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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 1984

Politics of Intervention by Burbach, Roger
La Crisis del Capitalismo.Teoria y Practica by Diaz, Pedro Lopez
How We Live: An Economic Perspective on Americans from Birth to Death by Fuchs, Victor R.
Der Bausparvertrag by Zink, Achim
Nachfrageprognose Und Produktionsplanung Bei Saisonalen Und Konjunkturellen Schwankungen by Stöppler, S.
Betriebswirtschaftliche Entscheidungen Bei Stagnation: Edmund Heinen Zum 65. Geburtstag by Pack, Ludwig, Börner, Dietrich
Kapitalanlagen in Der Schweiz by Winteler, Ernst-Uwe
Unternehmungsinvestitionen: Strukturen -- Entscheidungen -- Kalküle by Schmidt, Ralf-Bodo
Das Management Des Organizational Slack by Weidermann, Peter H.
Terminplanung Mit Basic Auf Commodore 2000/3000,4000/8000 by Kastner, Gustav
Market Demand: An Analysis of Large Economies with Non-Convex Preferences by Trockel, W.
Managementeffizienz: Managementinstrumentarium Kennen, Können Und Anwenden by Hirzel, Matthias
Erfolgreicher Terminhandel: Marktanalyse Und Kursprognose by Schulz, Hans
Leitfaden Außenwirtschaft by Sachs, Rudolf
Handbuch Zur Geschäftskorrespondenz by Hermling, Christoph
Strategien an Den Devisenmärkten: Eine Anleitung Für Die PRAXIS by Wermuth, Dieter
Arbeiter Und Arbeitswissenschaft: Zur Entstehung Der "Wissenschaftlichen Betriebsführung" by Ebbinghaus, Angelika
Betriebswirtschaftslehre Und Ökonomische Krise: Kontroverse Beiträge Zur Betriebswirtschaftlichen Krisenbewältigung by Albach, Horst, Staehle, Wolfgang H.
Betriebswirtschaftslehre Und Nationalökonomie: Wissenschaftstheoretische Standortbestimmungen Und Perspektiven by
Es Gibt Alternativen!: Vier Wege Zu Frieden Und Sicherheit by Galtung, Johan
Der Weg in Die Stagnation: Eine Empirische Studie Zur Konjunkturentwicklung Und Konjunkturpolitik in Der Bundesrepublik Von 1967 - 1982 by Schroeder, Klaus
Marktwiderstände Und Marketingplanung: Strategische Und Taktische Lösungsansätze Am Beispiel Des Textverarbeitungsmarktes by Walters, Michael
Verrechnungspreise Für Sachleistungen Im Internationalen Konzern by Hackmann, Wilfried
Alternatives Führen: Mitarbeiter Qualifizieren by Saaman, Wolfgang
PRAXIS Des Frankreich-Geschäfts by Herterich, Klaus W.
Strukturwandel Der Verteidigung: Entwürfe Für Eine Konsequente Defensive by
Italienischer Faschismus in Der Weltwirtschaftskrise (1925-1936): Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft Und Politik Auf Der Schwelle Zur Moderne by Rafalski, Traute
Wirtschaftssysteme: Kapitalistische Marktwirtschaft Und Sozialistische Zentralplanwirtschaft by Baßeler, U., Heinrich, J.
Probleme Und Möglichkeiten Einer Substituierung Der Gewerbesteuer by Strauß, Wolfgang
Verkehrsaufkommen Im Fahrradverkehr by Switaiski, Bernhard
Rentabilitätsrisiken Aus Dem Hypothekargeschäft Von Kreditinstituten in Zeiten Der Geldentwertung by Dieckhöner, Bruno
Gesetzliche Rentenversicherung, Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung by Ketteler, Annegret
Arbeitszeitverkürzung by
Warentest Und Konsumgüter-Marketing: Forschungskonzeption Und Ergebnisse Einer Empirischen Untersuchung by Fritz, Wolfgang
Steuerberechnung Mit Dem Epson Hx-20 by Grajewski, Werner
Statistik Im Betrieb Mit Basic Auf Commodore: -- 45 Vollständige Programme -- by Scharnbacher, Kurt, Kastner, Gustav
Economic Transition in Hunan and Southern China by Bhalla, A. S.
The Economic Analysis of Producers' Cooperatives by Stephen, Frank H.
Monetarism in the United Kingdom by Griffiths, B.
Floating Exchange Rates and World Inflation by Ahmad, J.
