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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2000

The Black Man's Burden: The White Man in Africa from the Fifteenth Century to World War I by Morel, E. D.
Development Cooperation in Practice: The United Nations Volunteers in Nepal by Rehnstrom, Joel
Democracy, Governance, and Economic Performance: East and Southeast Asia by
The Modernist Enterprise: French Elites and the Threat of Modernity, 1900-1940 by Beale, Marjorie A.
Living Standards in the United States: A consumption-based Approach by Slesnick, Daniel T.
NGOs Engaging with Business: A World of Difference and a Difference to the World by Heap, Simon
Agricultural Crisis in America: A Reference Handbook by Hoag, Dana L.
The State of the Environment in Asia: 1999/2000 by
The Legacy of Friedrich Von Hayek Audio Tapes: Seven-Volume Set by Hayek, F. A.
Producing Nature and Poverty in Africa by
The State of the Environment in Asia: 1999/2000 by
Culture and Politics: A Reader by Na, Na
The United Nations and Business: A Partnership Recovered by Na, Na
Import Propensities of Industrialized Countries: Comparisons and Evaluations by Lutz, J.
Keynesianism, Social Conflict and Political Economy by Loparo, Kenneth A.
The Destruction of the Soviet Union: A Study in Globalization by Lockwood, D.
Changing Workplace Relations in the Chinese Economy by
Power in the Global Era: Grounding Globalization by
Living with the European Union: The Northern Ireland Experience by Kennedy, Dennis
Rethinking Economic Behaviour: How the Economy Really Works by Simpson, D.
Global Strategies and Local Realities: The Auto Industry in Emerging Markets by
The Political Economy of Independent Ukraine: Captured by the Past by Zon, H. Van
Managing Green Issues by Curtin, T.
China's Agriculture at the Cross Roads by
The New Asia in Global Perspective by Choo, M.
The Social Impact of the Asia Crisis by
Japan and the European Union: A Partnership for the Twenty-First Century? by Gilson, J.
Rural Poverty in Latin America by López, R., Valdés, A.
Corruption and Development in Africa: Lessons from Country Case Studies by
Consumption, Globalization and Development by James, J.
Chinese Occupational Welfare in Market Transition by Lee, M.
Beyond the Spanish State: Central Government, Domestic Actors and the EU by Jones, R.
Foreign Direct Investment in Russia: A Strategy for Industrial Recovery by Fischer, P.
Regionalism Among Developing Countries by Page, S.
Small Developing Countries and Global Markets: Competing in the Big League by Kennes, W.
Open States in the Global Economy: The Political Economy of Small-State Macroeconomic Management by Moses, J.
Japan at a Deadlock by Morishima, Michio
The Global Political Economy and Post-1989 Change: The Place of the Central European Transition by Ashworth, E.
Liberalization of Russian Foreign Trade: Problems and Prospects by Oreshkin, Valeriy A., Davydov, Oleg D.
Corporate Capitslism in Japan by Okumura, H.
The History of Consumer Credit: Doctrines and Practices by Gelpi, R., Julien-Labruyère, F.
Symbolische Politik: Eine Neubewertung Aus Prozess- Und Rezeptionsorientierter Perspektive by
Advances in Mathematical Economics by Kusuoka, Shigeo, Maruyama, Toru
Culture and Politics: A Reader by Na, Na
United States and the European Union: The Political Economy of a Relationship by Guay, Terrence
Capital & Production (Large Print Edition) (Large Print Edition) by
Glücksspiele by Bosch, Karl
Schattenwirtschaft und Schwarzarbeit by Enste, Dominik H., Schneider, Friedrich
Der Wissenschaftliche Beirat beim Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie by
Alexander Rüstow by Hegner, Jan
Die Aktiengesellschaft in Grossbritannien im Wandel der Wirtschaftspolitik by Strätling, Rebecca
Unternehmenskontrolle und Kapitalmarkt by Fey, Gerrit
Systemtransformation als evolutorischer Prozess by Wiest, Bertram
Institutionenökonomische Aspekte Der Neuordnung Des Bundesstaatlichen Finanzausgleichs: Anmerkungen Zum Urteil Des Bundesverfassungsgerichts Über Ein by Döring, Thomas, Stahl, Döring
The State, Development and Politics in Ghana by
Kommunikationsraum Szenekneipe: Annäherung an Ein Produkt Der Erlebnisgesellschaft by
Bank Magazin Taschenbuch 2000 by Gabler Wiesnaden
Urban Housing and Poverty Alleviation in by Mahanga, Milton Makongoro
An Introduction to Clinical Diagnosis in the Tropics by Falase, A. O.
