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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2021

Pacific Cooperation: Building Economic and Security Regimes in the Asiapacific Region by Ravenhill, John, Mack, Andrew, Aggarwal, Vinod
Fur, Fashion and Transatlantic Trade During the Seventeenth Century: Chesapeake Bay Native Hunters, Colonial Rivalries and London Merchants by Appleby, John C.
Neue Carsharing-Systeme - Eine direkte Konkurrenz für den klassischen ÖPNV? by Erol, Ertugrul
Clásicos Resumidos: Umberto Eco by Fau, Mauricio
Clásicos Resumidos: Michel Foucault by Fau, Mauricio
Clásicos Resumidos: Eric Hobsbawm by Fau, Mauricio
Due Date-Related Scheduling with Two Agents: Models and Algorithms by Wang, Dujuan, Cheng, T. C. E., Yin, Yunqiang
Toxic Masculinity, Casino Capitalism, and America's Favorite Card Game: The Poker Mindset by Manno, Andrew
Rethinking Business Responsibility in a Global Context: Challenges to Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability and Ethics by
Mein Leben als Unternehmensberater: Teil 3: Über den Wolken by Von Abinsdorff, Hubertus
Sell Like Hot Cakes: A guide to learn how to sell your products and services to millions by Kansala, Surinder
The Financialization of the Brazilian Territory: From Global Forces to Local Dynamisms by Contel, Fabio Betioli
The Economics of Fintech by
Regions in International Trade by Nazarczuk, Jaroslaw M., Umiński, Stanislaw
Development Studies in Regional Science: Essays in Honor of Kingsley E. Haynes by
The Struggle for a Better World by Boettke, Peter J.
The Struggle for a Better World by Boettke, Peter J.
FOREIGN EXCHANGE POLICY IN VENEZUELA. More than 100 Years of History by Palma, Pedro A.
The Biography of Elon Musk: Why Elon Musk Is Famous, What Made Him Rich, His Foundation, Education, Religion And Net-Worth by Spencer, Michael
Die Entwicklungsstufen deutscher Smart Citys. Bewertungsrahmen zur Feststellung von Handlungsbedarf by Näther, Ralf
Ursachen und Entwicklung des Gender Pay Gap. Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung des geschlechtsspezifischen Lohngefälles by Gueli, Adriano
Empire of Silver: A New Monetary History of China by Xu, Jin
Unbound: How Inequality Constricts Our Economy and What We Can Do about It by Boushey, Heather
Slowdown: The End of the Great Acceleration - And Why It's a Good Thing by Dorling, Danny
Legal Experiments for Development in Latin America: Modernization, Revolution and Social Justice by Alviar García, Helena
What's Wrong with Economics?: A Primer for the Perplexed by Skidelsky, Robert
The Corsairs of Saint-Malo: Network Organization of a Merchant Elite Under the Ancien Régime by Hillmann, Henning
Government and Merchant Finance in Anglo-Gascon Trade, 1300-1500 by Blackmore, Robert
Space Fostering African Societies: Developing the African Continent Through Space, Part 2 by
Energy in Perspective by Cronshaw, Mark
Die Globale Armut Bekämpfen: Wirtschaftspolitische Strategien Für Entwicklungsländer by Oberholzer, Basil
Is Basic Income Within Reach?: Building the Case Amidst Progress and Poverty by Simpson, Wayne
New Challenges for the Eurozone Governance: Joint Solutions for Common Threats? by
Open Internationalization Strategy by
The Corsairs of Saint-Malo: Network Organization of a Merchant Elite Under the Ancien Régime by Hillmann, Henning
Between Empire and Globalization: An Economic History of Modern Spain by Carreras, Albert, Tafunell, Xavier
A Brief History of Thrift by Hulme, Alison
Work with Source: Realise big ideas, organise for emergence, and work artfully with money by Nixon, Tom
Present Future by Perelmuter, Guy
Ertragslage europäischer Kreditinstitute im Niedrigzinsumfeld. Reaktion der Banken und Sparer in Deutschland und Italien by Hoppmann, David Jonathan
Four Economic Topics for Studies of Antiquity: Agriculture, trade, population, and the behavior of aggregate economies by Jones, Donald W.
