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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Environmental Studies in 1986

National Styles of Business Regulation: A Case Study of Environmental Protection by Vogel, David
Anthropogenic Compounds by
Rheinisch-Westfälische Akademie Der Wissenschaften: Natur-, Ingenieur- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften Vorträge - N 347 by Ziegler, Hubert
Öffentliche Verwaltungen Und Städtisches Entwicklungspotential: Zur Bedeutung Der Standortflexibilität Öffentlicher Verwaltungen Für Die Bewältigung S by Tank, Hannes
Einwirkungen Der Menschen Auf Die Wälder Der Tropen: Waldformationen -- Eingriffe -- Forstwirtschaft in Kolonialer Zeit by Hesmer, Herbert
The Economic Value of Water by Gibbons, Diana C.
Einwirkungen Der Menschen Auf Die Wälder Der Borealen Kühlen Zonen Der Alten Welt: Island, Norwegen, Schweden, Finnland, Sowjetunion by Hesmer, Herbert
Der Mensch ALS Störfaktor Im Geosystem: 294. Sitzung Am 19. Juni 1985 in Dösseldorf by Hambloch, Hermann
Winkelplatten: Der Um Eine Ecke Geführte Plattenvollstreifen Mit Sämtlichen Randbedingungen by Bruckner, Helmut
Umweltverbände: Zur Organisation Von Umweltschutzinteressen in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Leonhard, Martin
The Nordic Seas by
ACTA Hydrophysica. Band 29, Heft 2/3 by
Umwelt-Mikrobiologie: Mikrobiologie Des Umweltschutzes Und Der Umweltgestaltung by Fritsche, Wolfgang
Ecological and Demographic Consequences of a Nuclear War by Svirezhev, Yuri M.
Forest Site and Productivity by
Microprocessors in Operational Hydrology by
North American Sturgeons: Biology and Aquaculture Potential by
Environment and Chemicals in Agriculture by
Evaluation, Comparison and Calibration of Oceanographic Instruments by Society for Underwater Technology (Sut)
Policy Conflicts in Post-Mao China: A Documentary Survey with Analysis: A Documentary Survey with Analysis by Rosen, Stanley, Burns, John P.
Fire and Smoke: Understanding the Hazards by National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Life Sciences
Pesticide Resistance: Strategies and Tactics for Management by National Research Council, Board on Agriculture, Committee on Strategies for the Management of Pesticide Resi
Ecological Knowledge and Environmental Problem-Solving: Concepts and Case Studies by National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Life Sciences
Acid Deposition: Long-Term Trends by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Physical Sciences Mathematics and Applications
Pesticides and Groundwater Quality: Issues and Problems in Four States by National Research Council, Board on Agriculture, Holden, Patrick W.
The Earth's Electrical Environment by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Physical Sciences Mathematics and Applications
Drinking Water and Health,: Volume 6 by National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Life Sciences
Drought Management and Its Impact on Public Water Systems: Report on a Colloquium Sponsored by the Water Science and Technology Board by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems
Resource Extraction and Market Structure by Schäfer, Martin
Nitrogen Fixation with Non-Legumes: The Third International Symposium on Nitrogen Fixation with Non-Legumes, Helsinki, 2-8 September 1984 by
Spinoza's Algebraic Calculation of the Rainbow & Calculation of Chances: Edited and Translated with an Introduction, Explanatory Notes and an Appendix by de Spinoza, B.
Oceanology: Proceedings of an International Conference (Oceanology International '86), Sponsored by the Society for Underwater Tec by Society for Underwater Technology (Sut)
Solar Radiation Data from Satellite Images: Determination of Solar Radiation at Ground Level from Images of the Earth Transmitted by Meteorological Sa by Möser, W., Grüter, W., Guillard, H.
An Introduction to the Theory of Climate by Monin
Ocean Disposal of Radioactive Waste by Penetrator Emplacement by
Advances in the Biology of Turbellarians and Related Platyhelminthes: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on the Turbellaria Held at Fre by
Resource Extraction and Market Structure by Schafer, Martin
Simon & Schuster's Guide to Gems and Precious Stones by Lyman, Kennie
The Hudson River Ecosystem by Limburg, Karin E.
Planning & Ecology by
Hazardous Waste Management by Dawson, Gaynor W., Mercer, Basil W.
The Role of the Oceans as a Waste Disposal Option by
Handbook of Phycological Methods: Volume 4: Ecological Field Methods: Macroalgae by
Environmental Law and American Business: Dilemmas of Compliance by Dimento, Joseph F.
