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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2018

Finances. Sur Quelques Idées Publiées En Septembre 1814, Sur CE Qu'il Paraîtrait Possible: de Faire Pour La Restauration Des Finances, Par Un Ancien C by Boyard
La C.G.T. Et l'Impôt Sur Les Salaires. Fonctionnement de la Loi. Méthodes Des Calculs de l'Impôt by Collectif
La Légalité Des Opérations de Bourse Exécutées Par Les Banquiers Et Coulissiers, Consultation by Vainberg, Sigismond
Les Nouvelles Actions de l'Union Générale by Vainberg, Sigismond
Guide Du Percepteur À l'Usage Des Percepteurs Municipaux, Des Candidats Percepteurs: Des Employés de Trésorerie Générale, de Recettes Des Finances Et by Conti, Eug
Les Budgets Futurs de la France Et Les Impôts Nouveaux by Bonnet, Victor
La Part Du Travail Dans La Gestion Des Entreprises, Examen de la Deuxième Partie Du Projet by Fagnot, François
Comptabilité Des Fabriques. Décret Du 27 Mars 1893. Instruction Du 15 Décembre 1893 by Collectif
Sur Les Emprunts by Vincens, Émile
Revision Douanière. Tarification, France Et Algérie, Rapport: de la Commission de Législation Et Des Douanes by Collectif
Comptabilité Des Fabriques Paroissiales Comprenant. Exposé Des Principes. Modèles Et Formules: Application Des Uns Et Des Autres À La Comptabilité Fig by Collectif
Second Mémoire Sur Les Finances: Présenté Au Duc de Richelieu, En Sa Qualité de Président Du Conseil Des Ministres by Castrique, L. -F
Circa 2118: What Humans Will Do When Machines Take Over by Weddle, Peter
Blaming China: It Might Feel Good But It Won't Fix America's Economy by Shobert, Benjamin
Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis: With Exercises, Solutions and Applications in R by Schomaker, Michael, Shalabh, Heumann, Christian
Full Employment and Social Justice: Solidarity and Sustainability by
La Formation Et Les Fluctuations Des Prix Du Charbon En France, 1887-1912 by Simiand, François
Currency Wars: Offense and Defense Through Systemic Thinking by Gong, Zaiwu, Yi-Lin Forrest, Jeffrey, Ying, Yirong
Programme Des Grands Travaux Et de Mise En Valeur de la Colonie by Nouvelle-Calédonie
Cours d'Économie Politique. T. 1 by Gide, Charles
Comparing Globalizations: Historical and World-Systems Approaches by
Eurasian Economic Perspectives: Proceedings of the 20th Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference - Vol. 2 by
Economics of Religion in India by Iyer, Sriya
The Impoverishment of the African Red Sea Littoral, 1640-1945 by Serels, Steven
Going Broke: Why Americans (Still) Can't Hold on to Their Money by Vyse, Stuart
Economic Objects and the Objects of Economics by
From Breslau to Lindenhurst: 1870 to 1923 by Cascone, Mary, Lindenhurst Historical Society, Jaeger, Anna
The Oxford Handbook of the Brazilian Economy by
Shipping Business Unwrapped: Illusion, Bias and Fallacy in the Shipping Business by Duru, Okan
Advances in Growth Curve and Structural Equation Modeling: Topics from the Indian Statistical Institute--Proceedings 2017 by
Shipping Business Unwrapped: Illusion, Bias and Fallacy in the Shipping Business by Duru, Okan
The Economics and Politics of China's Energy Security Transition by Zhao, Hongtu
James Edward Meade by Reisman, David
Financial Inclusion and Poverty Alleviation: Perspectives from Islamic Institutions and Instruments by
Post-Crash Economics: Plurality and Heterodox Ideas in Teaching and Research by
Aid, Trade and Development: 50 Years of Globalization by Michalopoulos, Constantine
Crystalizing the EU Digital Policy: An Exploration Into the Digital Single Market by Mărcuț, Mirela
Introductory Econometrics by Dhrymes, Phoebus
The Protection of Foreign Investments in Mongolia: Treaties, Domestic Law, and Contracts on Investments in International Comparison and Arbitral Pract by Scharaw, Bajar
The Macroeconomics of Corruption: Governance and Growth by Ivanyna, Maksym, Mourmouras, Alex, Rangazas, Peter
Data Envelopment Analysis in the Financial Services Industry: A Guide for Practitioners and Analysts Working in Operations Research Using Dea by Sherman, H. David, Tam, Fai Keung, Paradi, Joseph C.