Aktualität des "Finanzkapitals" von Rudolf Hilferding. Verhältnis von Bankkapital und Industriekapital by Anonymous
Reforming State-Owned Enterprises in Asia: Challenges and Solutions by
Patients and Caregivers as Developers of Medical Devices: An Empirical Study on User Innovation in the Healthcare Sector by Göldner, Moritz
Systemic Cycle and Institutional Change: Labor Markets in the Usa, Germany and China by Lučev, Josip
Loose-Leaf the Macroeconomy Today by Schiller, Bradley R., Gebhardt, Karen
Sobre a validade da LUTA DE CLASSES como categoria de análise econômica by Morais, José Micaelson Lacerda
The Political Economy of the Abe Government and Abenomics Reforms by
Labour Questions in the Global South by
Smart Meter Data Analytics: Electricity Consumer Behavior Modeling, Aggregation, and Forecasting by Kang, Chongqing, Wang, Yi, Chen, Qixin
The Economic Dimension of Eurasian Integration by
Advances in Cross-Section Data Methods in Applied Economic Research: 2019 International Conference on Applied Economics (Icoae 2019) by
New Energy by Zou, Caineng
The Full Employment Horizon in 20th-Century America: The Movement for Economic Democracy by Dennis, Michael
Sustainable Agricultural Development: An Economic Perspective by Antle, John M., Ray, Srabashi
Liberalism by Ludwig Von Mises
The Two Hundred Million Pound Strike: The 2003 British Airways Walkout by Blissett, Ed
Contemporary Issues with Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Social Science by
Social Enterprise in Central and Eastern Europe: Theory, Models and Practice by
Handbuch Evolutorische Ökonomik by
Oil in Putin's Russia: The Contests Over Rents and Economic Policy by Vatansever, Adnan
An Economic Analysis of Korea-EU Fta and Japan-EU EPA by
Countervailing Powers: The Political Economy of Market, Before and After Adam Smith by Rosolino, Riccardo
Social Skills & Communication Mastery: 50+ Exercises For Overcoming Anxiety, People Skills, Effective Small Talk & Charisma+ How To Analyze People& Em by Hoskins, James
Social Skills & Communication Mastery: 50+ Exercises For Overcoming Anxiety, People Skills, Effective Small Talk & Charisma+ How To Analyze People& Em by Hoskins, James
The New Eastern Europe and the World Economy by Van Brabant, Jozef M.
The Fictions of American Capitalism: Working Fictions and the Economic Novel by
Rights and Security in India, Myanmar, and Thailand by
Social Unrest and the Poverty Problem in Hong Kong: Growth Imbalance and Sustainable Development by Yip, Paul Siu Fai
Vegetable Production and Value Chains in Mongolia by Asian Development Bank, Asian Development Bank
Renewable Energy Tariffs and Incentives in Indonesia: Review and Recommendations by Asian Development Bank, Asian Development Bank
Transforming Urban-Rural Water Linkages Into High-Quality Investments by Asian Development Bank
The Inter-Bank Bond Market in the People's Republic of China: An Asean+3 Bond Market Guide by Asian Development Bank
The Bond Market in Hong Kong, China: An Asean+3 Bond Market Guide Update by Asian Development Bank, Asian Development Bank
Office of the Special Project Facilitatorõs Lessons Learned: Sri Lanka Integrated Road Investment Program by Asian Development Bank
Strengthening Support for Labor Migration in Tajikistan: Assessment and Recommendations by Asian Development Bank
Mapping Property Tax Reform in Southeast Asia by Asian Development Bank
Indonesia Energy Sector Assessment, Strategy, and Road Map: Update by Asian Development Bank
Guidelines for Drinking Water Safety Planning for West Bengal by Asian Development Bank
Asean+3 Multi-Currency Bond Issuance Framework: Implementation Guidelines for Cambodia by Asian Development Bank
Pacific Economic Monitor: 12/1/2020 by Asian Development Bank
Covid-19 and Transport in Asia and the Pacific: Guidance Note by Asian Development Bank
Tool Kit for Publicðprivate Partnerships in Urban Primary Health Centers in India by Asian Development Bank
Covid-19 and Livable Cities in Asia and the Pacific: Guidance Note by Asian Development Bank
How Better Regulation Can Shape the Future of Indonesia's Electricity Sector by Asian Development Bank
A Road Map for Shymkentðtashkentðkhujand Economic Corridor Development by Asian Development Bank
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Special and Incentive Pays for Career Enlisted Aviators by Asch, Beth J., Tong, Patricia K., Mattock, Michael G.
