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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Environmental Studies in 1989

Umweltschutzorientierte Fertigungsstrategien by Plein, Peter-Alexander
Mathematical Modeling in Ecology: A Workbook for Students by Jeffries, C.
The New Environmental Age by Nicholson, Max
Markets for Federal Water: Subsidies, Property Rights, and the Bureau of Reclamation by Wahl, Richard W.
Metallogenic Models and Exploration Criteria for Buried Carbonate-Hosted Ore Deposits--A Multidisciplinary Study in Eastern England: British Geologica by Jones, J. A. Plant and D. G.
Humanökologie: Grundlagen Präventiver Umweltpolitik by
Resources and Strategy by Lesser, Ian O.
Bäuerliche Freiheit Und Genossenschaftliche Koordination: Untersuchungen Zur Landwirtschaft in Der Vertikalen Integration by Dirscherl, Clemens
The Natural Environment and the Biogeochemical Cycles by
Of God and Pelicans: A Theology of Reverence for Life by McDaniel, Jay B.
Short Course in Cloud Physics by Rogers, R. R., Yau, M. K.
The Park Builders: A History of State Parks in the Pacific Northwest by Cox, Thomas R.
Zeitschrift Für Meteorologie. Band 38, Heft 5 by
Zeitschrift Für Meteorologie. Band 38, Heft 6 by
1988 by Casper, S. Jost
To Whom the Wilderness Speaks by Lawrence, Louise de Kiriline
Aquatic Toxicology and Water Quality Management by
Dynamic Modeling in Behavioral Ecology by Mangel, Marc, Clark, Colin Whitcomb
Stories by Gao Yang: "Rekindled Love" and "Purple Jade Hairpin" by
The Green Archipelago: Forestry in Pre-Industrial Japan by Totman, Conrad
The Landfill: Reactor and Final Storage Swiss Workshop on Land Disposal of Solid Wastes Gerzensee, March 14-17, 1988 by
Phosphorus in Freshwater Ecosystems: Proceedings of a Symposium Held in Uppsala, Sweden, 25-28 September 1985 by
Chemical Spills and Emergency Management at Sea: Proceedings of the First International Conference on "chemical Spills and Emergency Management at Sea by
Progress in Synthetic Fuels by
Instrumental Analysis in the Biological Sciences by Gordon, M., MacRae, R.
Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Vegetation Dynamics by
Glacier Fluctuations and Climatic Change: Proceedings of the Symposium on Glacier Fluctuations and Climatic Change, Held at Amsterdam, 1-5 June 1987 by Oerlemans, Johannes
The Future of Nuclear Power by Greenhalgh, G.
Biosafety in the Laboratory: Prudent Practices for Handling and Disposal of Infectious Materials by Committee on Hazardous Biological Substances in the Laborato, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Physical Sciences Mathematics and Applications
Technology and Environment by National Academy of Engineering
Drinking Water and Health, Volume 9: Selected Issues in Risk Assessment by National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Life Sciences
Ozone Depletion, Greenhouse Gases, and Climate Change by Commission on Physical Sciences Mathematics and Applications, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
Irrigation-Induced Water Quality Problems by Commission on Physical Sciences Mathematics and Applications, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
Global Change and Our Common Future: Papers from a Forum by Commission on Physical Sciences Mathematics and Applications, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
Our Seabed Frontier: Challenges and Choices by Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
Investing in Research: A Proposal to Strengthen the Agricultural, Food, and Environmental System by National Research Council, Board on Agriculture
International Handbook of Pollution Control by Kormandy, Edward
Estuarine Circulation by Brubaker, John, Neilson, Bruce J., Kuo, Albert
Die Esr-Altersbestimmungsmethode by Grün, Rainer
Nitrogen Fixation with Non-Legumes: The Fourth International Symposium on 'nitrogen Fixation with Non-Legumes', Rio de Janeiro, 23-28 August 1987 by
Legumes in Farming Systems by
Manual on Aquatic Ecotoxicology by
Grassland Structure and Function: California Annual Grassland by
Groundwater Contamination: Use of Models in Decision-Making: Proceedings of the International Conference on Groundwater Contamination: Use of Models i by
Igneous Petrogenesis a Global Tectonic Approach by Wilson, B. M.
47 Easy-To-Do Classic Science Experiments by Provenzo, Eugene F., Provenzo, Asterie Baker
Radar and the Atmosphere by Bogush, Alfred J., Jr.