Overcoming Constraints on Tanzanian Grow by
Introduction to Educational Psychology by
Zimbabwe: A History of Manufacturing 1890-1995 by
Transatlantic Perspectives on the Euro by Henning, C. Randall, Padoan, Pier Carlo
The New Relationship: Human Capital in the American Corporation by
The Productive Edge: A New Strategy for Economic Growth by Lester, Richard Keith
Reviving Regulatory Reform by Hahn, Robert W.
Sugar and Slavery: An Economic History of the British West Indies, 1623-1775 by Sheridan, Richard B.
Transition Costs of Fundamental Tax Reform by
The Rise of the Virtual State Wealth and Power in the Coming Century by Rosecrance, Richard N.
Die Buchführung für Vorschuß- und Kreditvereine by Vollborn, Albert
Ausgewählte Reden Und Aufsätze Über Geld- Und Bankwesen by Bamberger, Ludwig
Coordinacion de Politicas Macroeconomicas en el Mercosur by Carrera, Jorge
China's New Business Elite: The Political Consequences of Economic Reform by Pearson, Margaret M.
Open Issues in European Central Banking by Gros, D., Smaghi, L.
Shareholder Value Management in Banks by Schuster, Leo
Open Issues in European Central Banking by Smaghi, L., Gros, D.
International Joint Ventures in China: Ownership, Control and Performance by Yan, Y.
Chinese Capitalism, 1522-1840 by
The Nebi Yearbook 1999: North European and Baltic Sea Integration by Hedegaard, L., Lindstrom, B.
High-Yield-Anleihen: Perspektiven Für Die Risikofinanzierung Deutscher Unternehmen by
Die Rolle des polnischen Finanzsystems in der Transformation by Dietrich, Jens
From Modernization to Globalization: Perspectives on Development and Social Change by
Ethnic Economies by Gold, Steven J., Light, Ivan
Einführung in das volkswirtschaftliche Rechnungswesen by Peto, Rudolf
The Labor of Development by Heller, Patrick
The Labor of Development by Heller, Patrick
The International Economy by Kenen, Peter B.
Marketization and Democracy: East Asian Experiences by Ravich, Samantha Fay
Forging Reform in China: The Fate of State-Owned Industry by Steinfeld, Edward S.
Growth Theory: An Exposition, 2nd Edition by Solow, Robert
Transformation at Work: In the New Market Economies of Central Eastern Europe by Pollert, Anna
IV-Controlling Auf Dem Prüfstand: Konzept -- Benchmarking -- Erfahrungsberichte by
Berlin, Vom 1. Bis 4. August 1899 by
State of the World 2000: A Worldwatch Institute Report on Progress Towards a Sustainable Society by Worldwatch Institute, Brown, Lester R., Flavin, Christopher
Managerial Economics by Dobbs, Ian M.
The Spanish Economy in the New Europe by Martìn, C.
The Consumer Revolution in Urban China: Volume 22 by
Research in Economic Anthropology by
Research in Labor Economics by
The Euro Capital Market by Lannoo, Karel, Gros, Daniel
Meritocracy and Economic Inequality by
Globalization and Unemployment by
Contemporary Economic Ethics and Business Ethics by
The Theory of Capitalism in the German Economic Tradition: Historism, Ordo-Liberalism, Critical Theory, Solidarism by
Das Handelsembargo: Völker-, Europa- Und Außenwirtschaftsrechtliche Rahmenbedingungen, PRAXIS Und Entschädigung by Ress, Hans-Konrad
Monetary Union and Fiscal Stability: A New Approach by Bohn, Frank
Recycling Aus Produktionstheoretischer Sicht by Pitz, Thomas
Economic Globalization, International Organizations and Crisis Management: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives on Growth, Impact and Evolution of by
Innovationsprozesse Im Dienstleistungssektor: Eine Theoretisch Und Empirisch Basierte Innovationstypologie by Hipp, Christiane
Who Are We Now?: Christian Humanism: Christian Humanism and the Global Market by Boyle, Nicholas
Frank H. Knight and Thornstein B. Veblen: Archival and Bibliographical Materials by
A Guide to United European Union Competition Policy by Gardner, N.
