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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 1998

Specters of Capitalism: A Critique of Current Intellectual Fashions by Amin, Samir
Mexico's Hope: An Encounter with Politics and History by Cockcroft, James D.
Inside Out: The Radical Transformation of Russian Foreign Trade by Davydov, Oleg D.
Evolutionary Economics and Creative Destruction by
Risk and Business Cycles: New and Old Austrian Perspectives by Cowen, Tyler
Economic Integration of the Korean Peninsula by
The Environmental Consequences of Growth: Steady-State Economics as an Alternative to Ecological Decline by Booth, Douglas
The Environmental Consequences of Growth: Steady-State Economics as an Alternative to Ecological Decline by Booth, Douglas
Institutions and the Evolution of Modern Business by
The Dynamics of the Modern Brewing Industry by
In the Shadow of Empire: Canada for Americans by Roberts, Joseph K.
Spectres of Capitalism: A Critique of Current Intellectual Fashions by Amin, Samir
Management der Verkehrsunternehmungen by Kaspar, Claude
Die Rolle Des Staates in Der Globalisierten Wirtschaft by
Wirtschaftslehre zwischen Modell und Realität by Barth, Hans J., Bender, Dieter, Grosse Wilde, Hanns W.
European Monetary Union: The Way Forward by
Promotoren: Champions Der Innovation by
The Circulation of Capital: Essays on Volume Two of Marx's Capital by
Business Ethics by Barry, Norman
The Family Business: Its Governance for Sustainability by Neubauer, Fred, Lank, Alden G.
China's Price and Enterprise Reform by Xiao-Qiang, Wang
The Strategic Dimensions of Environmental Management: Sustaining the Corporation During the Age of Ecological Discovery by Meima, Ralph, Steger, Ulrich
Interdependence, Disequilibrium and Growth: Reflections on the Political Economy of North-South Relations at the Turn of the Century by Loxley, John
Organizational Strategy and Technological Adaptation to Global Change by
Global Cash Management in Europe by
E-Shock: The Electronic Shopping Revolution: Strategies for Retailers and Manufacturers by de Kare-Silver, Michael
Exploring Expertise: Issues and Perspectives by
Tax Policy in the Nordic Countries by
Power or Pure Economics? by Schumpeter, Joseph A., Takata, Yasuma
Contemporary Economic Issues: Regional Experience and System Reform by
Market Behaviour and Macroeconomic Modelling by
The Politics of Fishing by
Capital Account Regimes and the Developing Countries by
Financial Reform in Developing Countries by
The Economy of Obligation: The Culture of Credit and Social Relations in Early Modern England by Muldrew, C.
Industrial Crisis and the Open Economy: Politics, Global Trade and the Textile Industry in the Advanced Economies by Underhill, G.
Global Capital Flows: Should They Be Regulated? by Griffith-Jones, Stephany
Economic Dynamics, Trade and Growth: Essays on Harrodian Themes by
Food Supplies and the Japanese Occupation in South-East Asia by
Beurteilung Von Dienstleistungsqualität: Dynamische Betrachtung Des Qualitätsurteils Im Weiterbildungsbereich by Haller, Sabine
Aufgaben Und Lösungen Für Die Bilanzbuchhalterprüfung: Übungen Für Den Ihk-Abschluß "Geprüfter Bilanzbuchhalter -- Geprüfte Bilanzbuchhalterin" by
Tax Modelling for Economies in Transition by
Contemporary Economic Issues: Macroeconomics and Finance by
Contemporary Economic Issues: Trade, Payments and Debt by
Marxian Economics: A Reappraisal: Volume 2 Essays on Volume III of Capital Profit, Prices and Dynamics by
Reform of the Socialist System in Central and Eastern Europe by
New Theories in Growth and Development by
Aggregate Demand and Supply: A Critique of Orthodox Macroeconomic Modelling by
Industry, Competitiveness and Technological Capabilities in Chile: A New Tiger from Latin America? by Pietrobelli, Carlo
A Short History of American Industrial Policies by Nester, William R.
China's Financial System Under Transition by Xu, Xiaoping
Transnational Corporations and the Global Economy by
Globalization, Growth and Marginalization by
Land and Labour Relations in South-West Bangladesh: Resources, Power and Conflict by Datta, Anjan Kumar
Asia & Europe: Beyond Competing Regionalism by
Asia & Europe: Beyond Competing Regionalism by
Quiet Pioneering: Robert M. Stern and His International Economic Legacy by
Rate Regulation of Worker's Compensation Insurance:: How Price Controls Increase Costs by Danson, Patricia M., Harrington, Scott E.
