andre Gunder, Amin, Samir, Arrighi, Giovanni
Das Historische Und Das Logische in Der Ökonomischen Theorie Des Sozialismus by Pokrytan, A. K.
Dekabr' by
Noyabr' by
Fevral' by
Yanvar' by
Aprelya by
May by
Iyun' by
Iyul' by
Avgust by
Sentyabr' by
Zur Leitung Und Planung Der Kombinate: Erfahrungen Und Verallgemeinerungen Der Leitung Und Planung Der Sozialistischen Kombinate Und Betriebe. 30. Tag by
British Economy of the Nineteenth Century: Essays by Rostow, W. W., Rostow, Walt Whitman, Unknown
The New International Division of Labour: Structural Unemployment in Industrialised Countries and Industrialisation in Developing Countries by Frobel, Folker, Folker, Jurgen
The Pragmatic Imagination: A History of the Wharton School, 1881-1981 by Sass, Steven A.
American Promise: Equal Justice and Economic Opportunity by Blaustein, Arthur I.
Der Internationale Handel: Theorie Der Weltwirtschaftlichen Zusammenhänge Sowie Darstellung Und Analyse Der Aussenhandelspolitik by Haberler, Gottfried
The Managed Economy by Unknown, Reagan, Michael D.
Beating the System: The Underground Economy by Witte, Ann D., Dryden Witte, Ann, Simon, Carl P.
Econometric Modelling in Theory and Practice: Proceedings of a Franco-Dutch Conference Held at Tilburg University, April 1979 by
An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (Vol. 1) by Smith, Adam
An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (Set) by Smith, Adam
Toward a New U.S. Industrial Policy? by
Money and Employment by Ball, R. J.
Integer Programming and Related Areas: A Classified Bibliography 1978-1981 by
Entscheidungsmodelle by Dinkelbach, Werner
Tight Money Timing: The Impact of Interest Rates and the Federal Reserve on the Stock Market by George, Wilfred
Macroeconomic Dynamics by Nagatani, Keizo
The Wealth of Nations: Books I-III by Smith, Adam
Urban Financial Stress: Why Cities Go Broke by Martin, Joan
Welfare Reform in America: Perspectives and Prospects by Sommers, P. M.
The Political Economy of Underdevelopment by Bagchi, Amiya Kumar
Revolution from Without: Yucatan, Mexico, and the United States, 1880 1924 by Joseph, G. M.
The Machinery Question and the Making of Political Economy 1815 1848 by Berg, Maxine
Ein Ökonomisches Modell Des Arztverhaltens by Zweifel, P.
The Road to OPEC: United States Relations with Venezuela, 1919-1976 by Rabe, Stephen G.
A Life in Our Times by Galbraith, John Kenneth
Janusz Korczak: Bibliographie by Pörzgen, Rainer
Welfare Economic Theory by O'Connell, John F.
Systems Methodology in Social Science Research: Recent Developments by Cavallo, R.
Studies in Decision Making: Social Psychological and Socio-Economic Analyses by
Öffentlichkeitsarbeit by
Dgor: Papers of the 10th Annual Meeting/Vorträge Der 10. Jahrestagung by
Evaluating Mathematical Programming Techniques: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the National Bureau of Standards Boulder, Colorado January 5-6, 19 by
The Economics of Private Pensions by Munnell, Alicia H.
The Second Enlargement of the EEC: The Integration of Unequal Partners by
Bank Management in a Changing Domestic and International Environment: The Challenges of the Eighties by
Evaluation of Research and Development: Methods for Evaluating the Results of European Community R&d Programmes by
The Evaluation of Social Policies by Crane, J. a.
Economics for Mathematicians by Cassels, J. W. S., J. W. S., Cassels
The European Challenge: Europe's New Role in Latin America by
Progress for a Small Planet by Ward, Barbara
Price Effects in Input-Output Relations: A Theoretical and Empirical Study for the Netherlands 1949-1967 by Boer, P. M. C. De
Verwaltungsführung by
Humanvermögensrechnung by
Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism: a popular outline by Lenin, V. I.
The European Community and Latin America: A Case Study in Global Role Expansion by Mower, A. Glenn, Jr., Unknown
The Balance of Payments and the Standard of Living by Hawtrey, R. G., Hawtrey, Ralph George, Unknown
East-West Relations: Prospects for the 1980s by Schiavone, Giuseppe
Balkan Economic History, 1550-1950 by Lampe, John R.
The Costs and Benefits of Deferred Giving by Metzler, Howard, Fink, Norman
Keynes as a Policy Adviser by
European Monetary Union: Progress and Prospects by
Unemployment, Inflation and New Macroeconomic Policy by Perkins, J. O. N.
The Dollar in World Affairs: An Essay in International Financial Policy by Aubrey, Henry G., Unknown
Comecon Data 1981 by Vienna, Institute, Lsi
Bargaining Beyond Impasse: Joint Resolution of Public Sector Labor Disputes by Brock, Jonathan
Public Employees, Unions, and the Erosion of Civic Trust: A Study of San Francisco in the 1979s by Heldman, Dan, Boehm, Randolph
Supply-Side Economics: A Critical Appraisal by Fink, Richard
The Complete Reference Guide to United Nations Sales Publications, 1946-1978: Volume I: The Catalogue, Volume II: Indexes by
Mikroökonomische Markt- und Preistheorie auf verhaltensbiologischer Grundlage by Drews, Manfred
Law, Legislation and Liberty: A New Statement of the Liberal Principles of Justice and Political Economy by Hayek, F. a.
Labor Commitment and Social Change in Developing Areas by Unknown
Essays in Economic Dynamics by Goodwin, R. M.
