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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2018

Development Dynamics of a Himalayan state {2 Vols. Set} by Nautiyal, R. R.
Farewell to China's Gdp Worship by Li, Jinzao
Lecture Notes in Urban Economics and Urban Policy by Yinger, John
Lecture Notes in Urban Economics and Urban Policy by Yinger, John
Reading the Market: Genres of Financial Capitalism in Gilded Age America by Knight, Peter
Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education by Grawe, Nathan D.
The Richest Man in Babylon by Clason, George S.
Kautilya Arthshastra by Chanakya
Principles of Economics by Taylor, Timothy, Greenlaw, Steven A.
Optimierung der Anzahl Lieferanten: Eine Methode zur Vereinfachung im Lieferantenmanagement by Schwalbach, Lutz
Finance Capital Today: Corporations and Banks in the Lasting Global Slump by Chesnais, François
Degrowth by Kallis, Giorgos
The Micro-politics of Microcredit: Gender and Neoliberal Development in Bangladesh by Uddin, Mohammad Jasim
The Political Economy of Mercantilism by Magnusson, Lars
Commercial Culture: The Media System and the Public Interest by Bogart, Leo
The Emerging Middle East-East Asia Nexus by
The Rhetoric of PNoy: Image, Myth, and Rhetorical Citizenship in Philippine Presidential Speeches by Navera, Gene Segarra
The Rise of the Sharing Economy: Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities of Collaborative Consumption by
Die Schuldenbremse in Europa. Eine kritische Erörterung by Rettig, Andreas
Unwinding of the Globalist Dream, The: Eu, Russia and China by
The Five Cotton State and New York by Colwell, Stephen
Inflación por Autogol: Autodúmping y Las Ocho Jinetas by Silva, Oscar
Kiasunomics: Stories of Singaporean Economic Behaviours by Sing, Tien Foo, Agarwal, Sumit, Ang, Swee Hoon
Kiasunomics: Stories of Singaporean Economic Behaviours by Ang, Swee Hoon, Sing, Tien Foo, Agarwal, Sumit
The National Revenues: A collection of papers by American economists by Shaw, Albert
Vagabond Executive: Citadel of Mediocrity by Polk, Bob
Vagabond Executive: Citadel of Mediocrity by Polk, Bob
Effektivität von Entwicklungshilfen. Eine vergleichende Analyse von Äthiopien und Brasilien by Anonymous
In defense of degrowth: Opinions and minifestos by Kallis, Giorgos
A Short History of the East India Company: Exhibiting a State of their Affairs, Abroad and at Home, Political and Commercial by Russell, Francis
The Silver Pound and England's Monetary Policy Since the Restoration by Horton, Samuel Dana
Machine-Learning Techniques in Economics: New Tools for Predicting Economic Growth by Basuchoudhary, Atin, Bang, James T., Sen, Tinni
Asian Economic Integration in an Era of Global Uncertainty by
Erfahrungswerte der Abrechnung von gebührenrechtlichen Honorarpositionen bei mund-, kiefer- und gesichtschirurgischen Vertragsleistungen: Eine Einschä by Anonymous
Die Mietpreisbremse als staatliche Maßnahme gegen die Wohnungsnot by Reichenbacher, Lisa
Nouvelles d'Eco: Saison 5 - 2017 by Betbeze, Jean-Paul
Revival: Economics and Ethics (1923): A Treatise on Wealth and Life by Marriot, John Arthur Ransome
Weltweite Einkommensunterschiede und langfristiges Wirtschaftswachstum. Erklärungsansätze der Wachstumstheorie by Schnarelt, Heike
