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Economics in 2006

Property and Equality: Volume I: Ritualization, Sharing, Egalitarianism by
Finance and the Economics of Uncertainty by Laroque, Guy, Demange, Gabrielle
East Asia's de Facto Economic Integration by Hiratsuka, Daisuke
Europeanization, Varieties of Capitalism and Economic Performance in Central and Eastern Europe by Cernat, L.
Labor Markets in Asia: Issues and Perspectives by Felipe, Jesus, Hasan, Rana
Sourcing in China: Strategies, Methods and Experiences by Nassimbeni, G., Sartor, M.
Capitalism with Derivatives: A Political Economy of Financial Derivatives, Capital and Class by Rafferty, M., Bryan, D.
Business and the Euro: Business Groups and the Politics of Emu in Britain and Germany by Duckenfield, M.
The Rise of Cass Business School: The Journey to World-Class: 1966 Onwards by Williams, A.
21st-Century Japanese Management: New Systems, Lasting Values by Abegglen, J.
Third Way Economics: Theory and Evaluation by Whyman, P.
Cooperating on Competition in Transatlantic Economic Relations: The Politics of Dispute Prevention by Damro, C.
International Political Economy and Poststructural Politics by
Foreign Capital Inflows to China, India and the Caribbean: Trends, Assessments and Determinants by Banik, A., Bhaumik, P.
Monetary Policy in Transition: Inflation Nexus Money Supply in Postcommunist Russia by Nikolic, M.
Inequality, Poverty and Well-Being by
Globalization and the Third World: A Study of Negative Consequences by
The Capability Approach and the PRAXIS of Development by Deneulin, S.
Recovering Financial Systems by
The Varieties of Capitalism Paradigm: Explaining Germany's Comparative Advantage? by Allen, M.
Pro-Poor Macroeconomics: Potential and Limitations by
Risk and Foreign Direct Investment by White, C., Fan, M.
Legislative Politics and Economic Power in Russia by Chaisty, P.
Alternative Perspectives on Economic Policies in the European Union by
Cultural Influences on Economic Analysis Cultural Influences on Economic Analysis: Theory and Empirical Evidence Theory and Empirical Evidence by Guo, R.
Divergent Paths in Post-Communist Transformation: Capitalism for All or Capitalism for the Few? by Havrylyshyn, O.
Economic and Financial Developments in Latin America by
What Drives Global Capital Flows?: Myth, Speculation and Currency Diplomacy by Brown, B.
The South in International Economic Regimes: Whose Globalization? by Maswood, S.
The Psychology of Money and Public Finance by Schmölders, G.
The Successes and Failures of Economic Transition: The European Experience by Gabrisch, H., Hölscher, J.
Reforming the Common Agricultural Policy: History of a Paradigm Change by Garzon, I.
Governing Interests: Business Associations Facing Internationalism by
Economic Development and Social Change: Historical Roots and Modern Perspectives by
Business, Economics and Enterprise: Teaching School Subjects 11-19 by Brant, Jacek, Davies, Peter
Research in Economic History by
Econospinning: How to Read Between the Lines When the Media Manipulate the Numbers by Epstein, Gene
Finance and the Economics of Uncertainty by Demange, Gabrielle, Laroque, Guy
Chinas Finanz- und Währungspolitik nach der Asienkrise by Klenner, Wolfgang
The Neo-Liberal Revolution: Forging the Market State by Robison, Richard
The Next Great Bubble Boom: How to Profit from the Greatest Boom in History: 2006-2010 by Dent, Harry S.
The Economics and Ethics of Private Property (Large Print Edition) (Large Print Edition) by Hoppe, Hans-Hermann
New Issues in Regional Monetary Coordination: Understanding North-South and South-South Arrangements by Metzger, Martina
Ordo by
Taxes and Exchange Rates in the EU by Lorié, J.
Privatisation Performance in Major European Countries Since 1980 by Tatahi, M.
New Free Trade Agreements in the Asia-Pacific by Dent, C.
Critical and Post-Critical Political Economy by Browning, G., Kilmister, A.
Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics by Lavoie, M.
Property and Equality: Volume II: Encapsulation, Commercialization, Discrimination by
Business Strategy in a Semiglobal Economy by Mourdoukoutas, Panos
Value, Capital and Growth by
Direct from Dell: Strategies That Revolutionized an Industry by Dell, Michael, Fredman, Catherine
Empirical Analysis of Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth by Stel, André Van
Public/Private Partnerships: Innovation Strategies and Policy Alternatives by Link, Albert N.