Appropriating the Weather: Vilhelm Bjerknes and the Construction of a Modern Meteorology by Friedman, Robert Marc
Advances in Soil Science: Volume 10 by
Nature Management by Grazing and Cutting: On the Ecological Significance of Grazing and Cutting Regimes Applied to Restore Former Species-Rich Grassla by
Restoration of Aquatic and Terrestrial Systems: Proceedings of a Special Water Quality Session Dealing with the Restoration of Acidified Waters in Con by
Agroforestry Systems in the Tropics by
High Latitude Limnology by
Carbon Dioxide and Other Greenhouse Gases: Climatic and Associated Impacts by
Control and Fate of Atmospheric Trace Metals by
Radar Scattering from Modulated Wind Waves: Proceedings of the Workshop on Modulation of Short Wind Waves in the Gravity-Capillary Range by Non-Unifor by
Principles of Agricultural Economics: Markets and Prices in Less Developed Countries by Young, Trevor L., Colman, David Etc
Ronald Reagan and the Public Lands: America's Conservation Debate, 1979-1984 by Short, C. Brant
Middle Atmosphere by Plumb
Acidic Deposition and Forest Soils: Context and Case Studies of the Southeastern United States by Binkley, Dan, Driscoll, Charles T., Allen, H. Lee
Microbial Ecology and Intestinal Infections by
Contaminated Sediments: Lectures on Environmental Aspects of Particle-Associated Chemicals in Aquatic Systems by Förstner, Ulrich
Regulatory Interventionism in the Utility Industry: Fairness, Efficiency, and the Pursuit of Energy Conservation by Barkovich, Barbara R.
Population Harvesting: Demographic Models of Fish, Forest, and Animal Resources by Haight, Robert G., Getz, Wayne M.
Getränkeverpackung Und Umwelt: Auswirkungen Der Verpackung Von Getränken Und Flüssigen Molkereiprodukten Auf Die Umwelt Daten Und Fakten Zur Verpacku by Bojkow, Egon
Acid Toxicity and Aquatic Animals by
Boundary Layer Studies and Applications: A Special Issue of Boundary-Layer Meteorology in Honor of Dr. Hans A. Panofsky (1917-1988) by
Glaciotectonic Landforms and Structures by Aber, J. S., Croot, David G., Fenton, Mark M.
Applications of Continuous and Steady-State Methods to Root Biology by
Effective Risk Communication: The Role and Responsibility of Government and Nongovernment Organizations by
Rights Based Fishing by
Recent Advances in Hydraulic Physical Modelling by
European Geothermal Update by
Systems of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations: Applications to Biology and Engineering by Leung, A. W.
Handbook of Environmental Fate and Exposure Data for Organic Chemicals, Volume I by Howard, Philip H.
Spot Test in Organ Analysis by Anger, V., Feigl, F.
Plant Physiological Ecology: Field Methods and Instrumentation by
Shore Ecology of the Gulf of Mexico by Britton, Joseph C.
Environmental Hazards: Air Pollution by Miller, Ruby M., Miller, E. Willard
Carnivore Behavior, Ecology, and Evolution by Gittleman, John L.
Von Der Kohle Zur Biomasse: Chemierohstoffe Und Energieträger Im Wandel Der Zeit by Osteroth, Dieter
Estuarine Ecology by Hall, Charles A. S., Kemp, W. Michael, Day Jr, John W.
The Man Who Walked Through Time: The Story of the First Trip Afoot Through the Grand Canyon by Fletcher, Colin
Crossing Open Ground by Lopez, Barry
Perspectives on Biogeochemistry by Degens, Egon T.
Ecology of Marine Deposit Feeders by
The Competition by Keddy, Paul
The Urbanization Revolution: Planning a New Agenda for Human Settlements by
Alternative Life-History Styles of Animals by
Dynamics of Ocean Tides by Kagan, B. a., Marchuk, Guri I.
Ecophysiology of Metals in Terrestrial Invertebrates by Hopkin, S. P.
Competition by Keddy, P. a.
Digital Seismology and Fine Modeling of the Lithosphere by
Race to the Stratosphere: Manned Scientific Ballooning in America by DeVorkin, David H.
The Field Guide to Wildlife Habitats of the Eastern United States by Benyus, Janine M.
Rape of the Wild: Man S Violence Against Animals and the Earth by Collard, Andree, Contrucci, Joyce
Measurements for Terrestrial Vegetation by Bonham, Charles D.
Structures of Ophiolites and Dynamics of Oceanic Lithosphere by Nicolas, A.
