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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2011

Poverty Traps and Microfinance: From Financial Inclusion to Sustainable Development. by Moro Visconti, Roberto
American Ideals Verses the New Deal by Hoover, Herbert
A History Of Economic Theories: From The Physiocrats To Adam Smith by Marx, Karl
A Theory Of The Consumption Function by Friedman, Milton
Steuerung Der Betrieblichen Altersversorgung in Europa: Garantierte Sicherheit?: Governance of Occupational Pensions in Europe: Guaranteed Security? G by
Exchange-Rate Dynamics by Evans, Martin D. D.
Guaranteed to Fail: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Debacle of Mortgage Finance by Van Nieuwerburgh, Stijn, Acharya, Viral V., Richardson, Matthew
Monetäre Entwicklungen in Russland seit 1990 by Mancheva, Petya
The Ten Trillion Dollar Gamble: The Coming Deficit Debacle and How to Invest Now: How Deficit Economics Will Change Our Global Financial Climate by Koesterich, Russ
Taking the Pulse of Public Opinion: Leading and Misleading Indicators of the State of the Nation by Bishop, George F., Mockabee, Stephen T.
Capitalism, Sustainability and the Big Society: Meeting the Global Challenge of Ensuring a Sustainable Future. by Rhodes, David
Ganzheitliches Energiemanagement Für Industriebetriebe by Posch, Wolfgang
Development Connections: Unveiling the Impact of New Information Technologies by Inter-American Development Bank
Die Internationale Politische Ökonomie Der Weltfinanzkrise by
Zuweisermarketing Für Niedergelassene Spezialisten: Allgemeinmediziner Professionell Gewinnen Und Binden by Thill, Klaus-Dieter
Development Connections: Unveiling the Impact of New Information Technologies by Inter-American Development Bank
Free Trade Doesn't Work: What Should Replace It and Why, 2011 Edition by Fletcher, Ian
Why Businessmen Need Philosophy: The Capitalist's Guide to the Ideas Behind Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged by
Economics for the Rest of Us: Debunking the Science That Makes Life Dismal by Adler, Moshe
Das IS-LM-Modell - Analyse mit Grafik und Rechenweg by Löbbert, Sebastian
International Entrepreneurship: Innovative Solutions for a Fragile Planet by Samli, A. Coskun
Die deutsche Staatsverschuldung by Waelther, Volker
Aktuelle Datengrundlage der Armutssituation in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Konzepte, Methoden und Probleme der Armutsmessung in einem Wohlfahrtsst by Fischer, Roman
Experiments on Energy, the Environment, and Sustainability by
Valley of Opportunity: Economic Culture Along the Upper Susquehanna, 1700-1800 by Mancall, Peter C.
Transport Moving to Climate Intelligence: New Chances for Controlling Climate Impacts of Transport After the Economic Crisis by
Gewinnbeteiligungssysteme in Versicherungsunternehmen by Mair, Florian
Kalkulierbares Risiko? - Versicherung von Umweltrisiken by Burkhardt, Andrea
Zwei Anwendungen der Sattelpunktmethode in der Finanzmathematik by Mair, Florian
Going Private in China: The Politics of Corporate Restructuring and System Reform by
Compliance contra Korruption: Maßnahmen und Instrumente der Anti-Korruptions-Prävention by Dolata, Uwe
Macroeconomic Theory by Benassy, Jean-Pascal, Bnassy, Jean-Pascal
The Konstantinos Karamanlis Institute for Democracy Yearbook: The Global Economic Crisis and the Case of Greece by
Monetary Policy and the German Unemployment Problem in Macroeconomic Models: Theory and Evidence by Gottschalk, Jan
The Computational Structure of Life Cycle Assessment by Heijungs, R., Sangwon Suh
Die Wirtschaftspolitik der 14. und 15. Legislaturperiode: Heterogene Finanzpolitik im Kontext des wirtschaftspolitischen Theorienstreits innerhalb der by Schmidt, Sebastian
Economic Performance in the Middle East and North Africa: Institutions, Corruption and Reform by
India - The Political Economy of Growth, Stagnation and the State, 1951-2007 by McCartney, Matthew
Chinnovation by Tan, Yinglan
The 'invisible Hand' and British Fiction, 1818-1860: Adam Smith, Political Economy, and the Genre of Realism by Courtemanche, E.
Perspectives on Rules of Origin: Analytical and Policy Insights from the Indian Experience by Das, R., Ratna, R.
