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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2011

Designing Central Banks by
Classical Econophysics by Cottrell, Allin F., Cockshott, Paul, Michaelson, Gregory John
The Yield Curve and Financial Risk Premia: Implications for Monetary Policy by Geiger, Felix
Political Economy and Globalization by Westra, Richard
Tracing the Roots of Globalization and Business Principles by Beer, Lawrence A.
Socio-economic Mobility and Low-status Minorities: Slow roads to progress by Meerman, Jacob
Coopetition Strategy: Theory, Experiments and Cases by
Deregulation and the Airline Business in Europe: Selected Readings by Barrett, Sean
Creativity, Innovation and the Cultural Economy by
The State Economic Handbook 2010 by Anderson, P., Watkins, S.
The State Economic Handbook 2010 by Anderson, P., Watkins, S.
Crises and Cycles in Economic Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias by
The Institutional Imperative: The Politics of Equitable Development in Southeast Asia by Kuhonta, Erik
Die Wechselkursentwicklung der osteuropäischen Währungen by Bachmann, Tim
Revisiting the 10-year old Philippine Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001 (R.A. 9136) and Its Local Implications by Abanes, Menandro
Das Outdoor-Training in der Betriebspädagogik: Transfer und Wirksamkeit eines erlebnispädagogischen Konzepts in der betrieblichen Weiterbildung by Edner, Falk
Theoretical Foundations of Law and Economics by
The Economic Foundations of Society: Translated from the Second French Edition by Lindley M. Keasbey with a New Preface by the Author by Loria, Achille
Religion and Profit: Moravians in Early America by Engel, Katherine Carté
The Restoration Economy: The Greatest New Growth Frontier (16pt Large Print Edition) by Cunningham, Storm
Transitions Towards Sustainable Mobility: New Solutions and Approaches for Sustainable Transport Systems by
Chips and Change: How Crisis Reshapes the Semiconductor Industry by Brown, Clair, Linden, Greg
Multiprojektmanagement: Übergreifende Steuerung Von Mehrprojektsituationen Durch Projektportfolio- Und Programmmanagement by Seidl, Jörg
Dignifying Argentina: Peronism, Citizenship, and Mass Consumption by Elena, Eduardo
Economic Diplomacy: Economic and Political Perspectives by
Cultural Political Economy of Small Cities by
Financial Assets, Debt and Liquidity Crises by Charpe, Matthieu, Chiarella, Carl, Flaschel, Peter
Distance Forum: A Multidisciplinary Book of Scholarly Articles by Nketiah, Eric
Délégation Des Syndicats Ouvriers de Paris a l'Exposition Universelle de Chicago, 1893: Rapport d'Ensemble by Exposition, World's Columbian
Dealmaking: New Dealmaking Strategies for a Competitive Marketplace by Subramanian, Guhan
Handbook on Data Envelopment Analysis by
Behavioral Economics and the Law by Jolls, Christine
Roots of Steel: Boom and Bust in an American Mill Town by Rudacille, Deborah
First Principles of Islamic Economics by Mawdudi, Sayyid Abul A'La
Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung Und Induktive Statistik: Grundlagen - Methoden - Beispiele by Kosfeld, Reinhold, Turck, Matthias, Eckey, Hans Friedrich
Histoire de l'Économie Sociale Jusqu'à La Fin Du XV Siècle: Antiquité, Moyen Âge, Renaissance, Réforme, by Girard, Eugene de
On the Manipulation of Money and Credit: Three Treatises on Trade-Cycle Theory by Mises, Ludwig Von
Die Identität des Ostseeraums by Heß, Juliane
On the Manipulation of Money and Credit: Three Treatises on Trade-Cycle Theory by Mises, Ludwig Von
The Communist Manifesto In Sociology And Economics: The Journal Of Political Economy, V57, No. 3, June, 1949 by Schumpeter, Joseph Alois
Management Problems Of Corporate Acquisitions by Mace, Myles L., Montgomery, George G., Jr.
