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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2018

The Rise and Fall of Korea's Economic Development: Lessons for Developing and Developed Economies by Jwa, Sung-Hee
Current Perspectives on Asian Women in Leadership: A Cross-Cultural Analysis by
Die Stärkung der europäischen Wirtschaft mit Hilfe von Zollaussetzungen und Zollkontingenten by Wiegmann, Oliver
Dance of the Trillions: Developing Countries and Global Finance by Lubin, David
Knowledge-Driven Developments in the Bioeconomy: Technological and Economic Perspectives by
Private Politics and Peasant Mobilization: Mining in Peru by Gustafsson, Maria-Therese
Development Policies and Policy Processes in Africa: Modeling and Evaluation by
European Yearbook of International Economic Law 2017 by
Optimal Transport Methods in Economics by Galichon, Alfred
Die deutsche Lkw-Maut-Lösung und deren Organisationsmodell: Institutionenökonomische Analyse der aktuellen Ausgestaltung und alternativer Optionen by Vala, Felix, Frey, Johannes, Bohn, David
Making Cultural Cities in Asia: Mobility, Assemblage, and the Politics of Aspirational Urbanism by
Solidaritätszuschlag und Solidarpakt: Perspektiven für den Aufbau Ost nach 2019 by Schuster, Eric
Rice Productivity and Food Security in India: A Study of the System of Rice Intensification by Varma, Poornima
Growth and Business Cycles with Equilibrium Indeterminacy by Mino, Kazuo
Transition in Power: Technological "Warfare" and the Shift from British to American Hegemony since 1919 by Hugill, Peter J.
How Economics Professors Can Stop Failing Us: The Discipline at a Crossroads by Payson, Steven
Democracy Against Domination by Rahman, K. Sabeel
Digital Transformation in Financial Services by Scardovi, Claudio
Applied General Equilibrium: An Introduction by Guerra, Ana-Isabel, Sancho, Ferran, Cardenete, Manuel Alejandro
Political Revolt and Youth Unemployment in Tunisia: Exploring the Education-Employment Mismatch by Schaefer, Isabel
EU International Agreements: An Analysis of Direct Effect and Judicial Review Pre- And Post-Lisbon by Zipperle, Nadine
Elinor Ostrom and the Bloomington School of Political Economy: A Framework for Policy Analysis by Cole, Daniel H., McGinnis, Michael D.
Oligopoly, Auctions and Market Quality by Dastidar, Krishnendu Ghosh
International Relations and Asia's Southern Tier: Asean, Australia, and India by
Artificial Intelligence and Economic Theory: Skynet in the Market by Marwala, Tshilidzi, Hurwitz, Evan
The Economy as a Complex Spatial System: Macro, Meso and Micro Perspectives by
Streamliner: Raymond Loewy and Image-Making in the Age of American Industrial Design by Wall, John
Taxing Africa: Coercion, Reform and Development by Prichard, Wilson, Moore, Mick
Qualität und Effizienz in der Gesundheitswirtschaft. Leistungsbegrenzung zur Kostendämpfung by Kaltwasser, Marius
Normatives Entscheiden: Aufgaben Und Merkmale Der Entscheidungs- Und Erwartungsnutzentheorie by Weinmann, Siegfried
The Case Against 2 Per Cent Inflation: From Negative Interest Rates to a 21st Century Gold Standard by Brown, Brendan
Understanding China's Overcapacity by Liu, Ying, Xu, Dianqing
Industrial, Trade, and Employment Policies in Iran: Towards a New Agenda by
Arbeitsmarktentwicklung und -regulierung: Zwischen Fachkraeftemangel und Migration by
Enjoyable Econometrics by Franses, Philip Hans
Neuroeconomics: The Disruptive Path by Laza, Sebastian
Regional Innovation Index of China: 2017: How Frontier Regions Innovate by Gao, Taishan, Wang, XI, Liu, Xielin
Kreative Volkswirtschaftslehre: Eine Handlungs- Und Praxisorientierte Einführung in Die Volkswirtschaftslehre by Pfannmöller, Jürgen
All or None: Cooperation and Sustainability in Italy's Red Belt by Hall, Alison Sánchez
