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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2018

Economic Development for the Team by Canada, Eric P.
The Indian Pharmaceutical Industry: Impact of Changes in the Ipr Regime by Mitsumori, Yaeko
Towards a Sustainable Economy: Paradoxes and Trends in Energy and Transportation by
Financializing Poverty: Labor and Risk in Indian Microfinance by Kar, Sohini
Recursive Models of Dynamic Linear Economies by Hansen, Lars Peter, Sargent, Thomas J.
Lean & Green: Best Practice: Wie Sich Ressourceneffizienz in Der Industrie Steigern Lässt by Barjasic, Ivan, Reichert, Daniel, Cito, Claudio
Monetary Policy in an Uncertain World: Ten Years After the Crisis by
Financializing Poverty: Labor and Risk in Indian Microfinance by Kar, Sohini
Energy Relations in the Euro-Mediterranean: A Political Economy Perspective by Tagliapietra, Simone
Social Entrepreneurship and Social Inclusion: Processes, Practices, and Prospects by Kummitha, Rama Krishna Reddy
Conceitos Econômicos Básicos: Entendendo O Funcionamento Da Economia by de Gouveia Rodrigues, Domingos
South Africa's Energy Transition: A Roadmap to a Decarbonised, Low-cost and Job-rich Future by Bischof-Niemz, Tobias, Creamer, Terence
Ratio analysis. Financial Position of a company by Szydlowska, Katarzyna
Routledge Revivals: Development and Social Change in the Pacific Islands (1989) by
Entstehung, Entwicklung und Auswirkungen von Renditen: Eine empirische Betrachtung über einen langen Zeithorizont by Anonym
Kursbeeinflussungspotential von Ad-hoc-Mitteilungen auf Aktienkurse. Eine empirische Analyse kritischer Ad-hoc-Mitteilungen by Anonymous
Cultural Heritage and International Law: Objects, Means and Ends of International Protection by
The Implications of Brexit for East Asia by
Singular Spectrum Analysis: Using R by Hassani, Hossein, Mahmoudvand, Rahim
International Trade, Capital Flows and Economic Development by
Non-Equilibrium Social Science and Policy: Introduction and Essays on New and Changing Paradigms in Socio-Economic Thinking by
Taiwan's Impact on China: Why Soft Power Matters More Than Economic or Political Inputs by
Japanese Human Resource Management: Labour-Management Relations and Supply Chain Challenges in Asia by Kuriyama, Naoki
Industrial Clusters, Institutions and Poverty in Nigeria: The Otigba Information and Communications Technology Cluster by Oyeyinka, Oyebanke
Automatic Poverty by Jordan, Bill
Economics, Ethics and Power: From Behavioural Rules to Global Structures by Ekstedt, Hasse
Steht der öffentliche Dienst in Konkurrenz mit der Privatwirtschaft? by Ruttloff, Daniel
Economies After Colonialism: Ghana and the Struggle for Power by Whitfield, Lindsay
Games of Conflict and Cooperation in Asia by
The Geography of Tourism of Central and Eastern European Countries by
Macroeconomics in Ecological Context by Seeley, Karl
Flexible Capitalism: Exchange and Ambiguity at Work by
Überbetriebliche Regelwerke der Unternehmensethik-DIN ISO 26000. Struktur und Anwendung auf die Unternehmensethik by Jelonek, Kuba
Appraisal Feasibility Study Ethics Business Valuation Consultancy by Academia Ed D., Tomasito Z.
Has Latin American Inequality Changed Direction?: Looking Over the Long Run by
Climate Change Adaptation in Pacific Countries: Fostering Resilience and Improving the Quality of Life by
Negotiating South-South Regional Trade Agreements: Economic Opportunities and Policy Directions for Africa by
Macro Innovation Dynamics and the Golden Age: New Insights Into Schumpeterian Dynamics, Inequality and Economic Growth by Welfens, Paul J. J.
The Effects of Political Institutions on Varieties of Capitalism by Arsenault, Matthew P.