Climate Change, Coming Soon to a Court Near You: Climate Litigation in Asia and the Pacific and Beyond by Asian Development Bank
Manual on the Simple Linear Actuarial Model by Asian Development Bank
Asian Development Bank Sustainability Report 2020 by Asian Development Bank
Micro-Financing and the Economic Health of a Nation by Samuel Dba Chcqm, Bensson V.
de l'Italie Agricole, Industrielle Et Artistique, À Propos de l'Exposition Universelle de Paris: Suivie d'Un Essai Sur l'Exposition Du Portugal by Escourrou-Milliago, A.
Le Nord Industriel Et Commercial, Danemark, Norvège, Suède, Russie. Tome 3 by Sève, Édouard
Le Nord Industriel Et Commercial, Danemark, Norvège, Suède, Russie. Tome 2 by Sève, Édouard
L'Évolution Des Conditions de Travail Dans La Russie Des Soviets by Bureau Inter Du Travail
La Chambre de Commerce de Lyon, Étude Faite Sur Les Registres de Ses Délibérations: Tome I. Xviiie Siècle by Pariset, Ernest
Paris Port de Mer by D' Herbigny, Pierre-François-Xavier Bourguignon
Essay Sur La Marine Et Sur Le Commerce by Boureau-Deslandes, André-François
Micro-Financing and the Economic Health of a Nation by Samuel Dba Chcqm, Bensson V.
Inwieweit beeinflussen ausgewählte Einflussfaktoren die Suizidrate tatsächlich?: Eine empirische Analyse by Hamde, Nancy, Lakhssassi, Benjamin
The Political Economy of African Famine by
World Population and World Food Supplies by Russell, E. John
The Politics of Hunger: The Global Food System by Warnock, John W.
Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: Including a Selection of Papers Presented at the 2019 Alahpe Conference by
Politics and Poverty: A Critique of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations by Abbott, John
The Fight for Food: Factors Limiting Agricultural Production by Croxall, Harold E., Smith, Lionel P.
The Failure of the New Economics by Hazlitt, Henry
Grand Transitions: How the Modern World Was Made by Smil, Vaclav
The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money by Keynes, John Maynard
The Income Tax: Root of All Evil by Chodorov, Frank
The Digitalization Conundrum in India: Applications, Access and Aberrations by
Besteuerung Im Krankenhaus by Maurer, Martin, Augsten, Ursula, Bartmuß, Ralph
A New Model of Capital Asset Prices: Theory and Evidence by Kolari, James W., Liu, Wei, Huang, Jianhua Z.
Trouble at the Bar: An Economics Perspective on the Legal Profession and the Case for Fundamental Reform by Burk, David, Yan, Jia, Winston, Clifford
The Engaged Scholar: Expanding the Impact of Academic Research in Today's World by Hoffman, Andrew J.
Three Peaks Leadership: How to Make It as a CEO (and Beyond) by Levinson, Philip
Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism by Case, Anne, Deaton, Angus
Why Not Default?: The Political Economy of Sovereign Debt /]Cjerome Roos by Roos, Jerome E.
