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Economics in 2010

Noticia Del Origen Y Establecimiento Increible De Las Lanas Finas De España En El Extrangero, Por Culpa Nuestra En No Haber Impedido Mejor La Extracci by Zapata, Baltasar Antonio
Où Allons-Nous? by Cambon, Victor
State of the World: Transforming Cultures: From Consumerism to Sustainability: A Worldwatch Institute Report on Progress Toward a Sustaina by
Italia E Italiani in Brasile: Note E Appunti by Ugolotti, Filippo
Sale of Goods Law Within Europe by
Financial Globalization: Growth, Integration, Innovation and Crisis by Das, D.
Financial Markets and Organizational Technologies: System Architectures, Practices and Risks in the Era of Deregulation by
China After the Subprime Crisis: Opportunities in the New Economic Landscape by Lo, C.
The Myth of Too Big to Fail by Moosa, I.
Money and Calculation: Economic and Sociological Perspectives by
Asia and the Global Economic Crisis: Challenges in a Financially Integrated World by Rana, P., Dowling, J.
The Rise and Fall of an Economic Empire: With Lessons for Aspiring Economies by Read, C.
Public Private Partnerships in der Wasserwirtschaft des Nahen Ostens und Nordafrikas by Schomaker, Rahel
Erfolgsnationen vor dem Abstieg bewahren by Reutner, Friedrich
Bildungsökonomik und Soziale Marktwirtschaft by
Political Economy, Growth and Liberalisation in India, 1991-2008 by McCartney, Matthew
South Asian Economic Development: Second Edition by Hossain, Moazzem, Kathuria, Rajat, Islam, Iyanatul
Managing Crises and De-Globalisation: Nordic Foreign Trade and Exchange, 1919-1939 by
Economic Transitions to Neoliberalism in Middle-Income Countries: Policy Dilemmas, Economic Crises, Forms of Resistance by
Latecomer Development: Innovation and knowledge for economic growth by Oyelaran-Oyeyinka, Banji, Gehl Sampath, Padmashree
Indian and Chinese Enterprises: Global Trade, Technology and Investment Regimes by
Aid: Facing the Challenges of Global Change by
Impact of Trips in India: An Access to Medicines Perspective by Malhotra, P.
Socio-Economic Surveys of Three Villages in Andhra Pradesh by Swaminathan, Madhura, Rawal, Vikas, Ramachandran, V.
Ordo 61: Jahrbuch Für Die Ordnung Von Wirtschaft Und Gesellschaft by
Die Finanzierung der EU und deren Erweiterung im Blick auf die Türkei by Posselt, Ralf, Kadlec, Sven
For Jobs and Freedom: Race and Labor in America Since 1865 by Zieger, Robert H.
Recessions and Depressions: Understanding Business Cycles by Knoop, Todd
India and the Global Financial Crisis: Managing Money and Finance by Reddy, Y. V.
The Retreat of Democracy and Other Itinerant Essays on Globalization, Economics, and India by Basu, Kaushik
The Retreat of Democracy and Other Itinerant Essays on Globalization, Economics, and India by Basu, Kaushik
India and the Global Financial Crisis: Managing Money and Finance by Reddy, Y. V.
Inside the Chinese Business Mind: A Tactical Guide for Managers by Sun, Ted
An Essay on Economic Theory (Large Print Edition): An English translation of the author's Essai sur la Nature du Commerce en Général (Large Print Edition) by
National Systems of Innovation: Toward a Theory of Innovation and Interactive Learning by
National Systems of Innovation: Toward a Theory of Innovation and Interactive Learning by
On the Make: Clerks and the Quest for Capital in Nineteenth-Century America by Luskey, Brian P.
Economic Depressions (Large Print Edition): Their Cause and Cure (Large Print Edition) by Rothbard, Murray N.
Evenki Economy in the Central Siberian Taiga at the Turn of the 20th Century: Principles of Land Use by
Capital Ideas: The IMF and the Rise of Financial Liberalization by Chwieroth, Jeffrey M.