The Economics of Immigration and Social Diversity by
Fair Trade for All: How Trade Can Promote Development by Charlton, Andrew, Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Economic Transformations: General Purpose Technologies and Long-Term Economic Growth by Carlaw, Kenneth I., Bekar, Clifford T., Lipsey, Richard G.
Is War Necessary for Economic Growth?: Military Procurement and Technology Development by Ruttan, Vernon W.
Economic Transformations: General Purpose Technologies and Long Term Economic Growth by Carlaw, Kenneth I., Bekar, Clifford T., Lipsey, Richard G.
Computational Economics by Amman, Hans M., Kendrick, David A., Mercado, P. Ruben
Emotion and Reason in Consumer Behavior by Chaudhuri, Arjun
Capital Accumulation, Productivity and Growth: Monitoring Italy 2005 by
Democracy, Education, and Equality: Graz-Schumpeter Lectures by Roemer, John E.
Econometric Theory and Practice by
Democracy, Education, and Equality: Graz-Schumpeter Lectures by Roemer, John E.
Regional Economic Voting by Tucker, Joshua A.
The Politics of Developmentalism in Mexico, Taiwan and South Korea: The Midas States of Mexico, South Korea and Taiwan by Minns, J.
The Politics of Developmentalism in Mexico, Taiwan and South Korea: The Midas States of Mexico, South Korea and Taiwan by Minns, J.
Winners and Losers in Globalization by De La Dehesa, Guillermo
Old English Glass Houses by Buckley, Francis
Pension Systems: Sustainability and Distributional Effects in Germany and the United Kingdom by Mattil, Birgit
The Eastern Enlargement of the Eurozone by
Multicriteria Scheduling: Theory, Models and Algorithms by Billaut, Jean-Charles, T'Kindt, Vincent
An Assessment of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Measurement and Standards Laboratories: Fiscal Years 2004-2005 by Board on Assessment of Nist Programs, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
Bilateral Trade Agreements in the Asia-Pacific: Origins, Evolution, and Implications by
Renewable Energies for Central Asia Countries: Economic, Environmental and Social Impacts by
Renewable Energies for Central Asia Countries: Economic, Environmental and Social Impacts by
Women in Business, 1700-1850 by Phillips, Nicola
Fighting Poverty in the US and Europe: A World of Difference by Alesina, Alberto, Glaeser, Edward L.
Understanding Industrial Transformation: Views from Different Disciplines by
Armes Reiches Rußland!: Ein Mahnwort an Deutschlands Kapitalisten by Bernhard, Georg
Inequality and Prosperity: Social Europe vs. Liberal America by Pontusson, Jonas
Inequality and Prosperity: Social Europe vs. Liberal America by Pontusson, Jonas
Walrasian Economics by Walker, Donald A.
The New European Rurality: Strategies for Small Firms by Morgan, Eleanor
Sustainable Fossil Fuels: The Unusual Suspect in the Quest for Clean and Enduring Energy by Jaccard, Mark
Die Handlungsform Der Interinstitutionellen Vereinbarung: Eine Untersuchung Des Interorganverhältnisses Der Europäischen Verfassung by Alemann, Florian
Decentralised Government in an Integrating World: Quantitative Studies for OECD Countries by Stegarescu, Dan
Erfolgsfaktor Verantwortung: Corporate Social Responsibility Professionell Managen by
International Joint Ventures: An Interplay of Cooperative and Noncooperative Games Under Incomplete Information by Ott, U.
The impact of cultural differences on cross-border mergers at the example of DaimlerChrysler by Trajanov, Romy
The Merchants of Zigong: Industrial Entrepreneurship in Early Modern China by Zelin, Madeleine
Markets in Higher Education: Rhetoric or Reality? by
Policy Reforms and Agriculture Development in Central Asia by
Foundations of Paul Samuelson's Revealed Preference Theory: A study by the method of rational reconstruction by Wong, Stanley
The Microstructure Approach to Exchange Rates by Lyons, Richard K.
Quantifizierung der Wirkungen regionalpolitischer Instrumente: Methoden und Ergebnisse by Weerts, Hanno
The Future of Money by Cohen, Benjamin J.
