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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Environmental Studies in 1990

Hb Fiber-Reinforced Concrete by Beaudoin, James J.
How to Select Hazardous Waste Treatment Technologies for Soils and Sludges by Luisa, Bozzano G.
Accidental Releases of Air Toxics: Prevention, Control and Mitigation by Davis, Daniel S.
Altlastensanierung '90 by Brink, W. J. Van Den, Arendt, F., Hinsenveld, M.
Global Alert: The Ozone Pollution Crisis by Fishman, Jack, Kalish, Robert
A History of the County of Stafford: Volume XIV: Lichfield by
Umwelthaftungsrecht by Prätorius, Gerhard, Feess, Eberhard, Steger, Ulrich
Integrierter Umweltschutz: Eine Herausforderung an Das Innovationsmanagement by Kreikebaum, Hartmut
Land and Power in Hawaii: The Democratic Years by Cooper, George, Daws, Gavan
Ökologische Krise Und Risikobewußtsein: Zu Psychischen Verarbeitung Von Umweltbelastungen by Ruff, Frank M.
Betriebliche Umweltschutzbeauftragte: Determinanten Ihres Wirkungsgrades by Theissen, Antje
Geophysical Data Inversion Methods and Applications: Proceedings of the 7th International Mathematical Geophysics Seminar Held at the Free University by
Demanding Clean Food and Water: The Fight for a Basic Human Right by Goldstein, Joan
The Future of Amazonia: Destruction or Sustainable Development? by
Planung, Management, Gestaltung - aktuelle Aufgaben des Stadtbauwesens: 354. Sitzung am 7. Dezember 1988 in Düsseldorf by Ruske, Wilfried
Environmental Consequences of and Control Processes for Energy Technologies by Hoffmann, Axel
Fine Pore Aeratio by Luisa, Bozzano G.
Controlling Volatile Organic Comp. by Luisa, Bozzano G.
Haz Waste Treatment Technologies Biologicl by Luisa, Bozzano G.
Three Men and a Forester by Mahood, Ian, Drushka, Ken
Readings in Risk by Gough, Michael, Glickman, Theodore S.
Water Shall Flow from the Rock: Hydrogeology and Climate in the Lands of the Bible by Issar, Arie S.
April 1990 by
Applied Systems Ecology Approach and Case Studies in Aquatic Ecology by Recknagel, Friedrich
Desert Solitaire by Abbey, Edward
Freshwater Macroinvertebrates of Northeastern North America by Fraissinet, Pierre R., Penton, Marjory, Peckarsky, Barbara L.
Freshwater Macroinvertebrates of Northeastern North America by Fraissinet, Pierre R., Penton, Marjory, Peckarsky, Barbara L.
"Heal the Sick" Was Their Motto: The Protestant Medical Missionaries in China by Choa, G. H.
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics by Pedlosky, Joseph
The Fisherman's Problem: Ecology and Law in the California Fisheries, 1850 1980 by McEvoy, Arthur F.
Advances in Agronomy: Volume 43 by
Abfallwirtschaft Theorie Und PRAXIS: Ein Grundriß by Damkowski, Wulf, Elsholz, Günter
Applied Geography: Issues, Questions, and Concerns by
Rotifer Symposium V: Proceedings of the Fifth Rotifer Symposium, Held in Gargnano, Italy, September 11-18, 1988 by
Masters Theses in the Pure and Applied Sciences: Accepted by Colleges and Universities of the United States and Canada Volume 32 by
Succession in Abandoned Fields: Studies in Central Bohemia, Czechoslovakia by
Environmental Bioassay Techniques and Their Application: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference Held in Lancaster, England, 11-14 July 1988 by
Inland Waters of Southern Africa: An Ecological Perspective by Hart, R. C., O'Keeffe, J. H., Allanson, B. R.
Methods of Dendrochronology: Applications in the Environmental Sciences by
Acid Waters in Wales by Edwards, R. W., Gee, A. S., Stoner, J. H.