Access to Justice in Microfinance: An Analytical Framework for Peru by Olteanu, Yasmin
Adopting Enterprise Risk Management in Today's World: : An Evidenced Based Guide for Implementation by Deck, Steven
National Pathways to Low Carbon Emission Economies: Innovation Policies for Decarbonizing and Unlocking by
Emerging Economic Models for Global Sustainability and Social Development by
Northern Enterprise: Five Centuries of Canadian Business by Bliss, Michael
Northern Enterprise: Five Centuries of Canadian Business by Bliss, Michael
Exploring the Political Economy and Social Philosophy of F. A. Hayek by
Exploring the Political Economy and Social Philosophy of F. A. Hayek by
War or Peace: The Struggle for World Power by Lal, Deepak
Wetland Science: Perspectives from South Asia by
Bank Credit Extension and Real Economic Activity in South Africa: The Impact of Capital Flow Dynamics, Bank Regulation and Selected Macro-Prudential T by Gumata, Nombulelo, Ndou, Eliphas
Decent Work: Concept, Theory and Measurement by Prasad, Narayan, Nizami, Nausheen
Indonesia and ASEAN Plus Three Financial Cooperation: Domestic Politics, Power Relations, and Regulatory Regionalism by Saputro, Eko
Servant Leadership and Followership: Examining the Impact on Workplace Behavior by
Banking on Health: The World Bank and Health Sector Reform in Latin America by Noy, Shiri
Economics Without Laws: Towards a New Philosophy of Economics by Hardt, Lukasz
Handbook of Recent Advances in Commodity and Financial Modeling: Quantitative Methods in Banking, Finance, Insurance, Energy and Commodity Markets by
The Southern Energy Corridor: Turkey's Role in European Energy Security by Mehmet, Ozay, Yorucu, Vedat
Econophysics and Capital Asset Pricing: Splitting the Atom of Systematic Risk by Chen, James Ming
On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation by Ricardo, David
Burning Up: A Global History of Fossil Fuel Consumption by Pirani, Simon
Korea. Eine gespaltene Nation by Hamm, Philip
Eine Betrachtung der politischen Implikationen des Auftretens von Externalitäten auf Finanzmärkten und der Reaktion auf diese: Finanzmarktstabilität a by Kass, Kathrin
Governance and Development in India: A Comparative Study on Andhra Pradesh and Bihar after Liberalization by Zarhani, Seyed Hossein
Burning Up: A Global History of Fossil Fuel Consumption by Pirani, Simon
Diaspora Networks in International Business: Perspectives for Understanding and Managing Diaspora Business and Resources by
Kryptowährungen als Wertspeicher. Welche Möglichkeiten bietet Bitcoin in stark inflationären Regionen? by Behrend, Steven
Macht einmal andersherum. Eine retrospektive Entschlüsselung von Macht als Kritik-Werkzeug der postkolonialen STS an der ANT by Klöckner, Tobias
Steigert eine funktionierende Corporate Governance & Control den Unternehmenswert?: Eine perspektivengetriebene theoretische und empirische ökonomisch by Haas, Benedict
Markt und Moral. Kooperation als langfristig unabhängiger Zustand bei nicht-menschlichen Primaten by Beniers, Michael
Die Schuldenkrise in Europa. Austeritätspolitik und ihre Folgen für den Wohlfahrtsstaat by Schnurr, Björn Arne
Europe Since 1989: A History by Ther, Philipp
Factor X: Challenges, Implementation Strategies and Examples for a Sustainable Use of Natural Resources by
Currency Internationalization and Macro Financial Risk Control by
Globalisation and Finance at the Crossroads: The Financial Crisis, Regulatory Reform and the Future of Banking by Roulet, Caroline, Blundell-Wignall, Adrian, Atkinson, Paul
Monetary Integration in Europe: The European Monetary Union After the Financial Crisis by Tomann, Horst
Financial Exposure: Carl Levin's Senate Investigations Into Finance and Tax Abuse by Bean, Elise J.
Institutional and Organizational Analysis: Concepts and Applications by Mueller, Bernardo, Alston, Eric, Alston, Lee J.