Das Dritte Italien - zukunftsfähiges Modell oder fragiles Gebilde?: Geographische Analyse eines Wirtschaftsraums by Weller, Simon
Frontiers of Environmental Input-Output Analysis by Kagawa, Shigemi
Konzeption einer erweiterten Kosten-Nutzen-Betrachtung von Geoinformatik-Anwendungen für eine nachhaltige Stadtplanung by Mühl, Stephan
Financial Crisis Management: Systemic Risk Crises, a Paralysed Lender of Last Resort and Special Resolution Regimes by Mecklenburg-Guzman, Christian Alexander
Illustrations of Political Economy by Martineau, Harriet
Prevention of Major Accidents in the Oil & Gas Industry by Wien, Georgina
L'Histoire de la Monnaie pour Comprendre l'Économie by Lannoye, Vincent
Pillars of Prosperity: The Political Economics of Development Clusters by Persson, Torsten, Besley, Timothy
The Great American Mission: Modernization and the Construction of an American World Order by Ekbladh, David
Post-Soviet Social: Neoliberalism, Social Modernity, Biopolitics by Collier, Stephen J.
Fault Lines: How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the World Economy by Rajan, Raghuram G.
A Compendious or Briefe Examination of Certayne Ordinary Complaints of Divers of Our Countrymen in These Our Dayes, A.D. 1581 by Stafford, William, Hales, John
Jeremy Bentham: Ten Critical Essays by
From Economic Man to Economic System: Essays on Human Behavior and the Institutions of Capitalism by Demsetz, Harold
Les embarras de l'Allemagne by Blondel, Georges
Reconstructing Macroeconomics: A Perspective from Statistical Physics and Combinatorial Stochastic Processes by Aoki, Masanao, Yoshikawa, Hiroshi
Les Solutions Démocratiques de la Question Des Impôts. Conférences Faites À l'École Des Sciences Politiques by Say, Leon
Economic Myths and the Mythology of Economics (Routledge Revivals) by Mishan, E. J.
History and Society: Essays by R.H. Tawney by Tawney, R. H.
Pornography, Psychedelics and Technology (Routledge Revivals): Essays on the Limits to Freedom by Mishan, E. J.
Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the Presence of Chinese and Indian Firms in Europe by Shi, Yunnan, Hay, Francoise, Milelli, Christian
Living Standards Analytics: Development Through the Lens of Household Survey Data by Haughton, Dominique, Haughton, Jonathan
Capital and the Debt Trap: Learning from Cooperatives in the Global Crisis by Bajo, Claudia Sanchez, Sanchez Bajo, Claudia, Roelants, Bruno
The Chinese Economy Under Maoism: The Early Years, 1949-1969 by Galenson, Walter
Capital and the Debt Trap: Learning from Cooperatives in the Global Crisis by Roelants, Bruno, Bajo, Claudia Sanchez, Sanchez Bajo, Claudia
Introduction to Political Economy (Routledge Revivals) by Mishan, E.
Essay on the Rate of Wages: With an Examination of the Causes of the Differences in the Condition of the Labouring Population Throughout the World by Carey, Henry Charles
An Essay On The Principle Of Population: Or, A View Of Its Past And Present Effects On Human Happiness, Volume 1 by Malthus, Thomas Robert
Histoire de l'Économie Politique En Italie, Ou, Abrégé Critique Des Économistes Italiens: Précédé d'Une Introduction by Pecchio, Giuseppe
Das Sanierungsinstrument Debt to Equity Swap: Eine Analyse der steuerrechtlichen Implikationen eines Debt to Equity Swap by Jöst, Max
Fördert Kaugummikauen die kognitive Leistungsfähigkeit - Mythos oder Wahrheit?: Darstellung und Beurteilung aktueller Studien by Nakovics, Meike
All the Devils Are Here: The Hidden History of the Financial Crisis by McLean, Bethany, Nocera, Joe
The Digital Glocalization of Entertainment: New Paradigms in the 21st Century Global Mediascape by Sigismondi, Paolo
Household Economic Behaviors by
Comparative Entrepreneurship Initiatives: Studies in China, Japan and the USA by
Credit Between Cultures: Farmers, Financiers, and Misunderstanding in Africa by Shipton, Parker MacDonald
Monetary Policy, Central Banking and Economic Performance in the Caribbean by Smith, Ron, Boyd, Derick
Raumordnung und Raumplanung in Deutschland: Instrumente und Ansätze auf unterschiedlichen Maßstabsebenen by Anonymous
How to Finance a Business - Where and How to Get Funds - How to Use the Bank - Partnerships and Stock Issues - Success from Small Capital - Financing by Anon
Financing India's Imperial Railways, 1875-1914 by Sweeney, Stuart
Red, Black, and Objective: Science, Sociology, and Anarchism by Restivo, Sal
The Worth of Goods: Valuation and Pricing in the Economy by
The End of Influence: What Happens When Other Countries Have the Money by DeLong, J. Bradford, Cohen, Stephen S.