Diatoms and Lake Acidity: Reconstructing PH from Siliceous Algal Remains in Lake Sediments by
Minor Constituents in the Middle Atmosphere by Shimazaki, Tatsuo
Analysis of Processing Technology for Manganese Nodules by United, Nations
Remote Sounding of Atmospheres by Houghton, J. T., Houghton, John T., Houghton
The Ecological Implications of Body Size by Peters, Robert H.
Ökologische Biochemie by Schlee, Dieter
Forevermore, Nuclear Waste in America by Barlett, Donald L.
Estuarine Cohesive Sediment Dynamics: Proceedings of a Workshop on Cohesive Sediment Dynamics with Special Reference to Physical Processes in Estuarie by
International Handbook on Land Use Planning by Unknown
Organic Micropollutants in the Aquatic Environment: Proceedings of the Fourth European Symposium Held in Vienna, Austria, October 22-24, 1985 by
Saline Lake Ecosystems of the World by Hammer, U. T.
Physics of Desertification by
Oceanic Whitecaps: And Their Role in Air-Sea Exchange Processes by
Microbial Communities in Soil by
The Marine Seismic Source by Parkes, G. E., Hatton, L.
Geochemistry and Sedimentology of the Mediterranean Sea by Shimkus, K. M., Emelyanov, E. M.
Prediction of Solar Radiation on Inclined Surfaces by
Advisory Work in Crop Pest and Disease Management by
Acid Deposition and the Acidification of Soils and Waters by Reuss, J. O., Johnson, D. W.
Atmospheric Chemical Compounds: Sources, Occurrence and Bioassay by Claxton, Larry D., Graedel, T. E., Hawkins, Donald T.
Land and Its Uses -- Actual and Potential: An Environmental Appraisal by Hotz, M. C. B., Bell, B. G., Last, F. T.
Technetium in the Environment by
Fertilizer Sulfur and Food Production: Research and Policy Implications for Tropical Countries by Kanwar, J. S., Mudahar, Mohinder S.
Stress Physiology and Forest Productivity: Proceedings of the Physiology Working Group Technical Session. Society of American Foresters National Conve by
Methods and Experiences in Impact Assessment by
Management of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizers in Sub-Saharan Africa: Proceedings of a Symposium, Held in Lome, Togo, March 25-28, 1985 by
Popular Culture in the Middle Ages by Campbell, Josie P.
The Undiscovered Country by Hay, John
Hydraulic Design in Water Resources Engineering: Land Drainage: Proceedings of the Second International Conference, Southampton University, UK, April by
Mikrobizide Stoffe in Biologischen Kläranlagen: Immissionen Und Prozeßstabilität by Kunz, P.
Filters against Folly by Hardin, Garrett
Make Prayers to the Raven: A Koyukon View of the Northern Forest by Nelson, Richard K.
The Shikimic Acid Pathway by
Rov '86: Remotely Operated Vehicles: Technology Requirements--Present and Future Proceedings of the Rov '86 Conference Organized by the Marine Technol by Chapman, Roger, Wernli, Robert L.
The Role of Organic Matter in Modern Agriculture by
The Thermophysics of Glaciers by Zotikov, I. a.
Hydrological Forecasting: Design and Operation of Hydrological Forecasting Systems by Nemec, J.
Vertebrate Reproduction: A Textbook by Blüm, Volker
Wassergefährdende Stoffe: Vorschriften Und Erläuterungen by Koß, Klaus-Dieter, Rademacher, Klaus-Dieter
Tidal Mixing and Plankton Dynamics by
The Handbook of Nature Study by Comstock, Anna Botsford
Theoretical Studies on Sex Ratio Evolution by Karlin, Samuel, Lessard, Sabin
Oceanography by Gierloff-Emden, H. G., Koslowski, G., Magaard, L.
Ice Ages: Solving the Mystery by Imbrie, Katherine Palmer, Imbrie, John
Nitrogen Economy of Flooded Rice Soils: Proceedings of a Symposium on the Nitrogen Economy of Flooded Rice Soils, Washington DC, 1983 by
Groundwater by Bowen, R.
Epidemiological Studies of Risks Associated with the Agricultural Use of Sewage Sludge: Knowledge and Needs by
The Ecology of River Systems by
Plantation Silviculture by Shepherd, K. R.
The Dynamics of Physiologically Structured Populations by
Air Pollution: Supplement to Management Air Quality Volume 8 by
Ecology, Recreation and Tourism by Edington, M. Ann, Edington, John M.
