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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2011

Disaggregation in Econometric Modelling (Routledge Revivals) by
Theory and Practice of the Triple Helix System in Developing Countries: Issues and Challenges by
Interventionism: An Economic Analysis by Mises, Ludwig Von
Interventionism: An Economic Analysis by Mises, Ludwig Von
Nachhilfe 2.0: Die Verlagerung des klassischen Nachhilfeunterrichts ins Web 2.0: Potentiale, Risiken, Nutzen und Einsatzmöglichkeiten by Goller, Florian
Understanding Economic Growth: Modern Theory and Experience by SenGupta, Jati
Credible Threats in Negotiations: A Game-Theoretic Approach by Houba, Harold, Bolt, Wilko
Bad News: How America's Business Press Missed the Story of the Century by
The Next Hundred Million: America in 2050 by Kotkin, Joel
The Quants: How a New Breed of Math Whizzes Conquered Wall Street and Nearly Destroyed It by Patterson, Scott
The Collected Scientific Work of David Cass by Cass, David
The Collected Scientific Work of David Cass by
Westlicher Konsum Am Bosporus: Warenhäuser, Nestlé & Co Im Späten Osmanischen Reich (1855-1923) by Köse, Yavuz
Economist's Oath: On the Need for and Content of Professional Economic Ethics by Demartino, George F.
The Fall and Rise of the Asiatic Mode of Production (Routledge Revivals) by Dunn, Stephen
The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money by Keynes, John Maynard
Hellenistic Economies by
The Collected Scientific Work of David Cass by
Infant Mortality, Population Growth, and Family Planning in India by Chandrasekhar, S.
The Economics of Soviet Merchant-Shipping Policy by Athay, Robert E.
Islamic Economics and Finance: An Epistemological Inquiry by Choudhury, Masudul Alam
Success Factors of Regional Strategies for Multinational Corporations: Appropriate Degrees of Management Autonomy and Product Adaptation by Heinecke, Patrick
Zur Ordnung Des Wirtschaftslebens: Plädoyer Für Eine Präskriptive Ökonomik by Wilke, Rüdiger
Handbook of Quantitative Science and Technology Research: The Use of Publication and Patent Statistics in Studies of S&t Systems by
Gross State Product and Productivity in the Southeast by Niemi, Albert W.
Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Religion by
Validating Fiscal Impact Analysis Methods for a Small Ohio City by Jiang, Junsong
Innovative Fiscal Policy and Economic Development in Transition Economies by Gevorkyan, Aleksandr V.
The Moral Rhetoric of Political Economy: Justice and Modern Economic Thought by Turpin, Paul
The Financial Crisis Inquiry Report, Authorized Edition: Final Report of the National Commission on the Causes of the Financial and Economic Crisis in by Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission
Erfolg von Marketingstrategien bei homogenen Produkten: Eine Fallstudie in Bezug auf den deutschen Strommarkt by Schmolke, Heiko
Planning for Economic Growth in the Soviet Union, 1918-1932 by Zaleski, Eugène
Further Development of Renminbi's Exchange Rate Regime after Joining the WTO by Yuan, Long
Demographische Entwicklung Deutschlands und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Generationenbeziehungen by Hofmann, Marek
Rebuilding Ground Zero - Der Wiederaufbau des World Trade Centers unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ökonomischer Aspekte by Vogler, Christina, Vogler, Markus
The Financial Crisis of Our Time by Kolb, Robert W.
The Euro in the 21st Century: Economic Crisis and Financial Uproar by Lorca-Susino, Maria
Asymmetry and Aggregation in the EU by Virén, Matti, Mayes, D.
Natural Justice by Binmore, Ken
Economic Evolution and Revolution in Historical Time by
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Hochbegabtenförderung durch die Jenaplan-Pädagogik by Haas, Silke
Change to Chains-The 6,000 Year Quest for Control -Volume I-Rise of the Republic by Federer, William J.
Leitfaden für die Einführung einer Testautomation zur effizienten Qualitätssicherung von Softwareprodukten by Drescher, Arne
Technologielebenszyklen im Innovationsmanagement: Möglichkeiten zur Reifebestimmung so wie deren Parameter im Hinblick auf das S-Kurven Modell by Knöbl, Wolfgang
Centralization of financial regulation: A Public Choice Analysis for the European Union by Gehring, Kai
Kuhns Struktur einer wissenschaftlichen Revolution im Rahmen der Volkswirtschaftslehre: Hat die Volkswirtschaftslehre ein Paradigma? by Schneider, Sebastian
Mikrofinanz als Instrument der Entwicklungspolitik am Beispiel Boliviens: Microfinance as a Tool of Development Policy: the Case of Bolivia by Rabkin, Maxim
Simple Motivational Guide for Creating Wealth by Gora, Philemon I.
