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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2016

Rebooting India- Ek Arab Bhartiyon Ki Mahatvkanshyo Kou Sakar Karna Ki Rooprekha by Nilekani, Nandan
Enquête Sur Les Principes Et Les Faits Généraux Qui Régissent La Circulation Monétaire Et Fiduciaire by Sans Auteur
Budget Départemental Des Recettes Et Des Dépenses. Exercice 1882 by Oran
Société d'Économie Charitable. Commission d'Enquête Sur Les Associations Syndicales by Desportes-F
Cours Sur Le Service En Campagne 1851, 1852, 1853 by Sans Auteur
Budget Départemental Des Recettes Et Des Dépenses. 1885 by Oran
Le Travail de l'Enfance Dans Les Verreries by Delzant-C
Budget Départemental Des Recettes Et Des Dépenses. 1884 by Oran
L'Impérialisme Économique Allemand by Lichtenberger-H
Rapport Sur Une Meilleure Organisation Des Travaux Du Couvent by Congres Des Loges Du Sud
Argentine Économique by de Saint-Legier-M
The System Worked: How the World Stopped Another Great Depression by Drezner, Daniel W.
Wisdom of Sustainability: Buddhist Economics for the 21st Century by Sivaraksa, Sulak
Sind Immobilienfonds in Niedrigzinsphasen eine Anlagealternative? by Horn, Julian
Formelsammlungen Wirtschaftsmathematik Und -Statistik by
General Equilibrium and Game Theory: Ten Papers by Bosch-Domenech, Antoni, Mas-Colell, Andreu
The Great Leveler: Capitalism and Competition in the Court of Law by Christophers, Brett
Colonialism and Foreign Ownership of Capital (Routledge Revivals): A Trade Theorist's View by Hazari, Bharat
The Arab Spring Five Years Later: Vol 2: Case Studies by
Policy-Oriented Technology Assessment Across Europe: Expanding Capacities by
The Arab Spring Five Years Later by Ghanem, Hafez
African whispers: Labels the world leaders by Belhassen, Neili
Lohas-Marketing: Strategie - Instrumente - Praxisbeispiele by Helmke, Stefan, Uebel, Matthias, Scherberich, John Uwe
Governance for Development: Political and Administrative Reforms in Bangladesh by Islam, N.
The Best of Business Economics: Highlights from the First Fifty Years by
The Politics of Inclusive Development: Policy, State Capacity, and Coalition Building by Teichman, Judith A.
Minds, Models and Milieux: Commemorating the Centennial of the Birth of Herbert Simon by
Sustainable Growth in Global Markets: Strategic Choices and Managerial Implications by Rajagopal
ASEAN Economic Community: A Model for Asia-Wide Regional Integration? by
Revealed Preference Theory by Chambers, Christopher P., Echenique, Federico
Revealed Preference Theory by Chambers, Christopher P., Echenique, Federico
The Arab Spring Five Years Later Vol. 1: Toward Great Inclusiveness by Ghanem, Hafez
Conflict and Commerce in Maritime East Asia by Hang, Xing
Anthropology and Economy by Gudeman, Stephen
Economic Concepts of Ibn Taimiyah by Islahi, Abdul Azim
Determining How to Best Predict Navy Recruiting using Various Economic Variables by Naval Postgraduate School
Money 2.0: How Reinventing Money Can Preserve Liberty, Fight Income Inequality, and Make the Free Market Flourish by Conger, David
Asian Businesses in a Turbulent Environment: Uncertainty and Coping Strategies by
Armuth oder Arbeit by Besser, Leopold
Annual Report on the Development of the Indian Ocean Region (2015): 21st Century Maritime Silk Road by
2014 Annual Provincial and Regional Competitiveness Analysis for Greater China Economies: Development Strategies Under the New Normal by Yuan, Randong, Yoong, Sangiita Wei Cher, Tan, Khee Giap
Self-Repair Networks: A Mechanism Design by Ishida, Yoshiteru
The Impact of Mobile Phones on Poverty and Inequality in Developing Countries by James, Jeffrey
Determinants of Bank Involvement with SMEs: A Survey of Demand-Side and Supply-Side Factors by Ekpu, Victor U.
Trade Strategy in East Asia: From Regionalization to Regionalism by Hastiadi, Fithra Faisal
Emerging Economies During and After the Great Recession by
Innovation, Democracy and Efficiency: Exploring the Innovation Puzzle Within the European Union's Regional Development Policies by Grillo, Francesco, Nanetti, Raffaella Y.
