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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2019

Parivartan Ki Rooprekha by Kalam, A. P. J. Abdul
Development Economics: A Critical Introduction by Khan, Shahrukh Rafi
Gambling with Other People's Money: How Perverse Incentives Caused the Financial Crisis Volume 692 by Roberts, Russ
Fundamentals of Error Theory: Applications in Decision Making by Guo, Kaizhong, Liu, Shiyong
Tableau de Réduction Des Réaux En Francs Et Centimes by Collectif
Dissertation Sur l'État Du Commerce En France Sous Les Rois de la Première Et de la Seconde Race: Prix Au Jugement de l'Académie Des Sciences, Belles- by Carlier, Claude
Note Sur l'Industrie Minérale Au Japon by Jordan, Paul
Origine de la Caisse d'Escompte, Ses Progrès, Ses Révolutions: Ou Lettre À M. Le Comte de Mirabeau, Sur Sa Motion Concernant La Caisse d'Escompte by Ducloz-Dufresnoy, Charles-Nicolas
Vade-Mecum Indispensable Aux Employés de Banque, de Bourse Et d'Agents de Change: Tableaux de Calculs Tout Faits Sur l'Intérieur Et l'Extérieur, Repor by Iriguen, Sauveur
Dictionnaire Des Professions Ou Guide Pour Le Choix d'Un État. 3e Édition by Charton, Jules, Charton, Édouard, Laffitte, Jean-Paul
Xe Congrès National Corporatif. Ive de la Cgt, Compte-Rendu. Rennes, 26 Septembre-1er Octobre 1898 by Confédération Générale Du Travail
Petite Bibliothèque Économique Et Portative. Tome XXIV. Histoire Du Consulat Et de l'Empire: Ou Collection de Résumés Sur l'Histoire Et Les Sciences by LaCroix, Paul
Les Banques Agricoles, Étude Sur Les Principes Qui Doivent Servir de Base À Leur Organisation by Ancien Élève de l'Ecole Spéciale de Commerce Et d'Industrie,
Questions de Sécurité Et Questions d'Économies, Chemins de Fer by Vidard, Jean-Baptiste
Industries Without Smokestacks: Industrialization in Africa Reconsidered by
Academy of Fisticuffs: Political Economy and Commercial Society in Enlightenment Italy by Reinert, Sophus A.
Adam Smith: A Very Short Introduction by Berry, Christopher J.
Naked Economics: Undressing the Dismal Science by Wheelan, Charles
Business and Politics in India by
On the Trail of the Black by Debroy, Bibek
International Trade, Welfare, and the Theory of General Equilibrium by
The Limits of Fiscal Policy by Makin, Anthony J.
Brexit and the Consequences for International Competitiveness by
Neo-Ordoliberalismus: Ein Zukunftsmodell Für Die Soziale Marktwirtschaft by Müller, Markus Hans-Peter
Broadening Our Knowledge on Cluster Evolution by
General Systems Theory: Foundation, Intuition and Applications in Business Decision Making by Forrest, Jeffrey Yi-Lin
An East Asian Challenge to Western Neoliberalism: Critical Perspectives on the 'China Model' by Lim, Kean Fan, Horesh, Niv
Schumpeter's Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy: A Twenty-First Century Agenda by
Global Political Economy: A Multi-Paradigmatic Approach by Ardalan, Kavous
Foreign-Owned Banks: The Role of Ownership in Post-Communist European Countries by Bongini, Paola, Smaga, Pawel, Iwanicz-Drozdowska, Malgorzata
Public Choice Analyses of American Economic History: Volume 2 by
Complex Agent-Based Models by Gallegati, Mauro
Monopoly Restored: How the Super-Rich Robbed Main Street by Luzkow, Jack Lawrence
Electricity-Sector Reforms in the Mena Region: Evaluation and Prospects by Benali, Leila
Bank Liquidity and the Global Financial Crisis: The Causes and Implications of Regulatory Reform by Chiaramonte, Laura
Developmental Macroeconomics: New Developmentalism as a Growth Strategy by Marconi, Nelson, Bresser-Pereira, Luiz Carlos, Oreiro, José Luís
Cost and Revenue Overruns of the Olympic Games 2000-2018 by Andreff, Wladimir, Weitzmann, Maike, Preuß, Holger
The New Japanese Firm as a Hybrid Organization by Miyamoto, Mitsuharu
Jacob Schiff and the Art of Risk: American Financing of Japan's War with Russia (1904-1905) by Gower, Adam
Real Econometrics: The Right Tools to Answer Important Questions by Bailey, Michael
China's Maritime Silk Road Initiative and South Asia: A Political Economic Analysis of Its Purposes, Perils, and Promise by
Economy, Finance and Business in Southeastern and Central Europe: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Economies of the Balkan and E by
Banking and Monetary Policy from the Perspective of Austrian Economics by
Knowledge Spillovers in Regional Innovation Systems: A Case Study of Cee Regions by
Issues on Health and Healthcare in India: Focus on the North Eastern Region by
Coping with Financial Crises: Some Lessons from Economic History by
Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach by Wooldridge, Jeffrey
Sweden: From Neutrality to International Solidarity by Czarny, Ryszard M.