Housing Finance in Emerging Markets: Connecting Low-Income Groups to Markets by
U.S. Social Welfare Reform: Policy Transitions from 1981 to the Present by Caputo, Richard K.
The Korean Financial Crisis of 1997: Onset, Turnaround, and Thereafter by Lee, Kyu-Sung
Emprenedoria Regional I Economia del Coneixement by Julien, Pierre-Andr
Lombard Street - A Description Of The Money Market by Bagehot, Walter
A Functioning Society: Community, Society, and Polity in the Twentieth Century by Drucker, Peter F.
The Financial Crisis and Federal Reserve Policy by Thomas, L.
The Modern American Wine Industry: Market Formation and Growth in North Carolina by Taplin, Ian M.
The Financial Crisis and Federal Reserve Policy by Thomas, L.
Rediscovering Values: A Guide for Economic and Moral Recovery by Wallis, Jim
Crises in European Integration: Challenges and Responses, 1945-2005 by
The Stages in the Social History of Capitalism by Pirenne, Henri
Understanding Growth and Poverty: Theory, Policy, and Empirics by
The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine by Lewis, Michael
When the Boomers Bail: A Community Economic Survival Guide by Lautman, Mark
The Evolution of Regionalism in Asia: Economic and Security Issues by
The European Union and International Development: The Politics of Foreign Aid by Carbone, Maurizio
Interfacial Nanochemistry: Molecular Science and Engineering at Liquid-Liquid Interfaces by
Governing Global Finance: The Evolution and Reform of the International Financial Architecture by Elson, Anthony
Ruling Europe: The Politics of the Stability and Growth Pact by Heipertz, Martin, Verdun, Amy
Costs and Benefits of Economic Integration in Asia by
Managing the China Challenge: Global Perspectives by
Digitale Baustelle- Innovativer Planen, Effizienter Ausführen: Werkzeuge Und Methoden Für Das Bauen Im 21. Jahrhundert by
Women's Employment and the Capitalist Family by Fine, Ben
The Myth of the Rational Market: A History of Risk, Reward, and Delusion on Wall Street by Fox, Justin
Bengal Industries and the British Industrial Revolution (1757-1857) by Ray, Indrajit
Understanding the United States Debt by Chessman, Tyler L.
Endogenous Economic Fluctuations: Studies in the Theory of Rational Beliefs by
Die Bepreisung von Kohle-Forwards nach der Theorie der Lagerhaltung by Ben Hamida, Kerim
General Economics Monetary Policy by Damsch, Manfred
Gesundheitsökonomik by Beek, Kornelia Van Der, Beek, Gregor Van Der
Delivering Development: Globalization's Shoreline and the Road to a Sustainable Future by Carr, E.
Delivering Development: Globalization's Shoreline and the Road to a Sustainable Future by Carr, E.
Die geldpolitische Bedeutung von Zentralbankkommunikation by Bati, Özgür
Energy Security: International and Local Issues, Theoretical Perspectives, and Critical Energy Infrastructures by
Energy Security: International and Local Issues, Theoretical Perspectives, and Critical Energy Infrastructures by
Kommunale Wirtschaftsförderung und Standortentwicklung by Schneider, Sebastian
Kreativwirtschaft und Migration als Enwicklungsfaktoren von Metropolregionen: Das Beispiel Stockholm by Schemmel, Cindy
Decision Making with the Analytic Network Process: Economic, Political, Social and Technological Applications with Benefits, Opportunities, Costs and by Saaty, Thomas L., Vargas, Luis G.
Evaluation and Decision Models with Multiple Criteria: Stepping Stones for the Analyst by Bouyssou, Denis, Marchant, Thierry, Pirlot, Marc
Regulating Agricultural Biotechnology: Economics and Policy by
Foreclosed: High-Risk Lending, Deregulation, and the Undermining of America's Mortgage Market by Immergluck, Daniel
Modelling Non-Linear Time Series ATE by Granger, Clive J., Terasvirta, Timo, Tjøstheim, Dag
Modelling Nonlinear Economic Time Series by Granger, Clive W. J., Terasvirta, Timo, Tjostheim, Dag
Die Wasserkrise im Nahen Osten by Brüning, Sebastian
Die Wirtschaftspolitik unter Ronald Reagan: Increasing Prosperity by Reducing the Growth of Government by Jugel, David
Peddling Protectionism: Smoot-Hawley and the Great Depression by Irwin, Douglas a.
Financial Market Integration and Growth: Structural Change and Economic Dynamics in the European Union by
Ausfüllen von Scheckeinreichungen (Unterweisung Industriekaufmann / -frau): Praktischer Unterweisungsentwurf nach der 4-Stufen-Methode gemäß (AEVO) by Bosnic, Sandra
Chinas Wirtschaftswachstum - Sparquote und Produktivitätszuwächse: Erklärung und Prognose anhand der neoklassischen Wachstumstheorie by Piao, Di
Scarcity and Frontiers by Barbier, Edward B.