Mexico's Hope: An Encounter with Politics and History by Cockcroft, James D.
Ordo: Soziale Marktwirtschaft: Anspruch Und Wirklichkeit Seit Fünfzig Jahren by
Ordo by
Income Inequality and IQ (AEI Studies on Understanding Economic Inequality) by Murray, Charles a.
Enterprise Exit Processes in Transition Economies: Downsizing, Workouts, and Liquidation by
Trends 2000: How to Prepare for and Profit from the Changes of the 21st Century by Celente, Gerald
Blur: The Speed of Change in the Connected Economy by Davis, Stanley M., Davis, Stan
The Crisis of Global Capitalism by Soros, George
Creating Modern Capitalism: How Entrepreneurs, Companies, and Countries Triumphed in Three Industrial Revolutions by McCraw, Thomas K.
Fort Riley and Its Neighbors: Military Money and Economic Growth, 1853-1895 by Dobak, William A.
Print -- Medium Mit Zukunft?: Prognosen Von Multimediaexperten Und Machern by
Dynamics in Pacific Asia: Conflict, Competition and Cooperation by
China Transformed by Wong, R. Bin
The Alliance Revolution: The New Shape of Business Rivalry by Gomes-Casseres, Benjamin
The Economics of the European Union and the Economies of Europe by Neal, Larry, Barbezat, Daniel
The Political Economy of Japanese Society: Volume 1: The State or the Market? by Banno, Masataka
Unequal Freedoms: The Global Market as an Ethical System by McMurtry, John
Foreign Aid in a Changing World by Burnell, Peter, Collier, John, Jr.
Foreign Investment in Southeast Asia in the Twentieth Century by Lindblad, J.
Against the Tide: An Intellectual History of Free Trade by Irwin, Douglas a.
Contemporary Economic Issues: Volume 2: Labour, Food and Poverty by
Hayek: Economist and Social Philosopher: A Critical Retrospect by
A Future of Capitalism: The Economic Vision of Robert Heilbroner by Carroll, M.
Long-Term Leasing -- Accounting, Evaluation, Consequences by Riahi-Belkaoui, Ahmed
Strengthen the Country and Enrich the People: The Reform Writings of Ma Jianzhong by Bailey, Paul
Making Room: The Economics of Homelessness by O'Flaherty, Brendan
Agricultural Reform in China by Huang, Yiping
Theories of Distributive Justice by Roemer, John E.
Inequality, Democracy, and Economic Development by
New Directions in the Economic Theory of the Environment by
Financial Markets and European Monetary Cooperation: The Lessons of the 1992 93 Exchange Rate Mechanism Crisis by Corsetti, Giancarlo, Pesenti, Paolo A., Buiter, Willem H.
Changing Patterns in the Distribution of Economic Welfare: An Economic Perspective by
Understanding Decline: Perceptions and Realities of British Economic Performance by
The Balkan Economies C.1800 1914: Evolution Without Development by Palairet, Michael
Europäische Union: Erfolgreiche Krisengemeinschaft. Einführung in Geschichte, Strukturen, Prozesse Und Politiken by Woyke, Wichard
Grundlagen der Volkswirtschaftslehre by Schneider, Helmut
Foreign Investment in Southeast Asia in the Twentieth Century by Lindblad, J.
