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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 1987

The Economics of the Welfare State by Barr, N. A.
Mathematical Optimization and Economic Theory by Intriligator, Michael D.
Advances in Behavioral Economics, Volume 1 by
Übungen Für Den Bankkaufmann: 550 Programmierte Fragen Mit Mehr ALS 3000 Antworten Zu Den Gebieten by Lippe, Gerhard
Einkaufsvorbereitung by Dörsch, Walter
Das Importgeschäft by Sonnemann, Kurt
Auslandsmarketing: Theorie Und PRAXIS Des Auslandsgeschäfts by Walldorf, Erwin Georg
Wie Arbeiten Moderne Unternehmen? by Kuhnle, Helmut
Der Kundenmanager: Das Erfolgsrezept Im Verdrängungswettbewerb by Maderthaner, Wolfgang
Innovation Und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit: Wissenschaftliche Tagung Des Verbandes Der Hochschullehrer Für Betriebswirtschaft E. V. an Der Universität Mannhe by
Neuere Entwicklungen in Der Produktions- Und Investitionspolitik: Herbert Jacob Zum 60. Geburtstag by Adam, Herbert
Lehraufgabenprogramm Für Den Bankkaufmann: Entscheidungsorientierte Fallsammlung Zur Speziellen Bankbetriebslehre Mit Aufgaben Zum Schriftverkehr by Sauter, Werner
100 Predictions for the Baby Boom: The Next 50 Years by Russell, Cheryl
Methods of Mathematical Economics: Linear and Nonlinear Programming, Fixed-Point Theorems by Franklin, Joel N.
Commonwealth: A Study of the Role of Government in the American Economy: Massachusetts, 1774-1861, Revised Edition by Handlin, Oscar, Handlin, Mary Flug
Stagnation and the Financial Explosion by Magdoff, Harry, Sweezy, Paul M.
Strategische Frühwarnsysteme Für Politische Auslandsrisiken by Tümpen, Marianne M.
Aktienanalyse Mit Dem IBM PC by Kwasniok, Thomas
Effizientes Marketing Mit Personal Computing: Marketing-Management, Softwarebewertung, Pc-Datenbanken by Grawe, Hubert
Forfaitierung: Die Alternative in Der Außenhandelsfinanzierung by Guild, Ian, Harris, Rhodri
Optionen: Anlagestrategien Und Märkte by Lingner, Ulrich
Außenwirtschaftslehre: Theorie Und Politik by Borchert, Manfred
Strategien an Den Devisenmärkten: -- Eine Anleitung Für Die PRAXIS -- by Wermuth, Dieter
Arbeitsbuch Zur Produktionspolitik: Mit Lösungen by
Absatzwirtschaft Im Industriebetrieb by Gerhard C., Otto
Einkaufsabwicklung by Dörsch, Walter
Die Organisation Ökonomischer Aktivitäten: Eine Einführung in Die Theorie Der Institutionen by Braun, Wolfram
Exportfinanzierung Für Großprojekte: National -- International -- Multinational by Schwanfelder, Werner
Modelle in Der Betriebswirtschaftslehre by
Zur Theorie Der Dynamischen Preispolitik by Röper, Jörn W.
