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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2018

Globale Risiken und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Beschaffungsaktivitäten international agierender Unternehmen by Wittinger, Daniel
Entwicklung eines BGM-Konzeptes für Betriebe mit Schichtdienst auf Basis einer Mitarbeiterbefragung by Nitschke, Simon
Environmental and Natural Disaster Resilience of Indonesia by Permana, Indrawan, Shibusawa, Hiroyuki, Miyata, Yuzuru
Facets of India's Economy and Her Society Volume I: Recent Economic and Social History and Political Economy by Jha, Raghbendra
International Political Economy: Contrasting World Views by Miller, Raymond C.
Inside the East European Planned Economy: State Planning, Factory and Manager by Sucala, Voicu Ion
Wandlungstendenzen der Arbeit durch die Implementierung von "Industrie 4.0" by Pekmezovic, Hilda
Freihandelsabkommen und ihre Risiken. Wer kann schon etwas gegen freien Handel haben? by Heinze, Sandro
Structure and results of the "Globe Study" research program in 2004 by Anonymous
Dezentrale Vermögensverwaltung in der Blockchain by Ruekgauer, Oliver
Energy from Microalgae by
Greed, Self-Interest and the Shaping of Economics by Verburg, Rudi
Restoring the Middle Class Through Wage Policy: Arguments for a Minimum Wage by Levin-Waldman, Oren M.
Democracy and Crisis: Challenges in Turbulent Times by
Energy and the Wealth of Nations: An Introduction to Biophysical Economics by Klitgaard, Kent, Hall, Charles A. S.
Managerial Capitalism: Ownership, Management and the Coming New Mode of Production by Lévy, Dominique, Duménil Gérard
Economism: Bad Economics and the Rise of Inequality by Kwak, James
The Political Economy of Reforms in Egypt: Issues and Policymaking Since 1952 by Ikram, Khalid
Le Budget républicain by Hubbard-G-N
Des Finances Et de l'Équilibre Des Budgets, Des Finances de l'État, Des Départements Et Des Communes: Du Déficit de Leurs Budgets Et Des Moyens d'y Re by Garbouleau-P-J
Contemporary Issues in Law and Economics by Miceli, Thomas J.
Contemporary Issues in Law and Economics by Miceli, Thomas J.
A Worker's Economist: John R. Commons and His Legacy from Progressivism to the War on Poverty by Chasse, John Dennis
International Political Economy: Contrasting World Views by Miller, Raymond C.
Diversity Management. Arbeiten mit Mitarbeitern unterschiedlicher Altersgruppen und Kulturen in einem Unternehmen: Chancen und Risiken by Anonymous
Initiatives of Regional Integration in Asia in Comparative Perspective: Concepts, Contents and Prospects by
African Diaspora Direct Investment: Establishing the Economic and Socio-Cultural Rationale by
Botswana - A Modern Economic History: An African Diamond in the Rough by Hillbom, Ellen, Bolt, Jutta
Impact Evaluation in Practice, Second Edition by Gertler, Paul J., Martinez, Sebastian, Premand, Patrick
Agent-Based Models in Economics by
Tomorrow 3.0 by Munger, Michael C.
Tomorrow 3.0 by Munger, Michael C.
Towards Universal Health Care in Emerging Economies: Opportunities and Challenges by
Circular Economy and Sustainable Development Enterprises by Li, Chunhui, Pei, Yuansheng, Mao, Jiansu
People Analytics Im Profifußball: Implikationen Für Die Wirtschaft by
Simulationsstudie Zur Wirkung Steuerinduzierter Lenkpreise by Sauer, Bettina Louise
Civil War and Uncivil Development: Economic Globalisation and Political Violence in Colombia and Beyond by Maher, David
Labour, Finance and Inequality: The Insecurity Cycle in British Public Policy by Konzelmann, Suzanne J., Deakin, Simon, Fovargue-Davies, Marc
Sportsponsoring: Grundlagen, Konzeption Und Wirkungen by Walzel, Stefan, Schubert, Manfred
China's Rural-Urban Inequality in the Countryside by Gao, Yan, Fennell, Shailaja
Oikos and Market: Explorations in Self-Sufficiency After Socialism by
Survival: The Economic Foundations of American National Security by Lipow, Jonathan
Autodúmping y Las Ocho Jinetas: Agonía en Vórtice by Silva, Oscar
Cost-Benefit Analysis: Theory and Application by Nas, Tevfik F.
The Seen, the Unseen, and the Unrealized: How Regulations Affect Our Everyday Lives by Bylund, Per L.
The Noo Logistics: The Short Description by Matveev, VL V., Matveev, V. V.