The European Cohesion Policy and European Regional Development Fund. Conditional Effectiveness and Convergence in the Solow-Model by Craemer, Thomas
Does Aid Contribute to Sustainable Development Goals? Empirical Evidence from a Donor Comparison by Faust, Paul
Latente Mechanismen Sozialer Hierarchisierung: Die Wahl Alter Sprachen ALS Reproduktionsmechanismus Des Bildungsbürgertums by Sawert, Tim
Dead Pledges: Debt, Crisis, and Twenty-First-Century Culture by McClanahan, Annie
Microeconomics by Parkin, Michael
Efficiency in Business and Economics: Proceedings from the 7th International Conference on Efficiency as a Source of the Wealth of Nations (Eswn), Wro by
The Impact of Globalization on International Finance and Accounting: 18th Annual Conference on Finance and Accounting (Acfa) by
International Development Organizations and Fragile States: Law and Disorder by Von Engelhardt, Marie
China's Private Army: Protecting the New Silk Road by Arduino, Alessandro
Look East to Act East Policy: Implications for India's Northeast by
Mgnrega: Employment, Wages and Migration in Rural India by Chakraborty, Dipanwita, Kumar, Parmod
Theorizing International Trade: An Indian Perspective by
Oeuvres de Turgot: volume IV by Turgot, Anne-Robert-Jacques
Crisis in the European Monetary Union: A Core-Periphery Perspective by Ginzburg, Andrea, Guarascio, Dario, Celi, Giuseppe
Sustainable Risk Management by
L'intégration par la convergence économique entre les pays de l'Union Européenne by Durante, Audrey, Fortin, Laura, Mensching, Enno
Economic Psychology: An Introduction by Kirchler, Erich, Hoelzl, Erik
Economic Psychology by Kirchler, Erich, Hoelzl, Erik
What is the Impact of Brexit on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) within the UK with a Focus on the Manufacturing, Banking and Finance, and Oil and Gas by Anonym
Sustainability in Contemporary Rural Japan: Challenges and Opportunities by
China-Taiwan Rapprochement: The Political Economy of Cross-Straits Relations by Chiang, Min-Hua
The Geopolitics of Renewables by
The Economics of Public-Private Partnerships: Theoretical and Empirical Developments by
Emerging Issues in the Global Economy: 2017 International Economics Conference in Sibiu (Iecs) by
Arsenic Mitigation in Rural Bangladesh: A Policy-Mix for Supplying Safe Water in Badly Affected Areas of Meherpur District by Akmam, Wardatul
Waste to Wealth by
Taming the Tide of Capital Flows: A Policy Guide by Ostry, Jonathan D., Qureshi, Mahvash S., Ghosh, Atish R.
Asian Worlds in Latin America by Paladini, Stefania
Weibliche Emanzipation durch globale Arbeitsmigration am Beispiel deutscher Dienstmädchen in Amerika 1850-1914 by Häuser, Patricia
Namo50 to New India: W/ Aged Banks by Vvss Prasad
Understanding the Power of Resilience Economy: An Inter-Disciplinary Perspective to Change the World Attitude to Socio-Economic Crisis by Buheji, Mohamed
Understanding the Power of Resilience Economy: An Inter-Disciplinary Perspective to Change the World Attitude to Socio-Economic Crisis by Buheji, Mohamed
Mischiefs of the Malt Tax by Large, John
Eine Immobilienblase in Deutschland?: Entstehung, Erkennung und Analyse by Kronwitter, Mirijam
New Macroeconomics by Mulay, Apek
