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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Environmental Studies in 1991

Formulating Plastics and Elastomers by Computer by Hermansen, Ralph D.
Air Entrainment in Free-surface Flow: IAHR Hydraulic Structures Design Manuals 4 by
Environmental Toxicity Testing by Loibner, Wadhia, Thompson
Nachdenken Uber Stadtebau by
Borrowed Earth, Borrowed Time: Healing America's Chemical Wounds by Schweitzer, Glenn E.
Integrierter Umweltschutz: Eine Herausforderung an Das Innovationsmanagement by
Industrialismus Und Ökoromantik: Geschichte Und Perspektiven Der Ökologisierung by
Anforderungen an Expertensysteme Für Den Gewässerschutz: Bedarfsanalyse, Systemkonzept Und Machbarkeitsstudie by
Erosion Des Wachstumsparadigmas: Neue Konfliktstrukturen Im Politischen System Der Bundesrepublik? by
Plant Tissue Culture Manual: Supplement 1 by Lindsey, K.
Plant Tissue Culture Manual: Supplement 2 by Lindsey, K.
The Allagash by Dietz, Lew
Techniques for Desert Reclamation by
Hillslope Hydrology by Kirkby, M. J.
Channelized Rivers: Perspectives for Environmental Management by Brookes, Andrew
Introduction to World Forestry by Westoby, Jack
A Streetcar to Subduction and Other Plate Tectonic Trips by Public Transport in San Francisco by Wahrhaftig, Clyde
The Future of Amazonia: Destruction or Sustainable Development? by
Solar Thermal Central Receiver Systems: Volume 3: Performance Evaluation Standards for Solar Central Receivers by
Islands under Siege: National Parks and the Politics of External Threats by Freemuth, John C.
Theoretische Ökologie: Eine Einführung by Wissel, Christian
Juni 1990 by
Limnologica. Volume 21, Number 1 by
Natural History Museums: Directions for Growth by
Principles of Wildlife Management by Bailey, James A.
Reservoir Limnology: Ecological Perspectives by Kimmel, Bruce L., Payne, Forrest E., Thornton, Kent W.
A Companion to Environmental Philosophy by
Population Biology of Passerine Birds: An Integrated Approach by
Aquatic Chemical Kinetics: Reaction Rates of Processes in Natural Waters by
The Limits of Law by Yeager, Peter Cleary
The Earth in Transition by
Watering the Valley: Development along the High Plains Arkansas River, 1870-1950 by Sherow, James E.
Theorie Und Politik Der Abfallwirtschaft: Eine Ökonomische Analyse by Michaelis, Peter
Down the River by Abbey, Edward
Global Climate and Ecosystem Change by
Surface and Colloid Chemistry in Natural Waters and Water Treatment by
Climate in Human Perspective: A Tribute to Helmut E. Landsberg by
Searching Behaviour: The Behavioural Ecology of Finding Resources by Bell, W. J.
Microbiology of Marine Food Products by Hackney, Cameron A., Ward, Peter Ed., Ward, Donn R.
Land Use Changes in Europe: Processes of Change, Environmental Transformations and Future Patterns by
Organic Micropollutants in the Aquatic Environment by European Symposium 6th 1990
Geological Structures and Moving Plates by Park, R. G.
Monitoring Human Tissues for Toxic Substances by Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council
Colorado River Ecology and Dam Management: Proceedings of a Symposium May 24-25, 1990 Santa Fe, New Mexico by National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Geosciences Environment and Resources
Four-Dimensional Model Assimilation of Data: A Strategy for the Earth System Sciences by National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Geosciences Environment and Resources
Toward Sustainability: A Plan for Collaborative Research on Agriculture and Natural Resource Management by Board on Agriculture, National Research Council, Board on Science and Technology for International Developmen
A Safer Future: Reducing the Impacts of Natural Disasters by Commission on Geosciences Environment and Resources, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies
Toward Sustainability: Soil and Water Research Priorities for Developing Countries by Commission on Geosciences Environment and Resources, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies
Managing Water Resources in the West Under Conditions of Climate Uncertainty: A Proceedings by Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Geosciences Environment and Resources, National Research Council
Human Exposure Assessment for Airborne Pollutants: Advances and Opportunities by Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies
All That the Rain Promises and More: A Hip Pocket Guide to Western Mushrooms by Arora, David
Fluid Mechanics of the Atmosphere: Volume 47 by Brown, Robert A.