Wettbewerbspolitik bei der Distribution des Fernsehens in Deutschland: Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Einführung digitaler Technik by Czygan, Marco
Real Exchange Rate Movements: An Econometric Investigation Into Causes of Fluctuations in Some Dollar Real Exchange Rates by Mentzel, Sven-Morten
Die Bewertung Von DM-Zinsswaps: Zinsdifferenzen Zwischen DM-Swaps Und DM-Anleihen by
Elektronischer Datenaustausch (Edi) in Verbundgruppen by
Liebe Und Sexualität ALS Soziale Konstruktion: Spielfilmromanzen Aus Hollywood by
Musicalproduktionen: Marketingstrategien Und Erfolgsfaktoren by
Prozesse Der Urteilsrevision: Kognitive Modellierung Der Verarbeitung Unsicheren Wissens by
Multimedia in Lehre Und Forschung: Systeme -- Erfahrungen -- Perspektiven by
Werbung Im Interaktiven Fernsehen by
Aufbau Von Geschäftsbeziehungen by
Die Haftung Im Telefon-Banking-Verkehr by
Personalmanagement Für Ältere Mitarbeiter by Grauer, Frank
Controlling Der Informationsinfrastruktur: Entwicklungsstand -- Gestaltungskonzeption -- Perspektiven by
Budgetierung Von F&e: Das Stochastische Simulationsprogramm Radbudge by
Entscheidungs- Und Lernverhalten an Wertpapiermärkten: Psychologische Aspekte Von Börsenentscheidungen by Schroeder-Wildberg, Uwe
Strategische Potentiale Der Technologieentwicklung: Implikationen Für Software-Entscheidungen by
Der Beitrag Von Finanzanalysten Zur Informationsverarbeitung: Eine Empirische Untersuchung Für Den Deutschen Aktienmarkt by
Marketing Für Unternehmensberatung: Ein Institutionenökonomischer Ansatz by Schade, Christian
Event-Marketing: Konzeption Und Organisation in Der Pop-Musik by Graf, Christof
Perspektiven Des Dienstleistungsmarketing: Ansatzpunkte Für Forschung Und PRAXIS by
Finanzierungsdesign Bei Venture-Capital-Verträgen by
Mass Customized Marketing: Effiziente Individualisierung Von Vermarktungsobjekten Und -Prozessen by
Planungstechniken: Eine Anwendungsorientierte Einführung by
Personalarbeit Mit System: Potentiale Nutzen, Meßbarkeit Sichern by
Der Beziehungspromotor: Ein Personaler Gestaltungsansatz Für Erfolgreiches Relationship Marketing by Walter, Achim
Cutting Edge: Technology, Information Capitalism and Social Revolution by
Economic Theories and Their Relational Structures: A Model-Theoretic Characterization by Klein, E.
The German and Dutch Economies: Who Follows Whom? by
Business Cycle Models with Indeterminacy by Weder, Mark
Die Geldnachfrage in Europa: Aggregationsprobleme Und Empirie by Wesche, Katrin
Die Analyse Von Wettbewerbsbeziehungen Mit Scannerdaten by Klapper, Daniel
Arbeitsmarkteffekte Der Migration Und Einwanderungspolitik: Eine Analyse Für Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Bauer, Thomas
Theorie Der Pflegeversicherung by Meier, Volker
An Unruly World?: Globalization, Governance and Geography by
The Economics of Life: From Baseball to Affirmative Action to Immigration, How Real-World Issues Affect Our Everyday Life by Becker, Gary S., Becker, Guity Nashat
Welfare, the Family, and Reproductive Behavior: Report of a Meeting by Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council and Institute of Medicine, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
Contributions to the U.S., European and Japanese History of Economic Thought by
Poverty, Female-Headed Households, and Sustainable Economic Development by Roy, Kartik, Vecchio, Nerina
Fairneß, Effizienz Und Qualität in Der Gesundheitsversorgung: Was Kann Der Risikostrukturausgleich Dazu Leisten? by
End of Agriculture in the American Portfolio by Blank, Steven C.
Markets and Organization by
Europäische Wirtschaftspolitik: Perspektiven Einer Europäischen Wirtschafts- Und Währungsunion (Ewwu) by Wagner, Helmut
Decision Theory and Decision Behaviour by Rapoport, A.
A World Without Famine? by
Reform of the Socialist System in Central and Eastern Europe by
Technikvorausschau in Japan: Ein Rückblick Auf 30 Jahre Delphi-Expertenbefragungen by Cuhls, Kerstin
Umweltschutz in Der Schlanken Produktion: Analyse Der Schlanken Produktion in Ihrer Relevanz Für Den Betrieblichen Umweltschutz Und Ableitung Von Gest by Fleig, Jürgen
Decision Theory and Decision Behaviour by Rapoport, A.
Communication, Commerce and Power: The Political Economy of America and the Direct Broadcast Satellite, 1960-2000 by Comor, Edward A.
Japanese Corporate Finance and International Competition: Japanese Capitalism Versus American Capitalism by Ide, Masasuke
Economic Dimensions in International Law: Comparative and Empirical Perspectives by
Globalising Australian Capitalism by Catley, Bob, Bob, Catley, Catley, Robert
Austrian Economics in America: The Migration of a Tradition by Karen I., Vaughn, Vaughn, Karen Iversen
Economic Dimensions in International Law by
European Monetary Integration: 1958 - 2002 by Apel, Emmanuel
Governance, Industry and Labour Markets in Britain and France: The Modernizing State by Salais, Robert, Whiteside, Noel
An Almost Practical Step Toward Sustainability by Solow, Robert M.