Bitcoin Currency Guide: How To Set Your Money On Fire.: CRYPTOGRAPHY GUIDE: Blocks, Private Key, Blockchains, Decentralization, Bitcoin, Crypt by Nakamoto, Satoshi Bitcoin, Secrets, Powerball Money
Global Development and Colonial Power: German Development Policy at Home and Abroad by Bendix, Daniel
Documents of the First Chambers of Commerce in Britain and Ireland, 1767-1839 by
Agriculture, Diversification, and Gender in Rural Africa: Longitudinal Perspectives from Six Countries by Andersson Djurfeldt, Agnes
Agriculture, Diversification, and Gender in Rural Africa: Longitudinal Perspectives from Six Countries by
Welche Auswirkung stellt der demografische Wandel für die gesetzliche Rentenversicherung dar?: Zukunftsfähigkeit des Umlageverfahrens und mögliche Alt by R, Rubens
The End of Indexing: Six Structural Mega-Trends That Threaten Passive Investing by Jensen, Niels
This is how IT is done!: A Brief Look at a few business measurements by Maristany, Bernardo Antonio
Resource Rich Muslim Countries and Islamic Institutional Reforms by Mydin, Liza, Askari, Hossein
Führungspraxis Und Zukunftsgestaltung in Familienunternehmen: Tradierte Denk- Und Handlungsmuster Auf Dem Prüfstand by Brückner, Aaron
This is how IT is done!: A Brief Look at a few business measurements by Maristany, Bernardo Antonio
Affiliate Marketing: Amazing Guide for Beginners Get First Profit Right Away by Gladwyn, Noah
The Welfare State Revisited by
Technological Transformation in the Third World: Volume 1: Asia by
Managing Innovation Within Networks by Biemans, Wim
The Management Implications of New Information Technology by
The British Computer Industry: Crisis and Development by Kelly, Tim
Technological Diffusion and Industrialisation Before 1914 by Kenwood, A. G., Lougheed, A. L.
Information Resources and Technology Transfer Management in Developing Countries by Onyango, Richard
New Office Information Technology: Human and Managerial Implications by Long, Richard J.
Technology and Employment Practices in Developing Countries by Schmitz, Hubert
Growth Policy in the Age of High Technology by
New Technologies and the Firm: Innovation and Competition by
Behavioural and Network Impacts of Driver Information Systems by
Technology Transfer and East-West Relations by
The Telecommunications Revolution: Past, Present and Future by
Technological Transformation in the Third World: Volume 2: Africa by
Technological Transformation in the Third World: Volume 3: Latin America by
Micro-Electronics: An Industry in Transition by Langlois, Richard, Pugel, Thomas, Haklisch, Carmela S.
Technological Transformation in the Third World: Volume 5: The Historic Process by
The Computer and the Clerk by Mumford, Enid, Banks, Olive
Computers in Company Training by Hall, Carole, Hawkridge, David, Newton, Wendy
Industrial Relations and New Technology by Davies, Annette
New Technologies and Work: Capitalist and Socialist Perspectives by
Managing the Adoption of New Technology by Preece, David
Management Information Systems: The Technology Challenge by
Industrial Change in Advanced Economies by
Information Technology and Industrial Policy by Hills, Jill
Innovation and Productivity Under Nationalisation: The First Thirty Years by Harlow, Chris
Trade Unions and Technological Change: A Research Report Submitted to the 1966 Congress of Landsorganistionen i Sverige by
Information Technology and Workplace Democracy by
The Development of High Technology Industries: An International Survey by
Technological Collaboration in Industry: Strategy, Policy and Internationalization in Innovation by Dodgson, Mark
Technological Change, Industrial Restructuring and Regional Development by
Technological Change, Development and the Environment: Socio-Economic Perspectives by
Computers in the Public Service by Lamb, G. M.
High Technology Industry and Innovative Environments: The European Experience by
Technological Transformation in the Third World: Volume 4: Developed Countries by
Technological Innovation and Economic Change in the Iron Industry, 1850-1920 by Battis, Robert A.