Economic Analysis of Industrial Agglomeration by Wang, Jian
The Contradictions of Pension Fund Capitalism by
Risk-Taking in Private Equity. Evaluation of the main value drivers in PE and Comparison of risk measures by Handel, Philipp
Introducing a New Economics: Pluralist, Sustainable and Progressive by
Innovationen als Wachstumsmotor zur Bekämpfung der Armut in Sub-Sahara Afrika: Eine kritische Analyse by Höhl, David
Wirtschaftliche Vorteile und Umweltrisiken des "Hydraulic Fracturing" by Meinhardt, Timon
Deals and Development: The Political Dynamics of Growth Episodes by
Resetting the International Monetary (Non)System by Ocampo, Jose Antonio
La dette odieuse de l'Afrique: Comment l'endettement et la fuite des capitaux ont saigné un continent by Boyce, James K., Ndikumana, Léonce
Actes du forum sur le developpement de la province du Lualaba by Isuzo, Serge, Ipanga, Charles Tshibwila, Nawej, Edouard Mukung
Die Theorien zur Entwicklung des moralischen Urteils von Jean Piaget und Lawrence Kohlberg by Reelmann, Peter
Economic and Social Development of Bangladesh: Miracle and Challenges by
Competition and Industrial Policy in the European Community by Swann, Dennis
Bangladesh: Political and Literary Reflections on a Divided Country by Khan, Q. M. Jalal
Welfare State Reforms Seen from Below: Comparing Public Attitudes and Organized Interests in Britain and Germany by
Nachhaltige Betriebliche Umweltinformationssysteme: Konferenzband Zu Den 9. Buis-Tagen by
Die Produktivität Von Musikkulturen by
Healthcare Policies and Systems in Europe and China: Comparisons and Synergies by
Singapore's Fiscal Strategies for Growth: A Journey of Self-Reliance by Lee, Kok Fatt
Fakten über Wirtschaft - Band 3 - Betriebswirtschaftslehre -: Eine Einführung in hierarchischen Modulen - Konstitutionaler Rahmen von Betrieben - by Clausius, Eike
World Crisis and Underdevelopment: A Critical Theory of Poverty, Agency, and Coercion by Ingram, David
Digitale Transformation Von Dienstleistungen Im Gesundheitswesen III: Impulse Für Die Pflegepraxis by
Geschichte Der Österreichischen Privatbanken by Eigner, Peter, Falschlehner, Helmut, Resch, Andreas
The International Monetary Tangle: Myths and Realities by Guindey, Guillaume
Economic Growth (Routledge Revivals): England in the Later Middle Ages by Bridbury, A. R.
Fiscal Tiers (Routledge Revivals): The Economics of Multi-Level Government by King, David
Aid Effectiveness for Environmental Sustainability by
State and Municipal Bonds by Raymond, William L.
Authentic Leadership and Followership: International Perspectives by
Lucky Boy in the Lucky Country: The Autobiography of Max Corden, Economist by Corden, Warner Max
Global Economic Uncertainties and Exchange Rate Shocks: Transmission Channels to the South African Economy by Ndou, Eliphas, Gumata, Nombulelo, Ncube, Mthuli
Rationality in the Social Sciences: The Schumpeter-Parsons Seminar 1939-40 and Current Perspectives by
Econodynamics: The Theory of Social Production by Pokrovskii, Vladimir N.
The Arab Gulf Economy in a Turbulent Age by Beblawi, Hazem
Unemployment and Inflation: Institutionalist and Structuralist Views by
Japan's Response to Crisis and Change in the World Economy by
Economic Developments in Victorian Scotland by Marwick, W. H.
