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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2001

Corporate Power in Civil Society by Sciulli, David
Managing a Smooth Transition from Aid Dependence in Sub-Saharan Africa by Lancaster, Carol, Wangwe, Samuel
The Marshall Plan: Fifty Years After by Na, Na
Redrawing the Global Economy: Elements of Integration and Fragmentation by Landau, A.
EU Foreign Policy Beyond the Nation State: Joint Action and Institutional Analysis of the Common Foreign and Security Policy by Winn, Neil, Lord, C.
Trends in Japanese Management: Continuing Strengths, Current Problems and Changing Priorities by Clegg, S., Kono, T.
The Soldier and the State in South America: Essays in Civil-Military Relations by
Turkey Since 1970: Politics, Economics and Society by
Tax Guide 2001-2002 by Sinclair, W.
German Agriculture in Transition: Society, Policies and Environment in a Changing Europe by Wilson, G.
Corporate Germany Between Globalization and Regional Place Dependence: Business Restructuring in the Ruhr Area by Berndt, C.
A New Paradigm for Korea's Economic Development: From Government Control to Market Economy by Jwa, S.
E-Roadmapping: Digital Strategising for the New Economy by Bornheim, S.
Africa and Asia in Comparative Economic Perspective by
European Integration: Scope and Limits by Holmes, M.
Innovating with Infrastructure: The Automobile Industry in India by Gulyani, S.
Post-Communist Romania: Coming to Terms with Transition by
Jewish Immigrant Entrepreneurship in New York and London 1880-1914: Enterprise and Culture by Godley, A.
Geopolitics of Governance: The Impact of Contrasting Philosophies by Kakabadse, A.
Multinationals in a New Era: International Strategy and Management by
Us Financial Regulation and the Level Playing Field by Garten, H.
Foreign Aid and Political Reform: A Comparative Analysis of Democracy Assistance and Political Conditionality by Crawford, G.
The Eus Enlargement and Mediterranean Strategies: A Comparative Analysis by
To Get Rich Is Glorious!: China's Stock Markets in the '80s and '90s by Walter, C., Howie, F.
Exchange Rate Policies, Prices and Supply-Side Response: A Study of Transitional Economies by Papazoglou, Christos
The Labour Party's Economic Strategy, 1979-1997: The Long Road Back by Hill, R.
Globalization and Third-World Socialism: Cuba and Vietnam by
David Ricardo on Public Debt by Churchman, N.
The Development Business: A History of the Commonwealth Development Corporation by McWilliam, M.
Us Power in International Finance: The Victory of Dividends by Seabrooke, L.
Keiretsu Economy - New Economy?: Japan's Multinational Enterprises from a Postmodern Perspective by Kensy, R.
Social Partnership in the European Union by
Britain, America and Rearmament in the 1930s: The Cost of Failure by Price, C.
Developing Countries in the Wto by Michalopoulos, C.
Emotional Impact: Passionate Leaders and Corporate Transformation by Channer, P., Hope, T.
Regionalization and Security in Southern Africa by Poku, N.
Economic Transformation, Democratization and Integration Into the European Union: Southern Europe in Comparative Perspective by
State and Rural Development in the Post-Revolutionary Iran by Shakoori, A.
Transitional Economies: Banking, Finance, Institutions by
Spain in the E.U. the Road to Economic Convergenc: The Road to Economic Convergence by Farrell, M.
Labour's European Dilemmas: From Bevin to Blair by Broad, R.
Market or Government Failures?: An Asian Perspective by Bhalla, A.
Perspectives on the Indian Corporate Economy: Exploring the Paradox of Profits by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Foreign Investment and Socio-Economic Development: The Case of Dongguan by Yeung, G.
Cost-Benefit Analysis: Economic, Philosophical, and Legal Perspectives by
From Local Champions to Global Masters: A Strategic Perspective on Managing Internationalization by Verdin, P., Heck, N. Van
Building Regulation, Market Alternatives, and Allodial Policy by Cobin, John M.
The Illusion of Progress: Unsustainable Development in International Law and Policy by Gillespie, Alexander
Closing the Circle: Democratization and Development in Africa by Sandbrook, Richard
Streitfall Globalisierung by Kornmeier, Martin, Müller, Stefan
Schlesien auf dem Weg in die Europäische Union by
E-Commerce Und Wirtschaftspolitik by
Monetäre Institutionenökonomik by
A Community Manifesto by Wright, Chris
Transforming Africa. New Pathways to Development. Selected Papers on Financial Reforms and Development by Mbaru, Jimnah
An Economic History of Ethiopia by
Investment in Peace: The Politics of Economics Cooperation Between Israel, Jordan and the Palestinians by Kuperman, Ranan, Mishal, Shaul, Boas, David
The Ex-Im Bank in the 21st Century: A New Approach? by
E-Supply Chain: Using the Internet to Revoltionize Your Business: How Market Leaders Focus Their Entire Organization to Driving Value by Poirier, Charles C.