Economic Analysis of Families and Society: The Transformation of Japanese Society and Public Policies by Yamashige, Shinji
Economic Analysis of Suicide Prevention: Towards Evidence-Based Policy-Making by Ueda, Michiko, Matsubayashi, Tetsuya, Sawada, Yasuyuki
Predictive Econometrics and Big Data by
Econometrics for Financial Applications by
Economics of Pessimism and Optimism: Theory of Knightian Uncertainty and Its Applications by Nishimura, Kiyohiko G., Ozaki, Hiroyuki
In Defense of Openness: Why Global Freedom Is the Humane Solution to Global Poverty by Brennan, Jason, Van Der Vossen, Bas
The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google by Galloway, Scott
The Private Sport Sector in Europe: A Cross-National Comparative Perspective by
Investing in Resource Efficiency: The Economics and Politics of Financing the Resource Transition by
The Oxford Companion to the Economics of China by
Experiments in Economics: Decision Making and Markets by
Ressourcenausstattung ALS Strategischer Erfolgsfaktor Der Regionalentwicklung: Eine Analyse Am Beispiel Der Europäischen Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar by Brüning, Eva M.
Hegel and the Primacy of Politics: Taming the Wild Beast of the Market by Fusaro, Diego
Impact Investing: Instruments, Mechanisms and Actors by Scheck, Barbara, Spiess-Knafl, Wolfgang
Korean Women in Leadership by
Economics of Offshore Wind Power: Challenges and Policy Considerations by Foley, Benjamin, Poudineh, Rahmatallah, Brown, Craig
Improving Tax Increment Financing (Tif) for Economic Development by Merriman, David
Conservation of Tropical Rainforests: A Review of Financial and Strategic Solutions by McFarland, Brian Joseph
The Economic History of Nuclear Energy in Spain: Governance, Business and Finance by
Critical Development Studies: An Introduction by Wise, Raúl Delgado, Veltmeyer, Henry
Market in State: The Political Economy of Domination in China by Zheng, Yongnian, Huang, Yanjie
Market in State: The Political Economy of Domination in China by Huang, Yanjie, Zheng, Yongnian
Wealth and Homeownership: Women, Men and Families by Rossi, Mariacristina, Sierminska, Eva M.
Cryptocurrency Millionaire: Make Money With Cryptocurrency And Eau-Coin by Bijou, Patrick
Hands & Brains Unbound: The Failure of Nation-Building & the Illusion of World Order by Byrnes, Michael
Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics and Finance by
Rediscovering Economic Policy as a Discipline by Acocella, Nicola
Trading Strategies and Risk Management. Speculation in the Foreign Exchange Market by Sehgal, Suvidha
The Development Century by
The Development Century by
Rents: How Marketing Causes Inequality by De Geest, Gerrit
Rents: How Marketing Causes Inequality by De Geest, Gerrit
Organisationstheoretische Ansätze im Kontext der Vierten Industriellen Revolution by Schibli, André
Wirtschafts- Und Sozialkunde Teil 1: Programmierte Aufgaben Mit Lösungen by Grundmann, Wolfgang, Schuttel, Klaus, Heinrichs, Corinna
Progress in Industrial Mathematics at Ecmi 2014 by
Economy, Crime and Wrong in a Neoliberal Era by
Determinants of FDI in Central and Eastern Europe: The Effects of Integration Into the European Union by Makhavikova, Hanna
Locational Analysis of Firms' Activities from a Strategic Perspective by
Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen. Realistischer Vorschlag oder Utopie? by Hofmann, Ulrike
Agricultural Trade, Policy Reforms, and Global Food Security by Anderson, Kym
Cash Transfers in Context: An Anthropological Perspective by
Climate Change Adaptation in Africa: Fostering Resilience and Capacity to Adapt by
Measuring National Income in the Centrally Planned Economies: Why the West Underestimated the Transition to Capitalism by Jefferies, William
Macroprudential Banking Supervision & Monetary Policy: Legal Interaction in the European Union by Amorello, Luca
Projektarbeit und Präsentation: Betriebswirtschaftslehre kompakt by Hensel, Christian
Fallas del Mercado como Principal Obstáculo para el Crecimiento Económico de México: Análisis basado en los estudios de Haussman y Rodrik by He, Grace
Wrong Way: How Privatisation & Economic Reform Backfired by Cahill, Damien, Toner, Phillip
Grenzlandschicksale by Stein, Luise
Supranational Political Economy: The Globalisation of the State-Market Relationship by Montani, Guido
Retirement Savings Policy: Past, Present, and Future by Barry, Michael P.