Social Democracy in Capitalist Society (Routledge Revivals): Working-Class Politics in Britain and Sweden by Scase, Richard
The Servile State by Belloc, Hilaire
Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement als Führungsaufgrabe. Die Implementierung von Maßnahmen der betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung in einem Unternehme by Reiche, Michael
Bilanzierung von Heritage Assets im öffentlichen Sektor: Kurzcharakteristik des EPSAS Issue Paper und Forschungsarbeiten des Bilanzierungsfeldes by Bissa, Felix
Agriculture - se Lancer, Réussir et Durer - Vol 1: Manuel de formation pour entreprendre dans l'Agriculture by Honla, Jean-Pièrre
An Authentic Account of Adam Smith by Kennedy, Gavin
Regulation and Structure in Economic Virtualization: Emerging Research and Opportunities by Ushakov, Denis
Economy and Culture in North-East England, 1500-1800 by
Growth of GDP per capita and Democracy. A Simultaneous Equation Generalized Probit Model by Böhm-Klamt, Katharina
Introductory Statistics for Business and Economics: Theory, Exercises and Solutions by Ubøe, Jan
Small is Necessary: Shared Living on a Shared Planet by Nelson, Anitra
Was kommt mit PEPP auf uns zu? Das pauschalierende Entgeltsystem für Psychiatrie und Psychosomatik by Hofschulte, Frank
Space Resource Utilization: A View from an Emerging Space Faring Nation by
Developing a Destination Branding Framework for Tourism Development in Zimbabwe by Mirimi, Kumbirai
China's Exchange Rate Regime by Research Foundation, China Development
Military Cost-Benefit Analysis: Theory and Practice by
China's WTO Accession Reassessed by
Chinese Economists on Economic Reform - Collected Works of Guo Shuqing by Shuqing, Guo
Current Issues in Economics and Finance by
Management of Changes in Socio-Economic Systems by
Introduction to Japanese Household Surveys by Unayama, Takashi
EU Competition and State Aid Rules: Public and Private Enforcement by
Applied Regression Analysis for Business: Tools, Traps and Applications by Welc, Jacek, Esquerdo, Pedro J. Rodriguez
Classical Economics Today: Essays in Honor of Alessandro Roncaglia by
Poverty and Governance in South Asia by Parnini, Syeda
Health Inequities in India: A Synthesis of Recent Evidence by
Power and Energy Systems Engineering Economics: Best Practice Manual by Konstantin, Panos, Konstantin, Margarete
Inequality: What Can Be Done? by Atkinson, Anthony B.
Spatial Economic Modelling of Megathrust Earthquake in Japan: Impacts, Reconstruction, and Regional Revitalization by
Rethinking Economic and Monetary Union in Europe: A Post-Keynesian Alternative by Whyman, Philip B.
The OECD and the International Political Economy Since 1948 by
Liberalism in Illiberal States: Ideas and Economic Adjustment in Contemporary Europe by Vail, Mark I.
Economic Diversification in the Gulf Region, Volume I: The Private Sector as an Engine of Growth by
Economic Diversification in the Gulf Region, Volume II: Comparing Global Challenges by
China's Rise in the Age of Globalization: Myth or Reality? by Yue, Jianyong
Labour Market and Fiscal Policy Adjustments to Shocks: The Role and Implications for Price and Financial Stability in South Africa by Ndou, Eliphas, Gumata, Nombulelo
Trust and Crisis Management in the European Union: An Institutionalist Account of Success and Failure in Program Countries by Győrffy, Dóra
Behavioral Economics by Cartwright, Edward
Toward a Better World: Memoirs of a Life in International and Development Economics by Helleiner
Self-Regulation and Human Progress: How Society Gains When We Govern Less by Osborne, Evan
Colonial and Imperial Banking History by
Red Tape and Housing Costs: How Regulation Affects New Residential Development by Luger, Michael
European Banking Union: Prospects and Challenges by
Political Economy of 21st Century Europe by McCann, Dermot
The Economics of Voting: Studies of self-interest, bargaining, duty and rights by Usher, Dan
Financial Management Practices in India by Goel, Sandeep
Economic Thought and History: An Unresolved Relationship by
Kooperation mit dem Bankdienstleister GENOPACE? Eine transaktionskostentheoretische Analyse aus Perspektive einer genossenschaftlichen Primärbank by Mielke, Sebastian
International Development: Socio-Economic Theories, Legacies, and Strategies by Lanoszka, Anna
An Outline of the Scottish Economy in the Eighteenth Century by Beckmann, Volker
Chancen und Risiken von Milieu und Gesundheit in ihrer Relevanz für die Konzeption von Gesundheitsangeboten einer Krankenkasse by Riedel, Sven
Der Fall Haribo. Wie wird in Deutschland mit Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen umgegangen? by Finzel, Larissa
Empirical Estimator of Corporate Survival Rate in Russia: Branch-Wise Survey for 1991-2014 by Kuzmin, Evgeny
The Political Economy of Livelihoods in Contemporary Zimbabwe by
Wachstumsschwäche im makroökonomischen Kontext. Darstellung der systematischen Ursachen und Implikationen für Deutschland und die EU by Sahinoglu, Burak
Bedeutung von Kreditbesicherung für deutsche Kreditinstitute bei Mindesteigenkapitalanforderungen in der CRR und die Rolle der Grundpfandrechte by Metzler, Ralf
Gross domestic product (GDP): statistic research by Kushnir, Ivan
Das Schenken - eine vergessene volkswirtschaftliche Kategorie: 1. Auflage by Heinen-Anders, Michael
Determinants of Level of Sustainability Report by Arthur, Clement Lamboi
Voting Procedures for Electing a Single Candidate: Proving Their (In)Vulnerability to Various Voting Paradoxes by Nurmi, Hannu, Felsenthal, Dan S.
