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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Environmental Studies in 1994

The Economics of the Tropical Timber Trade by Barbier/Burgess
The Role of Science in Environmental Impacts Assessment: Workshop Proceedings by Sadar, M. Hussein, Roots, E. Fred, Hamilton, Andrew L.
The Weather Revolution: Innovations and Imminent Breakthroughs in Accurate Forecasting by Kalish, Robert, Fishman, Jack
Handbook of Techniques for Aquatic Sediments Sampling by Mudroch, Mudroch, Alena, Mudroch, Mudroch
Neuartige Lebensformen an Den Thermalquellen Der Tiefsee by Jannasch, Holger W.
Dynamic Modeling by Hannon, Bruce, Ruth, Matthias
Beyond the Impasse by
Pollution Abatement Strategies in Central and Eastern Europe by Toman, Michael a.
Manager Und Ökologie: Eine Qualitative Studie Zum Umweltbewußtsein Von Industriemanagern by Brunner, Karl-Michael, Reiger, Horst
Umweltschutz Und Staatsversagen: Eine Materielle Regierbarkeitsanalyse by
The International Regulation of Extinction by Swanson, Timothy M.
Advances in Microbial Ecology, Volume 13 by
Issues and Responses: Land Use Pla by Baird, William
Cold Running River by Cassuto, David Nathan
Multivariate Environmental Statistics: Volume 6 by
Ocean Optics by Spinrad, Richard W.
Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flows: Their Structure and Measurement by Kaimal, J. C., Finnigan, J. J.
Toxic Air Pollution Handbook by
Mining America: The Industry and the Environment, 1800-1980 by Smith, Duane a.
Umweltwissen: Daten, Fakten, Zusammenhänge by Bossel, Hartmut
Nitrogen Management in Irrigated Agriculture by Rauschkolb, Roy S., Hornsby, Arthur G.
Ecology in Education by
Method in Ecology: Strategies for Conservation by Shrader-Frechette, Kristin S., Shrader-Frechette, K. S., McCoy, E. D.
Masters Theses in the Pure and Applied Sciences: Accepted by Colleges and Universities of the United States and Canada Volume 37 by
Studies on the Ecology of Tropical Zooplankton by
North Sea Oil and Gas Reservoirs -- III: Proceedings of the 3rd North Sea Oil and Gas Reservoirs Conference Organized and Hosted by the Norwegian Inst by
The Application of Economic Techniques in Environmental Impact Assessment by
Hydrology and Water Supply for Pond Aquaculture by Yoo, Kyung H., Boyd, Claude E.
Recent Research Advances in the Fluid Mechanics of Turbulent Jets and Plumes by
Bay Country by Horton, Tom
Habitat Conservation Planning: Endangered Species and Urban Growth by Beatley, Timothy
Assembling California by McPhee, John
Atmospheric Convection by Emanuel, Kerry A.
Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik: Band 2 by Stiess, Matthias
Global Warming and Biological Diversity by
An Introduction to Mining Seismology: Volume 55 by Gibowicz, Slawomir Jerzy, Kijko, Andrzej
Land Degradation: Development and Breakdown of Terrestrial Environments by Barrow, Christopher J., Barrow, C. J.
Limnology of Mountain Lakes by
Coping with Floods by
Rule and Order Dutch Planning Doctrine in the Twentieth Century by Van Der Valk, A. J., Faludi, A.
Zinc in Soils and Plants: Proceedings of the International Symposium on 'Zinc in Soils and Plants' Held at the University of Western Australia, by
European Directory of Research Centers in the Fisheries Sector by Commission of the European Communities
Plant-Animal Interactions in Mediterranean-Type Ecosystems by
An Unsettled Country: Changing Landscapes of the American West by Worster, Donald
Water Contamination and Health: Integration of Exposure Assessment, Toxicology, and Risk Assessment by Wang, Rhoda G. M.
Symbiotic Interactions by Douglas, A. E., Douglas
Advances in Agronomy: Volume 52 by
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology by Ware, George W.
Quantitative Methods in Landscape Ecology: The Analysis and Interpretation of Landscape Heterogeneity by
Renewable Energy from the Ocean by Avery, William H.