Central Bank Balance Sheet and Real Business Cycles by Akinkunmi, Mustapha
Inclusive Growth, Development and Welfare Policy: A Critical Assessment by
Global Value Chains and Development by Gereffi, Gary
The Political Economy of Change and Continuity in Korea: Twenty Years After the Crisis by Lee, Seungjoo, Rhyu, Sang-Young
Incidence des recettes douanières sur la croissance économique au Congo by Mabele, Volterra Dotrich
Entstaatlichte virtuelle Geldsysteme als Alternative zu Zentralbankgeld: Hayek´s Parallelwährungssystem by Beniers, Michael
Nutzung und Anbau von Medizinalhanf in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Miersch, Claudia
Anreizwirkungen und Verteilungseffekte des Einkommensteuer-Splittings: Soll das deutsche Einkommensteuer-Splitting aufgrund der zahlreichen Kritiken r by Grübler, Christian
Transforming Economic Growth and China's Industrial Upgrading by
Addictive Consumption: Capitalism, Modernity and Excess by Reith, Gerda
The Market Economy as a Social System by Tsukada, Hiroto
Business Dynamics in North America: Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Trade Patterns by Rajagopal, Zlatev, Vladimir
Gesundheitsmanagement ALS Personale Ressource Der Lebensstilmodifikation: Gesundheitsfördernde Maßnahmen Und Nudges Für Führungskräfte in Settings by Rochnowski, Sandra Ursula
Research Universities and the Public Good: Discovery for an Uncertain Future by Owen-Smith, Jason
A Crisis of Beliefs: Investor Psychology and Financial Fragility by Gennaioli, Nicola, Shleifer, Andrei
Economics of Institutional Change: Central and Eastern Europe Revisited by Mickiewicz, Tomasz, Douarin, Elodie
The Value of Everything: Making and Taking in the Global Economy by Mazzucato, Mariana
Industrie 4.0. Auswirkungen auf die Beschäftigung: Welche potentiellen Chancen und Risiken ergeben sich durch die Industrie 4.0 und welche Beschäftigu by Grübler, Christian
The Middle East Economy: Decline and Recovery by Issawi, Charles
Austerity and Recovery in Ireland: Europe's Poster Child and the Great Recession by
Die Geldpolitik der EZB von 2008 bis 2013 by Hoheisel, Florian
Wer braucht Analysten? Eine perspektivengetriebene theoretische und empirische ökonomische Analyse by Anonym
Escape from the Central Bank Trap: How to Escape From the $20 Trillion Monetary Expansion Unharmed by Lacalle, Daniel
Escape from the Central Bank Trap: How to Escape From the $20 Trillion Monetary Expansion Unharmed by Lacalle, Daniel
Das Rentenpaket des Jahres 2014 und die Tragfähigkeit der öffentlichen Finanzen in Deutschland by Haas, Benedicht
Crisis, Movement, Strategy: The Greek Experience by
Highs and Lows of European Integration: Sixty Years After the Treaty of Rome by
"They'll take our jobs". The future of labour in the light of automation due to artificial intelligence and robotics by Schneider, Patrick
Enacting Dismal Science: New Perspectives on the Performativity of Economics by
Energy Footprints of the Energy Sector by
A Short Course in Intermediate Microeconomics with Calculus by Serrano, Roberto, Feldman, Allan M.