Bridging Clauses in European Constitutional Law: Legal Framework and Parliamentary Participation by Böttner, Robert, Grinc, Jan
International Development: Socio-Economic Theories, Legacies, and Strategies by Lanoszka, Anna
Patent Intensity and Economic Growth by Benoliel, Daniel
Confiscation by Ferguson, Kenneth R.
Nachwachsende Rohstoffe als Treibstoff: Brasilien als Vorbild für die Welt? by Gruber, Valerie
Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen. Auswirkungen auf die Armutslage der Bevölkerung in Dortmund: Kann es die Lebenslage von Arbeitslosengeld II- und Sozia by Hemling, Christina
The Itty Bitty Book of Financial Affirmations by Johnson, Anita R.
The Way Things Ought To Be: Really! by Green, Jim
Improving the Marriage of Modeling and Theory for Accurate Forecasts of Outcomes by
The Israeli Path to Neoliberalism: The State, Continuity and Change by Krampf, Arie
Redevelopment of Western China by
The Economic Thought of Henry Calvert Simons: Crown Prince of the Chicago School by Steele, G. R.
The Backward Art of Spending Money by Mitchell, Wesley
Collecting Garbage: Dirty Work, Clean Jobs, Proud People by Perry, Stewart
New South African Review 6: The Crisis of Inequality by
Kosten- und Nutzenanalyse von betrieblichem Gesundheitsmanagement by Anonym
Can Finance Save the World?: Regaining Power over Money to Serve the Common Good [16 Pt Large Print Edition] by Badré, Bertrand, Brown, Gordon
Innovation, the Informal Economy and Development: The Case of Zambia by Daka, Ephraim
Die Konsequenzen von Eigenkapitalanforderungen für die geldpolitische Transmission by Lehnen, Nicole
Saving International Adoption: An Argument from Economics and Personal Experience by Montgomery, Mark, Powell, Irene
Fiscal Underpinnings for Sustainable Development in China: Rebalancing in Guangdong by
A Study of India's Textile Exports and Environmental Regulations by
Human Action, Economics, and Ethics by Aranzadi, Javier
Financial Institutions in the Global Financial Crisis: The Role of Financial Derivatives, Bank Capital, and Clearing and Custody Services by Li, Shaofang
Migration and Agency in a Globalizing World: Afro-Asian Encounters by
Business, Government and Labor: Essays on Economic Development in Singapore and Southeast Asia by
Die Rohstoffmärkte, theoretische Grundlagen und empirische Analysen der Rohstoffpreise (Ölpreisindex und Gesamtindex) by Virnich, Cécile Felicitas
The Case Against Education: Why the Education System Is a Waste of Time and Money by Caplan, Bryan
What Makes a Terrorist: Economics and the Roots of Terrorism - 10th Anniversary Edition by Krueger, Alan B.
Carec 2030: Connecting the Region for Shared and Sustainable Development by Asian Development Bank, Asian Development Bank
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