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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 1996

Financial Services, Globalization and Domestic Policy Change by Coleman, William D.
Advances in Behavioral Economics, Volume 3: Substance Use and Abuse by Green, Leonard
Survival by Association: Supply Management Landscape of the Eastern Caribbean by Welch, Barbara M.
Firms and Industrial Organization in Japan by
European Air Law Association: Sixth Annual Conference in Amsterdam by Mirmina, S. a., Dagtoglou, P. D., Slot, Piet Jan
Financial Securities: Market Equilibrium and Pricing by Bernard Dumas, Blaise Allaz
Sustainability: A Systems Approach by Clayton, Tony, Radcliffe, Nicholas
Europe's Challenges: Economic Efficiency and Social Solidarity by Abele, Hanns
Volkswirtschaftliche Probleme Der Deutschen Vereinigung: 401. Sitzung Am 13. April 1994 in Düsseldorf by Sinn, Hans-Werner
Personalorganisation Und Personaleinsatz by Herrmann, Jörg
Personalverwaltung by Göbel, Martin
Personalentlohnung Und Monetäres Anreizsystem by Moderegger, Hermann A.
Personalausbildung by Scholl, Dieter
Chefsache Qualitätsmanagement Umweltmanagement: Mit Praxisbeispielen by Jäger, Johann
Gabler Lexikon Innovative Informations-Verarbeitung: Integration Und Anwendung in Wirtschaft Und Verwaltung by Hansen, Wolf-Rüdiger, Peschanel, Frank D.
Finanzanlagen Und Steuerstrategien in Europa: Steuerstrategien Für Anleger by Richter, Ute G.
Zukunftsgerichtetes Controlling: Unterstützungs- Und Steuerungssystem Für Das Management by Steinle, Claus
Betriebswirtschaftslehre Und Der Standort Deutschland by
Der Effiziente Staat -- Fiktion Oder Vision?: Unternehmerische Ideen Für Lebensqualität Und Wohlstand by Reutner, Friedrich
Corporate Venture Capital: Risikokapitalfinanzierung Deutscher Industrieunternehmen by Schween, Karsten
Unternehmensbewertung Bei Akquisitionen: Methoden - Anwendungen - Probleme by Beck, Peter
Kanada Und Der Freihandel: Der Staat Zwischen Wiedergeburt Und Kapitulation by Oldendorff, Gitta
Betriebswirtschaftliche Anwendungen Des Integrierten Systems SAP R/3: Projektstudien, Grundlagen Und Anregungen Für Eine Erfolgreiche PRAXIS by
Fremdkapitalmarketing: Ein Teil Des Finanzmarketing Der Unternehmung by Klein, Sebastian
Telearbeit Erfolgreich Realisieren: Das Umfassende, Aktuelle Handbuch Für Entscheidungsträger Und Projektverantwortliche by Kordey, Norbert
Grundkurs Wirtschaftsinformatik: Eine Kompakte Und Praxisorientierte Einführung by Abts, Dietmar
Colbert, Mercantilism & French by Ames, Glenn
The Conquest of Poverty (Large Print Edition) (Large Print Edition) by Hazlitt, Henry
An Arabian Adventure: A Dream Achieved by Rossi, Gifford S.
Importgeschäfte by Bühne, Hubert, Pahlitzsch, Wolfgang
Finanzanalyse by Küster-Simic, André
Grundlagen Und Rahmenbedingungen Der Personalwirtschaft by Göbel, Martin
Auftragsbearbeitung by Braun, Stefan
Grundzüge Des Umweltmanagements by Mitter, Sudhir
Beraten Und Verkauft: Die Methoden Der Strukturvertriebe by Dahm, Wolfgang
Die Struktur Des Versicherungsbetriebes by Mlynski, Manfred
Governance Structures: Umbruch in Der Führung Von Großunternehmen by
Plant Here the Standard by Griffiths, Dennis
Organization and Strategy in the Evolution of the Enterprise by
Inflation, Institutions and Information: Essays in Honour of Axel Leijonhufvud by
Building Brands Directly: Creating Business Value from Customer Relationships by Pearson, Stewart
Financial Fragility, Debt and Economic Reforms by
Explorations in Economic Liberalism: The Wincott Lectures by
Capitalism from Above and Capitalism from Below: An Essay in Comparative Political Economy by Byres, T.
Japan and the European Periphery by
Monetary Economics in the 1990s: The Henry Thornton Lectures, Numbers 9-17 by Capie, Forrest
Bronze Und Silber: Papyrologische Beiträge Zur Geschichte Der Währung Im Ptolemäischen Und Römischen Ägypten Bis Zum 2. Jahrhundert N. Ch by Maresch, Klaus
International Economic Co-Operation and the World Bank by Oliver, Robert W.