Die Wirtschaftliche Bewertung Der Zentrenfertigung: Dargestellt Am Beispiel Einer Fertigungsinsel by Arning, Andreas
Kapitalanlagen in Den USA: Immobilien Öl, Gas Und Gold Investitionen by Winteler, Ernst-Uwe
Beschäftigung, Ausbildung Und Arbeitslosigkeit Weiblicher Jugendlicher in Nordrhein-Westfalen: - Entwicklung Und Arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahmen Unte by Scholten, Udo
Zur Dynamik Regionaler Arbeits- Und Investitionsmärkte: Angebot Und Nachfrage Regionaler Wirtschaftsfördermaßnahmen Im Konjunkturverlauf by Vesper, Joachim
Sozialdemokratische Wirtschaftsbetriebe: Eine Politikwissenschaftliche Untersuchung Von Partei-Eigenen Unternehmen in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Wewer, Göttrik
Kundenorientierte Bausparkassenkorrespondenz by Böhler, Gerhild
Führungsstil Und Absatzerfolg in Kreditinstituten by Gebert, Diether, Wendler, Erwin, Steinkamp, Thomas
Herausforderungen an Die Innovationskraft Der Verwaltung: Referate, Berichte, Stellungnahmen Und Diskussionsergebnisse Der Verwaltungswissenschaftlich by Böhret, Carl
Lenkungssysteme in Filialbanken: Steuerung Durch Komponenten Oder Verrechnungszinsen? by Paul, Stephan
Politische Ökonomie: Apologien Und Kritiken Des Kapitalismus by Zinn, Karl Georg
Strategische Investitionsplanung: Methoden Zur Bewertung Neuer Produktionstechnologien by Wildemann, Horst
Sponsoring: Unternehmen ALS Mäzene Und Sponsoren by Bruhn, Manfred
Der Bankbetrieb: Lehrbuch Und Aufgabensammlung by Hagenmüller, Karl Friedrich, Diepen, Gerhard
Seminar by
Forecasting Aggregated Vector Arma Processes by Lütkepohl, Helmut
Methoden Und Modelle Des Operations Research: Für Ingenieure, Ökonomen Und Informatiker by Zimmermann, Hans-Jürgen
Deutsche Unternehmen in Den USA: Das Management in Amerikanischen Niederlassungen Deutscher Mittelbetriebe by Kumar, Brij
Die Rekrutierung Von Führungsnachwuchs Bei Banken by Schöbitz, Eberhard
Technologie-Akzeptanz Im Unternehmen: Mitarbeiter Gewinnen Für Neue Informationstechnologien by Maydl, Erich
Der Konzernabschluß: Einführung in Das Bilanzrichtlinien-Gesetz Mit Fallbeispielen Und Gesetzestext-Auszügen by Brackert, Gerhard
Besser Führen Mit Transaktions Analyse by Wagner, Abe
Wertpapierbörsen by Peters, Hans Heinrich
Arbeitsmarkt, Arbeitsbeziehungen Und Politik in Den 80er Jahren by
Zinsrisiko-Management in Banken by Bangert, Michael
Neuere Tendenzen Des Standortverhaltens Von Großbanken by Alberts, Volker
Diversifikation Und Unternehmenserfolg: Diversifikationserfolge Und -Risiken Bei Unterschiedlichen Marktstrukturen Und Wettbewerb by Löbler, Helge
Produktionsplanung Und Pufferbildung Bei Werkstattfertigung by Müller, Angela
Was Regelt Das Arbeitsrecht? by Stetten, Wolfgang Von
Literatur Verstehen. Eine Empirische Studie by Meutsch, Dietrich
Unternehmensanalyse Mit Javelin: Eine Einführung Mit Fallbeispielen by Hering, Ekbert
Das Großbritannien-Geschäft: Rechtliche Und Steuerliche Vorschriften Personalführung - Marketing by
Die Kreditwürdigkeit Des Kunden by Witthoff, Hans-Wilhelm, Schöning, Hans, Härle, Dietrich
Innovation Patterns in Crisis and Prosperity: Schumpeter's Long Cycle Reconsidered by Kleinknecht, A.
International Financial Policy and Economic Development: A Disaggregated Approach by Bird, Graham
Arrow and the Foundations of the Theory of Economic Policy by
Multinational Enterprise and World Competition: A Comparative Study of the Usa, Japan, the Uk, Sweden and West Germany by Clegg, J.
The Economic and Social Effects of the Spread of Motor Vehicles: An International Centenary Tribute by
The Role of Banks in Economic Development: The Economics of Industrial Resurgence by Twards, George
The Politics of Economic Interdependence by Dell, Edmund
Japan and World Depression: Then and Now by
The Keynesian Revolution and Its Critics: Issues of Theory and Policy for the Monetary Production Economy by Fletcher, Gordon A.