Financial Crises by Kindleberger
Qualitative and Quantitative Mathematical Economics by
Models of Intraurban Residential Relocation by Porrell, F. W.
International Networks of Banks and Industry by Fennema, M.
The Theory of Moral Sentiments by Smith, Adam
Urban Transportation Financing: Theory and Policy in Ontario by Frankena, Mark W.
Essays on Philosophical Subjects by Smith, Adam
Asset Accumulation and Economic Activity: Reflections on Contemporary Macroeconomic Theory by Tobin, James
The International System: Theoretical Essays by Unknown
Perkins/Budd: Railway Statesmen of the Burlington by Overton, Richard Cleghorn, Unknown
Selected Writings on the State and the Transition to Socialism by Cohen, Stephen F., Bukharin, N., Day, Richard B.
Towards a More General Theory of Value by Unknown, Chamberlin, Edward
Realzins, Inflation Und Kapitalzins: Eine Neuinterpretation Des Fisher-Theorems by Gebauer, W.
Philosophy of Economics: Proceedings, Munich, July 1981 by
Mathematische Grundlagen Für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler by Böhm, V.
SMS -- A Program Package for Simulation and Gaming of Stochastic Market Processes and Learning Behavior by Perske, J., Witt, U.
Compilation of Input-Output Tables: Proceedings of a Session of the 17th General Conference of the International Association for Research in Income an by
Methoden Des Software-Entwurfs Und Strukturierte Programmierung by
Miners, Millhands, and Mountaineers: Industrialization of the Appalachian South, 1880-1930 by Eller, Ronald D.
Tin: Its Production and Marketing by Robertson, William, Unknown
Economics and Policymaking: The Tragic Illusion by Meehan, Eugene J.
Authorship Puzzles in the History of Economics: A Statistical Approach by Darnell, A. C., O'Brien, D. P.
Imports and Economic Growth by Van Bochove, C. a.
The Foundations of Expected Utility by Fishburn, P. C.
Exchange Rate Policy by Batchelor, R., Wood, Geoffrey E.
Pricing and Cost Recovery in Long Distance Transport by
Money: In Equilibrium by Gale, Douglas
On Economics and Society: Selected Essays by Johnson, Harry G.
Freedom and Reform: Essays in Economics and Social Philosophy by Knight, Frank H.
Freedom and Reform: Essays in Economics and Social Philosophy by Knight, Frank H.
Introduction to the Theory of Economic Growth by Ramanathan, R.
Entscheidungsregeln Bei Risiko Multivariate Stochastische Dominanz by Mosler, Karl
Congress, the Executive Branch, and Special Interests: The American Response to the Arab Boycott of Israel by Teslik, Kennan Lee
The International Monetary System and the Less Developed Countries by Bird, Graham
The International Monetary System and the Less Developed Countries by Bird, Graham
Economic Integration and Economic Strategy by Kozma, F.
Water Resources and Land-Use Planning: A Systems Approach: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute On: "Water Resources and Land-Use Planning by
Human and Energy Factors in Urban Planning: A Systems Approach: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on "Factors Influencing Urban Design" by
Modern Analysis of Value Theory by Fujimori, Y.
Monetary Control in Britain by Congdon, Tim
Development Alternatives of Mexico Beyond the 1980s. by Looney, Robert
Debits and Clearings Statistics and Their Use. by Unknown, Garvy, George
Current Developments in the Interface: Economics, Econometrics, Mathematics: State of the Art Surveys Presented on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversar by
Management and Regional Science for Economic Development by Chatterji, Manas
Regional Analysis and the New International Division of Labor: Applications of a Political Economy Approach by Moulaert, F., Salinas, P. W.
Soviet Foreign Trade: The Decision Process by Gardner, S. H.
The History of the British Petroleum Company: Volume 1, the Developing Years, 1901-1932 by Ferrier, Ronald W.
The Theory of Natural Monopoly by Sharkey, William W., William W., Sharkey
British Economic Growth, 1856-1973 by Matthews, R. C. O., Matthews, R., Feinstein, C.
Lumberjacks and Legislators: Political Economy of the U.S. Lumber Industry, 1890-1941 by Robbins, William G.
Teleologische Erklärung, Funktionalanalyse Und Selbstregulation. Teleologie: Normativ Oder Deskriptiv? Stt, Evolutionstheorie Und Die Frage Wozu? by
Das Dritte Dogma Des Empirismus Das ABC Der Modernen Logik Und Semantik Der Begriff Der Erklärung Und Seine Spielarten by
Kausalitätsprobleme, Determinismus Und Indeterminismus Ursachen Und Inus-Bedingungen Probabilistische Theorie Und Kausalität by
Statistische Erklärungen. Deduktiv-Nomologische Erklärungen in Präzisen Modellsprachen Offene Probleme by
Index Numbers in Theory and Practice by Allen, R. G. D.
Palanpur: The Economy of an Indian Village by Bliss, Christopher, Stern, Nicholas
The Economies of the ASEAN Countries: Indonesia, Malaya, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand by Wawn, Brian
Third World Policies of Industrialized Nations by
Erklärung Begründung Kausalität by
Historische, Psychologische Und Rationale Erklärung Verstehendes Erklären by
Die Pragmatisch-Epistemische Wende Familien Von Erklärungsbegriffen Erklärung Von Theorien: Intuitiver Vorblick Auf Das Strukturalistische Theorienkon by
Supply-Side Economics in the 1980s: Conference Proceedings by Federal, Reserve Bank of Atlanta and, Unknown
Kundendienst-Management: Entwicklungsstand Und Entscheidungsprobleme Der Kundendienstpolitik by Meffert, H.
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