Leadership and Growth by
Game Over: How You Can Prosper in a Shattered Economy by Leeb, Stephen
Clash of Extremes by Egnal, Marc
Invisible Capitalism. Beyond Monetary Economy and the Birth of New Paradigm by Tasaka, Hiroshi
Post-Crisis Growth in Developing Countries: A Special Report of the Commission on Growth and Development on the Implications of the 2008 Financial Cri by Commission on Growth and Development, World Bank Group
Bootstrap-Verfahren bei der Berechnung von Prognosen in (G)ARCH-Modellen: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Verfahrens bei der Bestimmung der Verteilungs- by Jaskewitz, Marianna
Introduction to Econometrics by Maddala, G. S., Lahiri, Kajal
Two Dragon Heads: Contrasting Development Paths for Beijing and Shanghai by Yusuf, Shahid, Nabeshima, Kaoru
Princes, Brokers, and Bureaucrats: Oil and the State in Saudi Arabia by Hertog, Steffen
Evolution and Thought: Why We Think the Way We Do by White, Roger Bourke, Jr.
History of Islamic Banks by El-Khalifa Mohamed, Mahmoud A.
Die Ökonomie nicht erneuerbarer Ressourcen by Bingel, Christiane
Top Dog, Lean and Hungry Look, Puppy Dog und Fat Cat - Eine Taxonomie strategischen Marktverhaltens by Lampp, Jan
Irland - Der Keltische Tiger auf dem Sprung? by Große, Vincent
Du Ministère de la Guerre En 1850, Et de l'Algérie En 1851 by Hautpoul, Alphonse Henri
Wettbewerb im Gesundheitssystem by Lampp, Jan
Une Étape De L'évolution Sociale: Le Contrat De Travail by Langlois, Henri G.
Questions Agricoles D'hier Et D'aujourd'hui by Zolla, Daniel
Étude Comparée Du Droit de Rachat Dans Les Concessions de Chemins de Fer d'Intérèt Général Et de Son Rôle Dans La Politique Des États by Deligny, Paul
La Questione Delle Otto Ore Di Lavoro by Albertini, Luigi
Die Bedeutung von Clustern in der Wirtschaftsförderung by Hertleif, Maria
Fusionen auf den Rohstoffmärkten: Eine industrieökonomische Analyse am Beispiel des Eisenerzmarktes by Schierle, Robin
Le Socialisme Expliqué Aux Enfants Du Peuple by Guepin, Ange
Une Expérience Indusrtielle de Réduction de la Journée de Travail by Fromont, Louis G.
Forged Consensus: Science, Technology, and Economic Policy in the United States, 1921-1953 by Hart, David M.
Traité Sommaire d'Économie Politique by Courcelle-Seneuil, Jean Gustave
Réflexions Sur La Richesse Future de la France, Et Sur La Direction Qu'il Convient de Donner À La Prospérité Du Royaume by Harcourt, Emmanuel
La Crise Anglaise: Impérialisme Et Protection by Viallate, Achille
Contemporary Capitalism and Its Crises: Social Structure of Accumulation Theory for the 21st Century by
Contemporary Capitalism and Its Crises by
Business Regulation and Economic Performance by
Soziale Marktwirtschaft und Handlungsoptionen von (Einheits-)Gewerkschaften: Positionen und Gedanken by Scharlowsky, Volker
Kinderarbeit und Globalisierung by Petrova, Salzina
The Theory of Moral Sentiments by Smith, Adam
Die Finanzkrise und ihre Auswirkungen auf den Mittelstand: Eine Analyse by Schneider, Alexandra
Kompetenzmessung an Berufsschulen: Grenzen und Reichweiten by Frohneberg, Felix
Illustrations of Political Economy: Life in the Wilds. the Hill and the Valley. Brooke and Brooke Farm by Martineau, Harriet
The Power of Derivatives in the Global Financial System by Killinger, Maximilian A.