Peace, Defence and Economic Analysis: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Stockholm Jointly by the International Economic Association and the Stockhol by
Financial Deregulation: A Comparative Study of Australia and the United Kingdom by Hall, M.
North-South Direct Investment in the European Communities: The Employment Impact of Direct Investment by British, French and German Multinationals in by Artisien, Patri Ck F. R., Buckley, Peter J.
Monetary Theory and Economic Institutions: Proceedings of a Conference Held by the International Economic Association at Fiesole, Florence, Italy by
Hong Kong: A Political-Geographic Analysis by Kelly, Ian
Women and the Economy: A Comparative Study of Britain and the USA by Mallier, A. T., Rosser, Mike
Foreign Trade and the National Economy: Mercantilist and Classical Perspectives by Gomes, Leonard
Financing East Asia's Success: Comparative Financial Development in Eight Asian Countries by Viksnins, George J., Skully, Michael T.
The Economics of François Quesnay by Vaggi, Gianni
Internationale des Schwertes Transnationale Beziehungen im Zeitalter der "vaterländischen Streitkräfte: 313. Sitzung am 15. Juli 1987 in Düsseldorf by Gollwitzer, Heinz
Alfred Marshall: Progress and Politics by Reisman, David
Protection, Cooperation, Integration and Development: Essays in Honour of Professor Hiroshi Kitamura by El-Agraa, A. M.
Why Reaganomics and Keynesian Economics Failed by Sawyer, James E.
Irm Directory of Statistics of International Investment and Production by Dunning, John, Cantwell, John
The Reconstruction of International Monetary Arrangements by
Education and Social Change in Egypt and Turkey: A Study in Historical Sociology by Williamson, Bill
So Verkauft Man Versicherungen by Schleuss, Hans
Geldanlage Und Steuern '88: -- Wegweiser Für Anlageberater Und Anleger -- by Lindmayer, Karl H., Weihbrecht, Friedrich
Der Beschaffungsmarkt Und Seine Mechanismen by Sonnemann, Kurt
Marketing Mit Dem PC: Mit 16 Basic-Programmen Für IBM PC Und Kompatible by Hering, Ekbert
Eva Expertensystem Zur Vermögensanlageberatung by Bachem, Joachim
Lineare Planungsrechnung Und Netzplantechnik by Runzheimer, Bodo
Economic Report on the Philadelphia Metropolitan Area, 1985 by Summers, Anita A., Luce, Thomas F.
Controlling-Konzepte: Perspektiven Für Die 90er Jahre by Mayer, Elmar
The Swedish Economy by
Nonfuel Minerals: Foreign Dependence and National Security by Mikesell, Raymond
Foreign Aid Reconsidered by Riddell, Roger C.
Establishing Agreement: An Analysis of Proposal-Acceptance Sequences by Houtkoop, Hanneke
Imperiled Economy I by Cherry, Robert
Foreign Aid: Its Defense and Reform by Mosley, Paul
Demokratische Alternativen in Wirtschaftstheorie Und Wirtschaftspolitik Kapitalistischer Länder by
Schriften Zur Politischen Ökonomie Und Statistik by Petty, William
Berührungen Zwischen Physik Und Ökonomie by Koziolek, Helmut, Schwarz, Rainer
Wirtschaftsgeschichte Polens Im 19. Und 20. Jahrhundert by Tomaszewski, Jerzy, Landau, Zbigniew
Reverse Licensing: International Technology Transfer to the United States by Shahrokhi, Manucheh
The Internationalization of Capital: Imperialism and Capitalist Development on a World Scale by Berberoglu, Berch
Business in the Age of Reason by Liebenau, Jonathan, Davenport-Hines, R. P. T.
Economic History of Puerto Rico: Institutional Change and Capitalist Development by Dietz, James L.