Rediscovering Social Economics: Beyond the Neoclassical Paradigm by Johnson, Roger D.
The Demand for International Football Telecasts in the United States by Nalbantis, Georgios, Pawlowski, Tim
The Influence of Uncertainty in a Changing Financial Environment: An Inquiry Into the Root Causes of the Great Recession of 2007-2008 by Halperin, Ricardo A.
Multinational Interest & Development in Africa: Establishing a People's Economy by Bijaoui, Ilan
Inflation Dynamics in South Africa: The Role of Thresholds, Exchange Rate Pass-Through and Inflation Expectations on Policy Trade-Offs by Ndou, Eliphas, Gumata, Nombulelo
Robustness in Econometrics by
Achieving Sustainable E-Government in Pacific Island States by
Neoliberalism Economic Policy and the Collapse of the Public Sector: How the Jindal Administration Allowed It to Happen-2008 to 2016 by Lyles, Lionel D.
Foreign Trade as a Factor of Economic Growth: Russian-Chinese Foreign Trade Cooperation by Popkova, Elena G., Sukhodolov, Yakov A.
Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Experiences from East and West by
Agricultural Supply Chains, Growth and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa: Market Structure, Farm Constraints and Grass-Root Institutions by Mulangu, Francis, Depetris Chauvin, Nicolas, Porto, Guido
Techno-Social Systems for Modern Economical and Governmental Infrastructures by
Die Deindustrialisierung Großbritanniens. Ursachen und Wirkungen by Koch, Johannes
Geographical Dynamics and Firm Spatial Strategy in China by He, Canfei, Zhu, Shengjun, Pickles, John
Moving for Prosperity: Global Migration and Labor Markets by World Bank
The Antitrust Revolution: Economics, Competition, and Policy by Kwoka, John E., White, Lawrence J.
A Primer on Nonmarket Valuation by
Advances in Automated Valuation Modeling: Avm After the Non-Agency Mortgage Crisis by
Managerial Economics in a Global Economy by Salvatore, Dominick
An Experimental Economic Analysis of Banker Behavior by Hülsen, Martin
Trade Liberalisation, Economic Growth and Environmental Externalities: An Analysis of Indian Manufacturing Industries by Jain, Hansa
Contemporary Meanings of John R. Commons's Institutional Economics: An Analysis Using a Newly Discovered Manuscript by
The Modernization of China's State Governance by Yang, Zhusong, Hu, Angang, Tang, Xiao
Reform and Development of Agriculture in China by Li, Zhou
Changing Trends in Japan's Employment and Leisure Activities: Implications for Tourism Marketing by Schumann, Fred R.
Minimum Economic Recovery Standards 3rd Edition Arabic by The Seep Network
Applied Investment Theory: How Markets and Investors Behave, and Why by Coleman, Les
Sport Policy Systems and Sport Federations: A Cross-National Perspective by
China's Challenge to Us Supremacy: Economic Superpower Versus Rising Star by Glenn, John G.
An Economic Inquiry Into the Nonlinear Behaviors of Nations: Dynamic Developments and the Origins of Civilizations by Guo, Rongxing
Decision Taking, Confidence and Risk Management in Banks from Early Modernity to the 20th Century by
New Religiosities, Modern Capitalism, and Moral Complexities in Southeast Asia by
Implementing the Cape Town Convention and the Domestic Laws on Secured Transactions by
The Changing Postal and Delivery Sector: Towards a Renaissance by
Erfolgreich verhandeln mit chinesischen Geschäftspartnern by Schubert, Yanxia
Die Akzeptanz und die Bedeutung der betrieblichen und privaten Altersvorsorge in Österreich by Windhager, Thomas
Friedrich List - Vordenker Der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft: Im Spannungsfeld Zwischen Vision Und Geheimdienstlicher Observierung by Wendler, Eugen
The Breakdown of Capitalism: A History of the Idea in Western Marxism, 1883-1983 by Hansen, F. R.
