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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2014

Exploring Compatibility by Morozov, Vladimir a.
How Numbers Rule the World: The Use and Abuse of Statistics in Global Politics by Fioramonti, Doctor Lorenzo
Understanding Mathematical Concepts in Finance and Economics by Stamatis, D. H.
Reforming Pensions in Developing and Transition Countries by
Trading Thalesians: What the Ancient World Can Teach Us about Trading Today by Amen, S.
Microfinance Institutions: Financial and Social Performance by
A Flow-Of-Funds Perspective on the Financial Crisis Volume I: Money, Credit and Sectoral Balance Sheets by
A Flow-Of-Funds Perspective on the Financial Crisis Volume II: Macroeconomic Imbalances and Risks to Financial Stability by
Luigi Einaudi: Selected Economic Essays, Volume 2 by
Luigi Einaudi: Selected Political Essays, Volume 3 by
Limits of Economic and Social Knowledge by Decanio, S.
Learning from the World: New Ideas to Redevelop America by
Determinants of FDI Flows Within Emerging Economies: A Case Study of Poland by Mironko, A.
Creative Labour Regulation: Indeterminacy and Protection in an Uncertain World by
The Politics of Marketising Asia by
Analysing Economic Data: A Concise Introduction by Mills, T.
The Political Economy of Labour Market Reforms: Greece, Turkey and the Global Economic Crisis by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Co-Operative Innovations in China and the West by
Communicable Diseases in Developing Countries: Stopping the Global Epidemics of Hiv/Aids, Tuberculosis, Malaria and Diarrhea by Dowling, John Malcolm, Yap, Chin Fang
The Politics of Financial Markets and Regulation: The United States, Japan, and Germany by Konoe, S.
Spirituality and Sustainable Development by Ulluwishewa, Rohana
International Organizations and Development, 1945-1990 by
Money and Trade Wars in Interwar Europe by Roselli, Alessandro
Credit Ratings and Sovereign Debt: The Political Economy of Creditworthiness Through Risk and Uncertainty by Paudyn, B.
China's Economic Development by Yang, Dennis
The Garment Industry in Low-Income Countries: An Entry Point of Industrialization by
The Political Economy of Agro-Food Markets in China: The Social Construction of the Markets in an Era of Globalization by
Inspired Finance: The Role of Faith in Microfinance and International Economic Development by Looft, M.
The Political Economy of Energy, Finance and Security in the United Arab Emirates: Between the Majilis and the Market by Young, Karen E.
The Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg, Oskar Lange and Micha? Kalecki: Volume 1 of Essays in Honour of Tadeusz Kowalik by
The Political Economy of Korea: Transition, Transformation and Turnaround by Uttam, J.
Labour: A Heterodox Approach by Vercherand, Jean
Monetary Policy and Financial Repression in Britain, 1951-59 by Allen, W.
Fiscal and Debt Policies for the Future by
Regimes of Risk: The World Bank and the Transformation of Mining in Asia by Hatcher, Pascale
Poland and the Eurozone by
Development in Difficult Sociopolitical Contexts: Fragile, Failed, Pariah by
Location of International Business Activities: Integrating Ideas from Research in International Business, Strategic Management and Economic Geography by Academy of International Business
Refugee Politics in the Middle East and North Africa: Human Rights, Safety, and Identity by Ullah, A.
Creating Economic Growth: Lessons for Europe by Magnani, M.
Cluster-Based Industrial Development:: Kaizen Management for Mse Growth in Developing Countries by Otsuka, K., Sonobe, T.
Monsanto and Intellectual Property in South America by Filomeno, F.
Advancing Regional Monetary Cooperation: The Case of Fragile Financial Markets by Mühlich, L.
Promoting U.S. Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa by Hendrickson, R.
Methodological Challenges and New Approaches to Research in International Development by
Managing Africa's Natural Resources: Capacities for Development by
Global Economic Crisis and the Politics of Diversity by
Equality in International Society: A Reappraisal by Hjorth, R.
Industrial Policy in Europe After 1945: Wealth, Power and Economic Development in the Cold War by
Rosa Luxemburg: Theory of Accumulation and Imperialism by Kowalik, T.
Fiscal Sustainability and Competitiveness in Europe and Asia by Tan, K., Rajan, R.
Propriety and Prosperity: New Studies on the Philosophy of Adam Smith by
NGOs Under Pressure in Partial Democracies by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Crisis and Embodied Innovations: Fluctuating Trend Vs Fluctuations Around Trend, the Real Vs the Financial, Variety Vs Average by Ryaboshlyk, V.