Financial Access and Stability by World Book, Inc
The Economics of Land Degradation; Toward an Integrated Global Assessment by Nkonya, Ephraim, Gerber, Nicolas, Baumgartner, Philipp
Der Konjunkturzyklus: Identifikation von Wendepunkten: Eine theoretische und empirische Analyse by Leschonski B. Sc, Stefan
How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War by Lendman, Stephen
The End of Capitalism by Parks, Robert H. Ph. D.
Legacy of the Crash: How the Financial Crisis Changed America and Britain by
Legacy of the Crash: How the Financial Crisis Changed America and Britain by
Enterprising China: Business, Economic, and Legal Developments Since 1979 by Yueh, Linda
Modern Commercial Arithmetic Part Ielementary Stage. by Douglas, Geo H.
Makroökonomische Feldtheorie: Allgemeine Theorie des ökonomischen Wachstums in Substitutionskonkurrenz by Genreith, Heribert
Didaktische Konzeption eines E-Learning Kurses zur Geschäftsprozessmodellierung mit ereignisgesteuerten Prozessketten (EPK) by Pollack, Robert
Milchwirtschaft ohne Quote - Wie sieht sie aus? by Magg, Felix
Enterprising China: Business, Economic, and Legal Developments Since 1979 by Yueh, Linda
More Profit Than Gold by Arbuthnot, Joan
Nociones de economia politica by Garcia, Genaro
Produktionsaufbau in China: Handlungsempfehlungen ALS Ergebnis Einer Empirischen Analyse by Dannenberg, Sebastian, Mallon, Jürgen
Ausländische Direktinvestitionen: Entwicklung, Klassifikation und Relevanz by Demuth, Marcel
The Works and Life of Walter Bagehot by Barrington, Russell, Bagehot, Walter
The Worth of Goods: Valuation and Pricing in the Economy by
Fixed Income Modelling by Munk, Claus
Étude Comparée Des Principaux Systèmes de Banque by Huart, Albin
Increasing Return by Jones, G. T.
The Trade Deficit Illegal & Unconstitutional Effects Destroying America by Feinberg, Alec
Plundered Nations?: Successes and Failures in Natural Resource Extraction by
Griftopia: A Story of Bankers, Politicians, and the Most Audacious Power Grab in American History by Taibbi, Matt
Academy of Business 2011 Volume 1 by Valentine, Randall
Invisible Wealth: The Hidden Story of How Markets Work by Schulz, Nick, Kling, Arnold
Soziologie der Wirtschaft by Funder, Maria
Demokratischer Staat Und Transnationaler Terrorismus: Drei Wege Zur Unnachgiebigkeit in Westeuropa 1972-1975 by Dahlke, Matthias
Financing Africa: Through the Crisis and Beyond by Faye, Issa, Beck, Thorsten, Maimbo, Samuel Munzele
Start-Up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle by Singer, Saul, Senor, Dan
South Korea Under Compressed Modernity: Familial Political Economy in Transition by Chang, Kyung-Sup
Tourismus-Marketing: Marktorientiertes Management Im Mikro- Und Makrobereich Der Tourismuswirtschaft by Freyer, Walter
Chinese Leadership by Wang, Barbara Xiaoyu, Chee, Harold
Chinese Leadership by Wang, Barbara Xiaoyu, Chee, Harold
Analyse Du Mecanisme de L'Agiotage Et de La Methode Mixte En Etude de L'Attraction by Fourier, Charles
Der EU-Sondergipfel am 8./9. Mai 2010 by Topal, Ramazan
Pine Valley: A Window to the Early History of Colorado Springs and the U.S. Air Force Academy by Cogswell, Hester-Jane
Pine Valley: A Window to the Early History of Colorado Springs and the U.S. Air Force Academy by Cogswell, Hester-Jane
Pro und Contra - Mindestlohn by Fromholz, Julia
Lectures on Urban Economics by Brueckner, Jan K.