Die zukünftige demografische Alterung in Deutschland und ihre Auswirkungen auf den Konsum by Grienig, Gregor
Why Smart People Make Big Money Mistakes... and How to Correct Them: Lessons from the Life-Changing Science of Behavioral Economics by Gilovich, Thomas, Belsky, Gary
Steuermoral: Eine wirtschaftspsychologische Analyse by Hofmann, Philipp
Regional Rural Banks in India by Misra, Biswa Swarup
Flughafen Management by Baumann, Susanne, Wiedenmann, Simone, Schulz, Axel
Volkswirtschaftslehre 2 by Dorn, Dietmar, Letzner, Volker, Fischbach, Rainer
Formale Rechnungskontrolle (Unterweisung Industriekaufmann / -kauffrau): AdA 2009 by Spicker, Thorsten
Krankenkassenmarketing in Online-Communities: Eine Feasibility-Studie Am Beispiel Von Studivz by
Mai 1909 by
Oktober 1909 by
The Ethics of Redistribution by De Jouvenel, Baron Bertrand, De Jouvenel, Bertrand, Baron Bertrand, de Jouvenel
The Rural Entrepreneurs by Ville, Simon
Analyzing Redistribution Policies: A Study Using Australian Data by Nanak, Kakwani, Kakwani, Nanak
The Economic Theory of Agricultural Land Tenure by Currie, J. M.
Optimal Control, Expectations and Uncertainty by Hughes Hallet, Andrew, Hallett, Andrew Hughes, Holly, Sean
East-West Financial Relations: Current Problems and Future Prospects by Zloch-Christy, Iliana
The Working of Econometric Models by Nosse, T., Morishima, M., Murata, Y.
Foreign Aid and Economic Growth in Nepal by Bhattarai, Badri Prasad
UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 by Na, Na
Index to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 by Na, Na
Choice Modelling: The State-Of-The-Art and the State-Of-Practice - Proceedings from the Inaugural International Choice Modelling Confere by
New Directions in Development Ethics: Essays in Honor of Denis Goulet by
Capital, Accumulation, and Money: An Integration of Capital, Growth, and Monetary Theory by Taylor, Lester D.
Globalizing Regional Development in East Asia: Production Networks, Clusters, and Entrepreneurship by
Evaluating Climate Change and Development by
Confronting Poverty: Weak States and U.S. National Security by
The Tennessee-Virginia Tri-Cities: Urbanization in Appalachia, 1900-1950 by Lee, Tom
California's Volatile Workers' Compensation Insurance Market: Problems and Recommendations for Change by Dixon, Lloyd
Real Estate Investment Decision Making by Sah, Vivek
Die neuen Leitbilder der Raumentwicklung an Beispielen aus dem ostdeutschen Raum by Kirchhübel, Jana
Der Einfluss des Wettbewerbdesigns auf die Ergebnisse von Sportwettbewerben: Eine Untersuchung auf Basis des Rent-Seeking-Grundmodells von Tullock by Sandker, Holger
Continuing the Journey: Dominica's Development Challenges and Responses Going Forward: Proceedings of the Reuniuon Development Conference by
Collective Preference and Choice by Nitzan, Shmuel
Methoden im Offenen Unterricht in den Sekundarstufen: Internalisierung von Schlüsselqualifikationen und Handlungskompetenz durch die Methoden Betriebs by Hartmann, Mario
Destructive Leaders and Dysfunctional Organizations by Goldman, Alan
Die Immobilienkrise und die Auswirkungen auf Suburbia by Hertleif, Maria
The Everyday Life of Global Finance: Saving and Borrowing in Anglo-America by Langley, Paul
Greed, Lust and Gender: A History of Economic Ideas by Folbre, Nancy
Abstimmung von Ausbildungsverordnungen und Rahmenlehrplänen by Hartmann, Mario
Berufsbildung und ihre Theorie(n) - Spurensuche by Hartmann, Mario
The Tyranny of Dead Ideas by Miller, Matt
The current financial crisis in the United States: What lessons can be learned from Japan's experiences in the 1990s and 2000s? by Meier, Katrin
Funktionale und personale Einkommensverteilung, Verteilungsmaße: Primäre Einkommensverteilung, Einkommens- und Vermögensverteilung by Stefanova, Mariana
Challenges and Opportunities in a Changing World: Insights, Innovations, and Trends by Demirdjian, Z. S. Andrew
Challenges and Opportunities in a Changing World: Insights, Innovations, and Trends by Demirdjian, Z. S. Andrew
