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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Environmental Studies in 1983

Frieden -- Ökologie -- Gerechtigkeit: Selbstorganisierte Lernprojekte in Der Friedens- Und Ökologiebewegung by Beer, Wolfgang
Domestikation: Verarmung Der Merkwelt by Hemmer, Helmut
To Quench Our Thirst: The Present and Future Status of Freshwater Resources of the United States by Wetzel, Robert G., Francko, David A.
Late- and Postglacial Oscillations of Glaciers: Glacial and Periglacial Forms by
Past Climates: Tree Thermometers, Commodities, and People by Libby, Leona Marshall
ACTA Hydrophysica. Band 27, Heft 3/4 by
ACTA Hydrophysica. Band 27, Heft 2 by
Archiv Für Naturschutz Und Landschaftsforschung. Band 22, Heft 1 by
Untersuchungen Zur Meteorologie Der Grenzschicht Und Zur Analyse Klimatologischer Zeitreihen by
Atlas of Marine Use in the North Pacific Region by Miles, Edward L.
Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary Management Plan by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis
Cosmochemistry and the Origin of Life: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held at Maratea, Italy, June 1-12, 1981 by
Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application II by
Drinking Water and Health,: Volume 5 by National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Life Sciences
Operation of Complex Water Systems: Operation, Planning and Analysis of Already Developed Water Systems by
Environmental Impact Assessment by
Effects of Accumulation of Air Pollutants in Forest Ecosystems: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at Göttingen, West Germany, May 16-18, 1982 by
Biogeography and Ecology of the Island of Newfoundland by South, R.
Seacoast Life an Ecological Guide to Natural Seashore Communities in North Carolina by Spitsbergen, Judith M.
Principles of Ecology by
Structure and Development of the Greenlandscotland Ridge by Bott, Martin H. P., Saxov, Svend, Talwani, Manik
Predators and Prey in Fishes: Proceedings of the 3rd Biennial Conference on the Ethology and Behavioral Ecology of Fishes, Held at Normal, Illinois, by
Limnology of Parakrama Samudra -- Sri Lanka: A Case Study of an Ancient Man-Made Lake in the Tropics by Schiemer, F.
Sludge Characteristics and Behavior by
Environmental Effects of Organic and Inorganic Contaminants in Sewage Sludge by
Fisheries Ecology by Hart, P., Pitcher, T. J.
Control Processes in Fish Physiology by
The Pleistocene: Geology and Life in the Quaternary Ice Age by Nilsson, T.
Deregulation and Environmental Quality: The Use of Tax Policy to Control Pollution in North America and Western Europe by Reese, Craig E.
Variations in the Global Water Budget by
A Re-Appraisal of Forestry Development in Developing Countries by Douglas, J.
Acid Deposition: Proceedings of the Cec Workshop Organized as Part of the Concerted Action "Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Atmospheric P by
Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 3 by Silverstein, Robert M., Müller-Schwarze, Dietland
Pond Fisheries by Martyshev, F.
Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology Volume 12 Lange/Nobel/Osmond/Ziegler: Physiological Plant Ecology Responses to the Chemical and Biological Environmen by
Pioneer Settlement in the Asiatic Tropics: Studies in Land Utilization and Agricultural Colonization in Southeastern Asia by Unknown, Pelzer, Karl J.
Handbook on Environmental Aspects of Fertilizer Use by
Social Science Research and Climate Change: An Interdisciplinary Appraisal by
Forest Water Ecosystems: Nordic Symposium on Forest Water Ecosystems Held at Färna, Central Sweden, September 28-October 2, 1981 by
The Chemical Treatment of Cooling Water, 2nd Edition by McCoy, James W.
The Purari -- Tropical Environment of a High Rainfall River Basin: Tropical Environment of a High Rainfall River Basin by
Man, a Geomorphological Agent: An Introduction to Anthropic Geomorphology by Nir, D.
Remote Sensing Applications in Marine Science and Technology by
Air-Sea Exchange of Gases and Particles by
Synthesis and Modelling of Intermittent Estuaries: A Case Study from Planning to Evaluation by
Boundary Element Method in Geomechanics by Venturini, W. S.
The Analysis of Actual Versus Perceived Risks by
Lake Chad: Ecology and Productivity of a Shallow Tropical Ecosystem by
Logistic Support of a Manned Underwater Production Complex by
Mobile Source Emissions Including Policyclic Organic Species by
Theoretical Glaciology: Material Science of Ice and the Mechanics of Glaciers and Ice Sheets by Hutter, K.
Sandy Beaches as Ecosystems: Based on the Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Sandy Beaches, Held in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, by
Mineral Deposits of the Alps and of the Alpine Epoch in Europe: Proceedings of the IV. Ismida, Berchtesgaden, October 4-10, 1981 by
Population Biology: Proceedings of the International Conference Held at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, June 22-30, 1982 by
Mate Choice in Plants: Tactics, Mechanisms, and Consequences by Willson, Mary F., Burley, Nancy
Dictionary of Concepts in Human Geography by Larkin, Robert P., Peters, Gary L.
Biology of Rotifers: Proceedings of the Third International Rotifer Symposium Held at Uppsala, Sweden, August 30 - September 4, 1982 by
Acid Rain: A Review of the Phenomenon in the EEC and Europe by Limited, Environmental Resources
Paleolimnology: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Paleolimnology, Held at Joensuu, Finland by
Saline Lakes II by
Biology and Ecology of Mangroves by
Mesoscale Meteorology - Theories, Observations and Models by
Farm Animal Housing and Welfare by
Stunning of Animals for Slaughter by
Down to Earth: Environment and Human Needs by Eckholm, Erik P.
The Legal Regime of Fisheries in the Caribbean Region by Edeson, W. R., Pulvenis, J. -F
Rock Fracture Mechanics by
Palaeoclimatic Research and Models: Report and Proceedings of the Workshop Held in Brussels, December 15-17, 1982 by
Regional Trends in the Geology of the Appalachian-Caledonian-Hercynian-Mauritanide Orogen by
Efficient Use of Fertilizers in Agriculture by Un Economic Commission for Europe
Victims of the Environment: Loss from Natural Hazards in the United States, 1970-1980 by Wright, James D., Rossi, Peter H., Pereira, Joseph A.
Kohleverwendung Und Umweltschutz by Allhorn, Harald, Birnbaum, Ulf, Huber, Werner
Water and Power: The Conflict Over Los Angeles Water Supply in the Owens Valley by Kahrl, William L.
Remote Assessment of Ocean Color for Interpretation of Satellite Visible Imagery: A Review by Morel, A. Y., Gordon, H. R.
Middle Atmosphere by Royal Society
Introduction to Wastewater Treatment Processes by Ramalho, R. S.
Our Threatened Climate: Ways of Averting the CO2 Problem Through Rational Energy Use by Bach, W.
Evolutionary Ecology of Neotropical Freshwater Fishes by
Planets and Their Atmospheres: Origins and Evolution by Prinn, Ronald G., Lewis, John S., Primm, Ronald G.
Problems and Prospects in Long and Medium Range Weather Forecasting by
Problems and Prospects in Long and Medium Range Weather Forecasting by
Just Bats by Fenton, M. Brock
Utilization of Sewage Sludge on Land: Rates of Application and Long-Term Effects of Metals by
Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces by
Environmental Specimen Banking and Monitoring as Related to Banking: Proceedings of the International Workshop, Saarbruecken, Federal Republic of Germ by