Teaching Environmental Health to Children: An Interdisciplinary Approach by Martina, Camille A., Davis, Hilarie B., Hursh, David W.
Bio-Economic Models Applied to Agricultural Systems by
Natural Computing in Computational Finance, Volume 4 by
EU Eastern Neighborhood: Economic Potential and Future Development by
A Picture of World Economic Conditionsat the Beginning of 1929 by Alexander, Magnus W.
An Essay Upon Ways and Means of Supplying the War by Davenant, Charles
Aktien Richtig Bewerten: Theoretische Grundlagen Praktisch Erklärt by Hasler, Peter Thilo
Information Choice in Macroeconomics and Finance by Veldkamp, Laura L.
The Problem of Prosperity and the Part in It Played by the American Railroads; Testimony by Hoover, Herbert
The Politics of the Lisbon Agenda: Governance Architectures and Domestic Usages of Europe by
Successful Collection Letters by Butterfield, William H.
Ireland's Economic History: Crisis and Development in the North and South by McCann, Gerard
Black Box Casino: How Wall Street's Risky Shadow Banking Crashed Global Finance by England, Robert
Erasing the Invisible Hand: Essays on an Elusive and Misused Concept in Economics. Warren J. Samuels by Samuels, Warren J., Perry, William H.
Privatization in Malaysia: Regulation, Rent-Seeking and Policy Failure by Tan, Jeff
The Economics of the Financial Crisis: Lessons and New Threats by Annunziata, Marco
Pakistan Productivity Profile 1965-2005 by Ahmad, Hafiz Khalil
Wage Theft in America: Why Millions of Working Americans Are Not Getting Paid--And What We Can Do about It by Bobo, Kim
The Oligarchs: Wealth and Power in the New Russia by Hoffman, David E.
Crash of the Titans: Greed, Hubris, the Fall of Merrill Lynch, and the Near-Collapse of Bank of America by Farrell, Greg
Loyalism In Virginia: Chapters In The Economic History Of The Revolution by Harrell, Isaac Samuel
Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Exchange Rate Communication by Grün, Andreas, Lange, Thomas
Understanding Family Firms: Case Studies on the Management of Crises, Uncertainty and Change by Brännback, Malin, Carsrud, Alan L.
Finance & Financial Management: Managing Financial Resources by Keller, Andreas
Adventures in Gabon: Peace Corps Stories from the African Rainforest by Meijer, Darcy Munson
Uniting for Larger Service by Hoyt, John W., Jr.
Die Schuldenkrise in Europa. Politische und ökonomische Interessen by Schultz, Michael
The Enigma of Capital: And the Crises of Capitalism by Harvey, David
Emma: Le Guide Pratique: Analyse Et Cartographie Des Marchés En État d'Urgence by Albu, Mike
Export Assistance: The Way Back and Forward: An Empirical Investigation Into Developing Country "Born Globals" by Takahashi, Yoshi, Faroque, Anisur R.
Risk Management of Supply and Cash Flows in Supply Chains by Wang, Shouyang, Li, Jian, Chen, Jia
Eclipse: Living in the Shadow of China's Economic Dominance by Subramanian, Arvind
Tanstaafl (There Ain't No Such Thing as a Free Lunch) - A Libertarian Perspective on Environmental Policy by Dolan, Edwin G.
