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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2015

A Lexicon of Social Well-Being by Na, Na, Bruni, Luigino
An Enquiry Into the Asian Growth Model by Das, D.
Economic Management in a Volatile Environment: Monetary and Financial Issues by Rajan, Ramkishen S., Gopalan, Sasidaran
Dangerous and Dishonest Men: The International Bankers of Louis XIV's France by Rowlands, G.
Governing Sustainable Urban Renewal: Partnerships in Action by Shand, Rory
Transnational Corporations and Transnational Governance: The Cost of Crossing Borders in the Global Economy by
Beyond Free Trade: Alternative Approaches to Trade, Politics and Power by
Revisiting Napoleon's Continental System: Local, Regional and European Experiences by
Japan Inc. on the Brink: Institutional Corruption and Agency Failure by Carpenter, S.
Transnational Labour Migration, Remittances and the Changing Family in Asia by
The Great Crash of 1929: A Reconciliation of Theory and Evidence by Kabiri, A.
Knowledge, Networks and Power: The Uppsala School of International Business by
Technology Financing and Commercialization: Exploring the Challenges and How Nations Can Build Innovative Capacity by Wonglimpiyarat, J.
Fruitful Economics: Papers in Honor of and by Jean-Paul Fitoussi by Laurent, Eloi, Le Cacheux, Jacques
Report on the State of the European Union: Is Europe Sustainable? by Laurent, E., Loparo, Kenneth A.
Minimum Wages, Collective Bargaining and Economic Development in Asia and Europe: A Labour Perspective by Gregory, Denis, Schulten, Thorsten, Van Klaveren, Maarten
Managing FDI for Development in Resource-Rich States: The Caribbean Experience by Barclay, L.
New Approaches to the Governance of Natural Resources: Insights from Africa by
Civil Society Contributions to Policy Innovation in the PR China: Environment, Social Development and International Cooperation by Fulda, A.
Money, Prices and Wages: Essays in Honour of Professor Nicholas Mayhew by
Hayek: A Collaborative Biography: Part III, Fraud, Fascism and Free Market Religion by
Africans Investing in Africa: Understanding Business and Trade, Sector by Sector by
Hayek: A Collaborative Biography: Part IV, England, the Ordinal Revolution and the Road to Serfdom, 1931-50 by
Experiences of Emerging Economy Firms by Marinov, Marin
Managing Risks in the European Periphery Debt Crisis: Lessons from the Trade-Off Between Economics, Politics and the Financial Markets by
The Rise of Multinationals from Emerging Economies: Achieving a New Balance by
Crisis in the Eurozone: Causes, Dilemmas and Solutions by Baimbridge, M., Whyman, P.
James Buchanan by Reisman, D.
Taming Capital Flows: Capital Account Management in an Era of Globalization by
The British Growth Crisis: The Search for a New Model by
International Business and Political Economy by Basu, D., Miroshnik, V.
Michal Kalecki in the 21st Century by
Varieties of Governance: Dynamics, Strategies, Capacities by
Latin America's Emerging Middle Classes: Economic Perspectives by
Hayek: A Collaborative Biography: Part V, Hayek's Great Society of Free Men by
Conditionality and the Ambitions of Governance: Social Transformation in Southeastern Europe by Shelton, Joel T.
Kenneth Boulding: A Voice Crying in the Wilderness by Scott, R.
Lost Decades in Growth Performance: Causes and Case Studies by
Human Capital in the Indian It / Bpo Industry by Pereira, V., Malik, A.
The City in Urban Poverty by
Essays on Keynesian and Kaldorian Economics by Thirlwall, A.
New Directions in Comparative Capitalisms Research: Critical and Global Perspectives by
Ethnographies of Uncertainty in Africa by
Finance and the Macroeconomics of Environmental Policies by
Entrepreneurial Icebreakers: Insights and Case Studies from Internationally Successful Central and Eastern European Entrepreneurs by Prats, J., Sosna, M., Sysko-Romanczuk, S.
