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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 1983

U.S.-Mexico Relations: Economic and Social Aspects by
Wer Betreibt Was?: Das Angebot Der Lebensversicherer. Das Angebot Der Privaten Krankenversicherer. Das Angebot Der Schaden- Und Unfallver by Bundesverband Deutscher Versicherungskaufleute
Bank-Lexikon: Handwörterbuch Für D. Bank- U. Sparkassenwesen by
Wohnhaft: Uber Die Innere Geschichte Der Massenwohnung by Barbey, Gilles
Alternative Wirtschaftspolitik Jenseits Des Keynesianismus: Wirtschaftspolitische Optionen Der Gewerkschaften in Westeuropa by Stanger, Michael, Altvater, Elmar, Hübner, Kurt
Anlageformen -- Steuerbegünstigte Darlehenshingabe Und Anlage in Versicherungen by Heveling, Hubert
Ausgewählte Probleme Betrieblicher Personalarbeit by
Das Beratungs- Und Verkaufsgespräch in Banken: Bankleistungen Erfolgreich Verkaufen by Geyer, Günther
Quantitative Studies on Production and Prices by
Portfolio Management by
Volkswirtschaftslehre Für Studium Und Bankpraxis by Herber, Hans, Engel, Bernd
Unternehmensstrategien Und Strategische Planung by Koch, Helmut
Volkswirtschaftliche Grundlagen by Richter, Oswald, Pietsch, Peter
Strategien an Den Devisenmärkten: Eine Anleitung Für Die PRAXIS by Wermuth, Dieter
Markt Und Preis by Scherer, Theo
Betriebssoziologie by Kretschmar, Armin
Analyse Strategischer Faktoren: Ein Beitrag Zur Theorie Der Strategischen Unternehmensplanung by Grimm, Ulrich
Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen: Eine Praxisorientierte Einführung by Altmann, Jörn
Politik Und Ökonomie Der Weltgesellschaft: Das Internationale System by Röhrich, Wilfried
Betriebswirtschaftliche Kostenlehre: Kostentheorie Und Kostenentscheidungen by Heinen, Edmund
Aufgaben Und Lösungen Zur Angewandten Statistik by Bosch, Karl
Kurzlehrbuch Planung: Mit Aufgaben Und Lösungen by Adam, Dietrich
Hamburg-Studien by Mattfeldt, Harald, Hund, Wulf D., Loparo, Kenneth A.
Steuerung Und Kontrolle Des Personalaufwandes by Grünefeld, Hans-Günther
Handbuch Werbung Für Investitionsgüter by
Betriebsinformatik Im Personalbereich: Die Planung Computergestützter Personalinformationssysteme by Heinrich, L. J., Pils, M.
Kostenrechnung Für Rechenzentren: Analyse Praktizierter Vorgehensweisen Und Anwendungskonzeptionen by Tiedemann, Christina
Modellgestützte Markenpolitik: Planung Und Kontrolle Markenpolitischer Entscheidungen Auf Der Grundlage Computergestützter Informationssysteme by Voss, Wolf-Dieter
Kapitalanlagen Über Steueroasen by Winteler, Ernst-Uwe
Die Planung Im Unternehmen by Bornemann, Hellmut
Wie Liest Man Bilanzen?: Praktische Anleitungen Zur Analyse Und Kritik Veröffentlichter Jahresabschlüsse by Beyer, Erwin
Schienen Statt Straßen? by Lange, Xy, Häusler, Xy, Haase, Xy
Hierarchische Unternehmensplanung Und Informationsgewinnung by Koch, Helmut
Analyse Der Auswirkungen Von Unterschiedlichen Formen Der Finanzierung Öffentlicher Verkehrsinvestitionen by Witte, Hermann
Dienstleistungssektor Und Kommunale Wirtschaftsförderung: Notwendigkeit Und Möglichkeiten Einer Erweiterung Der Wirtschaftsförderung Im Strukturwandel by Joachim, Peter
Handelsgewinne Rohstoffarmer Industrieländer Und Rohstoffreicher Entwicklungsländer: Eine Spieltheoretische Analyse by Dyckhoff, H.