Telecommunications Liberation on Two Sides of the Atlantic by
(2001) by
Poems in Steel: National Socialism and the Politics of Inventing from Weimar to Bonn by Gispen, Kees
The World Class Project Manager by Wysocki, Robert K., Lewis, James P., Wycocki, Robert K.
Culture and Development: International Perspectives by Clague, Christopher, Grossbard-Shectman, Shoshana
Culture and Development: International Perspectives by Grossbard-Shectman, Shoshana, Clague, Christopher
The Promise of the Third Way: Globalization and Social Justice by Newman, O., Zoysa, R. De
Globalisation for Sale by Swardt-Kraus
Financial Policy and Central Banking in Japan by Cargill, Thomas F., Hutchison, Michael M., Ito, Takatoshi
Econometrics: Alchemy or Science?essays in Econometric Methodology by Hendry, David F.
Butterfly Economics a New General Theory of Social and Economic Behavior by Ormerod, Paul
Changing Organizations: Business Networks in the New Political Economy by Knoke, David
The Monopolistic Competition Revolution in Retrospect by
Kenana Kingdom of Green Gold: Grand Multinational Venture in the Desert of Sudan by Desai, Govind D., El Nazir, Osman A.
Timber Booms and Institutional Breakdown in Southeast Asia by Ross, Michael L.
Nonlinear Statistical Modeling by
Differential Games in Economics and Management Science by Dockner, Engelbert, Long, Ngo Van, Van Long, Ngo
The Economics of Network Industries by Shy, Oz, Oz, Shy
Market Structure and Competition Policy: Game-Theoretic Approaches by Phlips, Louis
Individuals, Institutions, and Markets by Mantzavinos, C., Mantzavinos, Chrysostomos
Debt and Taxes by Buchanan, James M.
Debt and Taxes by Buchanan, James M.
Seasonal Adjustment with the X-11 Method by Ladiray, Dominique, Quenneville, Benoit
International Business Partnerships: Issues and Concerns by
Republicanism and the French Revolution: An Intellectual History of Jean-Baptiste Say's Political Economy by Whatmore, Richard
Russia and the World Trade Organization by Naray, P.
Pareto, Economics and Society: The Mechanical Analogy by McLure, Michael
Dollars and Change: Economics in Context by Putterman, Louis
Changing Times: Work and Leisure in Postindustrial Society by Gershuny, Jonathan
Readings in Macroeconomics by
Ukraine on the Road to Europe by
European Integration: Scope and Limits by Holmes, M.
The Japanese Business and Economic System: History and Prospects for the 21st Century by
When Firms Change Direction by Huff, Anne Sigismund
Umweltschutz-Reporting: Umwelterklärungen Und -Berichte ALS Module Eines Reportingsystems by Daldrup, Herbert, Lange, Christoph, Ahsen, Anette Von
Freizeit by Agricola, Sigurd
Simplicity: The New Competitive Advantage in a World of More, Better, Faster by Jensen, William D.
Angewandte Ethik: Naturrecht - Menschenrechte by Schwinger, Elke
Übungsbuch Zur Makroökonomie by Rittenbruch, Klaus
The Gratis Economy: Privately Provided Public Goods by Kelen, András
Information and Organization ' a New Perspective on the Theory of the Firm ' by Casson, Mark
Entscheidungsorientierte Bilanzpolitik: Eine Praxisorientierte Darstellung Mit IAS by Posluschny, Peter, Schorlemer, Georg Von
Marktstrategien Asien-Pazifik: Orientierung -- Erfolgsfaktoren -- Erfahrungsberichte by
Personalentwicklung in Lernenden Organisationen: Konzepte, Beispiele, Übungen by Pirk, Dieter, Pollack, Walter
Trade Policy in Developing Countries by Buffie, Edward F.
Economics and Culture by Throsby, David, Throsby, C. D.
Social Movements and Economic Transition by Williams, Heather L.