Chinese Consumers: Exploring the World's Largest Demographic by Sethi, Ashok
The Employment Impact of China's WTO Accession by Qiu, Shufang, Qiu, S., Bhalla, A. S.
Indonesia's Small Entrepreneurs: Trading on the Margins by Turner, Sarah
Contemporary China: The Dynamics of Change at the Start of the New Millennium by
Big Data Und Musik: Jahrbuch Für Musikwirtschafts- Und Musikkulturforschung 1/2018 by
Sustainability and Development in Asia and the Pacific: Emerging Policy Issues by
Development of Guangdong, The: China's Economic Powerhouse by Cheng, Joseph Yu-Shek
Industrialization Examples from the European Experience 1789-1914: A Brief Essay by Scarfagna Rossi, Elena
Hayek: A Collaborative Biography: Part VII, 'Market Free Play with an Audience': Hayek's Encounters with Fifty Knowledge Communities by Leeson, Robert
Institutional and Organizational Analysis: Concepts and Applications by Alston, Lee J., Mueller, Bernardo, Alston, Eric
India and China in Africa: A comparative perspective of the oil industry by Verma, Raj
The Applied Economics of Weight and Obesity by
State-Owned Multinationals: Governments in Global Business by
Migration, Cross-Border Trade and Development in Africa: Exploring the Role of Non-State Actors in the Sadc Region by
The Myths of Health Care: Towards New Models of Leadership and Management in the Healthcare Sector by
Social Capital and Local Development: From Theory to Empirics by
Sustaining China's Economic Growth in the Twenty-First Century by
Balanced Scorecard als Instrument der Unternehmensführung by Kania, Jan-Philipp
Media Strategy: Analysis of the Effects of Media Strategies on Consumer buying Behaviour by Lavuri, Rambabu
A History of Socially Responsible Business, C.1600-1950 by
Public Brainpower: Civil Society and Natural Resource Management by
Economic Freedom and Welfare Before and After the Crisis by Stankov, Petar
Advances in Global Marketing: A Research Anthology by
Commodify: User Creativity at the Intersection of Commerce and Community by Van Der Graaf, Shenja
The Social Life of Economic Inequalities in Contemporary Latin America: Decades of Change by
Critiquing Capitalism Today: New Ways to Read Marx by Pitts, Frederick Harry
The History of Business in Africa: Complex Discontinuity to Emerging Markets by Verhoef, Grietjie
Elections, Voting Rules and Paradoxical Outcomes by Lepelley, Dominique, Gehrlein, William V.
Escalation of Commitment in Internationalization Processes: The Role of Bounded Rationality in the Uppsala Model by Röber, Björn
The Role of Universities in the Europe 2020 Strategy: The Cases of Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Kosovo by Ricciardelli, Alessandra
Explaining European Identity Formation: Citizens' Attachment from Maastricht Treaty to Crisis by Bergbauer, Stephanie
Imitation, Counterfeiting and the Quality of Goods in Modern Asian History by
The Changing Space Economy of City-Regions: The Gauteng City-Region, South Africa by
Galician Migrations: A Case Study of Emerging Super-Diversity by
Large-Scale Land Investments in Least Developed Countries: Legal Conflicts Between Investment and Human Rights Protection by Montilla Fernández, Luis Tomás
Car Tourism by Cudny, Waldemar
Gesellschaft in der digitalen Stadt. Wie kann die Gefahr der digitalen Spaltung überwunden werden? by Euler, Johannes
Contemporary Capitalism and Civil Society: The Japanese Experience by Yamada, Toshio
Welche Rolle spielen Gewerkschaften für eine sozial-ökologische Transformation?: Die Wertschöpfungskette des Smartphones by Hirth, N.