Philosophy and Political Economy: In Some of Their Historical Relations by Bonar, James
Foreign Currency Translation by United States Multinational Corporations: Toward a Theory of Accounting Standard Selection by Gray, Dahli
Modern Economic Classics-Evaluations Through Time by
Nobel Laureates in Economic Sciences: A Biographical Dictionary by
Agenda for a Free Society: Essays on Hayek's The Constitution of Liberty by
Essays on Piero Sraffa: Critical Perspectives on the Revival of Classical Theory by
The Stockholm School and the Development of Dynamic Method by Hansson, Björn a.
A Short History of Mercantilism by Horrocks, J. W.
Themes in Value and Distribution: Classical Theory Reappraised by Bharadwaj, Krishna
British Economists and the Empire by Wood, John Cunningham
China's Impact on the African Renaissance: The Baobab Grows by Jonker, Kobus, Robinson, Bryan
Assessment of supply chain sustainability of bio-composite materials by Castellani, Francesco
Precarious Lives: Job Insecurity and Well-Being in Rich Democracies by Kalleberg, Arne L.
Die Phillips-Kurve in USA, Kanada und UK: Ausgewählte Fragestellungen der Empirischen Wirtschaftsforschung by Kreutzer, Christian
Precarious Lives: Job Insecurity and Well-Being in Rich Democracies by Kalleberg, Arne L.
Capitalism, Class and Revolution in Peru, 1980-2016 by Lust, Jan
Die wachstumstheoretischen Vorstellungen bei R.F. Harrod by Kunowski, Harald
An Introduction to Post-Keynesian and Marxian Theories of Value and Price by Lichtenstein, Peter
Wall Street: A History by Geisst, Charles R.
Paths of Inequality in Brazil: A Half-Century of Changes by
Entrepreneurship and the Industry Life Cycle: The Changing Role of Human Capital and Competences by
The Forging of the Modern State: Early Industrial Britain, 1783-c.1870 by Evans, Eric J.
Data-Centric Business and Applications: Evolvements in Business Information Processing and Management--Volume 1 by
A Primer on Consumer Behavior: A Guide for Managers by Stewart, David W.
The Challenge of the Digital Economy: Markets, Taxation and Appropriate Economic Models by
Economics and Finance in Mauritius: A Modern Perspective by Ramlall, Indranarain
Famine and Finance: Credit and the Great Famine of Ireland by Goodspeed, Tyler Beck
Alessandro Torlonia: The Pope's Banker by Felisini, Daniela
Labour Markets, Identities, Controversies: Reviews and Essays, 1982-2016 by Brass, Tom
Taming Capitalism Before Its Triumph: Public Service, Distrust, and 'Projecting' in Early Modern England by Yamamoto, Koji
The Bay of Bengal: The Next Brics Asset Class by Aiyer, Sourajit
Understanding Family-Owned Business Groups: Towards a Pluralistic Approach by Del Giudice, Manlio
A History of British Actuarial Thought by Turnbull, Craig
Prisoners of the American Dream: Politics and Economy in the History of the Us Working Class by Davis, Mike
Der IKEA-Effekt im Aktienmarkt. Eine experimentelle Analyse by Hayvali, Ercan
Social and Ecological System Dynamics: Characteristics, Trends, and Integration in the Lake Tana Basin, Ethiopia by
Financing for Low-Carbon Energy Transition: Unlocking the Potential of Private Capital by
Energy Economy, Finance and Geostrategy by
Property Markets and the State in Adam Smith's System by Lamb, Robert Boyden
Survey Methodology and Missing Data: Tools and Techniques for Practitioners by Laaksonen, Seppo
Insights Into Chinese Agriculture by Zhang, Yunhua
On the Economic Significance of the Catholic Social Doctrine: 125 Years of Rerum Novarum by
Integration and Clustering for Sustainable Economic Growth by
Central Asia and the Silk Road: Economic Rise and Decline Over Several Millennia by Barisitz, Stephan
Securing the 'Rice Bowl': China and Global Food Security by Zhang, Hongzhou
Choice Matters: How Healthcare Consumers Make Decisions (and Why Clinicians and Managers Should Care) by Boudreau, Emily, Moore, Gordon, Quelch, John A.