The Political Economy of Investment in Syria by Matar, Linda
The Exorbitant Burden: The Impact of the U.S. Dollar's Reserve and Global Currency Status on the U.S. Twin-Deficits by Ganziro, Taranza T., Vambery, Robert G.
Mastering Digital Transformation by Hanna, Nagy K.
The Base of the Pyramid Promise: Building Businesses with Impact and Scale by London, Ted
Auctions by Paarsch, Harry J., Hubbard, Timothy P.
India at a Glance by Sharma, Rajendra Kumar
The Politics of International Economic Law by
Structural Dynamics and Economic Growth by
Biofuels, Food Security, and Developing Economies by Mintz-Habib, Nazia
Handbook of Research on Comparative Economic Development Perspectives on Europe and the MENA Region by
International Trade in Agricultural Products by Reed, Michael
The Economics of Poverty: History, Measurement, and Policy by Ravallion, Martin
Dynamic Factor Models by
Contemporary Chinese Rural Reform by Wu, Xiang
A History of Macroeconomics from Keynes to Lucas and Beyond by de Vroey, Michel
A History of Macroeconomics from Keynes to Lucas and Beyond by de Vroey, Michel
Game Theory and Exercises by Umbhauer, Gisèle
Economics for the Disinterested: Why there are no Aliens by Jacoby, Lutz
Economic Effects of Post-Socialist Constitutions 25 Years from the Outset of Transition: The Constitutional Political Economy Approach by Metelska-Szaniawska, Katarzyna
Time, Communication and Global Capitalism by Hope, Wayne
A Theory of Sustainable Sociocultural and Economic Development by Rabie, Mohamed
Islamic Economy and Social Mobility: Cultural and Religious Considerations by Shahpari, Hasan, Hojjat, Tahereh Alavi
Nudging als Instrument der Wirtschaftspolitik by Starke, Konstantin
Political and Socio-Economic Change in the Middle East and North Africa: Gender Perspectives and Survival Strategies by
The Rise and Fall of American Growth: The U.S. Standard of Living Since the Civil War by Gordon, Robert J.
Illiberal Reformers: Race, Eugenics, and American Economics in the Progressive Era by Leonard, Thomas C.
Capitalism: A Short History by Kocka, Jürgen
Policy paradigms for the anorexic and financialised economy: Managing the transition to an information society by Phuah, Eng Chye
The Middle East Economies in Times of Transition by
The Middle East Economies in Times of Transition by
Economics of the Labour Market: Unemployment, Long-Term Unemployment and the Costs of Unemployment by
Die optimale Kraftstoffsteuer für Deutschland by Bertheau, Carl-Jonathan
Die Bilanz des Europäischen Systems der Zentralbanken (ESZB). Eine desaggregierte Betrachtung by Bertheau, Carl-Jonathan
The Price of Oil by Aguilera, Roberto F., Radetzki, Marian
Lohnsubvention gegen Arbeitslosigkeit: Wieso sich die Zahl der Arbeitslosen durch die Arbeitsmarktreform nicht halbierte by Gerhardt, Klaus-Uwe
Deregulierung des europäischen Luftverkehrsmarktes. Qualitäts- gegen Preisführerschaft by Bulut, Yasin
A Concise History of International Finance by Neal, Larry
Bypass Wall Street: A Biologist's Guide to the Rat Race by Joanna, Masel
Intelligente Transportsysteme und die Produktivität in den Städten by Kozlov, Roman
Data Quality in Southeast Asia: Analysis of Official Statistics and Their Institutional Framework as a Basis for Capacity Building and Policy Making i by Stagars, Manuel
Fitnessökonomie. Qualitätsmanagement, Investition, Finanzierung, Produktion und Logistik by Kallenberger, Simon
Die Wirtschaftlichen Grundlagen Der Kriegführenden Mächte by Oppel, A.
