• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Environmental Studies in 1980

Hydrocarbons and Halogenated Hydrocarbons in the Aquatic Environment by
Effects of Acid Precipitation on Terrestrial Ecosystems by Hutchinson, Thomas C., Havas, M.
The Phylogeny of Anguinomorph Lizards by Rieppel
Depositional Sedimentary Environments: With Reference to Terrigenous Clastics by Reineck, H. -E, Singh, I. B.
Vom Nationalismus Zum Umweltschutz: Die Deutsche Gemeinschaft/Aktionsgemeinschaft Unabhängiger Deutscher Im Parteiensystem Der Bundesrepublik by Stöss, Richard
Biogeochemistry of Ancient and Modern Environments: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry (Iseb) And, Con by
Taschenbuch Für Umweltschutz: Band III: Ökologische Informationen by Moll, Walter L. H.
The Red Fox: Symposium on Behaviour and Ecology by
Stochastic Water Resources Technology by Kottegoda, N. T.
New Roots for Agriculture by Jackson, Wes
Meteorologie Über Die Welt by
Neusiedlersee: The Limnology of a Shallow Lake in Central Europe by
Regulating Pesticides by Commission on Natural Resources, Committee on Prototype Explicit Analyses for Pesticides, Environmental Studies Board
Chemistry and Technology of Lime and Limestone by Boynton, Robert S.
Mathematical Modelling of Estuarine Physics: Proceedings of an International Symposium Held at the German Hydrographic Institute Hamburg, August 24-26 by
Sustainable environmentalism by Wright, Hrh Prince John Charles, Wright, Hrh Prince George
Microphysics of Clouds and Precipitation: Reprinted 1980 by Pruppacher, H. R., Klett, J. D.
Economic Theory and Exhaustible Resources by Dasgupta, P. S.
Ecological Effects of Waste Water by Lindell, T., Welch, E. B.
Fjord Oceanography by
Woodland Ecology: Environmental Forestry for the Small Owner, Second Edition by Minckler, Leon S.
Some Adaptations of Marsh-Nesting Blackbirds by Orians, Gordon H.
Ecology as Politics by Gorz, Andre
Evolutionary Biology of Parasites. (Mpb-15), Volume 15 by Price, Peter W.
Ecology as Politics by Gorz, Andre
American Wildlife Law: by Lund, Thomas A.
Geological Nomenclature by
Mountain Torrent of the Tien Shan: A Faunistic-Ecology Essay by Brodsky, K. a.
Ecology: A Textbook by Remmert, Hermann
Rotatoria: Proceedings of the 2nd International Rotifer Symposium Held at Gent, September 17-21, 1979 by
Dynamics of the Upper Atmosphere by
Ball Lightning and Bead Lightning: Extreme Forms of Atmospheric Electricity by Barry, James
Man Adapting: With a New Chapter by the Author by Dubos, Rene
From Raindrops to Volcanoes: Adventures with Sea Surface Meteorology by Unknown, Blanchard, Duncan C.
Final Environmental Impact Statement on the Proposed Gray's Reef Marine Sanctuary by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis
Terrestrial Rare Gases: Proceedings of the U.S.-Japan Seminar on Rare Gas Abundance and Isotopic Constraints on the Origin and Evolution of th by
Societal Risk Assessment: How Safe Is Safe Enough? by Schwing, Richard C., Albers, Walter a.
Earthquake Precursors: Proceedings of the Us-Japan Seminar on Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Earthquake Precursors by
A Taxonomic Revision of the Genus Origanum (Labiatae): (Labiatae) by Ietswaart, J. H.
The Restoration of Land. the Ecology: Reclamation of Derelict and Degraded Land by Bradshaw, A. D., Chadwick, M. J.
Ecology of Highlands by Giddings, L. E., Mani, M. S.
Data-Processing in Phytosociology: Report on the Activities of the Working Group for Data-Processing in Phytosociology of the International Society fo by
Arctic Animal Ecology by Remmert, Hermann
An Introduction to Atmospheric Physics: Volume 25 by Fleagle, Robert G., Businger, Joost A.
Coastal Lagoons by Barnes, R. S. K.
The Laying Hen and Its Environment: A Seminar in the EEC Programme of Coordination of Research on Animal Welfare, Organised by R. Moss and V. Fischbac by
Interactions of Energy and Climate: Proceedings of an International Workshop Held in Münster, Germany, March 3-6, 1980 by
Classification and Ordination: Symposium on Advances in Vegetation Science, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, May 1979 by
Hypertrophic Ecosystems: S.I.L. Workshop on Hypertrophic Ecosystems Held at Växjö, September 10-14, 1979 by
Advanced Chemical Methods for Soil and Clay Minerals Research: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held at the University of Illinois, Ju by
Interactions of Energy and Climate: Proceedings of an International Workshop Held in Münster, Germany, March 3-6, 1980 by
Solid Waste Processing and Resource Recovery: Volume 2 by
American Environmentalism: Values, Tactics, Priorities by Petulla, Joseph M.
Das Klima: Analysen Und Modelle Geschichte Und Zukunft by
Economic Analysis of Provincial Land Use Policies in Ontario by Frankena, Mark W., Scheffman, David T.
A Handbook of Gravity-Flow Water Systems by Jordan, Thomas
Hydrogeologie Der Nichtverkarstungsfähigen Festgesteine by Karrenberg, H.
Succession: Symposium on Advances in Vegetation Sciences, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, May 1979 by
Biomonitoring Air Pollutants with Plants by Manning, W. J., Feder, W. A.
Die Entstehung Der Kontinente Und Ozeane by Vogel, Andreas, Wegener, Alfred