Kritik Der Kausalwissenschaftlichen Sozialforschung: Untersuchungen Zur Grundlegung Von Soziologie Und Ökonomie by Hoppe, Hans-Hermann
Personal- Und Führungswesen by Schreiber, Hans
Instandhaltungsplanung Und Betriebsplankostenrechnung by Kroesen, Alfred
Textverarbeitung Im Büro: Ein Entscheidungsorientiertes Handbuch Zu Organisation Und Technik by Grochla, Erwin
Unternehmung Und Steuer: Festschrift Zur Vollendung Des 80. Lebensjahres by
Katalog Der Bithynischen Münzen Der Sammlung Des Instituts Für Altertumskunde Der Universität Zu Köln: Nikaia. Mit Einer Untersuchung Der Prägesysteme by Weiser, Wolfram
Außenwirtschaftslehre: Theorie und Politik by Borchert, Manfred
Nuclear Exports and World Politics: Policy and Regime by Keeley, J., Boardman, Robert
Beyond Positive Economics?: Proceedings of Section F (Economics) of the British Association for the Advancement of Science York 1981 by
The Determinants of National Saving and Wealth: Proceedings of a Conference Held by the International Economic Association at Bergamo, Italy by
Computer Technology and Employment: Retrospect and Prospect by Peitchinis, Stephen G.
Long-Run Effects of Short-Run Stabilization Policy by Calmfors, Lars
Soviet Economic Facts, 1917-81 by Clarke, Roger, Matko, D. J. I.
Work, Income and Inequality: Payments Systems in the Third World by Stewart, Frances
Public Sector Economics by
Essays in Linear Economic Structures by
The Crises of the European Regions by
The New International Economic Order: Conflict and Cooperation in North-South Economic Relations, 1974-77 by Hart, Jeffrey A.
The Political Role of International Trades Unions by Bosch, Gary K.
The Interactions of Amsterdam and Antwerp with the Baltic Region, 1400-1800: de Nederlanden En Het Oostzeegebied, 1400-1800 by Wieringa, Wiert Jan
Politische Erwachsenenbildung Der Gewerkschaften in Nordrhein-Westfalen 1976 - 1980 by Weinberg, Johannes
1. Akademie-Forum. Technische Innovationen Und Wirtschaftskraft: 302. Sitzung Am 12. Januar 1983 in Düsseldorf by Albach, Horst, Fettweis, Alfred
Realizing Social Science Knowledge: The Political Realization of Social Science Knowledge and Research: Toward New Scenarios by
Industry, Unions and Government: Twenty-One Years of Nedc by Middlemas, Keith
Comecon Foreign Trade Data 1982 by Vienna Institute for Comparative Economic Studies
Early Developments in Mathematical Economics by Theocharis, Reghinos D.
Operations Research Proceedings 1982 by Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Operations-Research, Bühler, W.
Kreditwirtschaftliche Wertermittlungen by Pohnert, Fritz
Klausuren Volkswirtschaft: Vwl-Übungen Aufgaben Mit Lösungen by Dahl, Dieter
Gabler Volkswirtschafts Lexikon by Häfner, Volker
Kapitalanlagen in Den USA by
Sparpolitik: Ökonomische Zwänge Und Politische Spielräume by Mäding, Heinrich
Fälle Aus Der Organisationspraxis by Jacobs, Wolfgang
Kurzlehrbuch Prognoseverfahren by Hansmann, Karl-Werner
Lebensversicherung by Hagelschuer, Paul B.
Öffentliche Finanzen: Einführung in Die Finanzwissenschaft by Wittmann, Walter
Essays on the Political Economy of Rural Africa by Bates, Robert H.
Agrargeographie by
Life of John Maynard Keynes by Harrod, Roy
Automobiles and the Future: Competition, Cooperation, and Change Volume 10 by
Der Kapitalismus Nach Dem Zweiten Weltkrieg by Varga, E. S.
Die Wirtschaftskrisen by Varga, E. S.
Der Beginn Der Allgemeinen Krise Des Kapitalismus by Varga, E. S.
Die Krisen Und Die Entwicklung Des Kapitalismus by Mottek, Hans
A Handbook of Eastern Han Sound Glosses by Coblin, W. South
Frontiers of Change: Early Industrialization in America by Cochran, Thomas C.
Beyond Positive Economics?: Proceedings of Section F (Economics) of the British Association for the Advancement of Science York 1981 by
The Economics of Feasible Socialism by Nove, Alec
Inside the Black Box: Technology and Economics by Rosenberg, Nathan, Nathan, Rosenberg
China's Economic Reforms by
Economics and the Real World by Kamarck, Andrew M.
Computergestützte Unternehmensplanung by Schneider, Hans J., Stübel, Günter, Meyer, Bernd E.
Essays and Surveys on Multiple Criteria Decision Making: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Mons, by
Capitalism, Slavery, and Republican Values: American Political Economists, 1819-1848 by Kaufman, Allen
The Stability of a Macroeconomic System with Quantity Constraints by Heuvel, P. Van Den
Briefwechsel 1945-1968 by Bauer, K. H., Jaspers, K.