A Comparative Analysis of Medical Device Regulations in the EU and the USA by Jahn, Ann-Marie
Agrarian Change, Migration and Development by Wise, Raúl Delgado, Veltmeyer, Henry
Reducing The Conflicts in South Caucasus by Economy (An Econometric Analysis) by Sumer, Kutluk Kagan
The Affluent Society Revisited by Berry, Mike
Quality of Life and Living Standards Analysis: An Econometric Approach by Aivazian, Sergey Artemyevich
Can Microfinance Work?: How to Improve Its Ethical Balance and Effectiveness by Sherratt, Lesley
Rich People Poor Countries: The Rise of Emerging-Market Tycoons and Their Mega Firms by Freund, Caroline
Potenziale Der Ukrainischen Wirtschaft: Für Unternehmer Und Wirtschaftsinteressierte by Heßler, Renate, Brenner, Hatto
Food Security in a Food Abundant World by
Wise Management in Organisational Complexity by
Bankwesen und Bankpolitik in den süddeutschen Staaten 1819-1875 by Hecht, Felix
Debt, Defaults, Disinflation & Demographics: Debt, Defaults, Disinflation & Demographics: How to survive and prosper during the market meltdown of 201 by Ferguson, Craig
The Price of Fixed Income Market Volatility by Mele, Antonio, Obayashi, Yoshiki
Flexibility in Modern Business Law: A Comparative Assessment by
Early Economic Thought in Spain, 1177-1740 by Grice-Hutchinson, Marjorie
The Organisation of Employment: An International Perspective on Work by Grimshaw, Damian, Keizer, Arjan, Rubery, Jill
Unobserved Components and Time Series Econometrics by
Indian Water Policy at the Crossroads: Resources, Technology and Reforms by
Mgnrega: Employment, Wages and Migration in Rural India by Kumar, Parmod, Chakraborty, Dipanwita
Re-Imagining Economic Sociology by
Re-Imagining Economic Sociology by
Handbook of Research on Impacts of International Business and Political Affairs on the Global Economy by
When Globalization Fails by MacDonald, James
Beyond Aid: The Integration of Sustainable Development in a Coherent International Agenda by Michel, James
The Great Race: The Global Quest for the Car of the Future by Tillemann, Levi
Transforming Brazil: A History of National Development in the Postwar Era by Ioris, Rafael R.
Capital and Coercion: The Economic and Military Processes that Have Shaped the World Economy, 1800-1990 by Kentor, Jeffrey D.
The Financial Crisis Reconsidered: The Mercantilist Origin of Secular Stagnation and Boom-Bust Cycles by Aronoff, Daniel
The Asian Developmental State: Reexaminations and New Departures by
Economics through Everyday Stories from around the World: An introduction to economics for children or Economics for kids, dummies and everyone else by Fernandez Prados, Elena
The World Order - Our Secret Rulers: A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism by Mullins, Eustace Clarence
Santa Fe Conjecture: Mathematical Proof for the Theory of Moral Sentiments by Baron Ph. D., Michael, Baker, Richard
Developing Knowledge-Based Client Relationships by Dawson, Ross
Gambling on the American Dream: Atlantic City and the Casino Era by Karmel, James R.
Virginia and the Panic of 1819: The First Great Depression and the Commonwealth by Haulman, Clyde A.
The World of Carolus Clusius: Natural History in the Making, 1550-1610 by Egmond, Florike
Entrepreneurial Families: Business, Marriage and Life in the Early Nineteenth Century by Popp, Andrew
Markets and Growth in Early Modern Europe by Bateman, Victoria N.
Multinationals, Subsidiaries and National Business Systems: The Nickel Industry and Falconbridge Nikkelverk by Sandvik, Pal Thonstad
Residential Institutions in Britain, 1725-1970: Inmates and Environments by Hamlett, Jane
Slave Agriculture and Financial Markets in Antebellum America: The Bank of the United States in Mississippi, 1831-1852 by Kilbourne, Richard Holcombe, Jr.
The Revenue Imperative: The Union's Financial Policies During the American Civil War by Flaherty, Jane S.
Female Entrepreneurs in Nineteenth-Century Russia by Ulianova, Galina
Financing India's Imperial Railways, 1875-1914 by Sweeney, Stuart
Rural Unwed Mothers: An American Experience, 1870-1950 by Hough, Mazie
Econometric Analysis of the Real Estate Market and Investment by Wang, Peijie
Respectability and the London Poor, 1780-1870: The Value of Virtue by MacKay, Lynn
Jewish Immigrants in London, 1880-1939 by Tananbaum, Susan L.
Argentina's Parallel Currency: The Economy of the Poor by Gomez, Georgina M.
Meat, Commerce and the City: The London Food Market, 1800-1855 by Metcalfe, Robyn S.
Migrants and Urban Change: Newcomers to Antwerp, 1760-1860 by Winter, Anne
The Optical Munitions Industry in Great Britain, 1888-1923 by Sambrook, Stephen C.
The Economies of Latin America: New Cliometric Data by Yáñez, César
Narratives of Drunkenness: Belgium, 1830-1914 by Vleugels, An
The Political Economy of Sentiment: Paper Credit and the Scottish Enlightenment in Early Republic Boston, 1780-1820 by Torre, Jose R.