The U.S. Global Change Research Program: An Assessment of the Fy 1991 Plans by Commission on Geosciences Environment and Resources, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies
Confronting Climate Change: Strategies for Energy Research and Development by Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Research Council
Research Strategies for the U.S. Global Change Research Program by Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Physical Sciences Mathematics and Applications, National Research Council
The New Year's Eve Flood on Oahu, Hawaii: December 31, 1987 - January 1, 1988 by Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Research Council
Valuing Health Risks, Costs, and Benefits for Environmental Decision Making: Report of a Conference by Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council
Ecological Risks: Perspectives from Poland and the United States by Polish Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Sciences
Monitoring Southern California's Coastal Waters by Panel on Southern California Bight of the Committee on a Sys, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems
Since Megalopolis: The Urban Writings of Jean Gottmann by
Back to Nature: The Arcadian Myth in Urban America by Schmitt, Peter J.
Drinking Water Microbiology: Progress and Recent Developments by
Seaside Naturalist: Seaside Naturalist by Coulombe, Deborah A.
Ecological Perception Research, Visual Communication, and Aesthetics by
Plant Reproductive Ecology: Patterns and Strategies by
Energieversorgung Der Zukunft: Rationelle Energienutzung Und Erneuerbare Quellen by Nitsch, Joachim, Luther, Joachim
Weather Radar Networking: Seminar on Cost Project 73 by
Surfactants in Solution: Volume 7 by
Surfactants in Solution: Volume 8 by
Surfactants in Solution: Volume 9 by
Paleolimnology and the Reconstruction of Ancient Environments: Paleolimnology Proceedings of the XII Inqua Congress by
Handbook of Environmental Fate and Exposure Data for Organic Chemicals, Volume II by Howard, Philip H.
A Naturalist in Alaska by Murie, Adolph
Financing Economic Development: An Institutional Response by Bingham, Richard D., Hill, Edward
Financing Economic Development: An Institutional Response by Hill, Edward, Bingham, Richard
Hydrogeochemie: Eine Einführung in Die Beschaffenheitsentwicklung Des Grundwassers by Voigt, Hans-Jürgen
Praktikum Der Analytischen Geochemie by Heinrichs, Hartmut, Herrmann, Albert G.
Dream-Analytical Ground Water Flow Programs by Rounds, Stewart, Bonn, Bernadine A.
Naturschutz: Ein Lesebuch Nicht Nur Für Planer, Politiker, Polizisten, Publizisten Und Juristen by Remmert, Hermann
The Magnetosphere, the High Latitude Ionosphere, and Their Interactions by
Impact Models to Assess Regional Acidification by
Trophic Relationships in Inland Waters: Proceedings of an International Symposium Held in Tihany (Hungary), 1-4 September 1987 by
Surfactants in Solution: Volume 10 by
Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Atmospheric Pollutants (1989): Air Pollution Research Reports by
Introduction to Modeling of Transport Phenomena in Porous Media by Bachmat, Y., Bear, Jacob
Social Behaviour in Animals: With Special Reference to Vertebrates by Tinbergen, J.
Sessile Animals of the Sea Shore by Haris, Vernon
Florida Weather by Winsberg, Morton D.
Siftings by Jensen, Jens
New Transportation Fuels: A Strategic Approach to Technological Change by Sperling, Daniel
Krankheitskosten Durch Luftverschmutzung by Heinz, Ingo, Klaaßen-Mielke, Renate
The Relevance of Manganese in the Ocean for the Climatic Cycles in the Quaternary: Vorgelegt in Der Sitzung Vom 18. November 1989 by Eisenhauer, Anton, Walter, Peter, Mangini, Augusto
Population Dynamics in Variable Environments by Tuljapurkar, Shripad
Natural Resource Economics: Conservation and Exploitation by Neher, Philip a.
Safer Insecticides Development and Use: Development and Use by Hodgson, E.
Progress in Littorinid and Muricid Biology: Proceedings of the Second European Meeting on Littorinid Biology, Tjärnö Marine Biological Laboratory, Swe by
Acarine Biocontrol Agents: An Illustrated Key and Manual by Gerson, U., Smiley, Robert
Theoretical Geophysical Fluid Dynamics by Monin
Expected Effects of Climatic Change on Marine Coastal Ecosystems by
Integrating Insurance and Risk Management for Hazardous Wastes by
Subtech '89: Fitness for Purpose by
The Greenhouse Trap: What We're Doing to the Atmosphere and How We Can Slow Global Warming by Lyman, Francesca
Water Supply Byelaws Guide by White, S. F., Mays, G. D.
Lightning Electromagnetics by Gardner, Robert
The Indoor Radon Problem by Brookins, Douglas
Global and Regional Geodynamics: Symposium No. 101 Edinburgh, Scotland, August 3-5, 1989 by
Conservation in Africa: Peoples, Policies and Practice by
Analysis of Wildlife Radio-Tracking Data by Garrott, Robert A., White, Gary C.