Radioactive Waste: Politics and Technology by Berkhout, Frans
Measuring the Demand for Environmental Quality: Open Workshop: Revised Papers by
Der Amazonas: Geschichte Und Probleme Eines Stromgebietes Zwischen Pazifik Und Atlantik by Grabert, Hellmut
Saving America's Wildlife: Ecology and the American Mind, 1850-1990 by Dunlap, Thomas R.
The Surface Waters Acidification Programme by
Water Science Reviews 5: Volume 5: The Molecules of Life by
Humic Substances in the Aquatic and Terrestrial Environment: Proceedings of an International Symposium Linköping, Sweden, August 21-23, 1989 by
Siting Hazardous Waste Treatment Facilities: The Nimby Syndrome by Portney, Kent E.
Contaminated Soil '90 by
The Rhizosphere and Plant Growth: Papers Presented at a Symposium Held May 8-11, 1989, at the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center (Barc), Beltsvil by Keister, Donald L., Cregan, Perry B.
Ocean Variability & Acoustic Propagation by Ocean Variability and Acoustic Propagation Workshop 1990, Potter, John
Venus Aeronomy by Russell, C. T.
The Paramyxoviruses by Kingsbury, David Ed.
Reproductive Behaviour of Insects: Individuals and Populations by
Blueprint 2: Greening the World Economy by Pearce, David
Appalachian Spring by Bonta, Marcia
Environmental Sampling and Analysis: A Practical Guide by Keith, Lawrenceh
Phylogeny, Ecology, and Behavior: A Research Program in Comparative Biology by Brooks, Daniel R., McLennan, Deborah A.
Solar Thermal Energy Utilization: German Studies on Technology and Application by
Solar Thermal Energy Utilization: German Studies on Technology and Application by
Harnessing Science for Environmental Regulation by
Energy, the Environment, and Public Policy: Issues for the 1990s by
Linking the Natural Environment and the Economy: Essays from the Eco-Eco Group by
Safety of Chemical Batch Reactors and Storage Tanks by
Glacial Isostasy, Sea-Level and Mantle Rheology by
Biodeterioration Research: Mycotoxins, Biotoxins, Wood Decay, Air Quality, Cultural Properties, General Biodeterioration, and Degradation by
Shellfish: A Guide to Oysters, Mussels, Scallops, Clams and Similar Products for the Commercial User by Dore, Ian
The Energy Sourcebook by
Chernobyl:: A Policy Response Study by
Semiarid Lands and Deserts: Soil Resource and Reclamation by Skujins, J.
Accumulation of Organic Carbon in Marine Sediments: Results from the Deep Sea Drilling Project/Ocean Drilling Program (Dsdp/Odp) by Stein, Ruediger
Green Rage: Radical Environmentalism and the Unmaking of Civilization by Manes, Christopher
The Island Within by Nelson, Richard
Ökologieorientierte Volkswirtschaftslehre by Gebhardt, Bodo, Hobbensiefken, Guenter
Umweltorientiertes Krankenhausmanagement: Strategien Und Maßnahmen Für Eine Größere Umweltverträglichkeit by Wilhelm, Ernst, Janischowski, Axel J. F.
Teleconnections Linking Worldwide Climate Anomalies by
Tree Rings: Basics and Applications of Dendrochronology by Schweingruber, Fritz Hans
Vegetation and Climate Interactions in Semi-Arid Regions by
Comets in the Post-Halley Era by
Genetic and Ecological Diversity: The Sport of Nature by Cook, L. M.
Comets in the Post-Halley Era: In Part Based on Reviews Presented at the 121st Colloquium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Bamberg, G by
An Introduction to Marine Science by Campbell, J. I., Meadows, P. S.
Advances in Radiation Protection by
In Search of Indicators of Sustainable Development by
Tsunami Hazard: A Practical Guide for Tsunami Hazard Reduction by
Nitrogen Turnover in the Soil-Crop System: Modelling of Biological Transformations, Transport of Nitrogen and Nitrogen Use Efficiency by
Trees of Life: Saving Tropical Forests and Their Biological Wealth by Miller, Kenton, Tangley, Laura
A Land by Hawkes, Jacquetta
Ecometric and Dynamic Modelling --: Exemplified by Caesium in Lakes After Chernobyl Methodological Aspects of Establishing Representative and Compatib by Hakanson, Lars
Resource Management in Developing Countries: Africa's Ecological and Economic Problems by James, Valentine U.