Capitalism, for and Against: A Feminist Debate by Holmstrom, Nancy, Cudd, Ann E.
Culture in Economics by Beugelsdijk, Sjoerd, Maseland, Robbert
The Money Culture by Lewis, Michael
Confederacy's Problems with Food Production and Distribution: Excluding the Trans-Mississippi Department by Emons Cooper, William
América Latina y el Caribe: ALBA: ¿Una nueva forma de Integración Regional? by Altmann Borbón, Josette
The Scope and Method of Political Economy by Keynes, John Neville
Das Verhalten des rationalen Wählers an der Wahlurne: Eine Rational Choice-Betrachtung by Ramel, Florian
Price Theory: A Provisional Text by Friedman, Milton
Global Revival of Left and Socialism Versus Capitalism and Globalisation and China's Share by Guangqing, Xiong, Guoliang, Pu
International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science by
Mobilfunk und Mobile Datendienste: Eine industrieökonomische Analyse by Von Aspern, Peter
Zehn Jahre Euro - eine Erfolgsbilanz? by Brunnbauer, Andreas
Die Ökonomie der Anarchie: Braucht die Gesellschaft einen Staat? by Dimant, Eugen
Die Ökonomie der Klimapolitik - Eine Kosten-Nutzen und spieltheoretische Analyse by Biller, Sebastian
Inflationsinduzierte Währungsreform des US-Dollars: Prognose der potentiellen Auswirkungen auf ausgewählte Anlageklassen by Keller, Markus
The Transition from Bilateral to Multilateral Free Trade Agreements as a Multiplier Process: Multifarious Impacts on Economy and Business in context o by Dimant, Eugen
The Structural Econometric Time Series Analysis Approach by
Capital Accumulation and Economic Growth in a Small Open Economy by Turnovsky, Stephen J.
Allocation in the European Emissions Trading Scheme: Rights, Rents and Fairness by
Voting and Collective Decision-Making: Bargaining and Power by Laruelle, Annick, Valenciano, Federico
Organizational Alternatives in Soviet-Type Economies by Spulber, Nicolas
The Dynamics of Keynesian Monetary Growth: Macro Foundations by Flaschel, Peter, Chiarella, Carl
Prices, Reproduction, Scarcity by Bidard, Christian
Poverty, Work, and Freedom: Political Economy and the Moral Order by Rizvi, S. Abu Turab, Levine, David P.
Foreign Direct Investments in Asia by
The Industrial Resources of Ireland by Kane, Robert
Handel mit Zertifikaten als Instrument der Umweltpolitik: Der EU Emissionshandel - Ausweitung, Zuteilungsregeln und Wohlfahrtswirkungen, ökologische W by Stein, Florian
Distributional Regularities of Financial Returns by Blatz, Jakob
Economic Globalisation and Human Rights by
The Rise of a Victorian Ironopolis: Middlesbrough and Regional Industrialization by Yasumoto, Minoru
Bildung als Gegenstand makroökonomischer Betrachtung: Globalisierung und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Qualifikationsanforderungen by Hempfling, David Bruce
Correspondence of Josiah Wedgwood by Wedgwood, Josiah
Correspondence of Josiah Wedgwood by Wedgwood, Josiah
Correspondence of Josiah Wedgwood by Wedgwood, Josiah
Disarray in World Food Markets: A Quantitative Assessment by Kym, Anderson, Tyers, Rod, Rod, Tyers
The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the Global Economy by
T. R. Malthus: The Unpublished Papers in the Collection of Kanto Gakuen University: Volume 2 by Malthus, T. R. (Thomas Robert), Malthus, Thomas Robert
Globalisation, Regionalism and Economic Interdependence by
T. R. Malthus: The Unpublished Papers in the Collection of Kanto Gakuen University: Volume 1 by Malthus, T. R. (Thomas Robert), Malthus, Thomas Robert
The English Wool Market, C.1230 1327 by Dryburgh, Paul R., Bell, Adrian R., Brooks, Chris
Nonlinear Statistical Modeling: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics: Essays in Honor of Takeshi by
Die Zukunft der Europäischen Union: Erweiterung und/oder Vertiefung? by Kuchta, Alexander
Financial Crises in Emerging Markets by
So Stat&econometrics 2e REV by Salvatore
Selected Essays on Economic Planning by Kalecki, Michal
The Money Illusion by Fisher, Irving
So of Microeconomics 4e REV by Salvatore
Market Solutions for Social and Environmental Problems: Social Policy Bonds by Horesh, Ronnie
Agrobiodiversity Conservation and Economic Development by
Best Laid Plans: The Tyranny of Unintended Consequences and How to Avoid Them by Sherden, William
Zentralbankunabhängigkeit und Inflation by Kassing, Patrick
USA Economic Survival Manual by Sirmans Sr, Freddie L.