The Economic and Social Effects of the Spread of Motor Vehicles: An International Centenary Tribute by
Critics of Capitalism: Victorian Reactions to 'Political Economy' by
Money and Liberty in Modern Europe: A Critique of Historical Understanding by Reddy, William M., William M., Reddy
The British Economy Since 1700: A Macroeconomic Perspective by Lee, C. H.
British Railways 1948 73: A Business History by Gourvish, T. R.
The Evolving International Economy by Chichilnisky, Graciela, Heal, Geoffrey, Graciela, Chichilnisky
Mammon and the Pursuit of Empire: The Political Economy of British Imperialism, 1860 1912 by Huttenback, Robert A., Davis, Lance Edwin
Economic Reform and Income Distribution: Case Study of Hungary and Poland by Flakierski, Henryk
International Economics by
Econometric Modeling in Economic Education Research by
The Soviet Regional Dilemma by Dellenbrant, Jan Ake
Balancing the National Interest: U.S. National Security Export Controls and Global Economic Competition by Panel on the Impact of National Security Controls on Interna, National Academy of Sciences National Academy of Engineering, Committee on Science Engineering and Public Policy
Handbook of Labor Economics by
Organization Theory and Technocratic Consciousness: Rationality, Ideology and Quality of Work by Alvesson, Mats
Optimal Control Theory with Economic Applications: Volume 24 by Seierstad, A., Sydsæter, K.
Strategisches Management by Scholz, Christian
Central European Economic History from Waterloo to OPEC, 1815-1975: A Bibliography by Hacken, Richard D.
Verteilungstheorie by Ramser, Hans J.
The Value-added Tax: Key to Deficit Reduction by McLure, Charles E.
Innovation Patterns in Crisis and Prosperity: Schumpeter's Long Cycle Reconsidered by Kleinknecht, A.
Federal Lands Policy by Policy Studies Organization, Unknown
On Edge: International Banking and Country Risk by Goldberg, Ellen S., Haendel, Dan
Dynamic Macroeconomic Theory by Sargent, Thomas J.
Labor Market Adjustments in the Pacific Basin by
Handbook of Mathematical Economics: Volume 2 by
Die Unternehmung in Der Demokratischen Gesellschaft / The Business Corporation in the Democratic Society: Günter Dlugos Zum 65. Geburtstag Gewidmet by
Managing Relocation by Shortland, Susan M.
Wirtschaftsrecht Und Außenwirtschaftsverkehr Der Volksrepublik China by
Economic Policy in Theory and Practice by Razin, Assaf
Structural Change in an Urban Industrial Region: The Northeastern Ohio Case by Unknown
Arrow and the Ascent of Modern Economic Theory by
Monetary Policy and Rational Expectations by Macesich, George
Friedrich A. Sorge's Labor Movement in the United States: A History of the American Working Class from 1890 to 1896 by Vandepaer, Elizabeth, Sorge, Friedrich a., Foner, Laura
Comecon Foreign Trade Data 1986 by Unknown, Vienna
Nonlinear Economic Dynamics by
The Political Economy of the New Asian Industrialism by Deyo, Frederic C.
Political Economy of the New Asian Industrialism by Deyo, Frederic C.
Irm Directory of Statistics of International Investment and Production by Dunning, John, Cantwell, John
Monetary Theory and Economic Institutions: Proceedings of a Conference Held by the International Economic Association at Fiesole, Florence, Italy by
Socialism: Institutional, Philosophical and Economic Issues by
Pre-Classical Economic Thought: From the Greeks to the Scottish Enlightenment by
Currency Substitution: Theory and Evidence from Latin America by Canto, Victor A., Nickelsburg, Gerald
The Role of the Current Account in Asset Market Models of Exchange Rate Determination by Groß, Alexander
Handbook of Mathematical Economics: Volume 1 by
Grundlagen der politischen Kultur des Westens by
Toward a Theory of Eurocommunism: The Relationship of Eurocommunism to Eurosocialism by Antonian, Armen
The Estimation of Macroeconomic Disequilibrium Models with Regime Classification Information by Rudebusch, Glenn D.
