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Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 1991

Between Profit and State: Intermediate Organisations in Britain and the United States by Ware, Alan J.
The End of Organized Capitalism by Urry, John, Lash, Scott
Produktivkräfte in Deutschland 1800 Bis 1870 by
Jahrbuch Für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook. 1990, Teil 1 by
Jahrbuch Für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook. 1990, Teil 2 by
Jahrbuch Für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook. 1990, Teil 3 by
Private Markets and Public Intervention: A Primer for Policy Designers by Averch, Harvey
Principles of Engineering Economy by Leavenworth, Richard S., Ireson, W. Grant, Grant, Eugene L.
Readings in Urban Economics by
Pathologie Des Psychosomatischen Reaktionsmusters: Diagnose - Klinik - Therapie by Gathmann, Peter
Principles of Econometrics by Theil, Henri
Readings in State and Local Public Finance by
From Cotton Belt to Sunbelt: Federal Policy, Economic Development, and the Transformation of the South, 1938-1980 by Schulman, Bruce J.
Joseph A. Schumpeter: The Economics and Sociology of Capitalism by
Masters to Managers: Historical and Comparative Perspectives on American Employers by
After the Breakup: Assessing the New Post-AT&T Divestiture Era by
India and the Soviet Union by Mehrotra, Santosh K.
Eastern Europe in the World Economy by Csaba, Laszlo
Britain Ascendant: Studies in British and Franco-British Economic History: Comparative Studies in Franco-British Economic History by Crouzet, Francois
Theorie Und Politik Der Abfallwirtschaft: Eine Ökonomische Analyse by Michaelis, Peter
The Social Crisis of Our Time by Roepke, Wilhelm
Politics, Economics, and Welfare by Dahl, Robert a.
Epistemics and Economics: A Critique of Economic Doctrines by Shackle, G. L. S.
The Resurgent Liberal: And Other Unfashionable Prophecies by Reich, Robert B.
The Economic Pivot in a Political Context by
Public Goods and Market Failures: A Critical Examination by Cowen, Tyler
Perspectives on an Economic Future: Forms, Reforms, and Evaluations by
A Classical Approach to Occupational Wage Rates by Stevans, Lonnie, Gleicher, David, Green, Rodney
The Modern Corporation and Private Property by Berle, Adolf a.
Hidden Technocrats: The New Class and New Capitalism by
The Public Debt of the United States: An Historical Perspective, 1775-1990 by Stabile, Donald, Cantor, Jeffrey a., Stabile, Donald R.
World Debt and Stability by Macesich, George
Schumpeter and the Political Economy of Change by McKee, David L.
The European Community and the United States: Economic Relations by Gianaris, Nicholas
Early State Economics by
Evolutionary Economics: A Study of Change in Economic Thought by Hamilton, David
Risk, Organizations, and Society by
Aktualisierung Und Prognose Technischer Koeffizienten in Gesamtwirtschaftlichen Input-Output Modellen by Richter, Josef
Markets and Politicians: Politicized Economic Choice by
National Interests in an Age of Global Technology by National Academy of Engineering, Committee on Engineering as an International Enterprise
Synergetic Economics: Time and Change in Nonlinear Economics by Zhang, Wei-Bin
Europe 1992: The Implications of Market Integration for R & D-Intensive Firms by Office of International Affairs, National Research Council, Policy and Global Affairs
Japanese Management Structures, 1920-80 by Suzuki, Yoshitaka
Market and the State: Government Policy Towards Business in Europe, Japan, and the USA by Audretsch, David
Konsumorientierte Neuordnung Des Steuersystems by
Makroökonomik: Zur Theorie Interdependenter Märkte by Fuhrmann, Wilfried
Employment Policy by Holmstedt, Margareta
Optimal Firm Behaviour in the Context of Technological Progress and a Business Cycle by Hilten, Onno Van
Regional and Local Economic Analysis for Practitioners by Bendavid Val, Avrom
The Money Supply Process: A Comparative Analysis by Dimitrijevic, Dimitrije, Macesich, George
American Challenges: Business and Government in the World of the 1990s by Leveson, Irving
Regional and Local Economic Analysis for Practitioners: Fourth Edition by Bendavid-Val, Avrom
Comecon Data 1989 by The Vienna Institute for Comparative Eco, Vienna, Institute For Comparative Econom
Measuring the Demand for Environmental Quality: Open Workshop: Revised Papers by
Before European Hegemony: The World System A.D. 1250-1350 by Abu-Lughod, Janet L.