Energy Sector: A Systemic Analysis of Economy, Foreign Trade and Legal Regulations by
Sustainable Real Estate: Multidisciplinary Approaches to an Evolving System by
Feuds and State Formation, 1550-1700: The Backcountry of the Republic of Genoa by Raggio, Osvaldo
Hayek: A Collaborative Biography: Part XIII: 'Fascism' and Liberalism in the (Austrian) Classical Tradition by
The Gap Between Rich and Poor: Contending Perspectives on the Political Economy of Development by Seligson, Mitchell A.
The Forgotten Deficit: America's Addiction to Foreign Capital by Thomsen, Stephen E., Danielian, Ronald L.
The Impact of Monetary Policy on Economic Inequality by Dörr, Patricia
Westliche Management-Accounting-Instrumente in China: Anwendung, Schwierigkeiten Und Der Einfluss Kultureller Faktoren by Xie, Bing
Economic Dynamism, Openness, and Inclusion: How Singapore Can Make the Transition from an Era of Catch-Up Growth to Life in a Mature Economy by Hoon, Hian Teck
Essays on Political Economy Volume I: Reality by Blackford, George H.
Essays on Politial Economy: Volume II: Ideology by Blackford, George H.
Sanierungskredite Unter Dem Regelwerk Des Insolvenzplanverfahrens: Risiken Der Banken Bei Darlehen an Unternehmen Nach Ende Ihrer Planinsolvenz by Oswald, Antje
Kostenanalyse Der Ernährung Von Frühgeborenen: Eine Analyse Der Frauenmilchbank Am Beispiel Der Universitätsmedizin Greifswald by Fengler, Josefine
Food Safety Economics: Incentives for a Safer Food Supply by
Institutionalising Patents in Nineteenth-Century Spain by Pretel, David
Water Policy in Chile by
The Making of the Ancient Greek Economy: Institutions, Markets, and Growth in the City-States by Bresson, Alain
Energiewende Made in Germany: Low Carbon Electricity Sector Reform in the European Context by
Flying Off Course: Airline Economics and Marketing by Doganis, Rigas
Essential Personal Finance: A Practical Guide for Employees by Luu, Lien, Lowe, Jonquil, Butler, Jason
Contemporary Issues in Financial Institutions and Markets: Volume III by
Methodological Dimension of Islamic Economics by Choudhury, Masudul Alam
Reflexivity and Economics: George Soros's theory of reflexivity and the methodology of economic science by
Socioeconomic Evaluation of Megaprojects: Dealing with uncertainties by
Building a Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa by
The 1772-73 British Credit Crisis by Kosmetatos, Paul
Applying the Kaizen in Africa: A New Avenue for Industrial Development by
The Evolution of Agricultural Credit During China's Republican Era, 1912-1949 by Fu, Hong, Turvey, Calum G.