Econodynamics: The Theory of Social Production by Pokrovskii, Vladimir N.
Arms Trade and Economic Development: Theory, Policy and Cases in Arms Trade Offsets by Dunne, Paul, Brauer, Jurgen
The Entrepreneurial Shift: Americanization in European High-Technology Management Education by Locke, Robert R., Sch Ne, Katja E., Schone, Katja E.
Econophysics and Companies: Statistical Life and Death in Complex Business Networks by Aoyama, Hideaki, Fujiwara, Yoshi, Ikeda, Yuichi
Retail Trading in Britain 1850 1950: A Study of Trends in Retailing with Special Reference to the Development of Co-Operative, Multiple Shop and Depar by Jefferys, James B.
The Distribution of Consumer Goods: A Factual Study of Methods and Costs in the United Kingdom in 1938 by Jefferys, James B.
Telecommunications and Energy in Systemic Transformation: International Dynamics, Deregulation and Adjustment in Network Industries by
Gewerbeimmobilien: Bauherren, Planer, Wettbewerbe by Amelung, Volker E.
Eu-Umweltaudits: Zukunftsfähige Geschäftsprozesse Gestalten by
Global Management by
The Interaction Between World Trade Organisation (Wto) Law and External International Law: The Constrained Openness of Wto Law (a Prologue to a Theory by Yearwood, Ronnie R. F.
Fighting Financial Fires: An IMF Insider Account by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Drilling Down: The Gulf Oil Debacle and Our Energy Dilemma by Patzek, Tadeusz W., Tainter, Joseph A.
Observations on Currency, Population, and Pauperism, in 2 Letters by Attwood, Thomas
Frontiers in Development Policy by Nallari, Raj, Griffith, Breda, Yusuf, Shahid
African Economic Institutions by Akonor, Kwame
Japan in the Age of Globalization by
Monetary Policy in a Converging Europe: Papers and Proceedings of an International Workshop Organised by de Nederlandsche Bank and the Limburg Institu by
Postal and Delivery Services: Pricing, Productivity, Regulation and Strategy by
Efficient Rent-Seeking: Chronicle of an Intellectual Quagmire by
Social Ties and Economic Performance by Van Dijk, Frans
Corporate Geography: Business Location Principles and Cases by Laulajainen, R., Stafford, H. a.
Economic Exchange and Social Organization: The Edgeworthian Foundations of General Equilibrium Theory by Gilles, Robert P.
Epistemic Logic and the Theory of Games and Decisions by
Die Grundlagen Der Nationalökonomie by Eucken, Walter
Who Are We Now: Christian Humanism and the Global Market from Hegel to Heaney by Boyle, Nicholas
Shop Floor Control - A Systems Perspective: From Deterministic Models Towards Agile Operations Management by
Reforming the Welfare State by
Handbook of Public Credit in Europe by
Topics in Structural Var Econometrics by Amisano, Gianni, Giannini, Carlo
Asymmetric Monetary Transmission in Europe by Clausen, Volker
Equilibrium and Efficiency in Production Economies by Villar, Antonio
Erhaltung Und Nachhaltige Nutzung Der Biosphäre: Jahresgutachten by
Your Economical Survival Bible by Sirmans Sr, Freddie L.
The End of Loser Liberalism: Making Markets Progressive by Baker, Dean
Traffic and Mobility: Simulation -- Economics -- Environment by
Theory of the Firm: Erich Gutenberg's Foundations and Further Developments by Albach, H., Brockhoff, K., Eymann, E.
China and the Global Economy in the 21st Century by
The Economic Consequences of the Peace by Keynes, John Maynard
"From Value to Innovation" Construct Model: A Strategic Approach to Value and Innovation for all Firms by Fernandes, Manuel
Decadence of Industrial Democracies by Stiegler, Bernard
The Indonesian Economy: Entering a New Era by
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