Unemployment: A Problem of Policy: Analysis of British Experience and Prospects by Worswick, G. D. N.
A Bibliography of Historical Economics to 1980 by
The Stages of Economic Growth: A Non-Communist Manifesto by Rostow, W. W., Rostow, Walt W.
Time Series: Theory and Methods by Davis, Richard A., Brockwell, Peter J.
Export Development and Promotion: The Role of Public Organizations by
Research in Third World Accounting by
International Competitiveness in Financial Services: A Special Issue of the Journal of Financial Services Research by
Current Issues in Monetary Policy in the United States and Japan: The Predictability of Money Demand by Grivoyannis, Elias C.
Blueprint 2: Greening the World Economy by Pearce, David
Can the Welfare State Compete?: A Comparative Study of Five Advanced Capitalist Countries by
Working for the Japanese: Myths and Realities: British Perceptions by Jones, Stephanie
Corporate Takeovers: Causes and Consequences by
Forschung Und Entwicklung Für Die Telekommunikation -- Internationaler Vergleich Mit Zehn Ländern --: Band II: Italien, Spanien, Süd-Korea, Niederland by
On Interpreting Keynes: A Study in Reconciliation by Littleboy, Bruce
Mikro-Ökonometrie by Ronning, Gerd
Decision Processes in Economics: Proceedings of the VI Italian Conference on Game Theory, Held in Modena, Italy, October 9-10, 1989 by
A Structural Analysis of Expectation Formation: Based on Business Surveys of French Manufacturing Industry by Ivaldi, Marc
African Successes: Four Public Managers of Kenyan Rural Development by Leonard, David K.
International Strategies of Japanese Banks: The European Perspective by Duser, J. Thorsten
Multinational Enterprises in Less Developed Countries by
Power, Competition and the State: Volume 3 by Middlemas, K.
The Economic Consequences of the Vietnam War by Campagna, Anthony S.
Internationale Organisationen Aus Der Sicht Der Neuen Politischen Ökonomie by Gygi, Beat
Flexible Wechselkurse Aus Der Sicht Des Finanzmarktansatzes by Tivig, Thusnelda
Die Volkswirtschaftlichen Kosten Von Umweltpolitik: Kosten-Wirksamkeitsanalysen Mit Einem Angewandten Gleichgewichtsmodell by Schröder, Michael
The Stages of Economic Growth: A Non-Communist Manifesto by Rostow, W. W.
Storage and Commodity Markets by Williams, Jeffrey C., Wright, Brian D.
International Political Economy and Socialism by LaVigne, Marie
Int Political Economy and Soci by LaVigne, Marie
The Stockholm School of Economics Revisited by
The Struggle for Market Power by Jaffe, James Alan
Moundville's Economy by Welch, Paul D.
The Political Economy of Senegal Under Structural Adjustment by
The Economic Consequences of the Vietnam War by Campagna, Anthony
Effective Reform in China: An Agenda by Woo, Henry K. H.
The Great Myths of 1929 and the Lessons to Be Learned by Bierman, Harold
Effective Sanctions on South Africa: The Cutting Edge of Economic Intervention by
The Unsettled Relationship: Labor Migration and Economic Development by
The Keepers of Finance: U.S. Financial Leadership at the Crossroads by Taylor, Jeremy F., Taylor, Marilyn
Linking the Natural Environment and the Economy: Essays from the Eco-Eco Group by
A Theory of Production for the Financial Firm by Hancock, Diana
Price Caps and Incentive Regulation in Telecommunications by
Patinnova '90: Strategies for the Protection of Innovation by
Political Economy and American Capitalism by Peterson, Rodney D.
Computers in the humanities and the social sciences by
The Nonprofit Economy by Weisbrod, Burton
Managing Development: State, Society, and International Contexts by Staudt, Kathleen
World Agriculture in Disarray by Johnson, David Gale
Parallel Politics: Economic Policymaking in Japan and the United States by
Democracy, Bureaucracy and Public Choice: Economic Approaches in Political Science by Dunleavy, Patrick
Public Choices and Policy Change: The Political Economy of Reform in Developing Countries by Grindle, Merilee S., Thomas, John W.