Resource Management in Developing Countries: Africa's Ecological and Economic Problems by James, Valentine U., James, Valentine Udoh
Changing Wilderness Values, 1930-1990: An Annotated Bibliography by Elbers, Joan S.
Studies on Large Branchiopod Biology and Aquaculture by
Introduction to Modeling of Transport Phenomena in Porous Media by Bachmat, Y., Bear, Jacob
Cichlid Fishes: Behaviour, Ecology and Evolution by
Cyprinid Fishes: Systematics, Biology and Exploitation by Winfield, I. J., Nelson, J. S.
Prediction and Regulation of Air Pollution by Berlyand, M. E.
Aquifer Testing: Design and Analysis of Pumping and Slug Tests by Istok, Jonathan D., Dawson, Karen J.
The Fragile Environment: The Darwin College Lectures by
Computer Integrated Experimentation by Magrab, Edward B.
Laboratory Accreditation and Data Certification: A System for Success by Dempsey, Carla H., Petty, Jimmie D.
Modeling Air-Lake Interaction: Physical Background by
Forever Open, Clear, and Free: The Struggle for Chicago's Lakefront by Wille, Lois
Big City Politics in Transition by Savitch, H. V., Thomas, John Clayton
Handbook of Environmental Fate and Exposure Data: For Organic Chemicals, Volume III Pesticides by Howard, Philiph
Rediscovery of North America by Lopez, Barry
Comparative Analyses of Ecosystems: Patterns, Mechanisms, and Theories by
Zur Methodischen Auswahl Von Emissionsminderungsmaßnahmen: Dargestellt Für Den Anlagenpark Kleiner Und Mittlerer Feuerungen in Baden-Württemberg by Gruber, Karl H.
Symbolic Action Theory and Cultural Psychology by Boesch, Ernest E.
Multiple Sklerose Neuroonkologie Konstitutionelle Dyslexie: 63. Jahrestagung Vom 13.-15. September 1990 in Darmstadt by
Response of Plants to Multiple Stresses by
Living Ice: Understanding Glaciers and Glaciation by Sharp, Robert P., Robert P., Sharp
Biochemistry of Halogenated Organic Compounds by Kirk, Kenneth L.
Climate Dynamics of the Tropics by Hastenrath, S.
Ecogenetics: Genetic Predisposition to Toxic Effects of Chemicals by
Living Earth: A Short History of Life and Its Home by Nisbet, R. E.
Living Earth: A Short History of Life and Its Home by Nisbet, Evan G.
Persistent Pollutants: Economics and Policy: Economics and Policy by
Treatment and Conditioning of Radioactive Incinerator Ashes by
Management of Nutrition in Forests Under Stress: Proceedings of the International Symposium, Sponsored by the International Union of Forest Research O by
Climate Dynamics of the Tropics by Hastenrath, S.
Environmental Protection: Public or Private Choice by
Water: The International Crisis by Clarke, Robin
Basic Math Concepts: For Water and Wastewater Plant Operators by Price, Joanne K.
Visualisierung Von Umweltdaten: Rostock, 20. November 1990 Proceedings by
Thermal Energy Storage for Commercial Applications: A Feasibility Study on Economic Storage Systems by
Everyone's Country Estate by Meyer, Roy
Essential Industry and the Nimby Phenomenon by Brion, Denis J.
A Critique for Ecology by Peters, Robert Henry
The Frozen Earth: Fundamentals of Geocryology by Smith, Michael W., Williams, Peter J.
Environmental Management in the Soviet Union by Pryde, Philip R.
The Biology of Latimeria Chalumnae and Evolution of Coelacanths by
Plant Demography in Vegetation Succession by Falinska, K.
The Biology of Mallomonas: Morphology, Taxonomy and Ecology by Siver, P. a.
The Economics and Management of Water and Drainage in Agriculture by
Quaternary Ecology: A Paleoecological Perspective by Delcourt, P.
Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application VIII by
Isotopes and Climates by Bowen, R.
