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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2026

Impact Evaluation for International Development: The Essential Guide by Duvendack, Maren, Palmer-Jones, Richard, Camfield, Laura
Impact Evaluation for International Development: The Essential Guide by Duvendack, Maren, Palmer-Jones, Richard, Camfield, Laura
Thermoforming Modeling and Simulation: A Multiphysics Approach by
The Routledge Handbook of Asian Economic Development by
Limitation of Liability in International Maritime Conventions: The Relationship Between Global Limitation Conventions and Particular Liability Regimes by Martínez Gutiérrez, Norman
The Contemporary Chinese Economy by Yu, Zhang, Lo, DIC
The Rise of State-Led Economic Regionalism in East Asia by Shu, Min
The Feminist Economics of Austerity: Austericide in Europe by Rodriguez-Modrono, Paula, Gálvez Muñoz, Lina
The Haitian Dilemma: A Case Study in Demographics, Development, and U.S. Foreign Policy by Preeg, Ernest
The Changing Structure of American Industry and Energy Use Patterns: Issues, Scenarios, and Forecasting Models by Faruqui, Ahmad, Broehl, John, Faruqui, Amhad
Gender and the Business of Prostitution in Los Angeles, 1850-1940 by Kooistra, Annemarie
Finance in Colonial Zimbabwe: Money, Sanctions and War Economy by Nyamunda, Tinashe
Growth Theory: A Philosophical Perspective by Northover, Patricia
Econometrics for Economists by Lanot, Gauthier
Econometrics for Economists by Lanot, Gauthier
Legacies of Command: The Russian Economic Transition Experience by
Vico & Smith: Extracting Information from a Probabilistic Universe by McCall, John
Microeconometrics by García, Jaume, Jiménez, Sergi, Labeaga, Jose M.
Microeconometrics by García, Jaume, Jiménez, Sergi, Labeaga, Jose M.
Political Analysis and Public Choice by Larcinese, Valentino, Dewan, Torun, Dowding, Keith
Experimental Economics by
Research Skills for Economics Students by Kane, Aidan
Spatial and Regional Development in Perspective: Towards a New Framework by Tiwari, Indra P.
Behavioural Economics by
Economics and Social Theory by Lutzker, Adam
Comparative Economic Systems III by Gardner, H. Stephen
The Evolution of Morality in Economics: Cognitive Hayek by Gick, Evelyn
The Gulf Across East and West: Charting Gcc and Iranian Inter-Asian Relations by Legrenzi, Matteo
The Green Economy: Understanding Low Carbon Futures by Caprotti, Federico, Bailey, Ian
Environmental and Natural Resources Economics: Theory, Policy and the Sustainable Society by Dissanayake, Sahan T. M., Hackett, Steven
Environmental and Natural Resources Economics: Theory, Policy and the Sustainable Society by Hackett, Steven, Dissanayake, Sahan T. M.
Gandhian Economics and the Rethinking of Economic Theory and Policies: A Contribution to a Non-Violent Perspective on Economics by Burlando, Roberto
Understanding Commercial Life by Storr, Virgil
Understanding Commercial Life by Storr, Virgil
Economic Perspectives on Institutions: Conflict, Coordination, Inequality by Franzini, Maurizio, Nicita, Antonio
The Long Run in Neoclassical Economics by Kompas, Tom
Progress in Economic and Political Thought: An Intellectual History by Hayes, Calvin
A Theory of Speculative Bubbles and Crashes: A Study on Phase Transitions in Financial Markets with Networked Agents by Kaizoji, Taisei
Philosophy, Politics and Economics by Hayek, Friedrich
Living with Markets by Shearmur, Jeremy
Chinese Family Enterprise Governance by Shi, Shuiping, Shi, Benren
The Socioeconomics of Amartya Sen: On Freedom, Capability and Entitlement by Gasper, Des
A Feminist Perspective on the History of Economics by
Global Population Ageing and Migration in Europe by Bloom, David, Malmberg, Bo, Tamas, Kristof
European Economic Integration and Social Cohesion by Baimbridge, Mark
Against Non-Governmental Organizations?: A Critical Perspective on Their Management by Srinivas, Nidhi
A Guide to Posner's Economic Analysis of Law by
Economic Perspectives on Institutions: Conflict, Coordination, Inequality by Franzini, Maurizio, Nicita, Antonio
The Feminist Economics of Austerity: Austericide in Europe by Rodriguez-Modrono, Paula, Gálvez Muñoz, Lina
The Economics of International Integration by Robson, Peter
Japan's Economic Empire: Foreign Investment by Japanese Companies Before the Pacific War by Mirza, Hafiz
Motorization and Sustainable Development in Asian Cities by Dimitriou, Harry T., Ernst, John
Periodic Crises of Overproduction (1913) by Aftalion, Albert
Global Ordering Structures and Caribbean Offshore Financial Centres: Finance Rhetoric, Capitalist Development and the Small Island Paradox by Marshall, Don
The Water, Energy, and Food Security Nexus in Asia and the Pacific: East and Southeast Asia by
Lectures in General Equilibrium Microeconomics by Bryant, William David Anthony
Lectures in General Equilibrium Microeconomics by Bryant, William David Anthony
The Egyptian Administration in the Old Kingdom: Evidence on Its Economic Decline by Kanawati, Naguib
Virtuelle Währungen Und Zentralbanken: Konkurrenz Im Geldsystem? by Sauer, Beate
Medizin Für Ökonomen by Brunner, Helmut
The Gig Economy in India: Start-Ups, Infrastructure and Resistance by Thomas, Pradip Ninan
Intertemporal Choice by Loewenstein, George
Intertemporal Choice by Loewenstein, George
Radical Economic Transformation: Lessons from the East Asian Tigers by Gumede, William
Handbook of Experimental Methodology: Volume 1 by
Black Women in the U.S. Economy: The Hardest Working Woman by Banks, Nina, Sharpe, Rhonda
Black Women in the U.S. Economy: The Hardest Working Woman by Banks, Nina, Sharpe, Rhonda
The Ravens: How to Prepare for and Profit from the Turbulent Times Ahead by Kiyosaki, Robert
Routledge Handbook of Marx's Capital: A Global History of Translation, Dissemination and Reception by
How the World Ran Out of Everything: Inside the Global Supply Chain by Goodman, Peter S.
Europäische Union Und Europäische Gemeinschaft: Gemeinschaftsrecht Und Unionsrecht in Ihrer Verflechtung Mit Der Deutschen Rechtsordnung by Vedder, Christoph, Folz, Hans-Peter
Market Frictions, Risk Management and Performance: New Challenges for Finance by
The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes by Keynes, John Maynard
Growing Public - Spanish Edition by Lindert, Peter
Evidenz-Basierte Medizin, Klinische Epidemiologie Und Gesundheitsökonomie: Kosten-Nutzen-Analysen in Der Medizin by Brunner, Helmut
Firm Heterogeneity, Labor Markets and International Trade: Evidence from Danish Matched Employer-Employee Data by
How Economics Explains the World: A Short History of Humanity by Leigh, Andrew
Benchmarking City-Regions by Calzada, Igor
Routledge Handbook of Sustainability Science by
Grundlagen Der Wirtschaftsinformatik by Eymann, Thorsten
Encyclopedia of Global Justice by
Tax Law and Investment Arbitration: Conflict Between Domestic Policies and International Obligation of the State on Taxation by Umirdinov, Alisher