Atmospheric Pollutants in Forest Areas: Their Deposition and Interception by
Synoptic Eddies in the Ocean by
Contemporary Studies on Fish Feeding by
Ecological Perspectives of the Upper Mississippi River by
Hydrogen in Disordered and Amorphous Solids by Bambakidis Jr, Gust, Bowman, Robert C.
Leaching of Low and Medium Level Waste Packages Under Disposal Conditions by
Scale Problems in Hydrology: Runoff Generation and Basin Response by
Reliability of Sub-Seabed Disposal Operations for High Level Waste by Sarshar, M. M.
Markedness by
Environmental Hydraulics: Stratified Flows: Stratified Flows by Pedersen, Flemming B.
Compression Wood in Gymnosperms by Timell, Tore E.
Managing Water Resources by Unknown
World Enough and Time: Successful Strategies for Resource Management by Repetto, Robert
Background of Ecology: Concept and Theory by McIntosh, Robert P.
Shock Waves in Condensed Matter by Gupta, Y. M.
Formation of Active Ocean Margins by
The Role of Air-Sea Exchange in Geochemical Cycling by
Processing and Use of Organic Sludge and Liquid Agricultural Wastes: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium Held in Rome, Italy, 8-11 Octob by
Exclusive Economic Zones: Resources, Opportunities and the Legal Regime by Society for Underwater Technology (Sut)
Measuring Water Quality Benefits by Smith, V. Kerry, Desvousges, William H.
Nitrogen Fluxes in Intensive Grassland Systems by
The Evolution of the Biosphere by Budyko, M. I.
Fatigue Behaviour of Offshore Structures by Gupta, Ashok, Singh, Ramesh P.
Aeronomy of the Middle Atmosphere: Chemistry and Physics of the Stratosphere and Mesosphere by Brasseur, G., Solomon, S.
Peat and Water: Aspects of Water Retention and Dewatering in Peat by
Large-Scale Transport Processes in Oceans and Atmosphere by
Practical Application of Remote Sensing in Forestry by
Geological Models of Petroleum Entrapment by Magara, K.
Oceanography by Hojerslev, N. K., Krause, G., Gierloff-Emden, H. G.
The Economic Feasibility of Recycling: A Case Study of Plastic Wastes by Curlee, T. Randall
Lost Initiatives: Canada's Forest Industries, Forest Policy and Forest Conservation by Roach, Thomas R., Gillis, R. Peter
Game Management by Leopold, Aldo
A Hierarchical Concept of Ecosystems. (Mpb-23), Volume 23 by O'Neill, Robert V., Deangelis, Donald Lee, Waide, J. B.
Salt Tectonics by Jenyon, M. K.
Advanced Physical Oceanographic Numerical Modelling by
Stationing and Stability of Semi-Submersibles by Society for Underwater Technology (Sut)
Irreversible Phenomena and Dynamical Systems Analysis in Geosciences by
Bacteria in Nature: Volume 2: Methods and Special Applications in Bacterial Ecology by
Thermodynamical and Dynamical Structures of the Global Atmosphere / Thermodynamische Und Dynamische Strukturen Der Globalen Atmosphäre by Fischer, G., Herbert, F., Madden, R. a.
The Physical Nature and Structure of Oceanic Fronts by Fedorov, K. N.
A Sand County Almanac: With Essays on Conservation from Round River by Leopold, Aldo
Amazonian Rain Forests: Ecosystem Disturbance and Recovery by
The Ecology of Natural Disturbance and Patch Dynamics by
Controlling Volatile Emissions at Hazardous Waste Sites by Ehrenfeld, John R.
Biotechnology and the Environment: Research Needs by Omenn, Gilbert S., Teich, Albert H.
Avoiding Failure of Leachate Collection and Cap Drainage Systems by Bass, Jeffrey
Clay Microstructure by Hulbert, Matthew, Bennett, Richard
Cell and Tissue Culture in Forestry: Volume 2 Specific Principles and Methods: Growth and Developments by
Advances in the Statistical Sciences: Stochastic Hydrology: Volume IV Festschrift in Honor of Professor V. M. Joshi's 70th Birthday by
Hazardous Waste Management Engineering by Martin, Johnson
Dynamics of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet: Proceedings of a Workshop Held in Utrecht, May 6-8, 1985 by
Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application: Part V by
Cell and Tissue Culture in Forestry: General Principles and Biotechnology by
Berechnung Und Prognose Der Eisverhältnisse Auf Der Oder by Freydank, Eberhard
Die Meteorologie Im Dienste Der Volkswirtschaft Und Des Umweltschutzes: Vorträge, Gehalten Auf Der Wissenschaftlichen Konferenz Am 31. Oktober 1984 in by