The Aftermath of 'Real Existing Socialism' in Eastern Europe: Volume 1: Between Western Europe and East Asia by
Winning Ways Through Corporate Governance by Bain, Neville, Band, David
Facing the Technological Challenge by Bhalla, A. S.
Adaptable Livelihoods: Coping with Food Insecurity in the Malian Sahel by Davies, Susanna
The Economy of Turkey Since Liberalization by
China's Economic Reform by Shangquan, Gao
Banking and Financial Control in Reforming Planned Economies by Yang, Haiqun
Equity, Efficiency and Growth: The Future of the Welfare State by
The 1990s Slump: Causes and Cures by
African Industry in Decline: The Case of Textiles in Tanzania in the 1980s by De Valk, Peter
The World Economy: Challenges of Globalization and Regionalization by Svetlicic, Marjan
Financial Services, Globalization and Domestic Policy Change by Coleman, William D.
Latin America's New Insertion in the World Economy: Towards Systemic Competitiveness in Small Economies by
J. A. Hobson by Schneider, Michael
John Kenneth Galbraith by Stanfield, James Ronald
Stability in the Financial System by Papadimitriou, Dimitris
Public Administration in the Nics: Challenges and Accomplishments by
Cocoa Pioneer Fronts Since 1800: The Role of Smallholders, Planters and Merchants by
Mathematik Im Betrieb by Holland, Heinrich, Holland, Doris
Sanierung Und Konkurs by Glaser, Ulrich
Personalplanung Und Personalbeschaffung by Herrmann, Jörg
Personalentwicklung by Klötzl, Gustav
Personalführung by Steinkamp, Thomas
Pps-Controlling by Kernler, Helmut
Blueprint 5: True Costs of Road Transport by Maddison, David, Johansson, Olof, Pearce, David
Betriebliches Umweltmanagement 1996 by
Men Love Chocolates But They Don't Say by Barya, Mildred Kiconco
Africa's Quest for Economic Development by Bibangambah, Jossy R.
Red Cat, White Cat: China and the Contradictions of Market Socialism by Weil, Robert
People, Politics and Economic Life: Exploring Appalachia with Quantitative Methods by Plaut, Thomas, Keefe, Susan E.
The Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle (Large Print Edition): And Other Essays (Large Print Edition) by
Using Federalism to Improve Environmental Policy by Macey, Jonathan R., Butler, Henry N.
Democracy and Development in Africa by Ake, Claude
The New Finance:: Regulation and Financial Stability by Edwards, Franklin R.
Ordo by
Deregulation and Privatisation: Hume Papers on Public Policy 3.3 by Macqueen, Hector L.
Red Cat, White Cat: China and the Contradictions of "Market Socialism" by Weil, Robert
Corporate Governance in Central Europe and Russia: Banks, Funds, and Foreign Investors by
Corporate Governance in Central Europe and Russia: Insiders and the State by Rapaczynski, Andrzej
End of Economic Man: Principles of Any Future Economics (Large Print Edition) by Brockway, George P.
Money, Markets, and Trade in Early Southeast Asia: The Development of Indigenous Monetary Systems to AD 1400 by Wicks, Robert S.
Environmental and Economic Issues in Fur Trapping: A Profile of Canada's Fur Trapping Industry and Variables Influencing Its Sustainability: An Annota by Stevenson, Marc G.
Historia de la Globalizacion: Origenes del Orden Economico Mundial by Ferrer, Aldo
Non-Governmental Organizations and Rural Poverty Alleviation by Riddell, Roger C., Robinson, Mark
Monetary and Financial Policies in Developing Countries: Growth and Stabilization by Chowdhury, Anis, Hossain, Akhtar
Interest Rates and Budget Deficits: A Study of the Advanced Economies by Gupta, Kanhaya L., Moazzami, Bakhtiar
Foreign Direct Investment and Governments: Catalysts for economic restructuring by Narula, Rajneesh, Dunning, John
Economic Mavericks: The Texas Institutionalists by
Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth by
Ricardo - The New View: Collected Essays I by Hollander, Samuel
Doctrines Of Development by Cowen, M. P.
Doctrines Of Development by Cowen, M. P.
New Perspectives on Keynes: Volume 27 by
Democracy and Development: Theory and Practice by
Disaster and Development in the Horn of Africa by
The World Bank and Non-Governmental Organizations: The Limits of Apolitical Development by Nelson, P.
Competition and Cooperation in Japanese Labour Markets by Mosk, C.
Time Series and Dynamic Models by Christian, Gourieroux, Gourieroux, Christian, Gourieroux, C.