Bank Liquidity and the Global Financial Crisis: The Causes and Implications of Regulatory Reform by Chiaramonte, Laura
The Quest for Subsidy Reforms in the Middle East and North Africa Region: A Microsimulation Approach to Policy Making by
How to invest ICO by J. Jr.
The Forging of the Modern State: Early Industrial Britain, 1783-c.1870 by Evans, Eric J.
China's 40 Years of Reform and Development: 1978-2018 by
Brexit Aus Versehen: Europäische Union Zwischen Desintegration Und Neuer EU by Welfens, Paul J. J.
Europäisches Immaterialgüterrecht: Funktionen Und Perspektiven by
Advanced Fixed Point Theory for Economics by McLennan, Andrew
Environmental Sustainability in Asian Logistics and Supply Chains by
The Sociology of Chinese Capitalism in Southeast Asia: Challenges and Prospects by
China's State Enterprises: Changing Role in a Rapidly Transforming Economy by Li, Ran, Cheong, Kee Cheok
The Consequences of the Crisis on European Integration and on the Member States: The European Governance Between Lisbon and Fiscal Compact by
China Ethnic Statistical Yearbook 2016 by Guo, Rongxing
The Informal Economy in Global Perspective: Varieties of Governance by
The Theory of Externalities and Public Goods: Essays in Memory of Richard C. Cornes by
Development Challenges in Bhutan: Perspectives on Inequality and Gross National Happiness by
Kalman Filtering: With Real-Time Applications by Chen, Guanrong, Chui, Charles K.
Global Communication and Collaboration: Global Project Management, Global Sourcing, Cross-Cultural Competencies by Gronwald, Klaus-Dieter
Toward Great Dhaka: A New Urban Development Paradigm Eastward by Rahman, Hossain Zillur, Bird, Julia, Li, Yue
Crítica a la Economía de Marx by Montalvo Cossio, Osvaldo R.
Living Under Austerity: Greek Society in Crisis by
Natural Gas: A Commercial Perspective by Pustisek, Andrej, Karasz, Michael
Health Economics from Theory to Practice: Optimally Informing Joint Decisions of Research, Reimbursement and Regulation with Health System Budget Cons by Eckermann, Simon
Ecosystem Functions and Management: Theory and Practice by
Colonial Theories of Institutional Development: Toward a Model of Styles of Imperialism by Romero-Ávila, Diego, Oto-Peralías, Daniel
Collaborative Approach to Trade: Enhancing Connectivity in Sea- And Land-Locked Countries by Medda, Francesca Romana, Caravelli, Francesco, Caschili, Simone
Codesign for Public-Interest Services by Selloni, Daniela
Biotechnology Regulation and Trade by Kerr, William A., Phillips, Peter W. B., Smyth, Stuart J.