Increasing Access to Clean Cooking in the Philippines: Challenges and Prospects by Asian Development Bank
The "Roads" and "Belts" of Eurasia by
The New Economy of the Product Life Cycle: Innovation and Design in the Digital Era by Chursin, Alexander, Tyulin, Andrey
Management Wirtschaftlicher Krisen Im Deutschen Profifußball by Druker, Konstantin
The Lockdown Papers by Dillon, John
Gesundheitsförderung im Kontext von Arbeit und Arbeitslosigkeit. Gesundheitsförderliche Maßnahmen und Qualitätssicherung by Menne, Bastian
Latin American Extractivism: Dependency, Resource Nationalism, and Resistance in Broad Perspective by
Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area: Planning and Global Positioning by
The Growth Report of Zhongguancun Neeq Listed Companies (2020) by Zhongguancun Listed Companies Association
The Competitiveness Report of Zhongguancun Listed Companies (2020) by Zhongguancun Listed Companies Association
Public Actors in International Investment Law by
Economies that Mimic Life: From Biomimicry to Sustainable Prosperity by Bragdon, Joseph H.
Workbook for Macroeconomic Theory: Fluctuations, Inflation and Growth in Closed and Open Economies by Barbosa, Fernando De Holanda, de Lima Junior, Luiz Antônio
China's Finance in Africa by Wamboye, Evelyn F.
How Important are Superior Numbers? by Kirkpatrick, David L. I.
Consumption Corridors: Living a Good Life Within Sustainable Limits by Gumbert, Tobias, Fuchs, Doris, Sahakian, Marlyne
Financial Inclusion in Asia and Beyond: Measurement, Development Gaps, and Economic Consequences by
Waste paper: The German hyperinflation of 1923 by Ricci, Simone
The Effect Evaluation of Haze Governance Policies in Hebei Province-Based on I-O Model by Ma, Xiaojing, Li, Huimin, Zhang, Guofeng
Corporate Governance in Central Europe and Russia: Framework, Dynamics, and Case Studies from Practice by
Entrepreneurial Innovation for Securing Long-Term Growth in a Short-Term Economy by
The Rise and Fall of Society: An Essay on the Economic Forces That Underlie Social Institutions by Chodorov, Frank
L'organisation de l'industrie et les conditions du travail dans la Russie des Soviets by Bureau Inter Du Travail
Cours de Comptabilité by Courcelle-Seneuil-J G
Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate by
Kulturmarketing: Grundlagen - Konzepte - Instrumente by Pöllmann, Lorenz
The EU in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities for the European Integration Process by
Value, Price and Profit by Marx, Karl
Veränderung des Gesundheitsverhaltens bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit niedrigem Einkommen by Böhme, Isabella
Green Bonds. Effectiveness of Green Labelling and Certification by Jeon, Kyunghwa
Switzerland's dependency on maritime transportation. Contribution of high-sea shipping on Swiss import and export supply chains by Häberle, Ludwig, Zacharias, Leon, Stölzle, Wolfgang
The China-Us Trade War and South Asian Economies by
The Economics of Gender Equality in the Labour Market: Policies in Turkey and Other Emerging Economies by
Mechanical Analysis of China's Macro Economic Structure: Fundamentals Behind Its Macro Investment Strategy Formulation by Zhang, Xiaojiang
Industry 4.0: Implications for Management, Economics and Law by
Geld- und Fiskalpolitik gegen die wirtschaftlichen Folgen der Corona-Pandemie. Begriffserklärungen und Maßnahmen by Steinborn, Charlotte
COVID-19 and Islamic Social Finance by
Business Sustainability Factors of Performance, Risk, and Disclosure by Rezaee, Zabihollah
Inequality and Economic Policies: Just Tax the Rich? by Lannoye, Vincent
The Theory of Money and Credit by Ludwig Von Mises
Principales Teorías En Economía by Fau, Mauricio
Lying for Money: How Legendary Frauds Reveal the Workings of the World by Davies, Dan
Auswirkungen von Regulierungsmaßnahmen auf den europäischen Fußball. Die Wettbewerbssituation in der Liga by Anonymous
Keynesian, Sraffian, Computable and Dynamic Economics: Theoretical and Simulational (Numerical) Approaches by
Financial Regulation and Liberation: Saudi Arabia's Path Towards True Global Partnership by Ramady, Mohamed A.