Alternative Food Networks: An Interdisciplinary Assessment by
The Three Regularities in Development: Growth, Jobs and Macro Policy in Developing Countries by Mahmood, Moazam
Refugee Entrepreneurship: A Case-Based Topography by
Behavioral Economics: Moving Forward by Chang, Beryl Y., Ghisellini, Fabrizio
Re-Examining the History of the Russian Economy: A New Analytic Tool from Field Theory by
The Thought of Bernard Stiegler: Capitalism, Technology and the Politics of Spirit by Abbinnett, Ross
Migration and Agriculture: Mobility and Change in the Mediterranean Area by
A Structuralist Theory of Economics by García de la Sienra, Adolfo
Management Von Ligen in Individualsportarten: Eine Empirische Untersuchung Auf Basis Der Anreiz‐beitrags‐theorie by Zimmermann, Timo
The Political Economy of Change and Continuity in Korea: Twenty Years After the Crisis by Lee, Seungjoo, Rhyu, Sang-Young
Routledge Handbook of Environmental Anthropology by
Twenty-First Century Inequality & Capitalism: Piketty, Marx and Beyond by
mHealth. Auswirkungen auf die Arzt-Patienten-Beziehung aus ärztlicher Sicht by Pinsdorf, Sarah
Unkonventionelle geldpolitische Instrumente der Europäischen Zentralbank. Das Corporate Sector Purchase Programme: Eine kritische Analyse by Brooks, Sylvia
Community Engagement and Water Program Sustainability: A Focus on the Kitui Rural Sub-County in Kenya by Mavole, Johnson, Sitawa, Michael, Moore, Ransford
The Impact of Fiscal Policy Shocks on Ethiopian Economy by Alamrew, Asmare Workneh
Sustainability and Social Responsibility of Accountability Reporting Systems: A Global Approach by
A Starter on Support-Bargaining and Money-Bargaining in Twenty-Eight Digestible Bites by Spread, Patrick
Universal Basic Income and the Reshaping of Democracy: Towards a Citizens' Stipend in a New Political Order by Wehner, Burkhard
Financing Micro Health Insurance: Theory, Methods and Evidence by Dror, David M.
Japanese Global Strategy: Overseas Operations and Global Marketing by Yamazaki, Katsuo
Insights Into Chinese Agriculture by Zhang, Yunhua
Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Finance in Japan by Suto, Megumi, Takehara, Hitoshi
Ecology, Economy and Society: Essays in Honour of Kanchan Chopra by
The Palgrave Handbook on the Economics of Manipulation in Sport by
Experimental Legislation in China Between Efficiency and Legality: The Delegated Legislative Power of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone by Martinek, Madeleine
Economics for Sustainable Prosperity by Hail, Steven
Inequality: Trends, Causes, Consequences, Relevant Policies by
Enterprise, Money and Credit in England Before the Black Death 1285-1349 by Nightingale, Pamela
The Creators of Inside Money: A New Monetary Theory by Thomas, D. Gareth
Entrepreneurship and the Industry Life Cycle: The Changing Role of Human Capital and Competences by
The Politics of Economic Regulation in Nigeria by Anakwue, Amaechi
Natural law in the business world by Wood, Henry
Makroökonomische Analyse der Finanzkrise in Estland by Dittmann, Kevin
Analysis of Household Surveys (Reissue Edition with New Preface): A Microeconometric Approach to Development Policy by Deaton, Angus
Public Finance and Public Policy by Hillman, Arye L.
Austrian Capital Theory by Cachanosky, Nicolas, Lewin, Peter
Exploring the Dynamics of Consumerism in Developing Nations by
La prise en charge des malades de l'ulcère de buruli à l'hôpital de district d'Akonolinga 2002-2014. Approche historique by Bekono Engoulou, Serges
Public Finance and Public Policy by Hillman, Arye L.
The Diffusion of Western Economic Ideas in East Asia by
Structural Change and Dynamics of Labor Markets in Bangladesh by
Stable Coin by J. Jr.
Decision Science in Action: Theory and Applications of Modern Decision Analytic Optimisation by
Problems, Methods and Tools in Experimental and Behavioral Economics: Computational Methods in Experimental Economics (Cmee) 2017 Conference by
Financing Sustainable Development in Africa by
The Global Financial Crisis in Retrospect: Evolution, Resolution, and Lessons for Prevention by Elson, Anthony
Average Treatment Effect Bounds with an Instrumental Variable: Theory and Practice by Chen, Xuan, Flores, Carlos A.