The effects of the ECB's public and corporate bond purchases. An event study examining the German financial market in comparison to the G7-group by Fänders, Dominic
Supply Chain Management und Produktion: Übungen und Mini-Fallstudien by Tempelmeier, Horst
The Impact of Microfinance Banks on the Growth Of Smes in Fct Nigeria (2005-2016) by Ephraim, Adamu
Impact of organisation structure on financial perfomance: Case of Student Christian Organisation of Malawi by Kampini, Tamika
Housing Estates in Europe: Poverty, Ethnic Segregation and Policy Challenges by
Governing Extractive Industries: Politics, Histories, Ideas by Bebbington, Anthony, Abdulai, Abdul-Gafaru, Humphreys Bebbington, Denise
Toxic Aid: Economic Collapse and Recovery in Tanzania by Edwards, Sebastian
Glücklicher Im Beruf ...: ... Mit Der Kompass-Strategie by Däfler, Martin-Niels, Dannhäuser, Ralph
Inequality and Inclusive Growth in Rich Countries: Shared Challenges and Contrasting Fortunes by
Intercultural Knowledge Sharing in Mncs: A Glocal and Inclusive Approach in the Digital Age by Maimone, Fabrizio
Brics Innovative Competitiveness Report 2017 by
Hayek: A Collaborative Biography: Part IX: The Divine Right of the 'Free' Market by
The First Export Era Revisited: Reassessing Its Contribution to Latin American Economies by
Toward a Just Society: Joseph Stiglitz and Twenty-First Century Economics by
Fifty Inventions That Shaped the Modern Economy by Harford, Tim
Bitcoin: The Second Life of Bitcoin. How Bitcoin and Blockchain are Changing the Economic World by Wilson, Dan
The Development of Africa: Issues, Diagnoses and Prognoses by
Economic Indicators for Professionals: Putting the Statistics into Perspective by Steindel, Charles
Economic Indicators for Professionals: Putting the Statistics into Perspective by Steindel, Charles
Prosperity for All: How to Prevent Financial Crises by Farmer, Roger
China Business: Der Ratgeber Zur Erfolgreichen Unternehmensführung Im Reich Der Mitte by Zinzius, Birgit
Datenanalyse Mit Sas(r): Statistische Verfahren Und Ihre Grafischen Aspekte by Tschiersch, Lars, Krämer, Walter, Schoffer, Olaf
Erfolgreiche Führung Multikultureller Virtueller Teams: Wie Führungskräfte Neuartige Herausforderungen Meistern by Fajen, Annalena
The Interest Standard of Currency: An Attempt by Dick, Ernst
Essays on Rational Expectations and Flexible Exchange Rates by Saidi, Nasser
The Forward Market in Foreign Exchange: A Study in Market-making, Arbitrage and Speculation by Brown, Brendan
Expectations and the Foreign Exchange Market by Hakkio, Craig S.
Seasonal Movements of Exchange Rates and Interest Rates Under the Pre-World War I Gold Standard by Foster, Ellen
The Exchange Rate Environment by Cuthbertson, Keith, Brooks, Simon, Mayes, David G.
Exchange Rates and Prices: The Case of United States Imports by Smith, William R.
Foreign Exchange by Weisweiller, Rudi
Modern Foreign Exchange by Walter, Hubert C.
Foreign Exchange and Foreign Debts by Walter, Hubert C.
America the Police State: Why and How to Fix It by Daneth, Roger K.
Regionalökonomische Auswirkungen Von Tagungen Und Kongressen: Entwicklung Eines Allgemein Anwendbaren Modells Für Deutschland by Kunze, Ralf
Introduction to Quantitative Macroeconomics Using Julia: From Basic to State-Of-The-Art Computational Techniques by Caraiani, Petre
The Palgrave Handbook of Political Economy by
The Impact of Price Uncertainty: A Study of Brazilian Exchange Rate Policy by Coes, Donald V.
Saudi Aramco 2030: Post IPO Challenges by Ramady, Mohamed A.
Beyond the Bailouts: The Anthropology and History of the Greek Crisis by Waal, Clarissa de
Healthcare Antitrust, Settlements, and the Federal Trade Commission by
The Theory of Economic Policy in a Strategic Context by Hughes Hallett, Andrew, Acocella, Nicola, Di Bartolomeo, Giovanni
The History of Money and Monetary Arrangements: Insights from the Baltic and North Seas Region by Marmefelt, Thomas
Family Economics and Public Policy, 1800s-Present: How Laws, Incentives, and Social Programs Drive Family Decision-Making and the Us Economy by Way, Megan McDonald
Judaism and the Economy: A Sourcebook by
The Origins of Asset Management from 1700 to 1960: Towering Investors by Morecroft, Nigel Edward
An Econometric Model of the Us Economy: Structural Analysis in 56 Equations by Heim, John J.