Evolutionary Instability: Logical and Material Aspects of a Unified Theory of Biosocial Evolution by Geiger, Gebhard
North Sea--Estuaries Interactions: Proceedings of the 18th Ebsa Symposium Held in Newcastle Upon Tyne, U.K., 29th August to 2nd September, 1988 by
North Sea Climate: Based on Observations from Ships and Lightvessels by Korevaar, C. G.
Practical Applications of Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (Qsar) in Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology by
Large-Scale Regional Water Resources Planning: The North Atlantic Regional Study by Schwarz, S. E., Major, D. C.
Metal Ions in Biological Systems: Volume 26: Compendium on Magnesium and Its Role in Biology: Nutrition and Physiology by
Sustainable Agricultural Systems by Edwards, Clive A.
Population Geography by Jones, Huw R.
Saving the Mediterranean: The Politics of International Environmental Cooperation by Haas, Peter
Useful Palms of the World: A Synoptic Bibliography by
Environmental Impact Assessment: Theory and Practice by
Outdoors by Bryant, Nelson
Natur Und Industriegesellschaft: Beiträge Aus Interdisziplinärer Sicht by
Geostatistik: Einführung in Die Theorie Der Zufallsprozesse by Meier, Siegfried, Keller, Wolfgang
The Terrestrial Invasion: An Ecophysiological Approach to the Origins of Land Animals by Little, Colin
Dynamics in Atmospheric Physics by Lindzen, Richard S., Lindzen, Richard A., Richard a., Lindzen
Plant Nutrition - Physiology and Applications by
Saline Lakes: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Athalassic (Inland) Saline Lakes, Held at Banyoles, Spain, May 19 by
Sulphide Deposits--Their Origin and Processing by
Systems Reliability Assessment: Proceedings of the Ispra Course Held at the Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieros Navales, Madrid, Spain, September 1 by
Alternative Life-History Styles of Fishes by
Movable Bed Physical Models by Hsieh Wen Shen
Nitrogen Fixing Organisms: Pure and Applied Aspects by Sprent, P.
Geological History of the Polar Oceans: Arctic Versus Antarctic by
Prediction of the Environmental Fate of Chemicals by Samiullah, Y.
Disaster Recovery Planning for Telecommunications by Wrobel, Leo a.
North Carolina Planters and Their Children, 1800--1860 by Censer, Jane Turner
Radon, Radium, and Uranium in Drinking Water by Cothern, C. Richard
Climate and Development: Climate Change and Variability and the Resulting Social, Economic and Technological Implications by
Visualisierung Von Umweltdaten in Supercomputersystemen: 1. Fachtagung Karlsruhe, 8. November 1989 Proceedings by
The Impact of the Federal Budget Process on National Forest Planning by Sample, V. Alaric
Einmischungen / DDR: Zu Fragen Der Ökologie, Verhaltensbiologie, Psychologie, Pädagogik, Philosophie U. A. by Schmidt, Hans-Dieter, Jeschke, Lebrecht
The Rains Model of Acidification: Science and Strategies in Europe by
Surface Waves and Fluxes: Volume I -- Current Theory by
Sociobiology and Conflict: Evolutionary Perspectives on Competition, Cooperation, Violence and Warfare by Falger, V.
History and Precedent in Environmental Design by Rapoport, Anatol
Intrazooplankton Predation by
Biological Invasions in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin by
Agroforestry Education and Training: Present and Future: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Professional Education and Training in Agrofores by
The Rains Model of Acidification: Science and Strategies in Europe by
The Struggle for the Land: Indigenous Insight and Industrial Empire in the Semiarid World by
Wanderings in the Southwest in 1855: Volume 23 by Stillman, J. D. B.
Ozone Crisis: The 15-Year Evolution of a Sudden Global Emergency by Roan, Sharon
Geographie Des Meeres - Ozeane Und Küsten, Teil 2 by Gierloff-Emden, Hans-Günter
Geographie Des Meeres - Ozeane Und Küsten, Teil 1 by Gierloff-Emden, Hans-Günter
Ozone Crisis: The 15-Year Evolution of a Sudden Global Emergency by Roan, Sharon
The Unquiet Woods: Ecological Change and Peasant Resistance in the Himalaya by Guha, Ramachandra
In the Shadow of the Mountain: The Spirit of the CCC by Hill, Edwin G.