Kapitalbudgetierung in Divisionalisierten Unternehmen by Leichtfuss, Reinhold
Economic Relationships Among States: A Further Study in International Sociology by Luard, Evan
Appropriate Products, Employment and Technology: Case-Studies on Consumer Choice and Basic Needs in Developing Countries by Ginneken, Wouter Van, Baron, Christopher
Trade Theory and Policy: Some Topical Issues by El-Agraa, A. M.
Topics in Production Theory by
Lineare Algebra Und Lineare Programmierung: Teil II Lehrstoffkurzfassung Und Aufgabensammlung Mit Lösungen by Korb, Ulf-Günther, Berg, Claus C.
Institutional Reform and Economic Development in the Chinese Countryside by Griffin, Keith
Compstat 1984: Proceedings in Computational Statistics by
Dgor: Papers of the 12th Annual Meeting / Vorträge Der 12. Jahrestagung by
Energy Systems Analysis for Developing Countries by Meier, P.
Making Economic Policy in Congress (AEI studies) by Schick, Allen
Information and Communication Technologies for Development in Africa: Opportunities and Challenges for Community Development by
Beyond Political Independence by
The Voice of the Poor: Essays in Economic and Political Persuasion by Galbraith, John Kenneth
Anglo American and the Rise of Modern South Africa by Innes, Duncan
Der Einfluß Von Industriellen Großunternehmen Auf Die Raum- Und Siedlungsstrukturelle Entwicklung Im Verdichtungsraum Rhein-Ruhr by Rojahn, Gerd
Jahrbuch Für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook. 1983, Teil 3 by
Jahrbuch Für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook. 1983, Teil 4 by
Wissenschaftlich-Technische Revolution by Nick, Harry
Bevölkerungswachstum Und Arbeitskrafteressourcen in Der Armenischen Ssr by Chodzabekjan, Vladimir Egisevič
The Antinomies of Interdependence: National Welfare and the International Division of Labor by Ruggle, John Gerard
The Antinomies of Interdependence: National Welfare and the International Division of Labor by Ruggle, John Gerard
An Exposition of Benevolence: The Jen-Hsüeh of t'An Ssu-t'Ung by Chan, Sin-Wai
Theories of Inflation by Frisch, Helmut
Energy 2000-2020: World Prospects and Regional Stresses by
International Financial Flows: A Statistical Handbook by
Government Finance in Developing Countries by Goode, Richard
Zur Analyse Von Märkten Mit Unvollständiger Nachfragerinformation by Ungern-Sternberg, T. R. V.
Economics: An Alternative Text by Routh, Guy
Wettbewerb Und Industriestruktur: Industrial Organization-Forschung Im Überblick by Böbel, I.
Ein Disaggregiertes Prognosesystem Für Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Kiy, M.
Ecodevelopment in Tanzania: An Empirical Contribution on Needs, Self-Sufficiency, and Environmentally-Sound Agriculture on Peasant Farms by Glaeser, Bernhard
Fiscal and Monetary Policies and Problems in Developing Countries by Eshag, Eprime
Mineral Processing in Developing Countries: A Discussion of Economic, Technical and Structural Factors by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Mathematik Für Ökonomen III: Analysis in Mehreren Variablen by Beckmann, M. J., Künzi, H. P.
Beiträge Zur Neueren Steuertheorie: Referate Des Finanztheoretischen Seminars Im Kloster Neustift Bei Brixen 1983 by
Wirtschafts- Und Technikgeschichte Preußens by Treue, Wilhelm
Industrialization and Development: A Third World Perspective by
How Economic Growth and Inflation Happen by Edwards, George T.
Collected Papers of Kenneth J. Arrow by Arrow, Kenneth J.
Scheming for the Poor: The Politics of Redistribution in Latin America by Ascher, William
Democratick Editorials: Essays in Jacksonian Political Economy by Leggett, William
Selected Topics in Operations Research and Mathematical Economics: Proceedings of the 8th Symposium on Operations Research, Held at the University of by
Endspieltheorie Und -PRAXIS by Euwe, Max
Democratick Editorials: Essays in Jacksonian Political Economy by Leggett, William
Der Keynesianismus V: Makroökonomik Nach Keynes by
The Federal Reserve System: An Intentional Mystery by Phalle, Thibaut D., de Saint Phalle, Thibaut, De Saint-Phalle, Thibaut
Beyond Positivism by Caldwell, Bruce
Specification, Estimation, and Analysis of Macroeconomic Models by Fair, Ray C.
Models of Bounded Rationality, Volume 1: Economic Analysis and Public Policy by Simon, Herbert A.