Exploring the Dynamics of Consumerism in Developing Nations by
Das Geheimnis des Zeitfinders: Der weise Umgang mit Zeit - Das Spiel des Lebens by Sonnberger, Thomas
The Future of the Philosophy of Economics by
Medical Tourism in Germany: Determinants of International Patients' Destination Choice by Schmerler, Klaus
Regional Inequality in Spain: 1860-2015 by Diez-Minguela, Alfonso, Martinez-Galarraga, Julio, Tirado-Fabregat, Daniel A.
Re-Inventing Africa's Development: Linking Africa to the Korean Development Model by Park, Jong-Dae
Eu-Russia Energy Relations: A Discursive Approach by Tichý, Lukás
Consumption and Life-Styles: A Short Introduction by Bögenhold, Dieter, Naz, Farah
A.C. Pigou and the 'Marshallian' Thought Style: A Study in the Philosophy and Mathematics Underlying Cambridge Economics by Lovejoy Knight, Karen
Economic Tools and Methods for the Analysis of Global Change Impacts on Agriculture and Food Security by
Economic Transition and Labor Market Reform in China by Ma, Xinxin
Entrepreneurship and Structural Change in Dynamic Territories: Contributions from Developed and Developing Countries by
Determinants of Economic Growth in Africa by
The Bad Faith in the Free Market: The Radical Promise of Existential Freedom by Bloom, Peter
Israel's Technology Economy: Origins and Impact by Rosenberg, David
African Diaspora Direct Investment: Establishing the Economic and Socio-Cultural Rationale by
New Perspectives on the History of Political Economy by
The Music Business and Digital Impacts: Innovations and Disruptions in the Music Industries by Nordgård, Daniel
The Coming Economic Implosion of Saudi Arabia: A Behavioral Perspective by Cowan, David
Economics and Modern Warfare: The Invisible Fist of the Market by Taillard, Michael
Carbon Markets: Microstructure, Pricing and Policy by Ibikunle, Gbenga, Gregoriou, Andros
Finanzsystemstabilität, Systemisches Risiko Und Bailout-Instrumente: Eine Analyse Staatlich Induzierter Bankenrettungsmaßnahmen by Stolz-Gerhardt, Vera
Internationalization of Business: Cases on Strategy Formulation and Implementation by
A Critical Analysis of Basic Income Experiments for Researchers, Policymakers, and Citizens by Widerquist, Karl
Macroeconomic Theory: Fluctuations, Inflation and Growth in Closed and Open Economies by Barbosa, Fernando De Holanda
Financing the Apocalypse: Drivers for Economic and Political Instability by Magnuson, Joel
Adolphus Busch: Das Leben des Bier-Königs by Probst, Doris, Probst, Ernst
The Rise of Precarious Employment in Europe: Theoretical Perspectives, Reforms and Employment Trends in the Era of Economic Crisis by Papadopoulos, Orestis, Livanos, Ilias
Internationalisierung Im Gesundheitswesen: Strategien, Lösungen, Praxisbeispiele by
Chancen Und Grenzen Der Energieverwertung: Physikalische Grundlagen Und Technologien by Osterhage, Wolfgang
The Government of Markets: How Interwar Collaborations Between the Cbot and the State Created Modern Futures Trading by Saleuddin, Rasheed
Service Design and Service Thinking in Healthcare and Hospital Management: Theory, Concepts, Practice by
Flying Off Course: Airline Economics and Marketing by Doganis, Rigas
The India-Korea Cepa: An Analysis of Industrial Competitiveness and Environmental and Resource Implications by Yedla, Sudhakar, Cho, Choongjae
Art of Doing Business: 7 Business Mantras I Learned from Steve Jobs by Nargunde, Amarja
Modinomics: Transforming India to Superpower by Jain, Prof (Dr ). Trilok Kumar
Das Alternative Hegemonie Modell (AH-Modell): Die unsichtbare Hand der Erziehung zum Guten by Herteux, Andreas
Procyclical Fiscal Policy by Kameda, Keigo, Ihori, Toshihiro
Bear Trap, The Fall of Bear Stearns and the Panic of 2008: 2nd. Edition by Spencer, Andrew, Bamber, Bill
GuíaBurros Poder y pobreza: Economía desde el corazón by Delgado Y. Ugarte, Josu Imanol, Puglisi Spadaro, José Antonio
Ist die Verwendung von Bargeld noch zeitgemäß? Empirische Analyse der Bargeldabschaffung in Europa by Schwarz, Irina
Labour Migration in Europe Volume I: Integration and Entrepreneurship Among Migrant Workers - A Long-Term View by
Investing in the Trump Era: How Economic Policies Impact Financial Markets by Sargen, Nicholas P.