Company and Campus Partnership: Supporting Technology Transfer by Bower, D. Jane
Sustainable Plantation Forestry: Problems, Challenges and Solutions by Hidayat, Herman
China's Electricity Sector by
Luigi L. Pasinetti: An Intellectual Biography: Leading Scholar and System Builder of the Cambridge School of Economics by Baranzini, Mauro L., Mirante, Amalia
The Democratic Developmental State: North-South Perspectives by
Unscaled: How AI and a New Generation of Upstarts Are Creating the Economy of the Future by Taneja, Hemant
Evolutionary Theories of Economic and Technological Change: Present Status and Future Prospects by
Wie entwickeln sich die Wohnmietpreise von ausgewählten Städten Deutschlands bis 2025?: Marktpreisbildung by Holert, Jeannine
Performance Management of MGNREGA in J&K: The work looks at the performance of the scheme in J&K state from its outcome based perspective such as empl by Shalla, Sameer Ahmad
Welche wachstumspolitischen Maßnahmen sind für ein langfristiges Wirtschaftswachstum geeignet?: Faktoren des Wirtschaftswachstums by Koch, Paul
Observations Sommaires Sur Le Budget de 1818: Et Sur Les Moyens de Rendre La Répartition de l'Impôt Foncier Moins Défectueuse by de Levis-G
Étude Sur Les Chèques by Le Mercier-E
La question du timbre, l'unité de timbre en France by Lardin-E
Réflexions Sur La Réduction de la Rente Et Sur l'État Du Crédit by Laffitte-J
Des Finances de la France Ou Des Budgets de 1816 Et Des Années Suivantes by Laffon de Ladebat-A-D
Socio-Economic Environment and Human Psychology: Social, Ecological, and Cultural Perspectives by
Money: What It Is, How It's Created, Who Gets It, and Why It Matters by Focardi, Sergio M.
Money: What It Is, How It's Created, Who Gets It, and Why It Matters by Focardi, Sergio M.
Payment by Results and Social Impact Bonds: Outcome-Based Payment Systems in the UK and Us by Albertson, Kevin, Fox, Chris, O'Leary, Chris
A Brief Affectionate History of the Financial Markets Group by Goodhart, Charles, Tyson, Kathleen
Happiness, Wellbeing and Society: What Matters for Singaporeans by Tambyah, Siok Kuan, Tan, Soo Jiuan
Institutions and Economic Growth in Asia: The Case of Mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia by Yeung, Horace, Huang, Flora
Russia and Germany: Century of Conflict by Laqueur, Walter
Eurocentrism and Development in Korea by Kim, Jongtae
Die SWOT-Analyse: Erstellen Sie einen Strategieplan für Ihr Unternehmen by 50minuten
Consumer Behaviour. Does Rational Addiction Exist? by Dauner, Lukas
Bedeutung einer Digitalen Agenda für den Standort Deutschland by Leibert, Valeriy
Die Gesundheitsysteme der USA und Schweiz im Vergleich. Probleme des konkurrierenden Marktes by Konrad, Bianca
Policy Choices and Economic Indicators' Impacts on Income Inequality in G8 Countries by Dirantona, Muhammad Dzaky a.
Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist by Raworth, Kate
Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship Across Cultures: Theory and Practices by
Ecowas Law by Ukaigwe, Jerry
Self-Repair Networks: A Mechanism Design by Ishida, Yoshiteru
The Price of Fixed Income Market Volatility by Mele, Antonio, Obayashi, Yoshiki
Exploring the Strategy Space of Negotiating Agents: A Framework for Bidding, Learning and Accepting in Automated Negotiation by Baarslag, Tim
The First Decade of Living with the Global Crisis: Economic and Social Developments in the Balkans and Eastern Europe by
Political and Legal Perspectives of the EU Eastern Partnership Policy by
The Distribution of Income and Wealth: Parametric Modeling with the κ-Generalized Family by Gallegati, Mauro, Clementi, Fabio
Indian Water Policy at the Crossroads: Resources, Technology and Reforms by
Understanding EU Decision-Making by Best, Edward
Multinational Management: A Casebook on Asia's Global Market Leaders by
Innovation in Climate Change Adaptation by
On Property and Ownership Relations: A Return to the Social Theory of Karl Marx by Gumula, Wieslaw
Multi-Sided Platforms (MSPs) and Sharing Strategies in the Digital Economy: Emerging Research and Opportunities by Yablonsky, Sergey
Trips Plus 20: From Trade Rules to Market Principles by
Bangladesh Gender Equality Diagnostic of Selected Sectors by Asian Development Bank, Asian Development Bank
Compendium of Best Practices in Road Asset Management by Asian Development Bank, Asian Development Bank
Annual Report on the Development of the Indian Ocean Region (2015): 21st Century Maritime Silk Road by
Low-Income Islamist Women and Social Economy in Iran by Sadegh, Atena, Sattari, Negin, Bahramitash, Roksana
Boundaryless Hospital: Rethink and Redefine Health Care Management by
Modern Classical Economics and Reality: A Spectral Analysis of the Theory of Value and Distribution by Mariolis, Theodore, Tsoulfidis, Lefteris