Armutsbekämpfung & Umweltschutz: Chancen und Risiken von Umweltstandards by Schuster, Sebastian
The Macroeconomic Analysis of Foreign Capital Inflows in Pakistan: A Re-Examination Using Vector Error Correction Approach by Mohey-Ud-Din, Ghulam
Poverty and Social Exclusion in India by World Bank
Perspectives on Poverty in India: Stylized Facts from Survey Data by The World Bank
Microfinance Investment Fonds: Performanceerwartungen im Rahmen einer Chancen/Risikoanalyse für Investoren by Heilmann, Philipp
Economics For Dummies by Antonioni, Peter
Miraculous Growth and Stagnation in Post-War Japan by
Der Einfluss von Mega-Events auf das Destinationsimage: Dargestellt am Beispiel Südafrika vor der FIFA Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2010 by Dreiling, Michelle
Financial Market Regulation and Reforms in Emerging Markets by
Hedge Funds in Emerging Markets by de Brouwer, Gordon
Asia and Policymaking for the Global Economy by
Dynamic Issues in Applied Commercial Policy Analysis by
A Bibliography of Historical Economics to 1980 by
The Origins and Development of Financial Markets and Institutions: From the Seventeenth Century to the Present by
Foreign Direct Investment and Development: Launching a Second Generation of Policy Research by Moran, Theodore
Multinationals and Development by Rugman, Alan M., Doh, Jonathan P.
The London and New York Stock Exchanges 1850-1914 (Routledge Revivals) by Michie, Ranald
Private Enterprises and China's Economic Development by
Social Ethics and Normative Economics: Essays in Honour of Serge-Christophe Kolm by
Philosophy and African Development. Theory and Practice by
The Wasting of the British Economy (Routledge Revivials) by Pollard, Sidney
Economic Studies (Routledge Revivals): Contributions to the Critique of Economic Theory by Levine, David
Class and Economic Change in Kenya: The Making of an African Petite-Bourgeoisie by Kitching, Gavin
Beyond the Middle Kingdom: Comparative Perspectives on Chinaas Capitalist Transformation by
Beyond the Middle Kingdom: Comparative Perspectives on Chinaas Capitalist Transformation by
Multinationals and World Trade (Routledge Revivals): Vertical Integration and the Division of Labour in World Industries by Casson, Mark
Commonwealth by Hardt, Michael, Negri, Antonio
History of Economic Thought: A Critical Perspective by Hunt, E. K., Lautzenheiser, Mark
The American Economy: How it Works and How it Doesn't by Carson, Robert B., Thomas, Wade L.
Natural Experiments of History by
The Great American Housing Bubble: The Road to Collapse by Hardaway, Robert
Macroeconomics from the Bottom-Up by Delli Gatti, Domenico, Desiderio, Saul, Gaffeo, Edoardo
Fall and Rise of Keynesian Economics by Eatwell, John, Milgate, Murray
The Basel II Risk Parameters: Estimation, Validation, Stress Testing - With Applications to Loan Risk Management by
Ahmedabad: Shock City of Twentieth-Century India by Spodek, Howard
Nachhaltige Investments: Geldanlagen im Zeichen der Clean Technology by Rothenbücher, Mario
Structural Econometrics: Essays in Methodology and Applications by
Japan's Financial Slump: Collapse of the Monitoring System Under Institutional and Transition Failures by Suzuki, Yasushi
Postsecondary Education and the Ivy League: Vanguard or Foul Play? by Weyel, Peter
Bestimmungsgründe des Goldpreises: Welche Determinanten haben maßgeblichen Einfluss auf den Goldpreis? by Yücel, Süleyman
Web 2.0 Technologien: Einsatzmöglichkeiten im eGovernment und Einsatzempfehlungen für das Land Sachsen Anhalt by Jecht, Juliane
Economic Convergence in Greater China: Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan by Yao, Shujie, Lei, Chun Kwok
China-ASEAN Sub-Regional Cooperation: Progress, Problems and Prospect by
The Burma Delta: Economic Development and Social Change on an Asian Rice Frontier, 1852-1941 by Adas, Michael
Mortality Statistics: Childhood, Infant and Perinatal 2009, Vol 42 by Na, Na
Cook & Learn - Lernbare gesunde frische Küche für Kinder im Grundschulalter by Grabow, R., Zoch, Th, Brömme, J.
The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover - The Great Depression, 1929-1941 by Hoover, Herbert
Remittance Markets in Africa by
Diaspora for Development in Africa by
Memoirs of Herbert Hoover - The Great Depression, 1929-1941 by Hoover, Herbert
Oxford Companion to Scottish History by Lynch, Michael
How Many Languages Do We Need?: The Economics of Linguistic Diversity by Weber, Shlomo, Ginsburgh, Victor
General Equilibrium Theory: An Introduction by Starr, Ross M.