Trade Shocks in Developing Countries: Volume 1: Africa by Collier, Paul
Trade Shocks in Developing Countries: Volume 2: Asia and Latin America by Collier, Paul, Gunning, Jan Willem
The Chinese Economy Under Transition by
Enviroment, Ethics and the Corporation by Ledgerwood, G., Broadhurst, A.
Unternehmensbewertung: Dcf-Methoden Und Simulativer Vofi-Ansatz by Langenkämper, Christof
Produktionsverlagerung Von Industrieunternehmen Ins Ausland: Formen, Determinanten, Wirkung by Hardock, Petra
Marktunvollkommenheiten Und Die Gewinnverwendungspolitik Von Aktiengesellschaften by Ohrem, Elke
Marketing Von Reiseveranstaltern: Die Stimmung ALS Erfolgsfaktor by Roth, Susanne
Design ALS Integrierender Faktor Der Unternehmensentwicklung by Kern, Ulrich
Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten Im Gesundheitswesen by Klas, Christian
Strategische Planung Von Kernkompetenzen?: Möglichkeiten Und Grenzen by Blohm, Peter
Der Mehrwert Von Informationstechnologie: Eine Empirische Studie Der Wesentlichen Einflussfaktoren Auf Den Unternehmenserfolg by
Planung Und Steuerung Fahrerloser Transportsysteme: Ansätze Zur Unterstützung Der Systemgestaltung by Schrecker, Axel
Corporate Governance Im Deutsch-Japanischen Vergleich: Überwachungsmechanismen Des Finanzsystems Und Interne Organüberwachung Von Aktiengesellschaften by Blies, Peter
Bonitätsprüfung Im Firmenkundengeschäft: Maschinelle Bilanzanalyse Und Bewertung Durch Kreditsachbearbeiter by Schieble, Michael
Unternehmensanalyse Mit Führungsprozessen: Instrumentarium Zur Früherkennung Von Risiken by
Wert Und Bewertung Internationaler Akquisitionen by Scholz, Joachim
Kognition Im Umraum by May, Mark
Wissenstransfer in Multinationalen Unternehmen by Bendt, Antje
Legitimierungsstrategien Des Fernsehens: Programmverantwortliche Im Spannungsverhältnis Von Programmauftrag Und Ökonomie by Straßer, Gabi
Soziale Phobie: Diagnostik Und Pharmakotherapie by Kasper
Stille Reserven in Der Rechnungslegung: Vergleich Von Hgb, Us-GAAP Und IAS by
Strategische Vertriebswegeplanung Von Universalbanken by Späth, Peter
Claim-Management Im Internationalen Anlagengeschäft: Nachforderungspotentiale Und Deren Realisierung in Unterschiedlichen Vertragsverhältnissen by Köhl, Thomas
Wiederverwendung Von Softwarekomponenten Im Internet by Behle, Anita
Dienstleistungen Im Industriellen Anlagengeschäft: Ein Marketing-Konzept Zur Verbesserung Des Betriebsphasenbezogenen Kundennutzens by Grill-Kiefer, Gerhard
Trade and Fiscal Adjustment in Africa by
Japan and the European Union: A Partnership for the Twenty-First Century? by Gilson, J.
Die Veränderung Von Wettbewerbsregeln ALS Unternehmerische Gestaltungsoption: Ein Bezugsrahmen Zur Strategischen Analyse by Hufenbecher, Philipp
Instrumente Der Wissensorganisation: Perspektiven Für Eine Differenzierende Interventionspraxis by Roehl, Heiko
Turbo-Capitalism: Winners and Losers in the Global Economy by Luttwak, Edward
Grain Markets in Europe, 1500 1900: Integration and Deregulation by Persson, Karl Gunnar
Mathematical Methods and Models for Economists by Fuente, Angel De La, de la Fuente, Angel
The Politics of Trade in Safavid Iran: Silk for Silver, 1600 1730 by Matthee, Rudolph P.
Thinking about Inequality: Personal Judgment and Income Distributions by Amiel, Yoram
The Asian Financial Crisis: Causes, Contagion and Consequences by Vines, David, Miller, Marcus, Agenor, Pierre-Richard
Social and Political Development in Post-Reform China by Mok, K.
The Globalization of Multinational Enterprise Activity and Economic Development by
The Impact of the Euro: Debating Britain's Future by Whyman, P., Baimbridge, Mark, Burkitt, B.