The Economics of Network Industries by Oz, Shy, Shy, Oz
Reforming the State: Fiscal and Welfare Reform in Post-Socialist Countries by
The Early Modern Atlantic Economy by
Slavery, Atlantic Trade and the British Economy, 1660 1800 by Morgan, Kenneth
State Capacity in East Asia: China, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Japan by
Mexico And Mexico City In The World Economy by Pick, James B., Hettrick, W. James, Butler, Edgar W.
Industry and Environment in Latin America by
Monetäre Integration: Bestandsaufnahme Und Weiterentwicklung Der Neueren Theorie by Schelkle, Waltraud
Asia-Pacific Transitions by
Us Financial Regulation and the Level Playing Field by Garten, H.
The Soldier and the State in South America: Essays in Civil-Military Relations by
The Day Trader: From the Pit to the PC by Borsellino, Lewis
Inflation Targeting: Lessons from the International Experience by Mishkin, Frederic S., Bernanke, Ben S., Laubach, Thomas
Individual Strategy and Social Structure: An Evolutionary Theory of Institutions by Young, Hobart Peyton
Take Your Partners: Orion, the Consortium Banks and the Transformation of the Euromarkets by Roberts, R.
Einführung in Die Volkswirtschaftslehre. [Hauptbd.] by Demmler, Horst
Einführung in die Mathematik für Ökonomen by Hass, Otto, Breitung, Karl Wilhelm, Filip, Pavel
New Economy - New Competition: The Rise of the Consumer? by Asch, D., Wolfe, B.
The World Trade Organization Millennium Round: Freer Trade in the Twenty First Century by
Inequality and Poverty in China in the Age of Globalization by Riskin, Carl
Approximation, Optimization and Mathematical Economics by
Selected Essays on Economic Policy by Harcourt, G.
Constructing A Colonial People: Puerto Rico And The United States, 1898-1932 by Caban, Pedro A.
The Politics Of Oil-producer Cooperation by Claes, Dag Harald
Inequality, Economic Growth, and Technological Change: New Aspects in an Old Debate by Grossmann, Volker
Technology and Market Structure: Theory and History by Sutton, John
Die Digitalisierung Von Fernsehprogrammen: Perspektiven Für Private Veranstalter by Schoessler, Julia
Ideenmanagement Im Produktinnovationsprozess: Zum Wirtschaftlichen Einsatz Der Informationstechnologie by Schachtner, Konrad
Optionsbewertung Bei Stochastischer Volatilität by Nagel, Hartmut
Politische Und Wirtschaftliche Transformation Osteuropas: Chancen Und Potenziale Für Die Neuen Bundesländer by
Efficient Consumer Response Aus Kooperationstheoretischer Sicht by Cansier, Adrienne
Repräsentationsaufgaben Von Führungskräften: Eine Empirische Analyse by Scheurer, Axel
Die Ökologische Herausforderung: Umweltzerstörung ALS Sicherheitspolitische Determinante by Sauer, Gustav W.
Privatkundengeschäft: Exemplarische Fälle Mit Lösungen Für Die Kundenorientierte Aus- Und Weiterbildung by
Advances in Behavioral Economics: Essays in Honor of Horst Todt by
Kommunales Information Management: Effiziente Organisation Und Institutionenökonomische Gestaltung by Schultz-Kult, Franz-Josef
Transformation Staatlicher Industriebetriebe in China: Eine Organisationstheoretische Und Fallstudienbasierte Analyse by Huang, Zhen
Universitätsbibliotheken Im Vergleich: Eine Internationale Querschnittsuntersuchung by Reichmann, Gerhard
Beteiligungsfinanzierung Italienischer Familienunternehmen: Auswirkungen Der Kapitalmarkt- Und Steuerreformen Der Neunziger Jahre by Reichart, Marcel
Prävention Und Umwelthaftung: Zur Soziologie Einer Modernen Haftungsform by Hapke, Uwe, Japp, Klaus-Peter
Selected Essays on Economic Policy by Harcourt, G.
Innovation Interactions Between Knowledge-Intensive Business Services and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: An Analysis in Terms of Evolution, Knowl by Muller, Emmanuel
Work Life 2000 Yearbook 3: The Third of a Series of Yearbooks in the Work Life 2000 Programme, Preparing for the Work Life 2000 Conference in Mal by
Dlp and Extensions by Nazareth, John L.