Issue Voting and Party Competition: The Impact of Cleavage Lines on German Elections Between 1980-1994 by Kurella, Anna-Sophie
Energy Economics: Theory and Applications by Erdmann, Georg, Zweifel, Peter, Praktiknjo, Aaron
Capital Volume 1 by Marx, Karl
History of Economic Rationalities: Economic Reasoning as Knowledge and Practice Authority by
Valuing Detroit's Art Museum: A History of Fiscal Abandonment and Rescue by Abt, Jeffrey
Collaborative Research in Economics: The Wisdom of Working Together by
Regional Research Frontiers - Vol. 1: Innovations, Regional Growth and Migration by
Regional Research Frontiers - Vol. 2: Methodological Advances, Regional Systems Modeling and Open Sciences by
Globalization: Strategies and Effects by
Tipo de Cambio: Análisis de la Relación entre el Tipo de Cambio boliviano/dólar americano, calculado mediante la Paridad de Tasas de I by Taborga Jironda, Leonardo Gabriel
Autonomous Vehicles in Germany. An Exploration of the Technology, Legal and Regulatory Environment, and Customer Readiness by Kachelmaier, Jan
Hotel Mavens: Volume 2: Henry Morrison Flagler, Henry Bradley Plant, Carl Graham Fisher by Turkel Cmhs, Stanley
Hotel Mavens: Volume 2: Henry Morrison Flagler, Henry Bradley Plant, Carl Graham Fisher by Turkel Cmhs, Stanley
The Maritime Dimension of Sustainable Energy Security by Narula, Kapil
La Protection par les Primes by Lavison, A. De
Climate Change Signals and Response: A Strategic Knowledge Compendium for India by
Exportorientierung als Industrialisierungsstrategie. Das asiatische Wirtschaftswunder by Lehr, Josua
Remaking the Wealth of the Nations by Chowdhury, Shamsul A.
Économie Rurale De La Sologne AU 19e Siècle by Mairesse, Maurice
Contribution à l'Étude du Crédit Agricole en Algérie by Philippar, Edmond V.
Die Handelsbeziehungen Oesterreich-Ungarns zu den Balkanländern. Mit einem Vorworte von Hermann Hall by Grunzel, Joseph
La Protection par les Primes by Lavison, A. De
Inclusive Wealth Report 2018: Measuring Progress Towards Sustainability by
Space Capitalism: How Humans Will Colonize Planets, Moons, and Asteroids by Nelson, Peter Lothian, Block, Walter E.
Behavioral Economics: Moving Forward by Ghisellini, Fabrizio, Chang, Beryl Y.
The Start-up PUSH: A Guide for Developers, Directors and Residents Incubators, Accelerators, and Science Parks by Friel, Terri, Vukotich, George
The Start-up PUSH: A Guide for Developers, Directors and Residents Incubators, Accelerators, and Science Parks (hc) by Vukotich, George, Friel, Terri
The Effects of Diversity on Economic and Political Stability by Brandes, Christian
Collaborative Value Co-Creation in the Platform Economy by
Geothermal Energy and Society by
Capitalism Beyond Mutuality?: Perspectives Integrating Philosophy and Social Science by
From Summits to Solutions: Innovations in Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals by
Abfallreduktion Im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel: Lösungsansätze Mittels Mathematischer Optimierung Und Simulationsbasierter Evaluierung by Janssen, Larissa
Public Policy and Foreign Policy in the European Union in Relation to the Euro Crisis by Mutuku, Caroline
Étude Historique Sur L'Intervention Financière De L'État Dans L'Établissement Des Lignes De Chemins De Fer by Ferrette, Henry
Discursos Pronunciados En La H. Cámara De Diputados by Ugarteche, Mariano I. Prado y.
Deutschlands Volksvermögen im Krieg by Steinmann-Bucher, Arnold
Mémoire Sur Le Bimétallisme International Et Le Moyen Juste De Le Réaliser: (Primé Dans Le Concours-Cernuschi) by Rochussen, Willem Frederik
Essai Sur Le Salaire by Bertrand, Louis
Essai Sur Le Salaire by Bertrand, Louis
Subaltern Urbanisation in India: An Introduction to the Dynamics of Ordinary Towns by
Labor Transfer in Emerging Economies: A Perspective from China's Reality to Theories by
Smart Markets for Water Resources: A Manual for Implementation by Milke, Mark W., Raffensperger, John F.
Emerging Markets Megatrends by Biswas, Rajiv
Regional Performance Measurement and Improvement: New Developments and Applications of Data Envelopment Analysis by Nijkamp, Peter, Suzuki, Soushi
How Behavioral Economics Influences Management Decision-Making: A New Paradigm by Monahan, Kelly
Wage Inequality in Africa by
Social Rights in the Welfare State: Origins and Transformations by
Democracy in the Emu in the Aftermath of the Crisis by
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