The Rise and Fall of Global Microcredit: Development, debt and disillusion by
Understanding Economics, Inquiry Journal by
Der Markt für Weizen: Und die Möglichkeit, daran teilzunehmen by Steinkampf, Rolf
A Short Course in Intermediate Microeconomics with Calculus by Serrano, Roberto, Feldman, Allan M.
New Cooperative Banking in Europe: Strategies for Adapting the Business Model Post Crisis by
Women, Literature and Finance in Victorian Britain: Cultures of Investment by Henry, Nancy
The New Institutionalist Economic History of Douglass C. North: A Critical Interpretation by Krul, Matthijs
Current Issues in the Economy and Finance of India: Icef 2018 by
Household Waste Management: Some Insights from Behavioural Economics by Gilli, Marianna, Mancinelli, Susanna, Nicolli, Francesco
Language Policy and Linguistic Justice: Economic, Philosophical and Sociolinguistic Approaches by
Theoretische Grundlagen und Ansätze der Betriebswirtschaftslehre: Von Basiskonzepten über Theorieansätze zum neoklassischen Abgrund by Schneider, Dietram
Addictive Consumption: Capitalism, Modernity and Excess by Reith, Gerda
The Rise and Fall of Global Microcredit: Development, debt and disillusion by
Rethinking the Theory of Money, Credit, and Macroeconomics: A New Statement for the Twenty-First Century by Smithin, John
Taxing Africa: Coercion, Reform and Development by Moore, Mick, Prichard, Wilson
Birth of a Consumer Society: The Commercialization of Eighteenth-Century England by Plumb, J. H., McKendrick, Neil, Brewer, John Of Cultural Hist
On the Private and Public Virtues of an Honorable Entrepreneur: Preventing a Separation of the Honorable and the Useful by Livingston, Felix R.
Populating No Man's Land: Economic Concepts of Ownership under Communism by
Predicting Hotspots: Using Machine Learning to Understand Civil Conflict by Basuchoudhary, Atin, Bang, James T., Sen, Tinni
European Union Political Economy: Theory and Policy by Hazakis, Konstantinos
Adam Smith and the Death of David Hume: The Letter to Strahan and Related Texts by
The Birth of a Consumer Society: The Commercialization of Eighteenth-century England by McKendrick, Neil, Brewer, John Of Cultural Hist, Plumb, Jh
Getting Globalization Right: Sustainability and Inclusive Growth in the Post Brexit Age by
Economics of the Marine: Modelling Natural Resources by Morrissey, Karyn
Freedoms, Fragility and Job Creation: Perspectives from Jammu and Kashmir, India by Tomar, Priyanka, Mehdi, Ali, Chaudhry, Divya
Illustrating Finance Policy with Mathematica by Georgakopoulos, Nicholas L.
Aktuelle Probleme Der Europäischen Wirtschaftspolitik by Sell, Friedrich L.
Energy Footprints of the Bio-Refinery, Hotel, and Building Sectors by
Dr Z's NFL Guidebook by MacLean, Leonard C., Ziemba, William T.
Dr Z's NFL Guidebook by MacLean, Leonard C., Ziemba, William T.