Evaluation of Research and Development: Methodologies for R&d Evaluation in the Community Member States, the United States of America and Japan by
Datenfernverarbeitung: Außenstelle -- Datenfernübertragung Rechenzentrum -- Betriebsabwicklung Eine Einführung by Hofer, H.
Lebenseinkommen Und Verteilungsanalyse: Ein Methodischer Rahmen Für Eine Neuorientierung Der Verteilungspolitik by Holzmann, R.
Economic Consequences of Population Change in Industrialized Countries: Proceedings of the Conference on Population Economics Held at the University o by
Urban Development in the Third World by
Technology Policy and Development: A Third World Perspective by
Productivity Research in the Behavioral and Social Sciences by Brief, Arthur P.
How a Region Grows: Area Development in the U.S. Economy by Unknown, Perloff, Harvey S., Dodds, Vera W.
Energy Policy and Third World Development by
Cross-Cultural Trade in World History by Curtin, Philip, Philip D., Curtin
Keynes: The Instability of Capitalism by Vicarelli, Fausto
Currency Competition and Monetary Union by
Cities of the Mind: Images and Themes of the City in the Social Sciences by
Unternehmensstrategie: Grundfragen Einer Theorie Strategischer Unternehmensführung by Schreyögg, Georg
Nonlinear Models of Fluctuating Growth: An International Symposium Siena, Italy, March 24-27, 1983 by
Trade in Services: A Case for Open Markets by Aronson, Jonathan David
Handels-Marketing by
Socio-Economic Accounting by Belkaoui, Ahmed, Riahi-Belkaoui, Ahmed
Economic Development of Communist China: An Appraisal of the First Five Years of Industrialization by Li, Choh-Ming, Li, Cho-Ming, Unknown
The Dynamics of Development and Development Administration by Hope, Kempe R.
Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Engineering Economics by Sepulveda, Jose A.
Floating Exchange Rates and World Inflation by Ahmad, J.
Drastic Measures by Rockoff, Hugh
Removing Obstacles to Economic Growth by
The World After Oil by Nussbaum, Bruce
A Guide to Marx's 'Capital' by Brewer, Anthony
The Politics of the World-Economy: The States, the Movements, and the Civilizations by Wallerstein, Immanuel Maurice
Progress in Utility and Risk Theory by
Market Integration in the European Community by Pelkmans, J.
Market Integration in the European Community by Pelkmans, J.
Organisationsklima by Conrad, Peter, Sydow, Jörg
Interactive Decision Analysis: Proceedings of an International Workshop on Interactive Decision Analysis and Interpretative Computer Intelligence Hel by
Die Nachfrage Nach Medizinischen Leistungen: Eine Empirische Analyse Von Daten Aus Der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung by Breyer, F.
Technological Capability in the Third World by
Foreign Loans and Economic Performance: The Experience of the Less Developed Countries by Nikbaht, Ehsan
U. S. Economy in the 1950s: An Economic History by Vatter, Harold G.
The Contemporary Japanese Economy by Kosai, Yutaka, Ogino, Yoshitaro, Thompson, Trans Ralph
Why Has Japan 'Succeeded'?: Western Technology and the Japanese Ethos by Morishima, Michio
Money: In Disequilibrium by Gale, Douglas
Stackelberg Differential Games in Economic Models by Bagchi, A.
Macro-Economic Planning with Conflicting Goals: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the Vrije Universiteit of Brussels Belgium, December 10, 1982 by
Tax Incentives and Economic Growth by Bosworth, Barry P.
Einführung in das Programmieren in PL 1 by
Advanced Econometric Methods by Hill, R. Carter, Johnson, Stanley R., Fomby, Thomas B.
The Emergent Firm: Knowledge, Ignorance and Surprise in Economic Organisation by Kay, Neil M.
Health, Food, and Nutrition in Third World Development by
The Economic Growth of Brazil: A Survey from Colonial to Modern Times by Furtado, Celso
Growth, Profits and Property: Essays in the Revival of Political Economy by
Moving and Shaking American Medicine: The Structure of a Socioeconomic Transformation by Leyerle, Betty
Personal Income During Business Cycles by Creamer, Daniel, Unknown, Creamer, Daniel Barnett
Bayesian Full Information Analysis of Simultaneous Equation Models Using Integration by Monte Carlo by Bauwens, L.
The M/M/∞service System with Ranked Servers in Heavy Traffic by Newell, G. F.
Psychologische Aspekte Des Verstehens by
The World Copper Market: Structure and Econometric Model by Wagenhals, G.