Managing Development: State, Society, and International Contexts by
Liberalization in the Process of Economic Development by
Mathematik Für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler: II Analysis by Kruse, Hermann-Josef, Piehler, Gabriele, Gal, Tomas
Mathematik Für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler: I Lineare Algebra by Kruse, Hermann-Josef, Vogeler, Bernhard, Gal, Tomas
Voter Behavior in Economics Perspective by Schram, Arthur J. H. C.
Labour Relations in Eastern Europe: Organisational Design and Dynamics by Petkov, Krastya, Thirkell, J. E. M.
The Management of Science: Proceedings of Section F (Economics) of the British Association for by
The Political Economy of Participatory Economics by Albert, Michael, Hahnel, Robin
Graphen Und Digraphen: Eine Einführung in Die Graphentheorie by Volkmann, Lutz
The Political Economy of Hunger by
Japanese Industrial Targeting: The Neomercantilist Path to Economic Superpower by Nester, William R.
A Course in Econometrics by Goldberger, Arthur S.
Sun Also Sets: Limits to Japan's Economic Power by Emmott, Bill
Rural Reform and Peasant Income in China: The Impact of China's Post-Mao Rural Reforms in Selected Regions by Ling, Z.
Comparative Performance of U.S. Econometric Models by
The Economics of Feasible Socialism Revisited by Nove, Alec
New Keynesian Economics, Volume 1: Imperfect Competition and Sticky Prices by
New Keynesian Economics, Volume 2: Coordination Failures and Real Rigidities by
On Concepts and Measures of Multifactor Productivity in Canada, 1961-1980 by Cas, Alexandra, Rymes, Thomas K.
East-West Financial Relations by Zloch-Christy, Iliana
Planned Economies & Int Econ O by Brabant, Jozef M. Van
Forecasting, Structural Time Series Models and the Kalman Filter by Harvey, Andrew C., Harvey, A. C.
Europe, America, and the Wider World by Parker, William N.
New Perspectives on the Late Victorian Economy: Essays in Quantitative Economic History, 1860 1914 by
Coal, Steel, and the Rebirth of Europe, 1945 1955: The Germans and French from Ruhr Conflict to Economic Community by Gillingham, John
Europe, America, and the Wider World: Volume 2, America and the Wider World: Essays on the Economic History of Western Capitalism by Parker, William N.
Thinking about Growth: And Other Essays on Economic Growth and Welfare by Abramovitz, Moses
Economic Forecasting: An Introduction by Holden, Kenneth K.
The Role of Banks in the Interwar Economy by
Demographic Processes, Occupation and Technological Change: Symposium Held at the University of Bamberg from 17th to 18th November 1989 by
In Search of Indicators of Sustainable Development by
Marxist Perspectives on Imperialism: A Theoretical Analysis by Polychroniou, Polychronis, Polychroniou, Chronis
The Economic Legacy of the Reagan Years: Euphoria or Chaos? by
Beschäftigungsfolgen moderner Technologien by
Issues in Contemporary Economics (Vol. 2): Aspects of Macroeconomics and Econometrics by Nerlove, Marc
Economics and Hermeneutics by
Society and Economy in Modern Britain 1700-1850 by Brown, Richard
Linear Models with Correlated Disturbances by Knottnerus, Paul
Mathematik Für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler: Aufgabensammlung by Gal, Jan, Gal, Tomas
Reclaiming Capital by Gunn, Christopher, Gunn, Hazel
Reclaiming Capital by Gunn, Hazel, Gunn, Christopher
Dynamic Games in Economic Analysis: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Differential Games and Applications August 9-10, 1990, Helsin by
The World of Economics by
Crossing the Industrial Divide: State, Society, and the Politics of Economic Tranformation in Malaysia by Bowie, Alasdair
The Accursed Share, Volume I by Bataille, Georges
The Philosophy of Economics: On the Scope of Reason in Economic Inquiry by Roy, Subroto
Resource Management in Developing Countries: Africa's Ecological and Economic Problems by James, Valentine Udoh, James, Valentine U.