Der Europäische Qualifikationsrahmen by Müller, Juliane
Economic Growth and Structural Features of Transition by
The Land Question in Britain, 1750-1950 by
Commodities, Governance and Economic Development Under Globalization by Nissanke, Machiko, Mavrotas, George
Rethinking the Role of Agriculture and Agro-Industry by Thaiprasert, Nalitra
Prinzipien und Maßnahmen der US-amerikanischen Außenwirtschaftspolitik by Maichel, Alois
Corporate Social Responsibility aus politikwissenschaftlicher Sicht: Zu einem umsetzungsorientierten Umgang mit Corporate Citizenship by Hardieck, Guido
28 Trillion Later: How One Bank and A Lobbying Firm Destroyed the Global Economy by Forster, Tyler
Innovation, Intellectual Property, and Economic Growth by Greenhalgh, Christine, Rogers, Mark
Economic Gangsters: Corruption, Violence, and the Poverty of Nations by Miguel, Edward, Fisman, Ray
Mindestlöhne in den USA, Großbritannien und Frankreich by Schmitt, Sven
Against Intellectual Monopoly by Boldrin, Michele, Levine, David K.
Collective Preference and Choice by Nitzan, Shmuel
Destructive Leaders and Dysfunctional Organizations: A Therapeutic Approach by Goldman, Alan, Alan, Goldman
The Great Inflation and Its Aftermath: The Past and Future of American Affluence by Samuelson, Robert J.
Vodka and Pickled Cabbage: Eastern European Travels of a Professional Economist by Hare, Paul
Gemeinwohlorientierung in der Marktwirtschaft: Zur Renaissance der Daseinsvorsorge am Praxisbeispiel Hausmüllentsorgung by Brucksch, Simone
The Theory of Moral Sentiments by Smith, Adam
Evaluation Des Aufsichtsrats: Theoretische Grundlagen Und Empirische Befunde by Debus, Malte
Gescheiterte Sozialpartnerschaft - Gefährdete Republik?: Industrielle Beziehungen, Arbeitskämpfe Und Der Sozialstaat. Deutschland Und Frankreich Im Ve by Weber, Petra
The International Order of Asia in the 1930s and 1950s by White, Nicholas J.
The Financial Audit As Viewed By Bankers, Statement Analysis, Suggested Methods For A Credit Index (1922) by Robert Morris Associates
Virtue In Humble Life V1: Containing Reflection On The Reciprocal Duties Of The Wealthy And Indigent, The Master And The Servant (1774) by Hanway, Jonas
The National Metropolitan Bank, Washington, D.C. (1913) by Brice, Arthur T., Rudolph, Cuno H., Hoehling, A. A., Jr.
System Of Economical Contradictions V1: Or The Philosophy Of Misery (1888) by Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph
The English Factories In India, 1655-1660 (1921) by Foster, William
The Physiocrats: Six Lectures On The French Economistes Of The Eighteenth Century (1897) by Higgs, Henry
The Stability Of Prices (1889) by Patten, Simon Nelson
The Sword Of Wealth (1906) by Thomas, Henry Wilton
The Harmony Of Interests: Agricultural, Manufacturing, And Commercial (1851) by Carey, Henry Charles
The Scotch Banks And System Of Issue: Including Translation Of Les Banques D'Ecosse (1873) by Somers, Robert
The Finances Of Cleveland (1907) by Williamson, Charles Clarence
The Place Of Science In Modern Civilization: And Other Essays (1919) by Veblen, Thorstein
The Rise, Progress, And Present Condition Of Banking In India (1863) by Cooke, Charles Northcote
The Rhine: Its Banks And Environs (1839) by Addison, Henry Robert
The National Debt Financially Considered (1859) by Capps, Edward
The Finances Of Vermont (1913) by Wood, Frederick Augustus
The Temptation Of Wealth: Or The Heir By Primogeniture (1846) by Carlen, Emilie Flygare
Rural Economy In New England At The Beginning Of The Nineteenth Century (1916) by Bidwell, Percy Wells
The Lost Bank Note: And Martyn Ware's Temptation (1863) by Wood, Henry
The Rake's Progress In Finance (1905) by Cross, John Walter
Summing It Up: A Treatise On Economical, Moral And Religious Conditions Of The Present Time (1909) by Hubbard, Henry Lewis
Worth And Wealth: A Poem (1869) by Tomkins, Samuel
The Fallacy Of The Stabilized Dollar (1920) by Anderson, Benjamin McAlester, Jr.