Disposal of Radioactive Waste in Seabed Sediments by
Sociobiology of Sexual and Reproductive Strategies by
Biomass Production by Fast-Growing Trees by
Dynamics of Biological Invasions by Hengeveld, R.
The Butterflyfishes: Success on the Coral Reef by
Unsaturated Flow in Hydrologic Modeling: Theory and Practice by
Growing Up in the Oil Patch by Schmidt, John
The Immortal Wilderness by Hay, John
Vascular Wilt Diseases of Plants: Basic Studies and Control by
Acidic Precipitation: Case Studies by
Ariadne's Thread: The Search for New Modes of Thinking by Clark, Mary E.
The Past Three Million Years: Evolution of Climatic Variability in the North Atlantic Region by
Tracers in the Ocean by
Sediment/Water Interactions: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium by
Mechanics and Related Processes in Structured Agricultural Soils by
Numerical Syntaxonomy by
Nearshore Sediment Transport by
Aquaculture Management by Meade, James
Defending the Wilderness: The Adirondack Writings of Paul Schaefer by Schaefer, Paul
Basalt Intrusions in Evaporites by Knipping, Bernhard J.
Encyclopedia of Environmental Control Technology: Volume 3: Wastewater Treatment Technology by Cheremisinoff, Paul
Flow and Transport in Porous Formations by Dagan, Gedeon
Physics and Chemistry of the Upper Atmosphere by Rees, M. H.
Beauty, Health, and Permanence: Environmental Politics in the United States, 1955 1985 by Hays, Samuel P.
Theoretische Ökologie: Eine Einführung by Wissel, Christian
Ecology of Arable Land -- Perspectives and Challenges by
Monitoring of Gaseous Pollutants by Tunable Diode Lasers: Proceedings of the International Symposium Held in Freiburg, F.R.G. 17-18 October 1988 by
Oceanic Circulation Models: Combining Data and Dynamics by
Climate and Geo-Sciences: A Challenge for Science and Society in the 21st Century by
Climate and Geo-Sciences: A Challenge for Science and Society in the 21st Century by
Blueprint 1: For a Green Economy by Barbier, Edward, Pearce, David, Markandya, Anil
The Awakening Desert: The Autobiography of an Israeli Scientist by Evenari, Michael
The Political Limits of Environmental Regulation: Tracking the Unicorn by Yandle, Bruce
Policy Through Impact Assessment: Institutionalized Analysis as a Policy Strategy by
Mechanisms and Effects of Pollutant-Transfer Into Forests: Proceedings of the Meeting on Mechanisms and Effects of Pollutant-Transfer Into Forests, He by
The Fate and Effects of Oil in Freshwater by
Clostridia by
Taming the Yellow River: Silt and Floods: Proceedings of a Bilateral Seminar on Problems in the Lower Reaches of the Yellow River, China by
Paleoclimatology and Paleometeorology: Modern and Past Patterns of Global Atmospheric Transport by
Economy & Ecology: Towards Sustainable Development by
Petroleum Contaminated Soils, Volume II: Remediation Techniques, Environmental Fate, and Risk Assessment by Kostecki, Paul T.
Aquatic Oligochaete Biology: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Aquatic Oligochaete Biology by
Multiple-Use Management: The Economics of Public Forestlands by Krutilla, John V., Bowes, Michael D.
Water and Wastewater Examination Manual by Adams, V. Dean
On Systemic Balance: Flexibility and Stability in Social, Economic, and Environmental Systems by Goldberg, M., Goldberg, Michael A., Goldberg
Hazardous Waste Management in Small Businesses: Regulating and Assisting the Smaller Generator by Deyle, Robert E.
Informatik Im Umweltschutz: 4. Symposium Karlsruhe, 6.-8. November 1989 Proceedings by
Risk Analysis in Nuclear Waste Management: Proceedings of the Ispra-Course Held at the Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy, 30 May - 3 June 1988 by
Effects of Crop Rotation on Potato Production in the Temperate Zones: Proceedings of the International Conference on Effects of Crop Rotation on Potat by
Functional Biology of Clonal Animals by Hughes, R. N.
Pfahlgründungen by Kolymbas, Dimitrios
A World of Giant Cities: The Metropolis Era by Dogan, Mattei, Kasarda, John D.
Mega Cities: The Metropolis Era by Kasarda, John D., Dogan, Mattei
Envisioning a Sustainable Society: Learning Our Way Out by Milbrath, Lester W.