Resource Management in Developing Countries: Africa's Ecological and Economic Problems by James, Valentine U.
An Essay on Money and Distribution by Pivetti, Massimo
Ein Betrieb Denkt Um: Die Dualistische Fabrikplanung by
Edward L. Doheny: Petroleum, Power, and Politics in the United States and Mexico by La Botz, Dan
Congress, Human Nature, and the Federal Debt: Essays on the Political Psychology of Deficit Spending by Brembeck, Cole Speicher
The Greek Economy: Sources of Growth in the Postwar Era by Tsaliki, Persefoni V.
Workers' Participative Schemes: The Experience of Capitalist and Plan-Based Societies by Tsiganou, Helen A.
Arab Nationalism, Oil, and the Political Economy of Dependency by Alnasrawi, Abbas
European Economic Integration: The Role of Technology by
Why Developing Countries Fail to Develop: International Economic Framework and Economic Subordination by Mathur, Purushottam Narayan
Electronic Money Flows: The Molding of a New Financial Order by Solomon, Elinor
Econometric Modelling of the World Trade in Groundfish by
Chronic Inflation in an Industrializing Economy: The Brazilian Experience by Parkin, Vincent
The Joan Robinson Legacy by Rima, Ingrid H.
Perspectives Modern German Eco by Borchardt, Knut
Perspectives on Modern German Economic History and Policy by Borchardt, Knut
Governance of the American Economy by
European Integration by
Governance of the American Economy by
The Challenge of African Economic Recovery and Development by
Global Linkages: Macroeconomic Interdependence and Cooperation in the World Economy by Sachs, Jeffrey D., McKibbin, Warwick J.
The Collected Writings of Paul Davidson (Vol. 2) by Davidson, Louise
Stochastic Models and Option Values: Applications to Resources, Environment and Investment Problems by
State Policies and Techno-Industrial Innovation by
A History of Canadian Economic Thought by Neill, Robin
Eisenhower and the Management of Prosperity by Sloan, John W.
Spracheingabe Zur Programmierung Von Schweißrobotern by Scherff, Birgit
Kosten-Nutzen-Rechnung Von Universitäten: Eine Fallstudie Am Beispiel Der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien by Pelizon, Peter, Manner, Gerhard, Otruba, Heinrich
Regime Transitions, Spillovers and Buffer Stocks: Analysing the Swiss Economy by Means of a Disequilibrium Model by Stalder, Peter
Bund Options by Tompkins, Robert
Ricardo and the Gold Standard: The Foundations of the International Monetary Order by Marcuzzo, Maria Cristina, Rosselli, Annalisa
Ukraine Under Perestroika: Ecology, Economics and the Workers' Revolt by Marples, David R.
International Securitisation: The Scope, Development and Future Outlook for Asset-Backed Finance by Shaw, Zoe
Bunds and Bund Futures by Pohlmann, Mark, Corrigan, Daniel
Leisure Travel: Making It a Growth Market...Again! by Plog, Stanley C.
Essays in Macroeconomics of an Open Economy by Gehrels, Franz
Exchange Rate Determination and Optimal Economic Policy Under Various Exchange Rate Regimes by Jong, Eelke de
Strategische Handelspolitik: Nationale Anreize Und Internationale Koordinationsaufgaben by Welzel, Peter
The Money Markets of Developing East Asia by Emery, Robert F.
Modelling and Empirical Evaluation of Labour Supply Behaviour: Emphasis on Preference Formation, Job Characteristics and Hours Restrictions by Woittiez, Isolde
Den Wettbewerb Im Energiesektor Planen: Least-Cost Planning: Ein Neues Konzept Zur Optimierung Von Energiedienstleistungen by
Risky Business?: Youth And The Enterprise Culture by MacDonald, Robert, Coffield, Frank
Time Series Techniques for Economists by Mills, Terence
Keynes's General Theory and Accumulation by A, Asimakopulos, Asimakopulos, A.
Nonparametric and Semiparametric Methods in Econometrics and Statistics: Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econo by
Persistent Pollutants: Economics and Policy: Economics and Policy by
Dynamic Models for the Inter-Relations of Real and Financial Growth by Ekstedt, H., Westberg, L.
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