Dynamical Systems: Proceedings of an Iiasa (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis) Workshop on Mathematics of Dynamic Proc by
U.S. National Economic Policy, 1917-1985 by Campagna, Anthony
Regional Long Waves, Uneven Growth, and the Cooperative Alternative. by Booth, Douglas E.
Falls of St. Anthony by Kane, Lucille
In Pursuit of Lakshmi: The Political Economy of the Indian State by Rudolph, Susanne Hoeber, Rudolph, Lloyd I.
The Reconstruction of Western Europe, 1945-51 by Milward, Alan S.
Essays on the Political Economy of Rural Africa by Bates, Robert H.
Drawing the Line on Natural Gas Regulation: The Harvard Study on the Future of Natural Gas by Unknown
Studies in Public Enterprise: From Evaluation to Privatisation by Ramanadham, V. V.
Wirtschaftssysteme: Vergleiche -- Theorie -- Kritik by Sik, Ota
Resource Allocation Mechanisms by Campbell, Donald E.
The Individual in the Economy: A Textbook of Economic Psychology by Lea S E G, Stephen E. G., Lea, Lea, Stephen E. G.
The Brenner Debate by
Statistics for Economics, Business Administration, and the Social Sciences by Andersen, Erling B., Jensen, Nils-Erik, Kousgaard, Nils
Developments of Control Theory for Economic Analysis by
Work and Industry: Structures, Markets, and Processes by Kalleberg, Arne L., Berg, Ivar
How the West Grew Rich: The Economic Transformation of the Industrial World by Rosenberg, Nathan
Beschäftigung Und Konjunktur: Versuch Einer Integration Verschiedener Erklärungsansätze by Ramser, Hans J.
Toward a New Iron Age?: Quantitative Modeling of Resource Exhaustion by Gordon, Robert B., Nordhaus, William D., Koopmans, Tjalling C.
Rational Choice by
Cambridge Monetary Thought by Bridel, Pascal
Umverteilung, Effizienz Und Demographische Abhängigkeit Von Rentenversicherungssystemen: Eine Modelltheoretische Betrachtung Mit Ergänzenden Modellrec by Bösch, Martin
America's Changing Role in the World-System by Bergensen, Albert
The United States in the World-Economy: A Regional Geography by Agnew, John
The Services Economy: Lever to Growth by Nusbaumer, Jacques A. E.
The Netherlands and the Gold Standard, 1931-1936: A Study in Policy Formation and Policy by
Money Capital in the Theory of the Firm: A Preliminary Analysis by Vickers, Douglas
International Financial Intermediation by Bryant, Ralph
Theory of Financial Decision Making by Ingersoll, Jonathan E.
Berlin Und Seine Wirtschaft: Ein Weg Aus Der Geschichte in Die Zukunft. Lehren Und Erkenntnisse by
Black Africa: The Economic and Cultural Basis for a Federated State by Diop, Cheikh Anta
The Coming of Age of Political Economy, 1815-1825. by Langer, Gary F.
Ally Versus Ally: America, Europe, and the Siberian Pipeline Crisis by Blinken, Anthony J., Blinken, Antony J.
Excercises in Dynamic Macroeconomic Theory by Sargent, Thomas J., Manuelli, Rodolfo E.
Economic evaluations of unpaid household work: Africa, Asia, Latin America and Oceania (Women, Work and Development No. 14) by Goldschmidt-Vermont, Luisella
The Reconstruction of Economics: An Analysis of the Fundamentals of Institutional Economics by Gruchy, Allan Garfield
International Countertrade by
Economic Growth & End of Transatlantic Slave Trade by Eltis, David
Sustainable Development: Exploring the Contradictions by Redclift, Michael
Computers and Computer Applications in Developing Countries by
The Political Economy of International Relations by Gilpin, Robert G.
Entrepreneurship and the Privatizing of Government by Unknown
The Future of Hong Kong: Toward 1997 and Beyond by Li Wu, Yuan
The Political Economy of Risk and Choice in Senegal by Waterbury, John
See More