International Cooperation in the Development of Russia's Far East and Siberia by
The Chinese Stock Market Volume II: Evaluation and Prospects by
The Corporate Financiers: Williams, Modigliani, Miller, Coase, Williamson, Alchian, Demsetz, Jensen, Meckling by Read, C.
Harnessing Place Branding Through Cultural Entrepreneurship by
Infrastructure Redux: Crisis, Progress in Industrial Pakistan & Beyond by Anwar, N.
Hayek: A Collaborative Biography: Part II, Austria, America and the Rise of Hitler, 1899-1933 by
The Chinese Stock Market Volume I: A Retrospect and Analysis from 2002 by
The Progress of Capitalism in England by Cunningham, William
The Framework of an Ordered Society by Salter, Arthur
Phenomenology of the Embodied Organization: The Contribution of Merleau-Ponty for Organizational Studies and Practice by Küpers, W.
Macro-Financial Linkages in the Pacific Region by
Democratic Accountability and International Human Development: Regimes, institutions and resources by Considine, Mark, Afzal, Kamran Ali
The Brics, Us 'Decline' and Global Transformations by Kiely, R.
On the Principles of Political Economy, and Taxation by Ricardo, David
Building the Basque City: The Political Economy of Nation-Building by Calvo Mendizabal, Nagore
The Politics of Autonomy in Latin America: The Art of Organising Hope by Dinerstein, A.
Prospects and Challenges of Free Trade Agreements: Unlocking Business Opportunities in Gulf Co-Operation Council (Gcc) Markets by Rogmans, Tim, Chadee, Doren, Roxas, Banjo
Quantitative Finance: Back to Basic Principles by Reghai, A.
Ordo: Jahrbuch Für Die Ordnung Von Wirtschaft Und Gesellschaft by
The Endurance of Family Businesses by
Essays in Russian Social and Economic History by Hoch, Steven L.
Making a Difference?: Social Assessment Policy and PRAXIS and Its Emergence in China by
Industrial Evolution by Bücher, Karl
Proposals for an Economical and Secure Currency by Ricardo, David
The China Development Model: Between the State and the Market by De Rambures, Dominique
Social Justice and Deep Participation: Theory and Practice for the 21st Century by Donnelly Roark, Paula
Managerial Economics: Tools for Analyzing Business Strategy by Webster, Thomas J.
Hall of Mirrors: The Great Depression, the Great Recession, and the Uses-And Misuses-Of History by Eichengreen, Barry
Institutions, Innovation, and Industrialization: Essays in Economic History and Development by
Die Auswirkungen von großräumigen Verkehrswege-Projekten auf die Regionalentwicklung by Cyriax, Timo
International Climate Change Law and State Compliance by Zahar, Alexander
Volkswirtschaftliche Aspekte einer Fußball-WM. Erfahrungen der Weltmeisterschaften in Deutschland 2006 und Südafrika 2010 by Beyer, Christian, Bitzer, Lisa, Rosen, Paul
Determinanten der Landesbasisfallwerte. Analyse mit einer Paneldatenregression by Becker, Ninon
Love Where You Live: Creating Emotionally Engaging Places by Kageyama, Peter
Economic Analysis of Cryptographic Currencies on the Basis of Bitcoin by Glaeser, Snorri Christian
Die Währungspolitik Chinas im Wandel by Küster, Alexander
Möglichkeiten der Internalisierung externer Staukosten: Theorie und Praxis by Kasnatscheew, Anatolij
Cubed: A Secret History of the Workplace by Saval, Nikil
The Oxford Companion to the Economics of South Africa by
Public Choice Economics and the Salem Witchcraft Hysteria by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Why Things Are Going to Get Worse - And Why We Should Be Glad by Roscoe, Michael
Dot Money The Global Currency Reserve Questions & Answers by Majors, Eric
The Undercover Economist Strikes Back: How to Run--or Ruin--an Economy by Harford, Tim
Money: The Unauthorized Biography--From Coinage to Cryptocurrencies by Martin, Felix
Capitalism and Class in the Gulf Arab States by Hanieh, Adam
East Asia's Changing Urban Landscape by World Bank
