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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Environmental Studies in 1988

Northern Environmental Disturbances by
Umwelt Management: Erfahrungen Und Instrumente Einer Umweltorientierten Unternehmensstrategie by Steger, Ulrich
Groundwater and Mineral Resources of Nigeria by
Modeling of Volcanic Processes by
Tierische Parasiten: Biologie Und Ökologie by Matthes, Dieter
Economics, Growth and Sustainable Environments: Essays in Memory of Richard Lecomber by
Ethnic Diversity and the Control of Natural Resources in Southeast Asia: Volume 32 by
Traditional Knowledge and Renewable Resource Management in Northern Regions by
ACTA Hydrophysica. Band 31, Heft 3/4 by
Ausgewählte Fragen Der Meeresökologie by Lohs, Karlheinz, Brügmann, Lutz, Mohnke, Manfred
Dynamical Systems and Environmental Models: Proceedings of an International Workshop Cosponsored by Iiasa and the Academy of Sciences of the Gdr, Held by
Chaotic Dynamics Applied to Biological Information Processing by Nicolis, John S.
Economics, Growth and Sustainable Environments: Essays in Memory of Richard Lecomber by
New Directions in Ecological Physiology by
Climate: History, Periodicity and Predictability by Sanders, J. E., Newman, W. S., Rampino, Michael R.
Recent Advances in Nemertean Biology: Proceedings of the Second International Meeting on Nemertean Biology, Tjärnö Marine Biological Laboratory, Augus by
Natural Analogues in Radioactive Waste Disposal by Come, B., Chapman, N. a.
Health Risks of Radon and Other Internally Deposited Alpha-Emitters: Beir IV by Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies
Hazardous Waste Site Management: Water Quality Issues by Water Science and Technology Board, National Research Council, Commission on Physical Sciences Mathematics and Applications
A World of Giant Cities: The Metropolis Era by Dogan, Mattei, Kasarda, John D.
The Biology of Mutualism: Ecology and Evolution by
The Disposal of Long Lived and Highly Radioactive Wastes by Loughton, R. A., Roberts, L. E. S., Wilkinson, Denys
The Theory of Environmental Policy by Oates, Wallace E., Baumol, William J.
The Theory of Environmental Policy by Baumol, William J.
Saline Lakes: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Inland Saline Lakes, Held at Nairobi, Kenya, August 1985 by
Topics in Micrometeorology. a Festschrift for Arch Dyer by
Tropospheric Ozone: Regional and Global Scale Interactions by
Groundwater Flow and Quality Modelling by
Ecological Approach to Pest Management by Horn, D. J.
Mega Cities: The Metropolis Era by Kasarda, John D., Dogan, Mattei
Socioeconomic Aspects of Renewable Energy Technologies by
Coastal-Offshore Ecosystem Interactions: Proceedings of a Symposium Sponsored by Scor, Unesco, San Francisco Society, California Sea Grant Program, an by
Community Ecology and Salamander Guilds by Hairston, Nelson G., Hairston, N. G., Nelson G., Hairston
The Loghouse Nest by Lawrence, Louise de Kiriline
Population Ecology of Individuals by Lomnicki, Adam
Handbook of Hazardous Waste Management for Small Quantity Generators by Phifer, Russell W.
Oceanology '88: Proceedings of an International Conference (Oceanology International '88), Organized by Spearhead Exhibitions Ltd, Spo by Society for Underwater Technology (Sut)
Guide to Ocean Dune Plants Common to North Carolina by Kraus, E. Jean Wilson
Systems Reliability and Risk Analysis by Frankel, E. G.
The Regulatory Framework for the Storage and Disposal of Radioactive Waste in the Member States of the European Community by Associated Nuclear Services
Land of Bright Promise: Advertising the Texas Panhandle and South Plains, 1870-1917 by Blodgett, Jan
Desert Solitaire by Abbey, Edward
Evolution and Adaptation of Terrestrial Arthropods by Cloudsley-Thompson, John L.
Neurosciences and Ethics: Klostergut Jakobsberg, 20.-25. April 1986 Federal Republic of Germany by
Environmental Justice by Wenz, Peter S.