Real Market Economics: The Fundamental Framework for Finance Practitioners by Rush, Philip
Judaism and the Economy: A Sourcebook by
Trade and Climate Change: Focus on Carbon Leakage, Border Carbon Adjustments and Wto Consistency by Zhang, Zhongxiang
Is Globalisation Doomed?: The Economic and Political Threats to the Future of Globalisation by Verde, Antimo
200 Years of Ricardian Trade Theory: Challenges of Globalization by
Structured Finance: Techniques, Products and Market by
The Evolution and Significance of the Cuban Revolution: The Light in the Darkness by McKelvey, Charles
Creating Social Change Through Creativity: Anti-Oppressive Arts-Based Research Methodologies by
Spanish Sociedades Laborales--Activating the Unemployed: A Potential New EU Active Labour Market Policy Instrument by Hashi, Iraj, Lowitzsch, Jens, Dunsch, Sophie
Inwiefern hatte die Subprime-Krise in den USA einen Einfluss auf den deutschen Finanzmarkt? by Siakiroglou, Altay
Türkei. Analyse einer Markterschließung: Betrachtung des kulturellen, wirtschaftlichen und politischen Hintergrunds by Stenzel, Anja
Entrepreneurship by Gutterman, Alan S.
Foundations of Economic Change: A Schumpeterian View on Behaviour, Interaction and Aggregate Outcomes by
Capabilities, Gender, Equality by
Economic and Fiscal Impacts of Disasters in the Pacific by Asian Development Bank, Asian Development Bank
Measuring Asset Ownership and Entrepreneurship from a Gender Perspective: Methodology and Results of Pilot Surveys in Georgia, Mongolia, and the Phili by Asian Development Bank, Asian Development Bank
Universal Economics by Allen, William R., Alchian, Armen A.
Universal Economics by Alchian, Armen A., Allen, William R.
Business Cycles in Brics by
Western Balkan Economies in Transition: Recent Economic and Social Developments by
Hayek: A Collaborative Biography: Part XIV: Liberalism in the Classical Tradition: Orwell, Popper, Humboldt and Polanyi by
Applying the Kaizen in Africa: A New Avenue for Industrial Development by
Die US-Immobilienkrise 2007/2008 und ihr Ursprung: Eine Analyse anhand der "Hypothese der finanziellen Instabilität" von H. P. Minsky by Mastorikou, Georg
Verrechnungspreisermittlung auf Basis kapitalmarktbezogener Kalkulationszinssaetze: Methodik, Kapitalkostenmodelle und deren Eignung fuer Zwecke des s by Hundeshagen, Christian
The Entrepreneur in Rule-Based Economics: Theory, Empirical Practice, and Policy Design by Blind, Georg D.
Political Economy Perspectives on the Greek Crisis: Debt, Austerity and Unemployment by
Co-Manufacturing and New Economic Paradigms by Focardi, Giulio, Salati, Lorenza
The Brazilian Economy Since the Great Financial Crisis of 2007/2008 by
Chinese Banking Reform: From the Pre-Wto Period to the Financial Crisis and Beyond by Jiang, Chunxia, Yao, Shujie
The Governance of European Public Goods: Towards a Republican Paradigm of European Integration by
Inflation: History and Measurement by Smith, Paul a., O'Neill, Robert, Ralph, Jeff
La convergencia de Turquía en la Unión Europea y sus obstáculos by Vahedi, Mohsen
Kazakhstan: Accelerating Economic Diversification by Asian Development Bank, Asian Development Bank
A Diary of the Euro Crisis in Cyprus: Lessons for Bank Recovery and Resolution by Demetriades, Panicos
The National Debt: A Short History by Slater, Martin
Gérance Pour Tous, Comptabilité Des Propriétaires: À l'Usage Des Propriétaires, Architectes, Entrepreneurs, Gérants Et Locataires by Sicre, Camille
Guerre Au Crédit Ou Considérations Sur Les Dangers de l'Emprunt, Par Un Banquier by Bouron, A.
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