Problems of Advanced Economies: Proceedings of the Third Conference on New Problems of Advanced Societies Tokyo, Japan, November 1982 by
Economic Policy and Planning in Third World Development by Ghosh, Pradip
Governments, Markets, and Growth: Financial Systems and Politics of Industrial Change by Zysman, John
The Adversary Economy: Business Responses to Changing Government Requirements by Marcus, Alfred A., Marcus, Alfred Allen
Latin America in the 1930s: The Role of the Periphery in World Crisis by
Development Policy and Planning: A Third Word Perspective by
New International Economic Order: A Third World Perspective by Ghosh, Pradip
Foreign Aid and Third World Development by Ghosh, Pradip
Multi-National Corporations and Third World Development by Ghosh, Pradip
Europe, America, and the Wider World: Volume 1, Europe and the World Economy: Essays on the Economic History of Western Capitalism by Parker, William Nelson
Sektorale Wirtschaftspolitik by Külp, B., Berthold, N., Knappe, E.
1978-1983 by
Third World Development: A Basic Needs Approach by
Collected Papers of Kenneth J. Arrow by Arrow, Kenneth J.
The New Economics of Health Care: DRGs, Case Mix, and the Prospective Payments System (PPS) by Arons, Raymond
Microeconomic Concepts for Attorneys: A Reference Guide by Curtis, Wayne C.
Economic Integration and Third World Development by
Appropriate Technology in Third World Development by
Development Co-operation and Third World Development by Ghosh, Pradip
An Economic Theorist's Book of Tales by Akerlof, George A., George a., Akerlof
The Volume of Payments and the Informal Economy in the Netherlands 1965-1982: An Attempt at Quantification by Boeschoten, W. C., Fase, M. M. G.
The Rich Nations and the Poor Nations by Ward, Barbara
A Course in Triangulations for Solving Equations with Deformations by Eaves, B. C.
Schumpeter Oder Keynes?: Zur Wirtschaftspolitik Der Neunziger Jahre by
Studies in Labor Market Dynamics: Proceedings of a Workshop on Labor Market Dynamics Held at Sandbjerg, Denmark August 24 - 28, 1982 by
Youthjobs: Toward a Private/Public Partnership by Bresnick, David
Social Welfare Spending: Accounting for Changes from 1950 to 1978 by
Strategy and Structure of Japanese Enterprises by Kono, Toyohiro
Strategy and Structure of Japanese Enterprises by Kono, Toyohiro
Problems of International Finance: Papers of the Seventh Annual Conference of the Ies Study Group by
The Origins and Development Of Labor Economics by McNulty, Paul J.
Rational Expectations: Macroeconomics for the 1980s? by Carter, Michael, Maddock, Rodney
Building Socialism in Bolshevik Russia: Ideology and Industrial Organization, 1917-1921 by Remington, Thomas F.
The Economy of British Central Africa: A Case Study of Economic Development in a Dualistic Society by Barber, William J., Unknown
Management Accounting, Organizational Theory and Capital Budgeting: 3surveys by Scapens, Robert W.
People and the State by Robertson, A. F., Robertson, Alexander, Robertson, Bengt Ed
Made in Africa by
La Crisis Economica y Social del Mundo. Sus Repercusiones En Los Paises Subdesarrollados, Sus Perspectivas Sombrias y La Necesidad de Luchar Si Quere by Castro, Fidel
The Politics of Industrial Restructuring: Canadian Textiles by Mahon, Rianne
Landowners in Colonial Peru by Davies, Keith a.
Imperialism in East Africa (Volume 2) by Nabudere, Dan
A Disequilibrium Model of Real and Financial Accumulation in an Open Economy: Theory, Evidence, and Policy Simulations by Padoan, Pietro C., Gandolfo, Giancarlo
Misspecification Analysis: Proceedings of a Workshop Held in Groningen, the Netherlands December 15-16, 1983 by
Geld Und Asymmetrische Information by Illing, G.
El Desarrollo Economico: Un Mito by Furtado, Celso
Impact of the Modern Corporation by
International Trade and Third World Development by
The Share of Top Wealth-Holders in National Wealth 1922-56 by Unknown, Lampman, Robert J.
Full Employment Without Inflation: Manifesto for a Governed Economy by Hazledine, Tim
Disarmament and Development: A Global Perspective by
Developing South Asia: A Modernization Approach by
Exchange Rates, Money and Output: The European Experience by Fratianni, Michele, Nabli, Mustapha K., Grauwe, P. De
Interpreting Mathematical Economics and Econometrics by Eastman, Byron
Rural Roads and Poverty Alleviation by Howe, John
Regulation by Municipal Licensing by Makuch, S. M., Palmer, John, Bossons, John
The Political Economy of Hunger: The Silent Holocaust by Unknown
See More