The Economics of Multispecies Harvesting: Theory and Application to the Barents Sea Fisheries by Flaaten, Ola
Long and Short Term Variability of Climate by
Prozeßführung Von Kläranlagen: Technisch-Wirtschaftliche Optimierung Am Beispiel Der Biologischen Vorklärung by Kunz, Peter
Flood Geomorphology by Kochel, R. Craig, Patton, Peter C., Baker, Victor R.
The Living Tundra by Chernov, Yu I.
The Impact of Climatic Variations on Agriculture: Volume 1: Assessment in Cool Temperate and Cold Regions by
Contaminated Soil '88: Second International Tno/Bmft Conference on Contaminated Soil, 11-15 April 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany by
Galapagos: World's End by Beebe, William
Geomorphology and Hydrology of Karst Terrains by White, William B.
Umweltschutz Für Luft Und Wasser by
Coastal Meteorology by Hsu, Shih-Ang
Physiological Limitations and the Genetic Improvement of Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation: Proceedings of an International Conference on the Physiological by
Organic Micropollutants in the Aquatic Environment: Proceedings of the Fifth European Symposium, Held in Rome, Italy, October 20-22, 1987 by
Neurowissenschaften Und Ethik: Klostergut Jakobsberg, 20.-25. April 1986, Bundesrepublik Deutschland by
Public Lands Conflict and Resolution: Managing National Forest Disputes by
Environmental Meteorology: Proceedings of an International Symposium Held in Würzburg, F.R.G., 29 September - 1 October 1987 by
Die Erde: Dynamische Entwicklung, Menschliche Eingriffe, Globale Risiken by
Energy Savings in Agricultural Machinery and Mechanization by
Limnology and Fisheries of Georgian Bay and the North Channel Ecosystems by
Thinking the Unthinkable: Civilization and Rapid Climate Change by Dotto, Lydia
The Photosynthetic Bacterial Reaction Center: Structure and Dynamics by Breton, J.
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology: Continuation of Residue Reviews by Ware, George W.
Mandated Science: Science and Scientists in the Making of Standards: Science and Scientists in the Making of Standards by Levy, Edwin, Salter, L., Leiss, W.
Global Climatic Catastrophes by Golitsyn, Georgi S., Budyko, Michael I.
Farming for Fuel: The Political Economy of Energy Sources in the United States by Dovring, Folke
Aufstellung Und Auswertung Ökosystemarer Element-Konzentrations-Kataster: Eine Einführung by Lieth, Helmut H. F., Markert, Bernd A.
Microbial Ecology by Stolp, Heinz
Drought & Hunger in Africa by
Artificial Structures and Shorelines by
Progress in Atmospheric Physics: Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods, Held in Granada, Spain, 6-11 Septem by
Mandated Science: Science and Scientists in the Making of Standards: Science and Scientists in the Making of Standards by Levy, Edwin, Salter, L., Leiss, W.
Dynamics of Forest Insect Populations: Patterns, Causes, Implications by
An Introduction to Boundary Layer Meteorology by Stull, Roland B.
Manganese in Soils and Plants: Proceedings of the International Symposium on 'Manganese in Soils and Plants' Held at the Waite Agricultural Research by
An Introduction to Boundary Layer Meteorology by Stull, Roland B.
Guide to Industrial Coal and Ash Handling by British Materials Handling Board
Secular Solar and Geomagnetic Variations in the Last 10,000 Years by
Reactions and Processes by
Outlands: Journeys to the Outer Edges of Cape Cod by Finch, Robert
The Quiet Evolution: Power, Planning, and Profits in New York State by Heiman, Michael
Reliability of Radioactive Transfer Models by Desmet, G.
Physically-Based Modelling and Simulation of Climate and Climatic Change: Parts 1 and 2 by
Physically-Based Modelling and Simulation of Climate and Climatic Change: Part 1 by
Physically-Based Modelling and Simulation of Climate and Climatic Change: Part 2 by
Biomass Forestry in Europe: A Strategy for the Future by
Mediterranean-Type Ecosystems: A Data Source Book by
The Social Impact of the Chernobyl Disaster by Marples, David R.