Monetäre Modelle Der Wechselkurserklärung by
Die Publizität Des Finanzvermögens Im Jahresabschluß: Diskrepanz Zwischen Anspruch Und Realität? by
Generationswechsel in Familienunternehmen: Psychologische Aspekte Des Führungswechsels by
Die Macht Der Banken: Politische Positionen Zur Neuregelung Der Gesetzlichen Grundlagen by
Computerunterstützte Teamarbeit: Konzeption Und Realisierung Eines Teamarbeitssystems by
Die Wertsteigerungsanalyse Im Managementprozeß by
Gesellschafter Und Geschäftsführer Der Gmbh: Juristische Und Ökonomische Analyse by
Bootstrappen Ökonometrischer Mehrgleichungsmodelle: Die Rückwärtige Berechnung Von Prognoseintervallen by
Marketing-Konzeption Für Telekommunikationssysteme by
Die Privatisierung Der Deutschen Bundes- Und Reichsbahn: Institutioneller Rahmen -- Wertkettenorientiertes Synergiekonzept -- Analyse Der Infrastruktu by
Stochastische Versus Deterministische Trends Im Rahmen Der Cointegration: Bayesianische Simulationsstudien by
Marketing Für Unternehmensberatung: Ein Institutionenökonomischer Ansatz by
Standardisierung Betrieblicher Informationssysteme by
Filialpolitik: Rationalisierung Und Organisatorische Auswirkungen by Kasten, Lars, Reents, Börchert, Wilkening, Hans-Jürgen
Deutsche Vereinigung, Kapitalbildung Und Beschäftigung by Carlberg, Michael
Handelsforschung 1995/96: Informationsmanagement Im Handel by
Qualitätsmanagement Im Privatkundengeschäft Von Banken: Konzeption Und Aufbauorganisatorische Verankerung by Schmitz, Gerhard
Professionell Telefonieren: Kompetenz, Kundenorientierung Und Corporate Identity Am Telefon by
Umweltgerechte Verkehrskonzepte: Beiträge Zum 3. Und 4. Mainzer Umweltsymposium by
Optimale Finanzpolitik Und Zeitliche Inkonsistenz: Eine Theoretische Analyse by Huber, Bernd
Übungs- Und Klausurenbuch Zur Mathematik Für Volks- Und Betriebswirte by Kallischnigg, Gerd
Statistik by Urban, Klaus
Industrial Organization: Theory and Applications by Shy, Oz
Volkswirtschaftslehre: Grundzüge Der Wirtschaftstheorie Und -Politik by Kyrer, Alfred, Penker, Walter
Power in Motion by Winters, Jeffrey A.
Globalization, Institutions, and Regional Development in Europe by
Einflüsse Der Forschungsförderung Auf Gesetzgebung Und Normenbildung Im Umweltschutz by Hillenbrand, T., Angerer, Gerhard, Hiessl, H.
Wider Studies in Development Economics by
Women, Culture, and Development: A Study of Human Capabilities by
Liberalism and Social Reform: Industrial Growth and Progressiste Politics in France, 1880-1914 by Gordon, David M.
Management of Developing Economies in Transition: Choice of Methods and Techniques in Economic Reform by Wuu-Long Lin, Lin, Wuu-Long, Chen, Thomas P.
Capital Control, Financial Regulation, and Industrial Policy in South Korea and Brazil by Gordon Nembhard, Jessica, Nembhard, Jessica G.
New Horizons in Natural Gas Deregulation by Ellig, Jerome R.
Fiskalpolitik in Der Europäischen Währungsunion: Marktdisziplinierung, Transfers Und Verschuldungsanreize by Rolf, Ulrich
China's Energy Strategy: Economic Structure, Technological Choices, and Energy Consumption by Lin, Xiannuan
Rethinking Our Centralized Monetary System: The Case for a System of Local Currencies by Solomon, Lewis D.
Fundamente Der Graphentheorie by Volkmann, Lutz
Globalization and World Society by Spybey, Tony
System-Transformation by Einig, Elisabeth, Hesse, Frank, Biermann, Herbert
Business and Society: A Reader in the History, Sociology, and Ethics of Business by
World Economic Primacy: 1500-1990 by Kindleberber, Charles P., Kindleberger, C. P.
Visions of the Future: The Distant Past, Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow by Heilbroner, Robert L.
International Monetary Economics by McCallum, Bennett T.
Beyond Microfoundations: Post Walrasian Economics by
Statistics and Econometric Models 2 Volume Set by Gourieroux, Christian, Monfort, Alain
Universities and Elites in Britain Since 1800 by Anderson, R. D.