Evaluation of Privatization Policy in Nigeria (1999 - 2004): A Study of Bereau for Public Enterprise (BPE) by Ogwuche Iduh, Peter
Strategien zur Mitarbeiterbindung für Handwerksunternehmen der Kälte- und Klimabranche am Beispiel von Personal der Generation Y und Z: Praktische Tip by Hansen, Dennis
Ökonomische Analyse von europäischen und amerikanischen Sportligasystemen. Ist eine Annäherung sinnvoll? by Bienias, David
Europäische Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion. Kritische Analyse der Auswirkungen des Euros auf die Entwicklung der länderspezifischen Staatsverschuldung by Steden, Markus
Dual-Currency Save Capitalism(volume 2)(Simplified Chinese Version) by Zhu, Guangyu
Dual-Currency Save Capitalism(volume 2)(Traditional Chinese Version) by Zhu, Guangyu
Unequal Ageing in Europe: Women's Independence and Pensions by Betti, G., Bettio, F., Georgiadis, T.
Medizinökonomie 1: Das System Der Medizinischen Versorgung by
Unequal Ageing in Europe: Women's Independence and Pensions by Georgiadis, T., Betti, G., Bettio, F.
The Economic Rise of China: China's Recovery After Mao by Tafero, Arthur H.
Z1 - Zahlungsauftrag im Außenwirtschaftsverkehr (Unterweisungsentwurf Bankkaufmann, -frau): Übung des Lernziels anhand von beispielhaften Kundenaufträ by Wunder, Stefanie
The Global Digital Economy: A Comparative Policy Analysis by Coates, Ken S., Holroyd, Carin
Sustainable Marketing Management: Grundlagen Und Cases by
Economic Equality and Direct Democracy in Ancient Athens by Patriquin, Larry
Economies of Life by Sharpe, Bill
Applied Nonparametric Econometrics by Parmeter, Christopher F., Henderson, Daniel J.
New Orleans Boom & Blackout: One Hundred Days in America's Coolest Hot Spot by Boyles, Brian W.
Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Volkswirtschaften: Indexbildung und Ratingverfahren by Würtz, Manuel
Feeding Barcelona, 1714-1975: Public Market Halls, Social Networks, and Consumer Culture by Miller, Montserrat
Formelsammlung Aktien-, Zins- Und Währungsderivate by Kruse, Susanne
European Social Models from Crisis to Crisis:: Employment and Inequality in the Era of Monetary Integration by
Happiness and Economic Growth: Lessons from Developing Countries by
Lösungen Zum Lehrbuch Angewandtes Rechnungswesen: Detaillierte T-Konten Und Rechenwege by Wesselmann, Carsten
Islamic Finance: Issues in Sukuk and Proposals for Reform by
Cuentos Chinos / Chinese Stories by Oppenheimer, Andres
Фінансові центри Україн& by Moshenskyi, Sergij
Фінансові центри Україн& by Moshenskyi, Sergij
The Political Economy of Marx by Rigiroli, Oscar Luis
Mikrofinanzierung als Anlageklasse für nachhaltiges und ethisches Investment by Heise, Christoph
Analyse der realen und nominalen Rohstoffpreisdynamiken: Öl- und Goldpreisdynamiken in den USA, Kanada, Japan und der Schweiz by Meyer, Jan
Der Businessplan in Theorie Und PRAXIS: Überlegungen Zu Einem Zentralen Instrument Der Deutschen Gründungsförderung by Lahn, Stefanie
Convergence in Output and Its Sources Among Industrialised Countries: A Cross-Country Time-Series Perspective by Romero-Ávila, Diego, Hernández Salmerón, Macarena
Die Entwicklung der Exporte und Importe der Bundesrepublik Deutschland von 1991 bis 2010 by Hartlieb, Peter
The Small Entrepreneur in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations by Speakman, John, Rysova, Annoula
Das Steintal Im Elsass: Eine Geschichtliche Studie Über Die Ehemalige Herrschaft Stein Und Deren Herren, Sowie Über Die Entwicklung Des Gesamt by Boch, Karl Eduard
Financing Constraints and Unemployment: Evidence from the Great Recession by Federal Reserve Board
Inclusive Economic Theory by Rosefielde, Steven, Pfouts
A Computational Model of Industry Dynamics by Chang, Myong-Hun
Managing Elevated Risk: Global Liquidity, Capital Flows, and Macroprudential Policy--An Asian Perspective by Shin, Hyun Song, Azis, Iwan J.