Recipient States in Global Health Politics: Pepfar in Africa by Pereira, Ricardo
Inclusive Growth and Development in India: Challenges for Underdeveloped Regions and the Underclass by
Europe in an Age of Austerity by Borooah, V.
Industrial Clusters, Migrant Workers, and Labour Markets in India by
Between Dissent and Power: The Transformation of Islamic Politics in the Middle East and Asia by
The Arab Spring in the Global Political Economy by Talani, L.
Towards a New Understanding of Sraffa: Insights from Archival Research by Carter, Scott
China's Outward Foreign Direct Investments and Impact on the World Economy by Wang, Pan
The Future Brics: A Synergistic Economic Alliance or Business as Usual? by Marino, R.
Emerging Powers in the WTO: Developing Countries and Trade in the 21st Century by Michalopoulos, C.
The Political Economy of Arab Food Sovereignty by Harrigan, J.
Learning from the South Korean Developmental Success: Effective Developmental Cooperation and Synergistic Institutions and Policies by Yi, Ilcheong, Mkandawire, Thandika
The Economics of the Global Stock Exchange Industry by Floreani, J., Polato, M.
Towards Better Work: Understanding Labour in Apparel Global Value Chains by
The Financial Statecraft of Emerging Powers: Shield and Sword in Asia and Latin America by
Lewisian Turning Point in the Chinese Economy: Comparison with East Asian Countries by
Delivering Sustainable Growth in Africa: African Farmers and Firms in a Changing World by Fukunishi, Takahiro
Methodology and Research Practice in Southeast Asian Studies by
Constructing European Union Trade Policy: A Global Idea of Europe by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Power and Imbalances in the Global Monetary System: A Comparative Capitalism Perspective by Vermeiren, M.
Public Procurement's Place in the World: The Charge Towards Sustainability and Innovation by
Leadership in a Globalized World: Complexity, Dynamics, and Risks by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Migrant Remittances in South Asia: Social, Economic and Political Implications by
James Tobin by Dimand, R.
Business Groups and Transnational Capitalism in Central America: Economic and Political Strategies by Kasahara, Yuri, Bull, Benedicte, Castellacci, F.
Multinational Corporations from Emerging Markets: State Capitalism 3.0 by
Self-Regulation and Legalization: Making Global Rules for Banks and Corporations by Flohr, Annegret
Global Justice and Development by Culp, J.
UK Monetary Policy from Devaluation to Thatcher, 1967-82 by Needham, Duncan
The Rise of the New East: Business Strategies for Success in a World of Increasing Complexity by Simpfendorfer, B.
Child Sponsorship: Exploring Pathways to a Brighter Future by
Migrants, Work and Social Integration: Women's Labour in the Turkish Ethnic Economy by Dedeoglu, S.
Sustainable Human Development: A New Territorial and People-Centred Perspective by Biggeri, M., Ferrannini, A.
International Partnership in Russia: Conclusions from the Oil and Gas Industry by Ferguson, Alastair, Henderson, James
China and the EU in Context: Insights for Business and Investors by Brown, Kerry
Rural Cooperation in Europe: In Search of the 'Relational Rurals' by Kasabov, Edward
Conflict, Commerce and Franco-Scottish Relations, 1560-1713 by Talbott, Siobhan
Priorities and Pathways in Services Reform - Part II: Political Economy Studies by
Energy Security and Sustainable Economic Growth in China by
G.L.S. Shackle by Earl, P.
Selling Textiles in the Long Eighteenth Century: Comparative Perspectives from Western Europe by
Contemporary Challenges in Risk Management: Dealing with Risk, Uncertainty and the Unknown by
Foreign Direct Investment, Governance, and the Environment in China: Regional Dimensions by Zhang, J.