International Documents for the 80's: Their Role and Use. Proceedings of the 2nd World Symposium on International Documentation Brussels - 1980 by
Twelve Contemporary Economists by
The Impact of Unionism on Wage-Income Ratios in the Manufacturing Sector of the Economy. by Simler, Norman James, Unknown
The Determinants of National Saving and Wealth: Proceedings of a Conference Held by the International Economic Association at Bergamo, Italy by
The Emergence of Modern South Africa: State, Capital, and the Incorporation of Organized Labor on the South African Gold Fields, 1902-1939 by Yudelman, David
Der Keynesianismus IV: Die Beschäftigungspolitische Diskussion in Der Wachstumsepoche Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Dokumente Und Analysen by
Landwirtschaftliche Akkumulationslasten Und Industrielle Entwicklung: Analyse Und Beschreibung Entwicklungspolitischer Optionen in Dualistischen Wirts by Schäfer, H. -B
Theorien Der Psychologie: Band 6: Die Verhaltensanalyse by Scheerer, E.
Invariance Principles and the Structure of Technology by Nono, T., Sato, R.
Technology, Organization and Economic Structure: Essays in Honor of Prof. Isamu Yamada by
Dgor Papers of the 11th Annual Meeting Vorträge Der 11. Jahrestagung by
Reaganomics in the Stagflation Economy by Goodstein, Marvin, Weintraub, Sidney
Studies in Business-Cycle Theory by Lucas, Robert E.
The Politics of Economic Policy: France 1974-1982 by Lauber, Volkmar
The Organization of Industry by Stigler, George J.
The Measurement of Monetary Policy by Perryman, M. Ray
Structural Change and Economic Growth: A Theoretical Essay on the Dynamics of the Wealth of Nations by Pasinetti, Luigi L.
Exchange Rate-Determination by Krueger, Anne
Measuring Economic Welfare: New Methods by McKenzie, George W., George W., McKenzie
Monetarism, Economic Crisis and the Third World by Jansen, Karel
Redundancy in Mathematical Programming: A State-Of-The-Art Survey by Karwan, M. H., Lotfi, V.
Dynamic Economic Systems: A Post Keynesian Approach by Blatt, John M.
Amateur Wird Meister by Euwe, Max, Meiden, Walter
Union and the Coal Industry by Baratz, Morton S.
The Years of High Theory: Invention and Tradition in Economic Thought 1926 1939 by Shackle, George L., Shackle, R. G. S., Shackle, G. L. S.
Political Economy and Freedom: A Collection of Essays by Nutter, G. Warren
Political Economy and Freedom: A Collection of Essays by Nutter, G. Warren
Semi-Infinite Programming and Applications: An International Symposium Austin, Texas, September 8-10, 1981 by
Neue Makroökonomik: Ungleichgewichtsanalyse Mit Hilfe Der Methode Des Temporären Gleichgewichts by Meyer, U.
Lapex -- Ein Rechnerunterstütztes Verfahren Zur Betriebsmittelzuordnung by Mayer, S.
Econometric Decision Models: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Hagen, West Germany, June 19-20, 1981 by
Capital Taxation by Feldstein, Martin
U.S. Interests in Africa. by Kitchen, Helen
Competition in the Investment Banking Industry by Marks, David Van Praag, Hayes, Samuel L., Spence, A. Michael
Bright Promises, Dismal Performance: An Economist's Protest by Friedman, Milton
William Jaffe's Essays on Walras by Jaffe, William
Profit Theory and Capitalism by Obrinsky, Mark
The Creation of Regional Dependency by Matthews, Ralph
Devisenmärkte Und Wechselkurse: Eine Theoretische Und Empirische Analyse by Gaab, W.
Fiscal Policies in a General Equilibrium Model with Persistent Unemployment by Müller, H. H.
Economies of Eastern Europe in a Time of Change by Zwass, Adam
Economic Analysis of Regulated Markets by
The Multinational Corporation: Nine Essays by Lall, Sanjaya
California Series on Social Choice and Political Economy by Alt, James E., Chrystal, K. Alec
The Competitive Strength of the Information and Communication Industry in Europe: An Integrated View of Europe's Experts on - Strengths and Weaknesses by
Governments, Markets, and Growth: Financial Systems and Politics of Industrial Change by Zysman, John
The Economics of Price Discrimination by Phlips, Louis
Asset Markets and Exchange Rates: Modeling an Open Economy by Allen, Polly Reynolds, Kenen, Peter B., Allen, Polly R.
The Relation Between Final Demand and Income Distribution: With Application to Japan by Grootaert, C.
Adequate Modeling of Systems: Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Model Realism Held in Bad Honnef, Federal Republic of Germany, by
Elementary Statistics for Business and Economics by Sandblom, Carl-Louis
The Dictionary of Modern Economics by
Economic Anthropology: Topics and Theories by Ortiz, Sutti
Economic Growth: England in the Later Middle Ages by Bridbury, A. R., R. a.