Watershed Management: Balancing Sustainability and Environmental Change by
Water Qual Freshwater Fish by Howells, Gwyneth
Beautiful Swimmers: Watermen, Crabs and the Chesapeake Bay by Warner, William W.
Environmental Constraints on the Structure and Productivity of Pine Forest Ecosystems: A Comoparative Analysis by
Quantitative Ecology and the Brown Trout by Elliott, J. M.
Umweltschutz in Klinik Und PRAXIS by
Assessment and Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Sites by Cole, G. Mattney
Toxic Debts and the Superfund Dilemma by Barnett, Harold C.
Altlastensanierung: Sicherung, Sanierung Und Folgenutzung Kontaminierter Flächen by
Dynamic Timing Decisions Under Uncertainty: Essays on Invention, Innovation and Exploration in Resource Economics by Hung, Nguyen M., Quyen, Nguyen V.
Description and Sampling of Contaminated Soils: A Field Guide by Boulding, J. Russell
The Ecological City: Preserving and Restoring Urban Biodiversity by
Toxic Substances in the Environment by Francis, B. Magnus
Nutrient Dynamics and Biological Structure in Shallow Freshwater and Brackish Lakes by
Carabid Beetles: Ecology and Evolution by
Expanding the Production and Use of Cool Season Food Legumes by
Clay Mineralogy: Spectroscopic and Chemical Determinative Methods by
Geostatistical Simulations: Proceedings of the Geostatistical Simulation Workshop, Fontainebleau, France, 27-28 May 1993 by
Joint Implementation to Curb Climate Change: Legal and Economic Aspects by
Sample Preparation for Biomedical and Environmental Analysis by
Adaptive Optics for Astronomy by
Lake Veluwe, a Macrophyte-Dominated System Under Eutrophication Stress by
Fish Bioenergetics by Jobling, M.
Llrw Disposal Facility Siting: Successes and Failures in Six Countries by Reagan-Cirincione, Patricia, Vari, A., Vari, Anna
Recycling and the Politics of Urban Waste by Gandy, Matthew
Ethical Land Use: Principles of Policy and Planning by Beatley, Timothy
Contamination of Groundwaters by Adriano
A Good House: Building a Life on the Land by Manning, Richard
For The Common Good: Redirecting the Economy toward Community, the Environment, and a Sustainable Future by Daly, Herman E.
The Rebirth of Nature: The Greening of Science and God by Sheldrake, Rupert
The Next Great Thing: The Sun, the Stirling Engine and the Drive to Change the World by Shelton, Mark
Eight Little Piggies: Reflections in Natural History by Gould, Stephen Jay
Freshwater Field Tests for Hazard Assessment of Chemicals by Leeuwangh, Peter, Hill, Ian R., Heimbach, Fred
Fractal Modelling: Growth and Form in Biology by Kaandorp, Jaap A.
Arsenic in the Environment, Part 1: Cycling and Characterization by
Radiation Protection by Hallenbeck, William H.
Countryside Recreation, Access and Land Use Planning by Curry, N., Curry, N. R.
Advances in Bioclimatology 3 by
Soil Ecology by Killham, Ken
Aquatic Oligochaete Biology V: Proceedings of the 5th Oligochaete Symposium, Held in Tallinn, Estonia, 1991 by
Aquatic Birds in the Trophic Web of Lakes: Proceedings of a Symposium Held in Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada, in August 1991 by
Global and Regional Climate Interaction: The Caspian Sea Experience by Rodionov, S.
Palaeoclimates and Their Modelling: With Special Reference to the Mesozoic Era by Allen, J. R. L., Hoskins, B. J., Valdes, P. J.
Technologies for Environmental Cleanup: Toxic and Hazardous Waste Management by
Image 2.0: Integrated Modeling of Global Climate Change by
Freshwater Marshes: Ecology and Wildlife Management Volume 1 by Weller, Milton W.