Kundenwünsche Im Persönlichen Verkauf: Eine Empirische Analyse Der Eindrucksbildung ALS Erfolgsfaktor by Schuchert-Güler, Pakize
Us-GAAP ALS Steuerungsgrundlage Für Unternehmen: Möglichkeiten Einer Konvergenz Von Internem Und Externem Rechnungswesen by Schulte-Nölke, Wolfgang
Strategische Infrastrukturplanung Im Schienenverkehr: Entwicklung Eines Planungs- Und Entscheidungsmodells Für Die Deutsche Bahn AG by Ross, Sebastian
Internationales Beschwerdemanagement by Wegmann, Christoph
Kerngeschäftsstrategien Und Divestments Aus Kapitalmarktsicht by Habbel, Markus
Unternehmungswertorientiertes Performance Measurement: Konzeption Eines Performance-Measure-Systems Zur Implementierung Einer Wertorientierten Unterne by Riedl, Jens B.
Realoptionstheorie Und Die Bewertung Von Produktinnovationen: Der Einfluss Von Wettbewerbseffekten by Bockemühl, Melanie
Der Indirekte Vertrieb Im Industriegüterbereich: Einflussfaktoren, Gestaltungsparameter Und Erfolgsauswirkungen by Schneider, Janna
Globalization and History: The Evolution of a Nineteenth-Century Atlantic Economy by O'Rourke, Kevin H., Williamson, Jeffrey G.
Learning and Expectations in Macroeconomics by Honkapohja, Seppo, Evans, George W.
Rules and Reason: Perspectives on Constitutional Political Economy by
Strategic Planning for the Family Business: Parallel Planning to Unify the Family and Business by Carlock, R., Ward, J.
Trade Policy in Developing Countries by Buffie, Edward F.
Strategic Planning for the Family Business: Parallel Planning to Unify the Family and Business by Carlock, R., Ward, J.
The Coming of Globalization: Its Evolution and Contemporary Consequences by Langhorne, R.
Economic Change and the National Question in Twentieth-Century Europe by
Rules and Reason by
Economics and Culture by Throsby, David, Throsby, C. D.
Reforming the State: Fiscal and Welfare Reform in Post-Socialist Countries by
Slavery, Atlantic Trade and the British Economy, 1660 1800 by Morgan, Kenneth
Iraq and the International Oil System: Why America Went to War in the Gulf by Pelletiere, Stephen C., Pelletiere, Stephen
The Monetary Transmission Process: Recent Developments and Lessons for Europe by
Dynamics of Democratization: A Comparative Approach by Pridham, Geoffrey
Efficient Rent-Seeking: Chronicle of an Intellectual Quagmire by
Essay on the Nature of Commerce in General by Cantillon, Richard
Alternative Principles of Economics by Bober, Stanley
The Discretionary Economy: A Normative Theory of Political Economy by Tool, Marc
Management of Shared Groundwater Resources: The Israeli-Palestinian Case with an International Perspective by
European Union: Structure and Process, Third Edition by Archer, Clive
Sustainable Venice: Suggestions for the Future by
Is-LM and Modern Macroeconomics by
Systemic Intervention: Philosophy, Methodology, and Practice by Midgley, Gerald
The European Corporation: Strategy, Structure, and Social Science by Whittington, Richard, Mayer, Michael
Macroeconomics and the Real World: Volume 1: Econometric Techniques and Macroeconomics by
Macroeconomics and the Real World: Volume 2: Keynesian Economics, Unemployment, and Policy by
Global Finance at Risk: The Case for International Regulation by Taylor, Lance, Eatwell, John
Hayek's Liberalism and Its Origins: His Idea of Spontaneous Order and the Scottish Enlightenment by Petsoulas, Christina
Advances in Mathematical Economics by Castaing, Charles
The United States and the European Union: The Political Economy of A Relationship by Guay, Terrence R.
Towards Financial Self-reliance: A Handbook of Approaches to Resource Mobilization for Citizens' Organizations by Holloway, Richard
Economic Analysis of Investment Operations: Analytical Tools and Practical Applications by Anderson, Jock R., Belli, Pedro, Tan, Jee-Peng
A Vigorous Spirit of Enterprise: Merchants and Economic Development in Revolutionary Philadelphia by Doerflinger, Thomas M.
The Coming of Globalization: Its Evolution and Contemporary Consequences by Langhorne, R.
Economic Transformation, Democratization and Integration Into the European Union: Southern Europe in Comparative Perspective by
Post-Communist Romania: Coming to Terms with Transition by
Regionalization and Security in Southern Africa by Poku, N.
Altersvorsorge durch Pensionsfonds by Michelberger, Tanja
50 Years a Keynesian and Other Essays by Harcourt, G.
International Public Policy and Regionalism at the Turn of the Century by
50 Years a Keynesian and Other Essays by Harcourt, G.
See More