Economic Integration in Asia: Towards the Delineation of a Sustainable Path by
Erinnerungen by Mises, Ludwig
Freiheit und das Recht by Leoni, Bruno
Grenzgänge zwischen Wirtschaftswissenschaft und Wirtschaftspolitik by
Über 400 Semester by
Transatlantisches Handels- und Investitionsabkommen by Irawan, Tony, Welfens, Paul J. J., Korus, Arthur
Behavioral Economics Und Wirtschaftspolitik by Müller, Christian, Otter, Nils
Nutzen oder Glück by Lis, Johannes
How Numbers Rule the World by Fioramonti, Doctor Lorenzo
Atlantic Ports and the First Globalisation C. 1850-1930 by
Acts of God and Man: Ruminations on Risk and Insurance by Powers, Michael
Private Development Aid in Europe: Foreign Aid Between the Public and the Private Domain by Hoebink, Paul
Germany's War Debt to Greece: A Burden Unsettled by Christodoulakis, Nicos
Economics for the Curious: Inside the Minds of 12 Nobel Laureates by
Ordo: Jahrbuch Für Die Ordnung Von Wirtschaft Und Gesellschaft by
On the Brink: How a Crisis Transformed Lloyd's of London by Duguid, Andrew
Reclaiming Development: An Alternative Economic Policy Manual (Second Edition, New Edition, N) by Chang, Ha-Joon, Grabel, Ilene
Economic and Social Development in Qatar by Nafi, Zuhair Ahmed
Commercial Relations of England and Scotland 1603-1707 by Keith, Theodora
The Limits of Institutional Reform in Development: Changing Rules for Realistic Solutions by Andrews, Matt
The Physiocrats and the World of the Enlightenment by Vardi, Liana
Die Strategische Manipulation Der Elektronischen Mundpropaganda: Eine Spieltheoretische Analyse by Droste, Friedrich
Innovation Network Functionality: The Identification and Categorization of Multiple Innovation Networks by Bentivegna, Thomas
Der Arbeitsmarkt Für Betriebswirte: Aktuelle Perspektiven Und Einstiegschancen by Reulein, Dunja, Wettlaufer, Ralf, Riedel, Hergen
Gestalt Im Management: Eine Andere Sicht Auf Marken- Und Unternehmensführung in Komplexen Märkten by Hartung, Stephanie
Währungspolitik Und Wirtschaftsentwicklung in Nachkriegsdeutschland: Der Weg Zu Produktivität Und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit by
European Political Economy: Issues and Theories. Leila Simona Talani by Talani, Leila Simona
Global Economic Crisis and the Politics of Diversity by
Individualistische Wirtschaftsethik (Iwe): Anwendung Der Individualistischen Ethik Auf Das Gebiet Der Wirtschaft by Deppert, Wolfgang
Retooling Global Economic Governance by
Atlantic Ports and the First Globalisation C. 1850-1930 by
Paths to Development in Asia by Vu, Tuong
Silvertown: The Lost Story of a Strike That Shook London and Helped Launch the Modern Labor Movement by Tully, John
The Normative Economics of Gorvernment in Market Economies by Stotz, Irena
How can the Demand Curve be derived from the Utility Maximum Principle? by Gross, Johann
On Hollywood: The Place, the Industry by Scott, Allen J.
Heavenly Merchandize: How Religion Shaped Commerce in Puritan America by Valeri, Mark
Power to the People: Energy in Europe Over the Last Five Centuries by Kander, Astrid, Malanima, Paolo, Warde, Paul
The Coming Battle - 2014 by Stirrup IV, William, Walbert, M. W.
Alzheimer's Tips You Should Know by Blackman, A. V.
Everything I Ever Needed to Know about Economics I Learned from Online Dating by Oyer, Paul
Healthcare Management: Managed Care Organisations and Instruments by Amelung, Volker Eric
Helmut Schmidt: Pioneer of International Economic and Financial Cooperation by
The Book of Wealth - Book Five - Popular Edition by Bancroft, Hubert Howe
Time and the Macroeconomic Analysis of Income by Cencini, Alvaro
The Recalcitrant Rich: A Comparative Analysis of the Northern Responses to the Demands for a New International Economic Order by
Classical Political Economy: Primitive Accumulation and the Social Division of Labor by Perelman, Michael
Long-Run Economics: An Evolutionary Approach to Economic Growth by Clark, Norman, Juma, Calestous
Globalisation and Interdependence in the International Political Economy: Rhetoric and Reality by Jones, R. J. Barry
The Political Economy of Development by Faaland, Just, Parkinson, Jack R.
The Developing Countries and the World Economic Order by Anell, Lars, Nygren, Birgitta
U.S. Foreign Policy and the New International Economic Order: Negotiating Global Problems, 1974-1981 by Olson, Robert K.