Technology Transfer by Sullivan, Neil F., Neil F., Sullivan
Economic Evolution and Structure by Pryor, Frederic L.
Principles of Cost-Benefit Analysis for Developing Countries by Dinwiddy, Caroline
Statistics and Econometric Models by Gourieroux, Christian, Monfort, Alain
The Crisis of Vision in Modern Economic Thought by Robert L., Heilbroner, William S., Milberg, Heilbroner, Robert L.
Europe's Postwar Recovery by
The Crisis of Vision in Modern Economic Thought by Heilbroner, Robert L.
Technology Transfer: Making the Most of Your Intellectual Property by Sullivan, Sullivan, Neil F.
The Correspondence of Alfred Marshall, Economist by Marshall, Alfred, Royal Economic Society (Great Britain), Marhsall, Alfred
Banks, Finance and Investment in Germany by Edwards, Jeremy, Jeremy, Edwards, Klaus, Fischer
Principles of Cost-Benefit Analysis for Developing Countries by Dinwiddy, Caroline
Statistics and Econometric Models by Gourieroux
Japan, Europe, and International Financial Markets: Analytical and Empirical Perspectives by
Macroeconomic Policy After the Conservative Era: Studies in Investment, Saving and Finance by
Riches and Poverty by Winch, Donald
The Rise and Rise of Road Transport, 1700 1990 by Economic History Society, Barker, Theo, Barker, T. C.
Labor Demand by Hamermesh, Daniel S.
Production and Economic Dynami by
Reducing Unemployment: A Case for Government Deregulation by Ottosen, Garry K., Thompson, Douglas N.
Managing in a European Context: Human Resources -- Corporate Culture -- Industrial Relations Text and Cases by Wächter, Hartmut, Schreyögg, Georg, Oechsler, Walter A.
Edv-Gestütztes Rentenportfoliomanagement: Konzeption Und Einsatzmöglichkeiten Für Lebensversicherungsunternehmen by Gewald, Stefan
Erfolgsfaktoren Von Deutschen Lebensversicherungsunternehmen by Schäfer, Sabine
Ökologie Und Marktwirtschaft: Probleme, Ursachen Und Lösungen by
Produktionsplanungs- Und -Steuerungssysteme: Konzept Zur Technisch-Ökonomisch Begründeten Auswahl by Kautz, Wolf-Eckhard
Neuausrichtung Des Finanzdienstleistungsmarketings: Kognitionspsychologische Und Soziologische Aspekte by Richter, Andreas
Abfallwirtschaft. Gütertransportwirtschaft by König, Klaus
Lebenszykluskostenrechnung by Zehbold, Cornelia
Vernetztes Verkaufen: Effektives Beziehungsmanagement Durch System Selling by Pakoßnick, Kurt U.
Allgemeine Wirtschaftslehre Für Industriekaufleute by Schäfer, Michael J.
The New System of National Accounts by
Reclaiming Prosperity: Blueprint for Progressive Economic Policy by Faux, Jeff, Schafer, Todd
China After Socialism: In the Footsteps of Eastern Europe or East Asia?: In the Footsteps of Eastern Europe or East Asia? by McCormick, Barrett L., Unger, Jonathan
Coping with Financial Fragility and Systemic Risk by
Studies in Global Econometrics by Theil, H.
Formal Contributions to the Theory of Public Choice: The Unpublished Works of Duncan Black by
A Theory of Full Employment by Brenner, Y. S., Brenner-Golomb, N.
China After Socialism: In the Footsteps of Eastern Europe or East Asia?: In the Footsteps of Eastern Europe or East Asia? by McCormick, Barrett L., Unger, Jonathan
Reclaiming Prosperity: Blueprint for Progressive Economic Policy by Schafer, Todd, Faux, Jeff
Regulation and Macroeconomic Performance by Goff, Brian L.
Monetary Policy in a Converging Europe: Papers and Proceedings of an International Workshop Organised by de Nederlandsche Bank and the Limburg Institu by
Whither Socialism? by Stiglitz, Joseph E.
A Mathematical Approach to Proportional Representation: Duncan Black on Lewis Carroll by
Regulating a New Economy: Public Policy and Economic Change in America, 1900-1933 by Keller, Morton
The Politics of Technology in Latin America by
Talk Is Cheap: The Promise of Regulatory Reform in North American Telecommunications by Leonard Waverman, Crandall, Robert W.
Likelihood-Based Inference in Cointegrated Vector Autoregressive Models by Johansen, Soren, Johansen, Sren, Johansen, S/Oren
Value-Focused Thinking: A Path to Creative Decisionmaking by Keeney, Ralph L.
Macroeconomics and the Japanese Economy by Yoshikawa, Hiroshi
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