The Maine Woods by Thoreau, Henry David
Mining and the Freshwater Environment by Allison, W. J., Garman, A. R., Kelly, M.
Studies of the Middle Atmosphere by
Environmental Effects of North Sea Oil and Gas Developments by
On Lampreys and Fishes: A Memorial Anthology in Honor of Vadim D. Vladykov by
Public Policies and the Misuse of Forest Resources by
The Provident Sea by D. H., Cushing, Cushing, David H.
Asbestos: Engineering, Management and Control by Cherry, Kenneth F.
Conflict Over the World's Resources: Background, Trends, Case Studies, and Considerations for the Future by Mandel, Robert
The Mathematics of Blunt Body Sampling by Ingham, Derek B., Dunnett, Sarah J.
Water Science Reviews 3: Volume 3: Water Dynamics by Franks, Felix
Air Pollution, Acid Rain and the Environment: Report Number 18 by
Biology of Chrysomelidae by
Atmospheric Tidal and Planetary Waves by Volland, Hans
Introduction to World Vegetation by Collinson, P. E.
Biology of Copepods: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Copepoda by
The Impact of Climatic Variations on Agriculture: Volume 2: Assessments in Semi-Arid Regions by
Community Ecology: A Workshop Held at Davis, Ca, April 1986 by
Balancing the Needs of Water Use by Moore, James W.
Fishery Science and Management: Objectives and Limitations by
A Roadside Guide to the Geology of Great Smoky Mountains National Park by Moore, Harry L.
Ecological Diversity and Its Measurement by Magurran, Anne E.
An Introduction to Tropical Food Science by Hans Gerd, Muller, Muller, Hans Gerd, Muller, H. G.
Coastal Ocean Studies Off Natal, South Africa by
Hydrodynamics and Sediment Dynamics of Tidal Inlets by
Spectral Atlas of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds: Including Data on Physico-Chemical Properties, Occurrence and Biological Activity by
Acid Deposition at High Elevation Sites by
Applications of Chlorophyll Fluorescene by
Petroleum Contaminated Soils, Volume I: Remediation Techniques, Environmental Fate, and Risk Assessment by Kostecki, Paul T.
Physical and Chemical Weathering in Geochemical Cycles by
An Introduction to Coastal Ecology by Boaden, Patrick J. S.
Gast the Gas-Cooled Solar Tower Technology Program: Proceedings of the Final Presentation May 30-31, Lahnstein, Federal Republic of Germany by
St. Francis of Assisi and Nature: Tradition and Innovation in Western Christian Attitudes Toward the Environment by Sorrell, Roger D.
Coastal Marshes: Ecology and Wildlife Management Volume 2 by Chabreck, Robert H.
Meteorology: Subvolume C 2: Climatology. Part 2 by Hantel, M.
Assessment of Crop Loss from Air Pollutants by
Sorbents for Liquid Hazardous Substance Cleanup and Control by Melvoid, Robert W.
Composting Municipal Sludge: A Technology Evaluation by Benedict, Arthur A.
Radon and the Environment by Edelstein, Michael R., Makoofske, William J.
The Operation and Maintenance of Surface Finishing Wastewater Treatment Systems by Roy, Celeste G.
Pesticide Waste Disposal Technology by Bridges, James S., Dempsey, Clyde R.
Applications of Remote Sensing to Agrometeorology: Proceedings of a Course Held at the Joint Research Centre of the Commission of the European Communi by
Anaerobic Treatment of Industrial Wastewaters by Torpy, Michael F.
An Introduction to Coastal Ecology by Seed, R., Boaden, P. J.
Plant Pheno-Morphological Studies in Mediterranean Type Ecosystems by
Coastal Lowlands: Geology and Geotechnology by
Grenzschichtmodellierung Und Klimaforschung by
Ökophysiologie Der Algen: Wachstum Und Ressourcennutzung by Kohl, Johannes-Günter, Nicklisch, Andreas