Universal Basic Income - For and Against: foreword by Robert P. Murphy, PhD., afterword by Dominic Frisby by Sammeroff, Antony
Facing Forward: Schooling for Learning in Africa by Bashir, Sajitha, Lockheed, Marlaine, Ninan, Elizabeth
The Community of Advantage: A Behavioural Economist's Defence of the Market by Sugden, Robert
Disasters and the Small Dwelling: Perspectives for the UN IDNDR by Aysan, Yasemin
Strategies for Internationalizing the Renminbi by Cao, Yuanzheng
Inequality: Trends, Causes, Consequences, Relevant Policies by
Structural Change and Dynamics of Labor Markets in Bangladesh by
Alternative Political Economy Models of Transition: The Russian and East European Perspective by
Außenhandel und Deutschland. Auswirkungen des Brexits auf deutsche Exporte nach Großbritannien: Sind Freihandelsabkommen aus der Sicht Deutschlands wi by Reger, Daniel
Reconfiguration of the Global South: Africa and Latin America and the 'Asian Century' by
Trump als Katalysator für die Bildung bilateraler Abkommen: Analysiert am Beispiel der EU by Anonym
Emotionale Intelligenz im Pflegemanagement. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen in der Beurteilung von Pflegepersonal by Behrend, Steffen
Erfolgreiches Energiemanagement Im Betrieb: Lehrbuch Für Energiemanager Und Energiefachwirte by Petermann, Jörg Philipp Eric
Wäre das niederländische Poldermodell auf deutsche Verhältnisse übertragbar? by Singh Uttam, Garima
Die Finanzkrise im Jahr 2008 und ihre Folgen. Ein Lernpotenzial?: Entwicklung von Handlungsempfehlungen für die Hotellerie by Stühler, Armin
Problems, Methods and Tools in Experimental and Behavioral Economics: Computational Methods in Experimental Economics (Cmee) 2017 Conference by
Operations Research in Development Sector by
Eine Zusammenfassung zu den Grundlagen der BWL und VWL by Scieszka, Isabell
The Crime of Maldevelopment: Economic Deregulation and Violence in the Global South by Böhm, María Laura
The Political Economy of Land and Agrarian Development in Ethiopia: The Arssi Region since 1941 by Ensene, Ketebo Abdiyo
Uncertain Futures: Imaginaries, Narratives, and Calculation in the Economy by Beckert, Jens
Eine modelltheoretische Betrachtung zweiseitiger Märkte: Medienökonomische Erkenntnisse am Beispiel des Musikstreaming-Dienstes SPOTIFY by Ziegler, Lena
Vergleich verschiedener Methoden zur Analyse von Wirtschaftsclustern für die Region Lübeck by Ruç, Ibrahim
Kachestvo zhizni naselenija mira by Medvedev, Evgeni
Führt eine Feedback-Option eines Spielers in einem Gefangenen-Dilemma mit einseitiger Kommunikation zu mehr Kooperation?: Eine empirische und experime by Hayvali, Ercan
Belief and Rule Compliance: An Experimental Comparison of Muslim and Non-Muslim Economic Behavior by Erbaş, Nuri, Mohamed, Hazik, Mirakhor, Abbas
Investing in the Age of Democracy: Ten Lessons in Applied Austrian Economics by Arisson, Morten
How Bitcoin Changed My Life: A Guide to Help You Understand Everything about Bitcoin Before Putting in Your Money by Chibueze, Gaius
Mexico and the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Contributions and Challenges by
International Challenges in Investment Arbitration by
Die Ökonomie des Terrorismus by Schmid, Karen
Reflecting on India's Development: Employment, Skill and Health by
Worst-Case Economics: Extreme Events in Climate and Finance by Ackerman, Frank
Forging Ahead, Falling Behind and Fighting Back by Crafts, Nicholas
The Origins of Globalization by de Zwart, Pim, Van Zanden, Jan Luiten
Forging Ahead, Falling Behind and Fighting Back by Crafts, Nicholas
The Origins of Globalization: World Trade in the Making of the Global Economy, 1500-1800 by Van Zanden, Jan Luiten, de Zwart, Pim
Drowning in Potential: How American Society can Survive Digital Technology by Wallace, Rod
The Economics of Human Rights by Wheaton, Elizabeth M.
Toward a More Amicable Asia-Pacific Region: Japan's Roles by
Time Bank as a Complementary Economic System: Emerging Research and Opportunities by Bures, Vladimir, Valek, Lukas
Ausgewählte Themen Der Sportmotorik Für Das Weiterführende Studium (Band 2) by Witte, Kerstin
Decision Science in Action: Theory and Applications of Modern Decision Analytic Optimisation by
The Globalization Conundrum--Dark Clouds Behind the Silver Lining: Global Issues and Empirics by
Automobile Industry Supply Chain in Thailand by Kato, Atsumi, Shimono, Yoshitaka, Itoh, Munehiko
The Governance Structures of the Bretton Woods Financial Institutions: A Case of Beggar-Thy-Neighbour by Naciri, Ahmed
Advanced-Level and Freshman Economics with Model Answers by Mupakati, Francis L., Mulenga, Kaela B.
Marxism/Socialism, a Sociopathic Philosophy Conceived in Gross Error and Ignorance, Culminating in Economic Chaos, Enslavement, Terror, and Mass Murde by Reisman, George
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