Debt-for-Development Exchanges by
Enterprise, Deprivation and Social Exclusion: The Role of Small Business in Addressing Social and Economic Inequalities by Southern, Alan
General Equilibrium Theory by Starr, Ross M.
Introduction to Keynesian Dynamics by Kurihara, Kenneth K.
The Interpolation of Time Series by Related Series by Friedman, Milton
Economic Doctrine And Method: An Historical Sketch by Schumpeter, Joseph Alois
Keynes At Harvard: Economic Deception As A Political Credo by Dobbs, Zygmund
Milton Friedman: A Concise Guide to the Ideas and Influence of the Free-Market Economist by Butler, Eamonn
Understanding Global Trade by Helpman, Elhanan
God, Gold And Government: The Interrelationship Of Christianity, Freedom, Self-Government And Economic Well Being by Kershner, Howard E.
How The Great Corporations Rule The United States by Latta, Thomas A., Gunn, John W., Dreiser, Theodore
Prosperity Without Inflation by Burns, Arthur F.
Iran's Struggle for Economic Independence: Reform and Counter-Reform in the Post-Revolutionary Era by Pesaran, Evaleila
Keynes on Monetary Policy, Finance and Uncertainty: Liquidity Preference Theory and the Global Financial Crisis by Bibow, Jorg
Ecological Modernisation and Environmental Compliance: The Garments Industry in Bangladesh by Selim, Shahpar
Business Clusters: Partnering for Strategic Advantage by
The Federal Reserve Hoax: The Age Of Deception by Vennard, Wickliffe B.
On Freedom And Free Enterprise: Essays In Honor Of Ludwig Von Mises by
Social Change in the Industrial Revolution: An Application of Theory to the British Cotton Industry by Smelser, Neil J.
Geldpolitik - Allgemeine Erklärungen und spezieller Einsatz in der Praxis by Illig, Wolfgang
Omnipotent Government: The Rise of the Total State and Total War by Mises, Ludwig Von
The Theory of the Leisure Class by Veblen, Thorstein
Negotiating the Free Trade Area of the Americas by Arashiro, Z.
The New International Money Game by Aliber, Robert Z.
Europe and the Financial Crisis by Talani, Leila Simona, Della Posta, Pompeo
Nachhaltigkeit in Der Gesundheitsvorsorge: Wie Krankenkassen Marketing Und Prävention Erfolgreich Verbinden by Scherenberg, Viviane
The New International Money Game by Aliber, Robert Z.
Governing the Global Economy: Politics, Institutions and Economic Development by
Zinspolitik Und Faktorauslastung: Stabilitätstheoretische Implikationen Eines Endogenen Produktionspotenzials by Schmid, Kai Daniel
Europe and the Financial Crisis by Della Posta, Pompeo, Talani, Leila Simona
Emerging Asia: Essays on Crises, Capital Flows, FDI and Exchange Rates by Rajan, R.
Handbook of Research on Electronic Surveys and Measurements by
Negotiating the Free Trade Area of the Americas by Arashiro, Z.
Too Big To Fail - Concepetual Disputation with Leopold Kohr by Saric, Vidak
British Railways 1948-73 by Gourvish, T. R.
Die Auswirkungen des demographischen Wandels auf die gesetzliche Krankenversicherung by Poullain, Harald
Verkehrs- und Mobilitätssteuern: Europäische und internationale Vergleiche by Niehaus, Kevin
Die Arzneimittelindustrie als Wirtschafts- und Innovationsfaktor by Fellermeier, Brunhilde
The Agrarian History of England and Wales: Volume 2, 1042 1350 by
The Agrarian History of England and Wales: Volume 3, 1348 1500 by
Macroeconomics in Emerging Markets by Montiel, Peter J.
The Politics of Inequality in Russia by Remington, Thomas F.
Macroeconomics in Emerging Markets by Montiel, Peter J.
Institutions and European Trade: Merchant Guilds, 1000-1800 by Ogilvie, Sheilagh
Bestiary for Business: Adapted from the Fables of Aesop for Gentle Corporate Readers and Raiders by Schelby, Erika
Smart Metering und Smart Grid im Jahre 2025: Szenarioanalyse über die Entwicklung der Energiewirtschaft in Deutschland by Roy, Daniel Thomas
Lombard Street A Description of the Money Market by Bagehot, Walter
Tackling the Farmer-to-Market-Linkage Problem for Small-Scale-Farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa: Creation of a Farmer-to-Market Linkage Model with Zambia by Zoephel, Matthias
Possible Futures Series: Volumes 1 - 3 by
Possible Futures Series: Volumes 1 - 3 by
Die Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbande: Ihre Geschichtliche Entwicklung, Ihre Zwecke Und Ziele Und Ihre Stellung Gegenuber Den Gewerkvereinen by Heymann, Eduard
The Chief Cause Of This And Other Depressions by Ayres, Leonard P.