In Defense of Deflation by Bagus, Philipp
A Tempered and Humane Economy: Markets, Families, and Behavioral Economics by Highfill, Jannett, Webber, Patricia Podd
Economic Growth and Development in Africa: Understanding Trends and Prospects by Chitonge, Horman
Valuing Services in Trade by Saez, Sebastian, Taglioni, Daria
The Church and the Market: A Catholic Defense of the Free Economy by Woods, Thomas E.
The Church and the Market: A Catholic Defense of the Free Economy by Woods, Thomas E.
Les chemins de fer à Paris - La gare de l'ouest by Du Camp, Maxime
De la situation actuelle - Affaires d'Espagne et de Cracovie by Haussonville, Joseph D.
Evolution of Central Banking?: de Nederlandsche Bank 1814 -1852 by Uittenbogaard, Roland
The Ownership of the Firm, Corporate Finance, and Derivatives: Some Critical Thinking by Chang, Kuo-Ping
Banking on Confidence: A Guidebook to Financial Literacy by Cline, Dale K.
Banking on Confidence: A Guidebook to Financial Literacy by Cline, Dale K.
Handelbare Verschmutzungsrechte. Gestaltung eines Cap-and-Trade Emissionshandels aus Sicht der Transaktionskostentheorie by Riedel, Kristina
Economic Performance and North Korean Regime Legitimacy by Naval Postgraduate School
Principios básicos de la Escuela Austríaca de Economía en cuatro lecciones: un libro tan fácil que hasta los filósofos podrán entenderlo by Zanotti, Gabriel J.
Tourismus: Einführung in Die Fremdenverkehrsökonomie by Freyer, Walter
Control Mechanisms for Ecological-Economic Systems by Shchepkin, Alexander V., Burkov, Vladimir N., Novikov, Dmitry A.
Cross-Border Management: Theory, Method and Application by Guo, Rongxing
Applied Nonparametric Econometrics by Henderson, Daniel J., Parmeter, Christopher F.
Die unterschiedliche Entwicklung der USA und Brasiliens in Wirtschaft und Kultur: Ein Vergleich by Heck, Lisa, Heimberg, Kim, Borck, Vanessa
Nahmobilität. Den Alltag autofrei bewältigen by Pillwein, Stephan
A Euro Area wide Unemployment Insurance to Improve Macroeconomic Stability by Kitzmueller, Christian
Escaping Oz: Navigating the Crisis by Mosquera, Jim
Adam Smith - Sa vie ses travaux ses doctrines by Delatour, Albert
Draining for Profit and Draining for Health by Waring, George Edwin
The Elements of Agriculture by Waring, George Edwin
Nachhaltige Unternehmenspolitik. Ein Wettbewerbsvorteil im "War for Talents"? by Klein, Nicole
Bedeutung und Inhalte der Segmentberichterstattung nach IFRS 8 by G, Madeline
Zero Lower Bound Term Structure Modeling: A Practitioner's Guide by Krippner, L.