Africa and the World Trade Organization by Mshomba, Richard E.
The Institutionalist Movement in American Economics, 1918-1947: Science and Social Control by Rutherford, Malcolm
The Vat in Developing and Transitional Countries by Bird, Richard M., Gendron, Pierre-Pascal
Zdruzba Interesov by Steinbacher, Matjaz
The Last Phase in Transformation by Kalecki, Michal
The Meaning of Property: Freedom, Community, and the Legal Imagination by Purdy, Jedediah
Volkswirtschaftliche Kennzahlen zur Analyse der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung by Kerner, Matthias, Lampel, Philipp
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen öffentlicher Fördermaßnahmen für KMUs in der Metropolregion Bremen-Oldenburg im Nordwesten by Molkentin, Stefan
Special Economic Zones in Africa: Comparing Performance and Learning from Global Experiences by Farole, Thomas
Adam Smith as Theologian by
Reiseveranstaltung: Lehr- Und Handbuch by
Navigating Time and Space in Population Studies by
The Austrian School of Economics: A History of Its Ideas, Ambassadors, & Institutions by Unterkofler, Herbert, Schulak, Eugen Maria
Risikokapital als Maßnahme der staatlichen Wirtschaftsförderung am Beispiel der Zukunft Land Salzburg AG by Steiner-Holzmann, Roland
Influence of European Integration on the Bargaining Power of German Trade Unions by Roth, Monika
Population Dynamics and Projection Methods by
Thomas braucht ein Küche! - Wir beraten ihn bei der Auswahl eines Ratenkredits: Exemplarische Berechnung von Kreditkosten verschiedener Ratenkredite, by Mayer, Martin
Subventionen in der Marktwirtschaft - Fluch oder Segen? by Brokamp, Christian
Exorbitant Privilege: The Rise and Fall of the Dollar by Eichengreen, Barry
Unit Root Tests in Time Series Volume 1: Key Concepts and Problems by Patterson, K.
Social Choice (Routledge Revivals) by Liebermann, Bernhardt
Consequences of Economic Downturn: Beyond the Usual Economics by
Samir Amin. Intellectuel Organique Au Service de L'Emancipation Du Sud by Demb L., Demba Moussa
Korporatismus im Gesundheitswesen by Wittig, Anne
Dynamic Policy Interactions in a Monetary Union by Carlberg, Michael
Beyond Mechanical Markets: Asset Price Swings, Risk, and the Role of the State by Goldberg, Michael D., Frydman, Roman
The Corporate Gardener: How Does Your Business Grow? by Allman, Paul G.
The Corporate Gardener: How Does Your Business Grow? by Allman, Paul G.
Gender-Class Equality in Political Economies by Prince Cooke, Lynn
International Trade and Global Development (Routledge Revivals): Essays in honour of Jagdish Bhagwati by Koekkoek, Ad
An Economic History of Modern France by Caron, Francois
Securing the Global Economy: G8 Global Governance for a Post-Crisis World by Freytag, Andreas, Savona, Paolo
The World Shipping Industry (Routledge Revivals) by Frankel, Ernst Gabriel
An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (Unabridged Edition) by Smith, Adam
An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (Unabridged Edition) by Smith, Adam
Non-Parametric Econometrics by Ahamada, Ibrahim, Flachaire, Emmanuel
From My Heart: The Black Race: Myths, Realities, and Complexes by Shilgba, Leonard
The Making of Neoclassical Economics (Routledge Revivals) by Henry, John F.
The Development of the Art Market in England: Money as Muse, 1730-1900 by Bayer, Thomas M., Page, John R.
American Property: A History of How, Why, and What We Own by Banner, Stuart
Public-Private Partnerships in Europe and Central Asia: Designing Crisis-Resilient Strategies and Bankable Projects by Mandri-Perrott, Cledan, Cuttaree, Vickram
Property Rights and Poverty: Political Argument in Britain, 1605-1834 by Horne, Thomas A.
The Economy of Renaissance Florence by Goldthwaite, Richard A.
Relentless Revolution: A History of Capitalism by Appleby, Joyce
The New Silk Road: How a Rising Arab World Is Turning Away from the West and Rediscovering China by B.
Foreign Trade Prices in the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance by Hewett, Edward A.
Oil Trade: Politics and Prospects by Hartshorn, J. E.
Unity with Diversity in the European Economy: The Community's Southern Frontier by Bliss, C. J., Bliss
Hungary: Towards a Market Economy Hungary by
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