Barriers to Competition: The Evolution of the Debate by Cubero, Ana Rosado
Debt and Slavery in the Mediterranean and Atlantic Worlds by Stanziani, Alessandro
Rockefeller Philanthropy and Modern Social Science by Seim, David L.
The Politics of Rural Reform in China: State Policy and Village Predicament in the Early 2000s by Göbel, Christian
Conflict, Commerce and Franco-Scottish Relations, 1560-1713 by Talbott, Siobhan
Baring Brothers and the Birth of Modern Finance by Austin, Peter E.
Towards Modern Public Finance: The American War with Mexico, 1846-1848 by Cummings, James W.
China's Rural Financial System: Households' Demand for Credit and Recent Reforms by Zhao, Yuepeng
The Rise and Fall of the American System: Nationalism and the Development of the American Economy, 1790-1837 by Ha, Songho
English Catholics and the Education of the Poor, 1847-1902 by Tenbus, Eric G.
The Development of the Art Market in England: Money as Muse, 1730-1900 by Bayer, Thomas M., Page, John R.
London Clerical Workers, 1880-1914: Development of the Labour Market by Heller, Michael
Camille Gutt and Postwar International Finance by Crombois, Jean F.
Federal Banking in Brazil: Policies and Competitive Advantages by Von Mettenheim, Kurt E.
Mining and the State in Brazilian Development by Triner, Gail D.
Global Trade and Commercial Networks: Eighteenth-Century Diamond Merchants by Vanneste, Tijl
The Modern American Wine Industry: Market Formation and Growth in North Carolina by Taplin, Ian M.
The Clothing Trade in Provincial England, 1800-1850 by Toplis, Alison
Socialism & Marginalism in Economics 1870 - 1930 by
Crime and Community in Reformation Scotland: Negotiating Power in a Burgh Society by Falconer, J. R. D.
Reforming the World Monetary System: Fritz Machlup and the Bellagio Group by Connell, Carol M.
Violence and Racism in Football: Politics and Cultural Conflict in British Society, 1968-1998 by Bebber, Brett
Food, Science, Policy and Regulation in the Twentieth Century: International and Comparative Perspectives by
Dutch Enterprise in the 20th Century: Business Strategies in Small Open Country by Sluyterman, Keetie E.
Economic Development and Inequality in China: The Case of Guangdong by Yu, Hong
Political Economy, Growth and Liberalisation in India, 1991-2008 by McCartney, Matthew
History of the London Discount Market by King, W. T. C.
The Formative Period of American Capitalism: A Materialist Interpretation by Gaido, Daniel
Property Rights and Economic Development: Land and Natural Resources in Southeast Asia and Oceania by
Modern Classical Economics and Reality: A Spectral Analysis of the Theory of Value and Distribution by Mariolis, Theodore, Tsoulfidis, Lefteris
Currencies, Commodities and Consumption by Clements, Kenneth W.
The Official History of Privatisation Vol. I: The formative years 1970-1987 by Parker, David
The Shaping of Socio-Economic Systems: The application of the theory of actor-system dynamics to conflict, social power, and institutional innovation by Baumgartner, Thomas, Deville, Philippe, Burns, Tom R.
Politics of the Global Economic Crisis: Regulation, Responsibility and Radicalism by Chaulia, Sreeram
Drink in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries by
Alternative Banking and Financial Crisis by
Commercial Networks and European Cities, 1400-1800 by
Water Resources Policies in South Asia by
Merchants and Profit in the Age of Commerce, 1680-1830 by
Financial Markets and the Banking Sector: Roles and Responsibilities in a Global World by
The Role of the State: BRICS National Systems of Innovation by
Beyond Kolkata: Rajarhat and the Dystopia of Urban Imagination by Samaddar, Ranabir, Dey, Ishita, Sen, Suhit K.
Government Debts and Financial Markets in Europe by
History of Development Thought: A Critical Anthology by
India's National Security: Annual Review 2011 by
A Resurgent China: South Asian Perspectives by
Public Private Partnerships by
Business Clusters: Partnering for Strategic Advantage by
Economic and Environmental Sustainability of the Asian Region by
Social Protection as Development Policy: Asian Perspectives by
Shaping India: Economic Change in Historical Perspective by
Impact of Incomplete Contracts on Economics by
Employment, Income Distributi: Employment Income Etc by
La Terre est plate de Thomas L. Friedman (Book Review): La mondialisation et ses mécanismes by 50minutes, Myriam m'Barki
The State of Labour: The Global Financial Crisis and Its Impact by
Benjamin Franklin and the Invention of Microfinance by Costello, Michele R.
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