Central Banking, Crises, and Global Economy by Frazer, William
Global Economic Growth: Theories, Research, Studies, and Annotated Bibliography, 1950-1997 by Liu, Lewis-Guodo, Premus, Robert
Balance of Payments Adjustment: Macro Facets of International Finance Revisited by Arize, Augustine, Bonitsis, Theologos, Kallianiotis, Ioannis
The Making of United States International Economic Policy: Principles, Problems, and Proposals for Reform Degreesl Fifth Edition by Cohen, Stephen D.
Capital Markets, Growth, and Economic Policy in Latin America by
The Closing of the Metropolitan Frontier: Cities of the Prairie Revisited by Elazar, Daniel J., Stein, Maura, Zikmund, Joseph, II
Trade and Transition: Trade Promotion in Transitional Economies by
The Making of United States International Economic Policy: Principles, Problems, and Proposals for Reform by Cohen, Stephen
Mobilität Und Regionalökonomisches Entwicklungspotenzial: Höherqualifizierte Arbeitnehmer Und Existenzgründer Aus Der Deutschniederländischen Grenzreg by Janssen, Manfred
An Introduction to the Market System by Goldberg, Kalman
International Finance and Financial Crises: Essays in Honor of Robert P. Flood, Jr. by
Linking Research and Marketing Opportunities for Pulses in the 21st Century: Proceedings of the Third International Food Legumes Research Conference by
Innovation Systems in the Service Economy: Measurement and Case Study Analysis by
Cross-Cultural Risk Perception: A Survey of Empirical Studies by
Parallel Algorithms for Linear Models: Numerical Methods and Estimation Problems by Kontoghiorghes, Erricos
The Economics of Global Climatic Change by Rao, P. M.
Variable Quality in Consumer Theory: Towards a Dynamic Microeconomic Theory of the Consumer by Wadman, W. M.
The Job-Generation Controversy: The Economic Myth of Small Business: The Economic Myth of Small Business by Hirschberg, David
The Dynamics of Wage Relations in the New Europe by
Economic Growth and the Environment: An Empirical Analysis by de Bruyn, Sander M.
Energy Economics: A Modern Introduction by Banks, Ferdinand E.
Consuming Knowledge: Studying Knowledge Use in Leisure and Work Activities by Silver, Steven D.
Economic Simulations in Swarm: Agent-Based Modelling and Object Oriented Programming by
Congressional Trade Votes: From NAFTA Approval to Fast-Track Defeat by Baldwin, Robert, Magee, Christopher
Water in the Middle East: A Geography of Peace by
Akzeptanzprobleme Der Gentechnik: Eine Analyse Aus Sicht Der Neuen Institutionenökonomik by Niebaum, Hendrik
Panel Data and Structural Labour Market Models by
Miracle to Meltdown in Asia: Business, Government, and Society by Flynn, Norman
New Frontiers in Agricultural History by
Research in Economic History by
What Is Globalization? by Beck, Ulrich
Knowledge and Social Capital by Lesser, Eric
Capitalists in Spite of Themselves by Lachmann, Richard
Communities and Capital: Local Struggles Against Corporate Power and Privatization by
What Is Globalization? by Beck, Ulrich
Arbeitsmarktpolitik und -theorie by Klingenberger, David, Zerche, Jürgen, Schönig, Werner
Struktur-Evolution: Innovation, Technologieverflechtung Und Sektoraler Strukturwandel by Schnabl, Hermann
Volkswirtschaftslehre by Penker, Walter, Kyrer, Alfred
Privatization South American Style by Manzetti, Luigi
The Rural-Urban Divide: Economic Disparities and Interactions in China by Knight, John, Song, Lina
Structural Adjustment: Theory, Practice and Impacts by Mohan, Giles, Brown, Ed, Milward, Bob
Responding to Globalisation by
Structural Adjustment: Theory, Practice and Impacts by Mohan, Giles, Milward, Bob, Brown, Ed
The Dynamics of Social Change in Latin America by Veltmeyer, Henry, Petras, J.
Kriminalität Im Grenzgebiet: Band 3: Ausländer VOR Deutschen Gerichten by
Tools and Techniques for Social Science Simulation by
The Dynamics of Social Change in Latin America by Petras, J., Veltmeyer, Henry
The New Asia in Global Perspective by Choo, M.
Labour Unions, Public Policy and Economic Growth by Palokangas, Tapio
See More