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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Environmental Studies in 1985

The Natural Environment and the Biogeochemical Cycles by
Handbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology by Wren, Barry G.
The Great Forest: An Appalachian Story by
Verkehrsberuhigung Und Sozialraumgestaltung Im Wohngebiet by
Cultural Values and Human Ecology in Southeast Asia: Volume 27 by
Physiological Ecology of Lichens by Kershaw, Alex, Kershaw, Kershaw, Kenneth a.
Adhesives Technology Handbook by Landrock, Arthur H.
Engineering Geology of the Sydney Region: Published on Behalf of the Australian Geomechanics Society by
An Island Called California: An Ecological Introduction to Its Natural Communities by Bakker, Elna, Slack, Gordy
Desert Solitaire: A Season in the Wilderness by Abbey, Edward
Informationstheorie in Meteorologie Und Geophysik: Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Maximum-Entropie-Spektralschätzung by Olberg, Manfred, Rákóczi, Ferenc
Ecology, Impact Assessment, and Environmental Planning by Westman, Walter E.
Seabed Mechanics: Edited Proceedings of a Symposium, Sponsored Jointly by the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ( by International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
The Effects on the Atmosphere of a Major Nuclear Exchange by Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Physical Sciences Mathematics and Applications, National Research Council
Water Quality Management: A Review of the Development and Application of Mathematical Models by Beck, M. B.
The Polar Cusp by
Atmospheric Ozone: Proceedings of the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium Held in Halkidiki, Greece 3-7 September 1984 by
Energy Manager's Handbook by
Environmental Geochemistry and Health: Report to the Royal Society's British National Committee for Problems of the Environment by
Mediterranean Marine Ecosystems by Moraitou-Apostolopoulou, Maria
Verdunstung: Anwendungsorientierte Meßverfahren Und Bestimmungsmethoden by Schrödter, Harald
Watermen by Peffer, Randall S.
Offshore and Coastal Modelling by
Evolutionary Ecology of Marsupials by Lee, A. K., Cockburn, Andrew, Lee, Anthony K.
Developments in Diving Technology: Proceedings of an International Conference, (Divetech '84) Organized by the Society for Underwater Technology, and by Society for Underwater Technology (Sut)
The Forest-Atmosphere Interaction: Proceedings of the Forest Environmental Measurements Conference Held at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, October 23-28, 1983 by
Spectral Atlas of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds: Including Data on Occurrence and Biological Activity by
Risk Analysis and Scientific Method: Methodological and Ethical Problems with Evaluating Societal Hazards by Shrader-Frechette, Kristin
The Chemistry of Weathering by
Air Pollution Modeling and Its Applications IV by De Wisepelacre, C.
Ökologische Probleme Der Umweltbelastung by Fellenberg, G.
Appropriate Waste Management for Developing Countries by Curi, Kriton
Methods of Satellite Oceanography by Stewart, Robert H.
Incineration of Radioactive Waste by
Adaptive Methods in Underwater Acoustics by
The Offshore Disposal of Radioactive Waste by Drilled Emplacement: A Feasibility Study by
Pastorale: A Natural History of Sorts by Page, Jake
Storm Depositional Systems: Dynamic Stratigraphy in Modern and Ancient Shallow-Marine Sequences by Aigner, Thomas
Atmosphärische Spurenstoffe Und Ihr Physikalisch-Chemisches Verhalten: Ein Beitrag Zur Umweltforschung by
Wissen für die Umwelt by
Desert Passages: Encounters with the American Deserts by Limerick, Patricia Nelson
Killing the Hidden Waters by Bowden, Charles
Ground Water Pollution Control by Canter
Working the Range: Essays on the History of Western Land Management and the Environment by Wunder, J., Wunder, John R.
Computer Models in Environmental Planning by Gordon, Steven I.
Results Air-Sea Project by Royal Society
Economics of Ecosystems Management by
Early Life Histories of Fishes: New Developmental, Ecological and Evolutionary Perspectives by Balon, E. K.
Early Life Histories of Fishes: New Developmental, Ecological and Evolutionary Perspectives by Balon, E. K.