Nuclear Madness: What You Can Do (Revised) by Caldicott, Helen
Funding Community Initiatives by Bombarolo, Felix, Hardoy, Jorge E., Arrossi, Silvina
Mortgaging the Earth: World Bank, Environmental Impoverishment and the Crisis of Development by Rich, Bruce
Workbook of Atmospheric Dispersion Estimates: An Introduction to Dispersion Modeling, Second Edition by Turner, D. Bruce
Strangers in High Places: The Story of the Great Smoky Mountains by Frome, Michael
Acidification of Freshwater Ecosystems: Implications for the Future by
Geographical Population Analysis by Maurer, Brian A.
Wildlife Feeding and Nutrition by Robbins, Charles T.
Social Costs of Energy: Present Status and Future Trends by
The Evolutionary Biology of the Threespine Stickleback by
Ecological and General Systems: An Introduction to Systems Ecology, Revised Edition by Odum, Howard T.
Air Pollution and Community Health: A Critical Review and Data Sourcebook by Lipfert, Frederick W.
Global Construction and the Environment: Strategies and Opportunities by Moavenzadeh, Fred
Common Ground: A Naturalist's Cape Cod by Finch, Robert
The Handbook of Environmental Education by Neal, Philip, Palmer, Joy
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology: Continuation of Residue Reviews by Ware, George W.
Pollution Control in Fertilizer Production by Hodge, C. a.
Antarctic Science: Global Concerns by
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology by Ware, George W.
Becoming Native to This Place by Jackson, Wes
Development Administration: From Underdevelopment to Sustainable Development by Dwivedi, O.
Conservation Genetics by
The Atmospheric Boundary Layer by Garratt, J. R.
Evaluation and Assessment for Conservation: Ecological Guidelines for Determining Priorities for Nature Conservation by Spellberg, I. F.
Management of Mycorrhizas in Agriculture, Horticulture and Forestry by
Global Energy Strategies: Living with Restricted Greenhouse Gas Emissions by
Economic Incentives and Environmental Policies:: Principles and Practice by
The Medieval Warm Period by
Definite a System to Support Decisions on a Finite Set of Alternatives User Manual by Van Herwijnen, M., Janssen, R.
Synoptic Climatology in Environmental Analysis: A Primer by Yarnal, Brent
Urban Wildlife Habitats: A Landscape Perspective Volume 3 by Adams, Lowell W.
Dangerous Properties of Industrial and Consumer Chemicals by Cheremisinoff, Nicholas P.
Biological Effects of Electric and Magnetic Fields: Sources and Mechanisms by
Reuse of Sludge and Minor Wastewater Residuals by Tansel, Berrin, Outwater, Alice
The Environmental Protection Agency: Asking the Wrong Questions: From Nixon to Clinton by Roberts, Marc J., Landy, Marc K., Lansy, Marc K.
Defining Media Studies: Reflections on the Future of the Field by
Urban Innovation: Creative Strategies for Turbulent Times by
The Everglades Agricultural Area: Water, Soil, Crop, and Environmental Management by
Electric Power Purchasing Handbook by Reid &. Priest
Patterns of China's Lost Harmony: A Survey of the Country's Environmental Degradation and Protection by
Handbook of Integrated Pest Management for Turf and Ornamentals by Leslie, Anne R.
Urban Innovation: Creative Strategies for Turbulent Times by
Global Dermatology: Diagnosis and Management According to Geography, Climate, and Culture by
Protectors of the Land and Water: Environmentalism in Wisconsin, 1961-1968 by Huffman, Thomas R.
Nature's Economy: A History of Ecological Ideas by Worster, Donald
An Environmental History of Britain by Clapp, B. W.
Water Relations of Terrestrial Arthropods by Hadley, Neil F.
Environment, Growth and Development: The Concepts and Strategies of Sustainability by Bartelmus, Peter
Environmental Toxicology, Economics and Institutions: The Atrazine Case Study by
The Retroviridae Volume 3 by
Valuing the Environment: Methodological and Measurement Issues by
Climate Change: Significance for Agriculture and Forestry: Systems Approaches Arising from an Ipcc Meeting by
Economics of Natural Resources, the Environment and Policies by Kula, E.