Food Price Policy in an Era of Market Instability: A Political Economy Analysis by Pinstrup-Andersen, Per
Management and Leadership - A Guide for Clinical Professionals by
Energy Poverty: Global Challenges and Local Solutions by
Selbstregulierende Währungen am Beispiel Bitcoins: Chancen und Risiken by Affeldt, Till
Village Improvements and Farm Villages by Waring, George Edwin
Totalled: Salvaging the Future from the Wreckage of Capitalism by Cremin, Ciara Colin
Der Europäische Schuldentilgungsfonds. Verpasste Chance oder Vorschlag ohne Sachverstand?: Theorie und Empirie von Verschuldungskrisen am Beispiel der by Fett, Matthias
Economic Development from the State and Local Perspective: Case Studies and Public Policy Debates by Robinson, D.
China's Macroeconomic Outlook: Quarterly Forecast and Analysis Report, February 2014 by Cmr of Xiamen University
Fußballvereine Am Kapitalmarkt: Wie Sich Der Fußball an Der Börse Finanziert by Hasler, Peter Thilo
Economic Development from the State and Local Perspective: Case Studies and Public Policy Debates by Robinson, D.
Global Economic Prospects, January 2015 by World Bank
Landesarbeitskampfgesetze? by Kranz, Ines
The Future of Capitalism After the Financial Crisis: The Varieties of Capitalism Debate in the Age of Austerity by
Health Technology Assessment and Health Policy Today: A Multifaceted View of Their Unstable Crossroads by
Internationale Koordinierung von Stabilitätspolitik by Seifert, Anke
Applied Intermediate Macroeconomics by Hoover, Kevin D.
Indonesia's Changing Political Economy by Davidson, Jamie S.
British Economic Growth, 1270-1870 by Broadberry, Stephen, Campbell, Bruce M. S., Klein, Alexander
Japan's Economic Planning and Mobilization in Wartime, 1930s-1940s: The Competence of the State by Miwa, Yoshiro
The Entrepreneurial Rise in Southeast Asia: The Quadruple Helix Influence on Technological Innovation by Sindakis, Stavros
Energie Der Alpen: Grundlagen Und Zusammenhänge Nachhaltiger Energieversorgung in Der Alpenregion by
The Entrepreneurial Rise in Southeast Asia: The Quadruple Helix Influence on Technological Innovation by Sindakis, Stavros
Economic Inequality and Policy Control in the United States by Stelzner, M.
Finance and the Macroeconomics of Environmental Policies by
Krugman's Economics for Ap(r) (High School) by Anderson, David
Economic Growth and Development: A Dynamic Dual Economy Approach by Rangazas, Peter C., Das, Sibabrata, Mourmouras, Alex
Kinship, Business, and Politics: The Martinez Del Rio Family in Mexico, 1823-1867 by Walker, David W.
Governing by Debt by Lazzarato, Maurizio
American Insecurity: Why Our Economic Fears Lead to Political Inaction by Levine, Adam Seth
Una introduzione alla teoria delle copule by Alice, Michy
On Moral Capital by Wang, Xiaoxi
Entrepreneurship, Human Capital, and Regional Development: Labor Networks, Knowledge Flows, and Industry Growth by
Financial System Stability, Regulation, and Financial Inclusion by
Productivity Accounting by Grifell-Tatjé, Emili, Lovell, C. A. Knox
Productivity Accounting by Grifell-Tatjé, Emili, Lovell, C. A. Knox
Economic Thought, Vol 3, No 2, 2014 by
The Historical Development of the Malay Society Economic Nature During Pre-Colonial Era by Seman, Ahmad Ali, Iqbal, Uqbah, Hussin, Nordin
A Practitioner's Guide to Stochastic Frontier Analysis Using Stata by Kumbhakar, Subal C., Wang, Hung-Jen, Horncastle, Alan
Sustainability Policy: Hastening the Transition to a Cleaner Economy by Eimicke, William, Miller, Alison, Cohen, Steven
The Principle of Profit Models by Lin, Guiping, Wei, Wei, Zhu, Wuxiang
See More