Post-Apartheid Southern Africa: Economic Challenges and Policies for the Future by
European Monetary Integration: 1958 - 2002 by Apel, Emmanuel
The Economics and Politics of International Trade: Freedom and Trade: Volume Two by
Optimale Steuerung Des Währungsrisikos Mit Derivativen Instrumenten by Pfennig, Michael
So Finanziere Ich Mein Studium!: Der Ratgeber Für Alle Fachrichtungen by
Formulieren Und Korrespondieren Im Beruf: Mehr Erfolg Durch Sprach- Und Schreibkompetenz by Weidmann, Paul, Mielow-Weidmann, Ute
Management Kumulierter Risiken Bei Banken: Eine Empirische Untersuchung Im Immobilienfinanzierungsgeschäft by Peiß, Stefan
Subjectivity in Political Economy: Essays on Wanting and Choosing by Levine, David P.
Explorations in Economic Methodology: From Lakatos to Empirical Philosophy of Science by
Metaphern in Der Informatik: Modellbildung -- Formalisierung -- Anwendung by
An Ocean Apart: Explaining Three Decades of U.S.-Japanese Trade Frictions by Cohen, Stephen D.
The Indonesian Economy in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: A History of Missed Opportunities by Booth, A.
International Economic Institutions by Van Meerhaeghe, M. a.
The Fair Value of Insurance Liabilities by
Emerging Market Capital Flows: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the Stern School of Business, New York University on May 23-24, 1996 by
Environmental Accounting in Theory and Practice by
Economics of Water Resources: From Regulation to Privatization by Sabbaghi, Asghar, Spulber, Nicolas
Institutions and the Evolution of Modern Business by
Contemporary Ukraine: Dynamics of Post-Soviet Transformation by Kuzio, Taras
Country on the Move: Migration to and Within Israel, 1948-1995 by Lipshitz, Gabriel
Evaluating the Impact of Training and Institutional Development Programs: A Collaborative Approach by Taschereau, Suzanne
Exchange Rate Policy for MERCOSUR: - Lessons from the European Union: Lessons from the European Union by Marengo, Silvia
Handbook of Applied Economic Statistics by
The Spirit of Regeneration: Andean Culture Confronting Western Notions of Development by
Unlocking the Bureaucrat's Kingdom: Deregulation and the Japanese Economy by
Desegregating the Dollar: African American Consumerism in the Twentieth Century by Weems, Robert E.
Development Economics by Ray, Debraj
Internatiional Develoopment and the Social Sciences by
Aid and Macroeconomic Performance: Theory, Empirical Evidence and Four Country Cases by
Adam Smith's System of Liberty, Wealth, and Virtue: The Moral and Political Foundations of the Wealth of Nations by Fitzgibbons, Athol
International Economic Integration: Limits and Prospects by Jovanovic, Miroslav
International Economic Integration: Limits and Prospects by Jovanovic, Miroslav
Japan and Asia-Pacific Integration: Pacific Romances 1968-1996 by Korhonen, Pekka
Streetwise: The Best of the Journal of Portfolio Management by
Increasing Returns and Economic Analysis by
A Critique of Orthodox Economics: An Alternative Model by Lydall, H.
Ökologieorientiertes Kommunikationsmanagement: Strategische Kommunikation Mit Anspruchsgruppen by
One World, Ready or Not: The Manic Logic of Global Capitalism by Greider, William
Prospects for Middle Eastern and North African Economies by
Ressourcenökonomik, Band I, Einführung in die Theorie regenerativer natürlicher Ressourcen by Blank, Jürgen E., Wacker, Holger
Mathematik-Taschenbuch by Bosch, Karl
Statistik-Taschenbuch by Bosch, Karl
Energiewirtschaft: Einführung in Theorie Und Politik by Ströbele, Wolfgang, Hensing, Ingo, Pfaffenberger, Wolfgang
A History of Portuguese Economic Thought by Cardoso, Jose Luis, Almodovar, Antonio
International Trade Foreign Direct Investment, and the Economic Environment by Ltd, Palgrave MacMillan
Desperately Seeking Solutions by Hunter, David J.
Applied Methods for Trade Policy Analysis: A Handbook by
Privatisation, Politics, & Economic Performance in Hungary by Antal-Mokos, Zoltan
See More