Encyclopedia of Environmental Control Technology: Volume 4: Containment and Treatment by Cheremisinoff, Paul
Technikpolitik Angesichts Der Umweltkatastrophe by
Geomorphological Techniques by
Geochemistry of Sedimentary Carbonates: Volume 48 by Morse, J. W., MacKenzie, F. T.
Water Wells - Monitoring, Maintenance, Rehabilitation: Proceedings of the International Groundwater Engineering Conference, Cranfield Institute of Tec by
Image: An Integrated Model to Assess the Greenhouse Effect by Rotmans, J.
In Situ Evaluation of Biological Hazards of Environmental Pollutants by
Compendium of Aeronomy by Tohmatsu, T.
Climate-Ocean Interaction by
Restoration Ecology: A Synthetic Approach to Ecological Research by
Ecosystems of Florida by
The Control of Nature by McPhee, John
Okefinokee Album by Presley, Delma E.
Bioprocessing and Biotreatment of Coal by Wise, Donald L.
Acidic Precipitation: International Overview and Assessment by
Fire in North American Tallgrass Prairies by Collins, Scott L., Wallace, Linda L.
Natural Resources, Growth, and Development: Economics, Ecology and Resource-Scarcity by Tisdell, C. a., Tisdell, Clement A.
Schallbewertung: Grundlagen Der Lärmforschung by Schick, August
The Changing Atmosphere: A Global Challenge by Firor, John
The Physical Oceanography of Sea Straits by
Global Atmospheric Change and Public Health by
Ecology and Management of Aquatic Vegetation in the Indian Subcontinent by
Biomanipulation Tool for Water Management: Proceedings of an International Conference Held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 8-11 August, 1989 by
Directing Ecological Succession by Luken, J. O.
Analytical Biogeography: An Integrated Approach to the Study of Animal and Plant Distributions by
A Secret World: Natural Products of Marine Life by Pietra, F.
Nature and the American: Three Centuries of Changing Attitudes (Second Edition) by Huth, Hans
Metallogeny of Tin by Lehmann, Bernd
Entwicklung Technisch-Wirtschaftlich Optimierter Regionaler Entsorgungsalternativen: Dargestellt Für Reststoffe Aus Der Rauchgasreinigung Für Baden-Wü by Hammerschmid, Rudolf
Surgical Diseases in Pregnancy by
Dynamics of the Coupled Atmosphere and Ocean by
Palaeolimnology and Lake Acidification by
The Future of Amazonia: Destruction or Sustainable Development? by
Ecology, Community and Lifestyle: Outline of an Ecosophy by Naess, Arne, Nss, Arne
Polar Oceanography: Chemistry, Biology, and Geology by
Diffusion of Contaminants in the Ocean by Ozmidov
Dynamics, Transport and Photochemistry in the Middle Atmosphere of the Southern Hemisphere by
Greenhouse Effect, Sea Level and Drought by
Thirteenth International Seaweed Symposium: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Seaweed Symposium Held in Vancouver, Canada, August 13-18, 198 by
Ocean Resources by
Managing the Behaviour of Animals by Monaghan, P., Wood-Gush, D. G. M.
Acoustic Behaviour of Insects: An Evolutionary Perspective by Bailey, W.
Novel Biodegradable Microbial Polymers by
Wetland Ecology and Management: Case Studies by
Ocean Resources: Volume I: Assessment and Utilisation by
Ocean Resources: Volume II Subsea Work Systems and Technologies by
Plant Physiological Ecology: Field Methods and Instrumentation by
Processes of Vegetation Change by Burrows, C. J.
Transfer of Radionuclides in Natural and Semi-Natural Environments by Desmet, G.
Heterotypical Behaviour in Man and Animals by
Environmental Hazards of War: Releasing Dangerous Forces in an Industrialized World by United Nations Environment Programme
Air Traffic and the Environment -- Background, Tendencies and Potential Global Atmospheric Effects: Proceedings of a Dlr International Colloquium, Bon by
Sustaining Earth: Response to the Environmental Threat by
Sustaining Earth: Response to the Environmental Threat by
Ckw, Fckw Und Lösungsmittel: Optimierter Einsatz Und Ersatz in Der Betrieblichen PRAXIS by
U.S. Energy and Environmental Interest Groups: Institutional Profiles by Wenner, Lettie McSpadden
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