Predictability and Nonlinear Modelling in Natural Sciences and Economics by
The Oosterschelde Estuary: A Case Study of a Changing Ecosystem by
Sea Bass: Biology by Pickett, G. D., Pawson, M. G.
Galapagos: A Natural History by Jackson, Michael
Galapagos: A Natural History (New) by Jackson, Michael H.
Anaerobic Fungi: Biology: Ecology, and Function by Mountfort
The Miner's Canary: Unraveling the Mysteries of Extinction by Eldredge, Niles
Waste Incineration and the Environment by
Bioavailability: Physical, Chemical, and Biological Interactions by Landrum, Peter F., Bergman, Harold, Hamelink, Jerry
Sizing and Selecting Air Pollution Control Systems by Hesketh, Howard D., Cross, Frank L., Jr.
Water: The Element of Life by Schwenk, Wolfram, Schwenk, Theodor
Social Theory and the Global Environment by Benton, Ted, Redclift, Michael
Advances in Geophysics: Seismological Structure of Slabs Volume 35 by
Life-Cycle Assessment: Inventory Guidelines and Principles by Curran, Mary Ann, Battelle Memorial in
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function by
Geography of Nowhere: The Rise and Declineof America's Man-Made Landscape by Kunstler, James Howard
Climate Change and Human Impact on the Landscape: Studies in Palaeoecology and Environmental Archaeology by Chambers, F. M.
Appalachian Autumn by Bonta, Marcia
Computational Methods in Water Resources X by
Ecology and Conservation of Southeast Asian Marine and Freshwater Environments Including Wetlands by
Environmental Gene Release: Models, Experiments and Risk Assessment by
On the Sex of Fish and the Gender of Scientists: A Collection of Essays in Fisheries Science by Pauly, D.
Mycotoxins, Wood Decay, Plant Stress, Biocorrosion, and General Biodeterioration by
Inverse Problems in Groundwater Modeling by Ne-Zheng Sun
Ecosystem Classification for Environmental Management by
Computer Modeling of Free-Surface and Pressurized Flows by
Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation by
Mapping the Diversity of Nature by
Rarity by Gaston, Kevin J., Gaston, K. J.
Rarity by Gaston, K. J.
Recent Studies in Geophysical Hazards by
Scarcity or Abundance?: A Debate on the Environment by Simon, Julian L., Myers, Norman
Advances in Human Ecology by
Methods for Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants: Volume 1: Competition, Establishment and Ecosystem Effects by Kjellsson, Gosta, Kjellsson, Gvsta, Simonsen, Vibeke
Rationality And Nature: A Sociological Inquiry Into A Changing Relationship by Murphy, Raymond
Wilderness Preservation by Rosenberg, Kenneth A.
Full House: Reassessing the Earth's Population Carrying Capacity by Brown, Lester R., Kane, Hal
Air and Waste Management: A Laboratory and Field Handbook by Hesketh, Howard D.
Soil Processes and Water Quality by Stewart, B. a.
Bison: Mating and Conservation in Small Populations by Cunningham, Carol, Berger, Joel
Toxic Properties of Pesticides by Cheremisinoff, Nicholas P., King, John Allison
Evolution, Time, Production and the Environment by Proops, John L. R., Faber, Malte
Sanitary Landfill Leachate: Generation, Control and Treatment by Chiang, Walter, Qasim, Syed R.
Ecological Morphology: Integrative Organismal Biology by
Surface and Dermal Monitoring for Toxic Exposures by Ness, Shirley A.
Urban America in Transformation: Perspectives on Urban Policy and Development by Kleinberg, Benjamin S.
Reproduction, Larval Biology, and Recruitment of the Deep-Sea Benthos by
Wetter Und Klima: Beobachten Und Verstehen by Krüger, Lutz
Pattern and Process in a Forested Ecosystem: Disturbance, Development and the Steady State Based on the Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study by Likens, Gene E., Bormann, F. Herbert
Handbook of Zoonoses, Section B: Viral Zoonoses by
Handbook of Zoonoses, Second Edition, Section a: Bacterial, Rickettsial, Chlamydial, and Mycotic Zoonoses by
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