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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Environmental Studies in 1982

Umweltpolitik in Deutschland: Kurze Geschichte Des Umweltschutzes in Deutschland Seit 1900 by Wey, Klaus-Georg
Tidal Friction and the Earth's Rotation II: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research (Zif) of the University of Bie by
Atmospheric Trace Constituents: Proceedings of the 5th Two-Annual Colloquium of the Sonderforschungsbereich 73 of the Universities Frankfurt and Mainz by
Economic Theory of Natural Resources by
Die Farbigen Dämmerungserscheinungen by Bullrich
Environmental Chemistry: Volume 2 by
Archiv Für Naturschutz Und Landschaftsforschung. Band 21 by
Limnologica. Band 13, Heft 1 by
Die Cytologische Symbiose Am Beispiel Der Biogenese Von Zellorganellen by Parthier, Benno
Messung Der Bodenfeuchte Mit Neutronensonden Im Stationsnetz Des Meteorologischen Dienstes Der DDR by Wendling, Ulrich
Lakes and Water Management: Proceedings of the 30 Years Jubilee Symposium of the Finnish Limnological Society, Held in Helsinki, Finland, 22-23 Se by
Vegetation Dynamics in Grasslans, Heathlands and Mediterranean Ligneous Formations: Symposium of the Working Groups for Succession Research on Permane by Romane, F., Austin, M. a., Poissonet, P.
Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Atmospheric Pollutants: Proceedings of the Second European Symposium Held in Varese, Italy, 29 September - 1 October 198 by
Evaporation Into the Atmosphere: Theory, History and Applications by Brutsaert, W.
The Physical Environment of the Faeroe Islands by
Second European Congress on the Recycling of Used Oils Held in Paris, 30 September-2 October, 1980 by
Causes and Effects of Stratospheric Ozone Reduction: An Update by Commission on Geosciences Environment and Resources, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies
Multivariate Analysis in Community Ecology by Gauch, Hugh G., Jr.
Mathematical Methods of Population Biology by Hoppensteadt, Frank C., Hoppensteadt, F. C.
Fire Ecology: United States and Southern Canada by Wright, Henry A., Bailey, Arthur W.
Analysis of Organic Micropollutants in Water: Proceedings of the Second European Symposium Held in Killarney (Ireland), November 17-19,1981 by
Electric Current and Atmospheric Motion by
Application of Electro-Ultrafiltration (Euf) in Agricultural Production: Proceedings of the First International Symposium on the Application of Electr by
Marine Slides and Other Mass Movements by Nato Workshop on Marine Slides and Other Mass Movements, Nieuwenhuis, J. K., Saxov, S.
The Politics of Wilderness Preservation. by Allin, Craig W.
Rutland Water -- Decade of Change: Proceedings of the Conference Held in Leicester, U.K., 1-3 April 1981 by
Coastal Research in the Gulf of Bothnia by
Primary Energy: Present Status and Future Perspectives by
Alternative Wastewater Treatment: Low-Cost Small Systems, Research and Development Proceedings of the Conference Held at Oslo, Norway, September 7-10, by
Tropical Hardwood Utilization: Practice and Prospects by
Progress for a Small Planet by Ward, Barbara
Collective Action by Hardin, Russell
Overshoot: The Ecological Basis of Revolutionary Change by Catton, William R.
The Ecology of Coastal Waters: A Systems Approach by Mann, K. H.
Tissue Culture in Forestry by
New Perspectives in Wood Anatomy: Published on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the International Association of Wood Anatomists by
Conceptual Issues in Ecology by
Nematodes in Soil Ecosystems by
Welfare and Husbandry of Calves by
Assessment of Manganese Nodule Resources by United, Nations
Water at the Surface of Earth: An Introduction to Ecosystem Hydrodynamics by Miller, David M., Miller, David H.
Managing the Ocean Resources of the United States: The Role of the Federal Marine Sanctuaries Program by Finn, Daniel P.
Micromolecular Evolution, Systematics and Ecology: An Essay Into a Novel Botanical Discipline by Gottlieb, O. R.
Intense Atmospheric Vortices: Proceedings of the Joint Symposium (Iutam/Iugg) Held at Reading (United Kingdom) July 14-17, 1981 by
Resource Competition and Community Structure. (Mpb-17), Volume 17 by Tilman, David
Ecology of Mysidacea by
Forest Biomass by Satoo, T., Madgwick, H. a.
Cloud Dynamics: Proceedings of a Symposium Held at the Third General Assembly of Iamap, Hamburg, West Germany, 17-28 August, 1981 by
Long-Range Transport of Airborne Pollutants by
Sediment/Freshwater Interactions: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium Held in Kingston, Ontario, 15-18 June 1981 by Sly, P. G.
Nigeria, Its Petroleum Geology, Resources, and Potential: Volume 2 by Whiteman, A. J.
Lake McIlwaine: The Eutrophication and Recovery of a Tropical African Man-Made Lake by
The Ecology of the Wye by Edwards, R. W., Brooker, M. P.
The Orang Utan: Its Biology and Conservation by
Geology of Offshore Ireland and West Britain by
Chemistry of the Unpolluted and Polluted Troposphere: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held on the Island of Corfu, Greece, September by
Air Pollution: Assessment Methodology and Modeling by
Circulation in the Coastal Ocean by Csanady, G. T.
Geology of Offshore Ireland and West Britain by
Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology Volume 12 Lange/Nobel/Osmond/Ziegler: Physiological Plant Ecology Water Relations and Carbon Assimilation by Lange, O. L.
Grundlagen Des Sedimenttransports by Raudkivi, A. J.
Modelling by Jeffers, J. N.
CRC Handbook of Census Methods for Terrestrial Vertebrates by Davis, David E.
Environmental Factors and Cultural Measures Affecting the Nitrate Content in Spinach by Breimer, T.
Studies on Lake Vechten and Tjeukemeer, the Netherlands: 25th Anniversary of the Limnological Institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and S by
Animal Population Dynamics by Watson, Adam, Ollason, J., Moss, R.
Environmental Impact Review and Housing: Process Lessons from the California Experience by Case, Fred E., Case, Frederick E., Gale, Jeffrey
Red Deer: Behavior and Ecology of Two Sexes by Clutton-Brock, T. H.
Resource Recovery Economics: Methods for Feasibility Analysis by Russell
Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics: Volume 30 by Gill, Adrian
Microbiology of Tropical Soils and Plant Productivity by
The Influence of Sewage Sludge Application on Physical and Biological Properties of Soils: Proceedings of a Seminar Organized Jointly by the Commissio by
Disinfection of Sewage Sludge; Technical, Economic and Microbiological Aspects by
Radioaktive Abfälle: Probleme Und Verantwortung by Herrmann, A. G.
Wolves of the World: Perspectives of Behavior, Ecology and Conservation by Paquet, Paul C., Harrington, Fred H.
Irreversibilität in Der Hydrologie by Mauersberger, Peter
Moderne Probleme Der Atmosphärischen Diffusion Und Der Verschmutzung Der Atmosphäre by Berljand, M. E.