Design and Installation of Subsea Systems by Society for Underwater Technology (Sut)
Petroleum Geology of the Southeastern North Sea and the Adjacent Onshore Areas: (The Hague, 1982) by
High-Power Laser Radiation in Atmospheric Aerosols: Nonlinear Optics of Aerodispersed Media by Zemlyanov, A. A., Zuev, V. E.
The Ocean Surface: Wave Breaking, Turbulent Mixing and Radio Probing by
Policy Conflicts in Post-Mao China: A Documentary Survey with Analysis: A Documentary Survey with Analysis by Rosen, Stanley, Burns, John P.
Turbulence in the Ocean by Ozmidov, Monin
European Geothermal Update by
Microbial Processes in Reservoirs by
Vegetation of the Earth and Ecological Systems of the Geo-Biosphere by Walter, Heinrich
A Eutrophic Lake: Lake Mendota, Wisconsin by Brock, Thomas D.
Handbook of Hazard Communication and OSHA Requirements by Lowry
Environmental Information in Developing Nations: Politics and Policies by Da Soledada Vieira, Anna
Ecological Beliefs and Behaviors: Assessment and Change by Weigel, Russell H., Gray, David B., Borden, Richard
Soil Organic Matter and Biological Activity by
Seed Ecology by Fenner, M. W.
Dynamic Meteorology by Panchev, S.
Ecology of Coastal Vegetation: Proceedings of a Symposium, Haamstede, March 21-25, 1983 by
Micronutrients in Tropical Food Crop Production by
The Ecology and Management of African Wetland Vegetation: A Botanical Account of African Swamps and Shallow Waterbodies by
Handbook of Natural Resource and Energy Economics: Volume 2 by
Introduction to Variance Estimation by Wolter, Kirk
Evolution of Matter and Energy on a Cosmic and Planetary Scale by Taube, M.
Perspectives in Southern Hemisphere Limnology: Proceedings of a Symposium, Held in Wilderness, South Africa, July 3-13, 1984 by
Plant Conservation in the Mediterranean Area by
Modern Chemical Technology and Emission Control by Hocking, M. B.
Blei in Der Umwelt: Ökopsychologische Und Psychotoxikologische Aspekte by Winneke, Gerhard
Frankia and Actinorhizal Plants by
Interaction Theory in Forest Ecology and Management by Leary, Rolfe A.
Radioglaciology by Bentley, C. R., Bogorodsky, V. V.
Economic Theory and International Trade in Natural Exhaustible Resources by Withagen, Cees
Environmental Hazards to Young Children by Kane, Dorothy Noyes
Desert Development: Man and Technology in Sparselands by
The Biogeochemical Cycling of Sulfur and Nitrogen in the Remote Atmosphere by
Plant Community Ecology: Papers in Honor of Robert H. Whittaker by
The Shallow Water Wave Equations: Formulation, Analysis and Application by Kinnmark, Ingemar
Social Responses to Technological Change by Goldenberg, Sheldon, Brannigan, Augustin
Indoor Air Quality & Human Health by Turiel, Isaac
Climate and History: Studies in Past Climates and Their Impact on Man by
The Evolutionary Ecology of Ant-Plant Mutualisms by Beattie, Andrew J.
Proceedings of the Nineteenth European Marine Biology Symposium by
Current Issues in Climate Research: Proceedings of the EC Climatology Programme Symposium, Sophia Antipolis, France, 2-5 October 1984 by
Temporal Dynamics of an Estuary: San Francisco Bay by
Introductory Physics of the Atmosphere and Ocean by Hasse, L., Dobson, F.
U.S. Forest Service Grazing and Rangelands: A History by Rowley, William D.
Agriculture: An Introduction for Southern Africa by King, Alan N.
The Global Possible: Resources, Development, and the New Century by Repetto, Robert
Changing Television Audience in America by Bower, Robert
The Ocean Basins and Margins: Volume 7a the Pacific Ocean by
Microfloral and Faunal Interactions in Natural and Agro-Ecosystems by
Integrated Lake-Watershed Acidification: Ilwas Project by Ilwas Project
Tagung Physik der Atmosphäre, Schwerin, 8. bis 11. November 1982, Teil II by Nocontributor
Zum Stand Der Erforschung Des Atmosphärischen Ozons by Feister, Uwe