Japanese Direct Investment in Mexico's Transport Equipment Sector: Macro Impact and Local Responses by
Currencies of Imagination: Channeling Money and Chasing Mobility in Vietnam by Small, Ivan V.
Currencies of Imagination: Channeling Money and Chasing Mobility in Vietnam by Small, Ivan V.
Macroeconomic Survey Expectations by Clements, Michael P.
The Evolution of Economic Wellbeing: Progress-Driven Economic Policies in the Era of Globalization by Mikdashi, Zuhayr
Ökonomische Instabilität Und Staatliche Stabilisierung: Auf Dem Weg Der Krisen Zum Staatskapitalismus by Pauly, Ralf
Uncertainty and Economics: A Paradigmatic Perspective by Müller-Kademann, Christian
Comparable Worth: Is It a Worthy Policy? by Sorensen, Elaine
Joseph Alois Schumpeter: The Public Life of a Private Man by Stolper, Wolfgang F.
Comparable Worth: Is It a Worthy Policy? by Sorensen, Elaine
Joseph Alois Schumpeter: The Public Life of a Private Man by Stolper, Wolfgang F.
The Management of Global Careers: Exploring the Rise of International Work by
Labour Economics: Managing the Peculiar Factor of Production by Oresi, Samwel Nyagucha
Put Money in Your Pocket: Vote to Double Your Income, Build the Middle Class and Make the 21st Century an American Century by Early, John
Initiatives of Regional Integration in Asia in Comparative Perspective: Concepts, Contents and Prospects by
Contemporary Capitalism and Civil Society: The Japanese Experience by Yamada, Toshio
The Political Economy of Neo-Modernisation: Rethinking the Dynamics of Technology, Development and Inequality by Baek, Seung Jin
Gustav Von Schmoller and Adolph Wagner: Legacy and Lessons for Civil Society and the State by
Gender Budgeting in Europe: Developments and Challenges by
The China-Latin America Axis: Emerging Markets and Their Role in an Increasingly Globalised World by Fornes, Gaston, Mendez, Alvaro
Internationale Geschäftsmodelle Von Berufsbildungsdienstleistern: Geschäftsmodellinnovationen Unter Berücksichtigung Der Dynamic Capabilities by Hilbig, Romy
Micro and Macro Economics: Understanding the Basics of Economics by Oresi, Samwel Nyagucha
The Central Asian Economies in the Twenty-First Century: Paving a New Silk Road by Pomfret, Richard
Abnehmen mit der Mikrobiom-Diät: Gesunde Darmflora aufbauen, Stoffwechsel anregen, natürlich abnehmen und dauerhaft schlank bleiben (Diätplan zum Abne by Balance, Gut
Art, Trade, and Cultural Mediation in Asia, 1600-1950 by
Marx's Theory of the Genesis of Money: How, Why, and Through What Is a Commodity Money? by Kuruma, Samezō
The Prosperity Paradox: How Innovation Can Lift Nations Out of Poverty by Christensen, Clayton M., Dillon, Karen, Ojomo, Efosa
Chinese Acquisitions in Developed Countries: Operational Challenges and Opportunities by
Socially Responsible Investments: The Crossroads Between Institutional and Retail Investors by
Practising Csr in the Middle East by
Disaster Risk Management: Case Studies in South Asian Countries by Ha, Huong, Fernando, R. Lalitha S., Mahajan, Sanjeev Kumar
Economy of Yugoslavia by Kushnir, Ivan
Economy of Czechoslovakia by Kushnir, Ivan
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