The History Of British Commerce: And Of The Economic Progress Of The British Nation, 1763-1878 (1880) by Levi, Leone
The Barbers' Journal V12-13: The Official Organ Of The Journeymen Barbers' International Union Of America (1901) by
The New Economy: A Peaceable Solution Of The Social Problem (1907) by Gronlund, Laurence
Wool Growing And The Tariff: A Study In The Economic History Of The United States (1910) by Wright, Chester Whitney
The Dawn Of A New Era In Finance (1887) by Willey, Freeman Otis
The Suffolk Bank (1878) by Whitney, David Rice
The Suffolk Bank: And Its Redemption System (1881) by Suffolk National Bank
Political Economy, Concisely: Essays on Policy That Does Not Work and Markets That Do by Jasay, Anthony De
Economic Development in Latin America: Essay in Honor of Werner Baer by
The Price of Emancipation by Draper, Nicholas
Political Economy, Concisely: Essays on Policy That Does Not Work and Markets That Do by Jasay, Anthony De
Challenges of Economic Development in the Middle East and North Africa Region by Devlin, Julia C.
Beauty and the Business: Practice, Profits and Productivity, Performance and Profitability by House, Steven E., Buford, Gregory A.
Veränderungen des Konsum- und Investitionsverhaltens aufgrund der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise by Rieger, Marc
The Global Economic Crisis: Implications for ASEAN by Asean Studies Center
ASEAN-Canada Forum 2008 by Asean Studies Center
Palasthotels an der Cote d'Azur - Macht eines Mythos: Wie das Image zum Erfolg einer Destination führen kann by Weckerle, Marie-Julie
An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: The Five Foot Shelf of Classics, Vol. X (in 51 Volumes) by Smith, Adam
An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: The Five Foot Shelf of Classics, Vol. X (in 51 Volumes) by Smith, Adam
Negotiauctions: New Dealmaking Strategies for a Competitive Marketplace by Subramanian, Guhan
Housing Boom and Bust: Owner Occupation, Government Regulation and the Credit Crunch by King, Peter
Housing Boom and Bust: Owner Occupation, Government Regulation and the Credit Crunch by King, Peter
Transitions to Sustainable Development: New Directions in the Study of Long Term Transformative Change by Schot, Johan, Grin, John, Rotmans, Jan
Asian Regionalism and Japan: The Politics of Membership in Regional Diplomatic, Financial and Trade Groups by Hamanaka, Shintaro
Chinese Family Business and the Equal Inheritance System: Unravelling the Myth by Zheng, Victor
Political Economy, Public Policy and Monetary Economics: Ludwig von Mises and the Austrian Tradition by Ebeling, Richard M.
Economic Growth, the Environment and International Relations: The Growth Paradigm by Purdey, Stephen J.
Committee Governance in the European Union by
Economics and Politics of Climate Change by
Kundenreklamation bearbeiten und zur Erfassung in der EDV vorbereiten (Unterweisung Bürokaufmann / -kauffrau) by Heitzer, Thomas
International Encyclopedia of Civil Society by
Tadschikistan: Entwicklungspotentiale einer Transformationswirtschaft by Holbreich, Paulina
Struktur und Entwicklung der Euroregion Neiße by Reif, Maria
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