Environmental History and Palaeolimnology by
The Biology of Latimeria Chalumnae and Evolution of Coelacanths by
Shear Waves in Marine Sediments by
Statistical Methods for the Environmental Sciences by
Indoor Air Pollution: Radon, Bioaerosols, and Vocs by Keller, George E., Miller, Jay F., Kay, Jack G.
Estimation of Mortality Rates in Stage-Structured Population by Nisbet, Roger M., Wood, Simon N.
The Ecology of Urban Habitats by Gilbert, Oliver L.
Demanding Democracy After Three Mile Island by Goldsteen, Raymond L.
Dynamik Umweltrelevanter Systeme by
Perspectives in Environmental Management by Buckley, Ralf
Leaving Eden: To Protect and Manage the Earth by Nisbet, Evan G., Nisbet, E. G.
Forest Regeneration Manual by Dougherty, P. M., Duryea, Mary L.
Living Earth: A Short History of Life and Its Home by Nisbet, R. E.
Transport Processes in Porous Media by
Forest Regeneration Manual by Dougherty, P. M., Duryea, Mary L.
Global Climate Change and Life on Earth by
Sulphur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxides in Industrial Waste Gases: Emission, Legislation and Abatement by Velzen, Daniel Van
Geology of Japan by
Microbial Mediation of Plant-Herbivore Interactions by
Water & the Environment by Rose
Toxics A to Z: A Guide to Everyday Pollution Hazards by Holdren, Cheryl, Schneider, Richard, Harte, John
Refashioning Nature: Food, Ecology and Culture by Redclift, Michael, Goodman, David
Diophantine Approximations and Diophantine Equations by Schmidt, Wolfgang M.
A Life of Its Own: The Politics and Power of Water by Gottlieb, Robert
Bekämpfung Des Treibhauseffektes Aus Ökonomischer Sicht: Ergebnisse Des Ladenburger Kollegs "Umweltstaat" Der Gottlieb Daimler- Und Karl Benz-Stiftung by Cansier, Dieter
Other Council Fires Were Here Before Ours: A Classic Native American Creation Story as Retold by a Seneca Elder and Her Gra by Sams, Jamie
Plant-Soil Interactions at Low PH: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Plant-Soil Interactions at Low Ph, 24-29 June 1990, Beckley We by
Ecology and Management of Atlantic Salmon by Mills, D.
Tropical Rain Forest Ecology by Mabberley, D. J.
Environmental Assessment and Habitat Evaluation of the Upper Great Lakes Connecting Channels by
Nitrogen Fixation by
Alleviating Soil Fertility Constraints to Increased Crop Production in West Africa by
Spectral Atlas of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds: Including Information on Aquatic Toxicity, Occurrence and Biological Activity by
Meteorological Fluid Dynamics: Asymptotic Modelling, Stability and Chaotic Atmospheric Motion by Zeytounian, R. Kh
The Violence of the Green Revolution: Third World Agriculture, Ecology and Politics by Shiva, Vandana
Carbon Dioxide Equilibria and Their Applications by Butler, James Newton, Butler, Butler N., Butler James N
Ecological Economics: The Science and Management of Sustainability by Costanza, Robert
Life Itself: A Comprehensive Inquiry Into the Nature, Origin, and Fabrication of Life by Rosen, Robert
Artificial Habitats for Marine and Freshwater Fisheries by
Flowering Earth by Peattie, Donald Culross
Public Policy Issues in Wildlife Management by
Farmer-Financed Irrigation: The Economics of Reform by Carruthers, Ian, Leslie E., Small, Small, Leslie E.
Environmental Concerns: An Inter-Disciplinary Exercise by
Ophiolite Genesis and Evolution of the Oceanic Lithosphere: Proceedings of the Ophiolite Conference, Held in Muscat, Oman, 7-18 January 1990 by
Quantitative Fisheries Stock Assessment: Choice, Dynamics and Uncertainty by
Dynamics of Nutrient Cycling and Food Webs by Deangelis, Donald L.
Animal Life at Low Temperature by Davenport, John
The Tinbergen Legacy by
The Golden Century of Oil 1950-2050: The Depletion of a Resource by Campbell, C. J.
Eutrophication of Fresh Waters by Harper, David M.
See More