Managerial Economics: Analysis, Problems, Cases by Truett, Dale B., Truett, Lila J.
The Cambridge Economic History of Latin America by Cortes-Conde, Roberto, Bulmer-Thomas, Victor, Coatsworth, John
Intra-Asian Trade and the World Market by
Arbeitslosigkeit in Deutschland - Folgen, Entwicklung und Ursachen by Mellenthin, Andreas
Risk and Foreign Direct Investment by Fan, M., White, C.
Development Models, Globalization and Economies: A Search for the Holy Grail? by Richter, Frank-Jürgen, Kidd, John B.
Development Models, Globalization and Economies: A Search for the Holy Grail? by Richter, Frank-Jürgen, Kidd, John B.
Beyond Japan: The Dynamics of East Asian Regionalism by
Court Delay and Law Enforcement in China: Civil Process and Economic Perspective by Jiang, Qing-Yun
Money and Exchange: Folktales and Reality by Fayazmanesh, Sasan
Ethical Codes and Income Distribution: A Study of John Bates Clark and Thorstein Veblen by Davanzati, Guglielmo Forges
Public Policy for Venture Capital: A Comparison of the United States and Germany by Plagge, Arnd
Beyond Japan: The Dynamics of East Asian Regionalism by
Venture Capitalists' Exit Strategies Under Information Asymmetry: Evidence from the Us Venture Capital Market by Eckermann, Matthias
Global, National and Local Practices in Multinational Companies by
East Asia, Globalization and the New Economy by Adams, F. Gerard
Mathematical and Computational Models for Congestion Charging by
The Capability Approach and the PRAXIS of Development by Deneulin, S.
Changing France: The Politics That Markets Make by
Globalization and Egalitarian Redistribution by
United Kingdom Economic Accounts No 52, 3rd Quarter 2005 by Na, Na
Economic Trends Volume 626, January 2006 by Na, Na
Nugget Coombs: A Reforming Life by Rowse, Tim
Luigi Einaudi: Selected Economic Essays by
Luigi Einaudi: Selected Economic Essays by
The Economics of Saving and Growth: Theory, Evidence, and Implications for Policy by
Electronic Customer Relationship Management by Robertson, Nicholas C., Jr., Fjermestad, Jerry
Business Strategy in a Semiglobal Economy by Mourdoukoutas, Panos
The Selected Works of Gordon Tullock by Tullock, Gordon
Biased Technical Change and Economic Conservation Laws by Sato, Ryuzo
Bordering the Future: The Impact of Mexico on the United States by Adams, John
Econometric Analysis of Financial and Economic Time Series by
Advances in Mathematical Economics Volume 8 by
The Selected Works of Gordon Tullock by Tullock, Gordon
An Economic History of Rome by Frank, Tenney
Macroeconomics: Imperfections, Institutions and Policies by Carlin, Wendy, Soskice, David
External Liberalization in Asia, Post-Socialist Europe, and Brazil by
Income Distribution by Campano, Fred, Salvatore, Dominick
Toward an Evolutionary Regime for Spectrum Governance: Licensing or Unrestricted Entry? by Robyn, Dorothy, Baumol, William J.
Microeconomics: Behavior, Institutions, and Evolution by Bowles, Samuel
Trade and Politics in the Niger Delta, 1830-1885 by Dike, Kenneth Onwuka
American Political and Economic Penetration of Mexico, 1877-1920 by Davids, Jules
Poverty in America: A Handbook by Iceland, John
The Economics of Input-Output Analysis by Ten Raa, Thijs
The Economics of Input-Output Analysis by Ten Raa, Thijs
The Rise of Cass Business School: The Journey to World-Class: 1966 Onwards by Williams, A.
Reaganomics Goes Global: What Can the Eu, Russia and Other Transition Countries Learn from the Usa? by
Handbuch Des Emissionshandelsrechts by Hentschke, Helmar, Kopp-Assenmacher, Stefan, Adam, Michael
Rationality and Equilibrium: A Symposium in Honor of Marcel K. Richter by
Business and the Euro: Business Groups and the Politics of Emu in Britain and Germany by Duckenfield, M.
Social Security Under the Gun by Benavie, Arthur
In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America's Best-Run Companies by Waterman, Robert H., Peters, Thomas J.
Consumerism in World History: The Global Transformation of Desire by Stearns, Peter N.