Behavioral Economics of Preferences, Choices, and Happiness by
Advances in Happiness Research: A Comparative Perspective by
Flexibility in Modern Business Law: A Comparative Assessment by
Five Basic Institution Structures and Institutional Economics by Sun, Shaorong
Marine and Coastal Ecosystem Valuation, Institutions, and Policy in Southeast Asia by
Capitalism, Socialism and Property Rights: Why Market Socialism Cannot Substitute the Market by Machaj, Mateusz
Globalization and Labour Reforms: The Politics of Interest Groups and Partisan Governments by Mahmood, Zaad
Consumer Behavior, Organizational Strategy and Financial Economics: Proceedings of the 21st Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference by
Global Commodity Markets and Development Economics by
Capital: 1 by Marx, Carl
Global Economic Modeling: A Volume in Honor of Lawrence R Klein by
Rise of Megacities, The: Challenges, Opportunities and Unique Characteristics by
An East Asian Challenge to Western Neoliberalism: Critical Perspectives on the 'China Model' by Lim, Kean Fan, Horesh, Niv
Passive Income: The True Definition and 10 Awesome Ideas to Make $10,000 Each Month by Gladwyn, Noah
Understanding Development (Second Edition, Fully Revised and Expanded) by Hopper, Paul
Elinor Ostrom and the Bloomington School of Political Economy: Policy Applications and Extensions by
Illegal Markets, Violence, and Inequality: Evidence from a Brazilian Metropolis by Daudelin, Jean, Ratton, José Luiz
Methodologische Adäquanz Von Steuerwirkungstheorien by Sander, Hendrik
The Theory of the Leisure Class by Veblen, Thorstein
Resource Extraction and Contentious States: Mining and the Politics of Scale in the Pacific Islands by Allen, Matthew G.
Facets of India's Economy and Her Society Volume II: Current State and Future Prospects by Jha, Raghbendra
The 1772-73 British Credit Crisis by Kosmetatos, Paul
Managing Financial Resources in Late Antiquity: Greek Fathers' Views on Hoarding and Saving by Gotsis, George, Merianos, Gerasimos
The Economic Consequences of the Peace by Keynes, John Maynard
Voices from the Rust Belt by Trubek, Anne
Burnout vor dem Hintergrund der psychischen Belastung am Arbeitsplatz. Auswirkungen und Präventionsmöglichkeiten by Gockel, Tanja
Lombard Street: A Description of the Money Market by Bagehot, Walter
The New Human Rights Movement: Reinventing the Economy to End Oppression by Joseph, Peter
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds by MacKay, Charles
Eine Evaluation der europäischen Wettbewerbspolitik in der Luftfahrt im Hinblick auf die Folgen der Abwicklung von Air Berlin by Scholzen, Florian
Principles of Political Economy by Roscher, Wilhelm
The Open Sea: The Economic Life of the Ancient Mediterranean World from the Iron Age to the Rise of Rome by Manning, J. G.
Realizing Capital: Financial and Psychic Economies in Victorian Form by Kornbluh, Anna
Cycles the Science of Prediction by Dewey, Edward R.
The Wealth of Nations: Books 1-5 by Smith, Adam
Iran-China Oil Trade. Impact of the sanctions on the oil cooperation between Iran and China by Muthanga, James
Feed-In Tariffs and the Economics of Renewable Energy by Yamamoto, Yoshihiro
Aktive und passive latente Steuern im Jahresabschluss by Zweihaus, Konrad
Energy Law and Regulation in Brazil by
Mathematical Foundations of Time Series Analysis: A Concise Introduction by Beran, Jan
Investing in China and Chinese Investment Abroad by Zhang, Xiuping, Corrie, Bruce P.
China's National Balance Sheet (2015): Leverage Adjustment and Risk Management by Chang, Xin, Li, Yang, Zhang, Xiaojing
Making Medicine a Business: X-Ray Technology, Global Competition, and the Transformation of the Japanese Medical System, 1895-1945 by Donzé, Pierre-Yves
The Discretionary Economy: A Normative Theory of Political Economy by Tool, Marc
Dispossession Without Development: Land Grabs in Neoliberal India by Levien, Michael
Könnten Zeitbanken die vierte Säule der Altersvorsorge in Deutschland bilden?: Ein Überblick by Heppner, Benjamin
The Impact of Agglomeration Externalities on Manufacturing Growth within Indonesian Locations by Ercole, Roberto
The Silk Road and the Political Economy of the Mongol Empire by Kalra, Prajakti
Europe and the End of the Age of Innocence by Bongiovanni, Francesco M.
Landed Estates and Rural Inequality in English History: From the Mid-Seventeenth Century to the Present by Jones, Eric L.
Random Sets in Econometrics by Molinari, Francesca, Molchanov, Ilya
Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis: State of the Art Surveys by
Environmental Regulations and Innovation in Advanced Automobile Technologies: Perspectives from Germany, India, China and Brazil by Bharadwaj, Ashish
Managing Human Resources in the Shipping Industry by
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