Language as Work and Trade: A Semiotic Homology for Linguistics and Economics by Unknown, Rossi-Landi, Ferruccio
Volkswirtschaftslehre II: Mikroökonomik by Stobbe, Alfred
A Dynamic Theory of the Firm: Production, Finance and Investment by Loon, Paul Van
Britain Within the European Community: The Way Forward by El-Agraa, A. M.
Neoclassical Theory Structure and Theory Development: An Empirical-Philosophical Case Study Concerning the Theory of International Trade by Hamminga, B.
Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres by Smith, Adam, Campbell, R. H.
Political Economy: Recent Views by
Brazil's State-Owned Enterprises: A Case Study of the State as Entrepreneur by Trebat, Thomas J.
Chile: The Pinochet Decade: The Rise and Fall of the Chicago Boys by O'Brien, Phillip, Roddick, Jacqueline
Wirtschaftsgeologie Und Rohstoffpolitik: Untersuchung, Erschließung, Bewertung, Verteilung Und Nutzung Mineralischer Rohstoffe by Gocht, W.
Statistik Für Wirtschafts- Und Sozialwissenschaftler I: Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie by Maass, S.
The Management of the World Economy by Luard, Evan
Refinements of the Nash Equilibrium Concept by Damme, E. Van
Mathematik Für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler: III Lineare Optimierung by Gal, T.
Bausteine Eines Strategischen Managements: Dialoge Zwischen Wissenschaft Und PRAXIS by
Haciendas and Economic Development: Guadalajara, Mexico, at Independence by Lindley, Richard B.
Russian Satiric Comedy by
Distribution, Effective Demand and International Economic Relations by
White Collar Workers in Transition: The Boom Years, 1940-1970 by McColloch, Mark
Quantitative Studies Production & Prices by Eichorn
Oligopoly Theory by Friedman, James W.
The Barbaric Counter Revolution: Cause and Cure by Rostow, W. W.
Grenzen Der 'General Theory': 1. Merton-Lesung an Der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Am Main, Mit Den Eröffnungsreden Von Hartwig Kelm by Kaldor, N.
Statistik Für Wirtschafts- Und Sozialwissenschaftler II: Induktive Statistik by Riess, H., Maass, S., Mürdter, H.
Notes on Economic Time Series Analysis: System Theoretic Perspectives by Aoki, Masanao
The New International Economic Order: Conflict and Cooperation in North-South Economic Relations, 1974-77 by Hart, Jeffrey A.
The Keynesian System by Wright, David McCord, Unknown
Comecon Foreign Trade Data 1982 by Unknown, Vienna, Vienna Institute for Comparative Economi
Policy and Performance in International Trade: Papers of the Sixth Annual Conference of the Ies Study Group by
Housing Policy and Economic Power: The Political Economy of Owner Occupation by Ball, Michael
The Resource Sector in an Open Economy by
Entwicklung Eines Verfahrens Zur Wertmäßigen Bestimmung Der Produktivität Und Wirtschaftlichkeit Von Personalentwicklungmaßnahmen in Arbeitsstrukturen by Müller, C.
The International Economy Since 1945 by Scammell, W. M.
The Emergence of Giant Enterprise, 1860-1914: American Commercial Enterprise and Extractive Industries by Whitten, David O.
Exchange Rates in Multicountry Econometric Models by Grauwe, P. De, Peeters, Theo
An Inter-Industry Translog Model of Prices and Technical Change for the West German Economy by Nakamura, S.
Die Krise in Der Wirtschaftstheorie by Arrow, K. J.
Industry, Unions and Government: Twenty-One Years of Nedc by Middlemas, Keith
Computer Technology and Employment: Retrospect and Prospect by Peitchinis, Stephen G.
Mature Economy V2 by Weinberg, Meyer, Unknown
The Marshall Plan Revisited: The European Recovery Program in Economic Perspective by Wexler, Imanuel
The Rise and Decline of the American Cut Nail Industry: A Study of the Interrelationships of Technology, Business Organization, and Management Techniq by Loveday, Loveday, Amos J.
Political Europe by Economist, The
Agriculture in China's Modern Economic Development by Lardy, Nicholas R.
General Competitive Analysis: Volume 12 by Hahn, F. H., Arrow, Kenneth J.
Winkel- Und Streckenmeßgeräte, Polygonierung, Triangulation Und Trilateration by Großmann, Walter, Kahmen, Heribert
Kapitalismus in Entwicklungsländern by
The Arab World and Asia Between Development and Change: Dedicated to the Xxxist International Congress of Human Sciences in Asia and North Africa by
Produktionswachstum Und Effektivität in Industriezweigen Der DDR 1950-1970 by Roesler, Jörg, Schwärzel, Renate, Siedt, Veronika