Environments at Risk: Case Histories of Impact Assessment by Ellis, Derek
Performance and Blank Components of a Mass Spectrometric System for Routine Measurement of Helium Isotopes and Tritium by the 3he Ingrowth Method: Vor by Bayer, Reinhold, Schlosser, Peter, Bönisch, Gerhard
An Introduction to the Coriolis Force by Stommel, Henry, Moore, Dennis
Introduction to the Coriolis Force by Stommel, Henry, Moore, Dennis
Ecology of Biological Invasions of North America and Hawaii by
Umdenken in Der Abfallwirtschaft: Vermeiden, Verwerten, Beseitigen by Michaelis, Peter, Faber, Malte, Stephan, Gunter
Public Interest in the Use of Private Lands by
Oceanography by Gust, G., Fahrbach, E., Franz, H.
Ecological Experiments: Purpose, Design and Execution by Hairston, Nelson G.
Water Science Reviews 4: Volume 4: Hydration Phenomena in Colloidal Systems by
El Nino, La Nina, and the Southern Oscillation: Volume 46 by
Earth Science Mapping for Planning, Development and Conservation by
Biotic Diversity and Germplasm Preservation, Global Imperatives by
Baugeologie in Der PRAXIS: Eine Ingenieurtechnische Anleitung Für Geowissenschaftler by Dachroth, Wolfgang R.
The Arctic Seas: Climatology, Oceanography, Geology, and Biology by Herman, Yvonne
The Natural Environment and the Biogeochemical Cycles by
Erkenntnisse Unter Tage: Bergbaumotive in Der Literatur Der Romantik by Gold, Helmut
Economics of Natural Resources and the Environment by Turner, R. Kerry, Pearce, David W.
Cities in a Global Society by
Umweltökonomie: Investitionen, Standortentscheidungen Und Arbeitsmärkte Am Beispiel Einzelner Industriegruppen Südwestdeutschlands by Gernert, Jürgen
The Behavioural Environment: Essays in Reflection, Application and Re-evaluation by
The Analysis of Directional Time Series: Applications to Wind Speed and Direction by Breckling, Jens
Notes on Meterology by Kemp, Kemp, Richard, Young
Stickstoffoxide Und Luftreinhaltung: Grundlagen, Emissionen, Transmission, Immissionen, Wirkungen by Kolar, Jörgen
To the Hands of the Poor: Water and Trees by Chambers, Robert, Saxena, N., Shah, Tushaar
Air Pollution and Forests: Interactions Between Air Contaminants and Forest Ecosystems by Smith, William H.
Acidic Precipitation: Soils, Aquatic Processes, and Lake Acidification by
Where Have All the Birds Gone?: Essays on the Biology and Conservation of Birds That Migrate to the American Tropics by Terborgh, John
The Global Economic System by Wallace, I.
Emergency Management: Strategies for Maintaining Organizational Integrity by Drabek, Thomas E.
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology: Continuation of Residue Reviews by Ware, George W.
Microwave Remote Sensing for Oceanographic and Marine Weather-Forecast Models by
Troubleshooting and Human Factors in Automated Manufacturing Systems by Bereiter, Susan R., Miller, Steven M.
Volatilization Technologies for Removing Organics from Watervolatilization Technologies for Removing Organics from Water by Fleming, J. L.
Complying with Trihalomethane Reduction Requirements in Water Treatment Facilities by Singer, Philip
Acidic Emissions Control Technology and Costs by Emmell, T. E.
In Situ Immobilization of Heavy-Metal-Contaminated Soils by Czupyrna, G.
Control of Emissions from Municipal Solid Waste Incincerators by Depaul, F. Thomas, Crowder, Jerry W.
The Long-Range Atmospheric Transport of Natural and Contaminant Substances by
Atmospheric Computations to Assess Acidification in Europe: Summary and Conclusions of the Warsaw II Meeting by
Progress in Theoretical Vegetation Science by
Statistical Methods for the Assessment of Point Source Pollution: Proceedings of a Workshop on Statistical Methods for the Assessment of Point Source by
Global Climate Change Linkages: Acid Rain, Air Quality, and Stratospheric Ozone by
Recreational Uses of Coastal Areas: A Research Project of the Commission on the Coastal Environment, International Geographical Union by
Mayflies and Stoneflies: Life Histories and Biology: Proceedings of the 5th International Ephemeroptera Conference and the 9th International Plecopter by
Analytical Theory of Forced Oceanic Waves by Fennel, Wolfgang, Lass, Hans Ulrich