Nonlinear Time Series Analysis of Business Cycles by
Microfinance Investment Funds: Leveraging Private Capital for Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction by
Lehigh Valley Cement Industry by Minton Christopher, Joan, Capwell Fox, Martha, Front, Carol M.
Marxian Reproduction Schema: Money and Aggregate Demand in a Capitalist Economy by Trigg, Andrew
Financial Crises: Socio-Economic Causes and Institutional Context by Spotton Visano, Brenda
A Thousand Barrels a Second: The Coming Oil Break Point and the Challenges Facing an Energy Dependent World by Tertzakian, Peter
Building Better Credit Unions by McKillop, Donal, Ferguson, Charles, Goth, Peter
Consumerism in World History: The Global Transformation of Desire by Stearns, Peter N.
Evaluation and Decision Models with Multiple Criteria: Stepping Stones for the Analyst by Pirlot, Marc, Bouyssou, Denis, Marchant, Thierry
New Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analysis by Lütkepohl, Helmut
Dictating Development: How Europe Shaped the Global Periphery by Krieckhaus, Jonathan
Angewandte Industrieökonomik: Theorien - Modelle - Anwendungen by Weiske, Andreas, Blum, Ulrich, Müller, Simone
The Reluctant Economist: Perspectives on Economics, Economic History, and Demography by Easterlin, Richard A.
Institutions, Equilibria and Efficiency: Essays in Honor of Birgit Grodal by
Regulatory Risk and the Cost of Capital: Determinants and Implications for Rate Regulation by Pedell, Burkhard
The Global Coffee Economy in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, 1500 1989 by
Regional Economic Voting by Tucker, Joshua A.
India and the Gold Standard by Howard, H. F.
The Economics of Agriculture by Cohen, R. L.
Co-Peration and Charles Gide by Walter, Karl
Essays in Taxation by Seligman, Edwin Robert Anderson
Indian Currency and Finance by Keynes, John Maynard
Running on Empty in Central America? by Hussain, Imtiaz A.
Die Dresdner Bank Im Dritten Reich by Bähr, Johannes, Henke, Klaus-Dietmar, Wixforth, Harald
A Strategy for IMF Reform by Truman, Edwin
Understanding Canton: Rethinking Popular Culture in the Republican Period by Ho, Virgil
Redesigning Distribution: Basic Income and Stakeholder Grants as Cornerstones for an Egalitarian Capitalism by Ackerman, Bruce, Alstott, Anne, Parijs, Philippe Van
Year of the Euro: The Cultural, Social, and Political Import of Europe's Common Currency by
Mao and the Economic Stalinization of China, 1948-1953 by Li, Hua-Yu
Compensatory Trade Strategy: How to Fund Import-Export Trade and Industrial Projects When Hard Currency Is in Short Supply by Akhile, John I.
Economic Trends Volume 627, February 2006 by Na, Na
Economics Without Frontiers by Tullock, Gordon
From Inside Brazil: Development in a Land of Contrasts by Thomas, Vinod
From Inside Brazil: Development in a Land of Contrasts by Thomas, Vinod
Economics Without Frontiers by Tullock, Gordon
Palgrave Handbook of Econometrics: Volume 1: Econometric Theory by
Palgrave Handbook of Econometrics Volume 1: Econometric Theory by
Divergent Paths in Post-Communist Transformation: Capitalism for All or Capitalism for the Few? by Havrylyshyn, O.
The Price of Government: Getting the Results We Need in an Age of Permanent Fiscal Crisis by Osborne, David, Hutchinson, Peter
The Cold War Was Won in the Nineties: Or a Short History of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development by Dejak, Bojan
Origins of Japanese Wealth and Power: Reconciling Confucianism and Capitalism, 1830-1885 by Sagers, J.
Gilding the Market: Luxury and Fashion in Fourteenth-Century Italy by Stuard, Susan Mosher
Origins of Japanese Wealth and Power: Reconciling Confucianism and Capitalism, 1830-1885 by Sagers, J.
Economic Liberalization and Integration in East Asia: A Post-Crisis Paradigm by Park, Yung Chul
Economics and Happiness: Framing the Analysis by
Evolution and Design of Institutions by Von Wangenheim, Georg, Schubert, Christian
Mathematics of Economics and Business by Werner, Frank, Sotskov, Yuri N.
Korea Under Siege, 1876-1945: Capital Formation and Economic Transformation by Chung, Young-Iob
See More