Economic Development in Africa: International Efforts, Issues and Prospects by
Macroeconomics: Policy and Practice by Mishkin, Frederic
Energy and Environment in Saudi Arabia: Concerns & Opportunities by Taher, Nahed, Hajjar, Bandar
Eeg-Basierte Erfassung Von Aufmerksamkeitsprofilen: Grundlagenforschung Zur Reduzierung Der Psychischen Belastung Am Arbeitsplatz by Scholz, André
The First Knowledge Economy: Human Capital and the European Economy, 1750 1850 by Jacob, Margaret
China and the Global Economy in the 21st Century by
Foreign Direct Investment and the World Economy by Mody, Ashoka
Public Policy and Agricultural Development by
Business Concepts and Models: New Words for Old Ideas by Holloway, Garth
The Economics of Collusion: Cartels and Bidding Rings by Marshall, Robert C., Marx, Leslie M.
Household Vulnerability and Resilience to Economic Shocks: Findings from Melanesia by Feeny, Simon
The Organic Entrepreneur Economy: The Entrepreneur and Community Infrastructures that Fix and Grow Economies...Immediately by Dickey, Mark W., Meinzen, Steve, Crocker, Barry J.
Calibration and Parameterization Methods for the Libor Market Model by Hackl, Christoph
European Economics and Politics in the Midst of the Crisis: From the Outbreak of the Crisis to the Fragmented European Federation by Petrakis, Panagiotis E., Kostis, Pantelis C., Valsamis, Dionysis G.
From Pax Ottomanica to Pax Europaea: The growth and decline of a Greek village's micro-economy by Konstadakopulos, Dimitrios
Das Aufkommen Der Großindustrie in Leipzig by Juckenburg, Karl
Hegel, Institutions and Economics: Performing the Social by Boldyrev, Ivan, Herrmann-Pillath, Carsten
Chinese Big Business and the Wealth of Asian Nations by Brown, R.
Barley, Gold, or Fiat: Toward a Pure Theory of Money by Shubik, Martin, Quint, Thomas
The Evolution of Economic Diversity by
The Scale and Nature of the Late Bronze Age Economies of Egypt and Cyprus by Padgham, Keith
Lean and Cleaner Production: Applications in Prefabrication to Reduce Carbon Emissions by Wu, Peng, Low, Sui Pheng
Making North America: Trade, Security, and Integration by Thompson, James A.
Fifty Years of International Socialism (Routledge Revivals) by Beer, Max
Economorphics: The Trends Turning Today Into Tomorrow by Linda, Nazareth M.
On Interpreting Keynes: A Study in Reconciliation by Littleboy, Bruce
The Creative Class Goes Global by
Straßengüterverkehr in der Eurozone: Wie der LKW-Verkehr unsere Umwelt belastet by Funke, Manuel
Market Economy & Policy On Two Domestic Currencies: A new solution group for macroeconomic stability and economic crisis prevention by Luong, Do Duc
The Language of Excellence by Collins, Tom
Dynamic Markets and Conventional Ignorance: The Great American Dilemma by Samli, A.
Income Inequality in OECD Countries: What Are the Drivers and Policy Options? by
Dynamic Markets and Conventional Ignorance: The Great American Dilemma by Samli, A.
Wellbeing, Justice and Development Ethics by Deneulin, Severine
Challenges to Democratic Governance in Developing Countries by
Microeconomics: A Simple Introduction by Erickson, K. H.
Fiscal Policy within the IS-LM Framework by Naghshpour, Shahdad
Die Emission Von Anleihen Und Anderen Debt Produkten: Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen Für Die Investorenkommunikation by Kuthe, Thorsten, Zipperle, Madeleine
Developing Countries and the Doha Development Agenda of the WTO by
Uneconomic Economics and the Crisis of the Model World by Watson, M.
The American Monetary System: An Insider's View of Financial Institutions, Markets and Monetary Policy by Wallace, William H.
Methodological Cognitivism: Vol. 2: Cognition, Science, and Innovation by Viale, Riccardo
Economics for the Curious: Inside the Minds of 12 Nobel Laureates by
Engineers and Economic Conversion: From the Military to the Marketplace by
Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change: Scaling it up by
Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change: Scaling It Up by
Back to Work by Dávalos, María E., Arias, Omar S., Sánchez-Páramo, Carolina
A Colonial Economy in Crisis: Burma's Rice Cultivators and the World Depression of the 1930s by Brown, Ian
The World Economy: A Global Analysis by Siebert, Horst
Lending to the Borrower from Hell: Debt, Taxes, and Default in the Age of Philip II by Drelichman, Mauricio, Voth, Hans-Joachim
Leader und Follower: Beziehungsdynamische Interdependenzen by Law, Lai Chu
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