Shared Capitalism at Work: Employee Ownership, Profit and Gain Sharing, and Broad-Based Stock Options by
The Decline of Jute: Managing Industrial Change by Morelli, Carlo
Russia: The Challenges of Transformation by
Aftermath: A New Global Economic Order? by
Unified Growth Theory by Galor, Oded
Business as Usual: The Roots of the Global Financial Meltdown by
Business as Usual: The Roots of the Global Financial Meltdown by
Aftermath: A New Global Economic Order? by
The Keynesian System by Wright, David McCord
The Great Swindle: The Story Of The South Sea Bubble by Cowles, Virginia
A Study Of The Federal Reserve by Mullins, Eustace Clarence
The Medici Bank: Its Organization, Management, Operations, And Decline by De Roover, Raymond
Information Technology and Economic Development by
The Changing Body: Health, Nutrition, and Human Development in the Western World Since 1700 by Harris, Bernard, Floud, Roderick, Fogel, Robert William
World 3.0: Global Prosperity and How to Achieve It by Ghemawat, Pankaj
IMF, World Bank & Adb Agenda on Privatisation: Pillage of Plantations in Sri Lanka by Ameresekere, Nihal Sri
Central Banks and Coded Language: Risks and Benefits by Muchlinski, Elke
Rise and Fall of Bear Stearns by Greenberg
A Socioeconomic History of North Korea by Schwekendiek, Daniel
Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Rights and the Law: Multinational Corporations in Developing Countries by Amao, Olufemi
From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean: The Global Trade Networks of Armenian Merchants from New Julfa Volume 17 by Aslanian, Sebouh
The Road to Socialism: A Choice Between Capitalism and Socialism by Frommholz Mba, Philip L.
Death by China: Confronting the Dragon - A Global Call to Action by Autry, Greg, Navarro, Peter
International Commercial and Marine Arbitration by I. Zekos, Georgios
Advances in Enterprise Engineering V: First Enterprise Engineering Working Conference, EEWC 2011, Antwerp, Belgium, May 16-17, 2011, Proceedings by
The Political Economy of Development, The: The World Bank, Neoliberalism and Development Research by
The China Tax Guide by
Zukunftsfähige Wirtschaftspolitik Für Deutschland Und Europa by
Market-Led Agrarian Reform by
Emerging Development of Agriculture in East Africa: Markets, Soil, and Innovations by
Begriffe und Konten der Volkswirtschaftlichen Gesamtrechnung: VGR verständlich erklärt by Wünsche, Manfred
The Contemporary Global Economy: A History Since 1980 by Eckes, Alfred E.
Ausgewählte Konjunkturtheorien von der Klassik bis zum Postkeynesianismus by Rodemann, Stefan
Der Internationale Währungsfonds - Darstellung und aktuelle Herausforderungen by Pavleski, Michael
Macroeconomic Analysis of Monetary Unions: A General Framework Based on the Mundell-Fleming Model by Bajo-Rubio, Oscar, Díaz-Roldán, Carmen
Money, Stock Prices and Central Banks: A Cointegrated VAR Analysis by Wiedmann, Marcel
China and the European Union in Africa: Partners or Competitors? by Barton, Benjamin
European Retail Research: 2011 Volume 25 Issue I by
Mechanism Design: A Linear Programming Approach by Vohra, Rakesh V.
The South Sea Bubble by Carswell, John
Willie Gayle's Power Selling by Gayle, Willie
A Select Bibliography of Modern Economic Theory, 1870-1929 by
Consistent Profits In The Stock Market by Dahl, Curtiss
Economic Development, Education and Transnational Corporations by Hanson, Mark
Fighting Poverty Together: Rethinking Strategies for Business, Governments, and Civil Society to Reduce Poverty by Karnani, A.
Das Konzept der Angebotsorientierten Wachstumspolitik: Darstellung und kritische Würdigung by Wittkowsky, Daniel, Schwich, Thomas
The Income Tax: A Study of the History, Theory, and Practice of Income Taxation at Home and Abroad by Seligman, Edwin R. a.
The Microeconomics of Risk and Information by Watt, Richard
The Microeconomics of Risk and Information by Watt, Richard
Business and Management Practices in Greece: A Comparative Context by
Business for the 21st Century: Towards Simplicity and Trust by Dupuy, F.
At the Edge of Camelot: Debating Economics in Turbulent Times by Katzner, Donald W.
Business and Management Practices in Greece: A Comparative Context by
Business for the 21st Century: Towards Simplicity and Trust by Dupuy, F.
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