Landscape History and Rural Society in Southern England: An Economic and Environmental Perspective by Jones, Eric L.
A Declaration and Constitution for a Free Society: Making the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution Fully Consistent with the Protection o by Simpson, Brian P.
Tax Law, Religion, and Justice: An Exploration of Theological Reflections on Taxation by Calhoun, Allen
Global Tariff War: Economic, Political and Social Implications by
The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves by Ridley, Matt
The Emergence of Arthur Laffer: The Foundations of Supply-Side Economics in Chicago and Washington, 1966-1976 by Domitrovic, Brian
The Deficit Myth: Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People's Economy by Kelton, Stephanie
Forging Transnational Belonging Through Informal Trade: Thriving Markets in Times of Crisis by King-Savic, Sandra
Inflationserwartungen als politisches Instrument. Einflüsse, Messmethoden und Lösungsansätze by Henrizi, Matteo
Handbuch Außenpolitik Der Staaten Der Europäischen Union by
Recent Developments in Vietnamese Business and Finance by
Has Asia Lost It?: Dynamic Past, Turbulent Future by Shastry, Vasuki
Structural Transformation: Understanding the New Drivers of Investment, Innovation and Institutions by Mahtaney, Piya
Solid Waste Policies and Strategies: Issues, Challenges and Case Studies by
Fostering Trade in Africa: Trade Relations, Business Opportunities and Policy Instruments by
Has Asia Lost It?: Dynamic Past, Turbulent Future by Shastry, Vasuki
Das Wirtschaftswunder nach dem 2. Weltkrieg in Deutschland by Hamidzada, Fereshta
Day Trading Beginner Guide + Options: Trading Strategies to Make Money Online in Cryptocurrency, Forex, Penny Market, Stocks and Futures.Learn Trading by Martinez, Ryan
Volkswirtschaftliche Auswirkungen einer Erhöhung der Mineralölsteuer für den deutschen Staatshaushalt: Eine kurze Darstellung by Hoppmann, David Jonathan
Broadening Trade Theory: Incorporating Market Realities Into Traditional Models by Markusen, James R.
Informing Public Policy: Analyzing Contemporary US and International Policy Issues through the Lens of Market Process Economics by
On Tourne La Page: 50 Actions À Prendre Pour Sortir Le Sénégal de Son Pétrin by Sylla, Madou
A Cultural History of Money in the Renaissance by
A Cultural History of Money in the Medieval Age by
A Cultural History of Money in the Modern Age by
The Road to Monetary Union by Pomfret, Richard
Women and the Economy: Family, Work and Pay by Hoffman, Saul D., Averett, Susan L.
The causes of the IMF crisis in South Korea. What Experts Say by Park, Juhyuk
Monetary War and Peace by Harris, Max
Between Depression and Disarmament by Grant, Jonathan A.
The Literature of Political Economy by McCulloch, J. R.
Cenário de Caos by Garfield, Bob
The Principles of Political Economy by McCulloch, J. R.
The Economy of Waste: With Collaboration with Ailin E. Babakhanian and Edward Babakhanian by Babakhanian, Oksen
The Economy of Waste: With Collaboration with Ailin E. Babakhanian and Edward Babakhanian by Babakhanian, Oksen
Rescheduling Under Disruptions in Manufacturing Systems: Models and Algorithms by Wang, Dujuan, Yin, Yunqiang, Jin, Yaochu
China's Economic New Normal: Growth, Structure, and Momentum by
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