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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Environmental Studies in 1997

Guyana, Fragile Frontier: Loggers, Miners, and Forest Peoples by Colchester, Chloe
When the Fish Are Gone: Ecological Collapse and the Social Organization of Fishing in Northwest Newfoundland, 1982-1995 by Palmer, Craig T., Sinclair, Peter R.
Chemie Der Umweltbelastung by Fellenberg, Günter
Umweltverschmutzung -- Umweltbelastung: Ein Überblick Aus Ökologischer Sicht by Fellenberg, Günter
Rhizosphärenprozesse, Umweltstreß Und Ökosystemstabilität: 7. Borkheider Seminar Zur Ökophysiologie Des Wurzelraumes by
Nachhaltige Entwicklung in Industrie- Und Bergbauregionen -- Eine Chance Für Den Südraum Leipzig?: Eine Chance Für Den Südraum Leipzig? by
Economics of Carbon Sequestration in Forestry on by Sampson, Neil, Wisniewski, Joe, Sedjo, Roger A.
Green Technology and Design for the Environment by Billatos, Samir
Simple Things Won't Save the Earth by Hunter, J. Robert
A Place in the Rain Forest: Settling the Costa Rican Frontier by Cole-Christensen, Darryl
Texas Land Ethics by Gunter, P. a. y., Oelschlaeger Max, Gunter, Pete A. y.
Schulungsprogramm Gefahrguttransport: Referentenunterlagen Stück- Und Schüttgutfahrer by
Ökologische Landwirtschaft: Pflanzenbau -- Tierhaltung -- Management by Vogtmann, I. Lunzer H.
Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie Der Wissenschaften: Natur-, Ingenieur- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften Vorträge - N 431 by Uebing, Dietrich
Dynamic Water-System Control by Lobbrecht, A. H.
Tracer Hydrology 97 by
Environmental Issues in the New World Trading System by Uimonen, Peter, Whalley, John
Trade, Environment and Sustainable Development: A South Asian Perspective by
Groundwater Contaminant Transport: Impact of Heterogenous Characterization: A New View on Dispersion by Barends, F. B. J.
Recharge of Phreatic Aquifers in (Semi-)Arid Areas: Iah International Contributions to Hydrogeology 19 by
The Use of Remote Sensing in the Modeling of Forest Productivity by Gholz
Environmental Policy Between Regulation and Market by
Lyrics for Re-Creation by Conlon, James
Cutting Across the Lands by
Hydrogeodynamics by Gavich, I. K.
Directions in Housing Policy: Towards Sustainable Housing Policies for the UK by
Toward a New National Weather Service: Assessment of Hydrologic and Hydrometeorological Operations and Services by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems
Assessment and Management of Plant Invasions by
Review of Recommendations for Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis: Guidance on Uncertainty and Use of Experts by Division on Earth and Life Studies, Board on Earth Sciences and Resources, National Research Council
The Myth of Wild Africa: Conservation Without Illusion by McShane, Thomas O., Adams, Jonathan S.
Theoretical Ecosystem Ecology by Ogren, Goran I., Agren, Goran I.
Advances in Agronomy by
Brownfields: Cleaning and Reusing Contaminated Properties by Haines, David
Planning and Environmental Impact Assessment in Practice by Weston, Joe
The Rarest of the Rare: Vanishing Animals, Timeless Worlds by Ackerman, Diane
Photo-Oxidants, Acidification and Tools: Policy Applications of Eurotrac Results: The Report of the Eurotrac Application Project by
Living in the Landscape: Toward an Aesthetics of Environment by Berleant, Arnold
Handbook of Environmental Fate and Exposure Data For Organic Chemicals, Volume V by Howard, Philip H.
Reconstructing Quaternary Environments by Walker, M. J. C., Lowe, J. J.
Das Kreislaufwirtschafts- Und Abfallgesetz: Neue Regelungen Und Anforderungen by
Behavioral Approaches to Conservation in the Wild by
Design of Remediation Systems by Nolen, Greg L., Wong, Jimmy H. C., Lim, Chin Hong
River Quality: Dynamics and Restoration by
Standortplanung Für Thermische Abfallbehandlungsanlagen: Administrative Vorgaben, Konzepte Zur Standortplanung, Technische Verfahrensalternativen, Pol by
Biodiversity Loss: Economic and Ecological Issues by
Experiments in Ecology: Their Logical Design and Interpretation Using Analysis of Variance by Underwood, A. J.
Behavioural Approaches to Conservation in the Wild by
Bioremediation by
Experiments in Ecology: Their Logical Design and Interpretation Using Analysis of Variance by Underwood, A. J.
Umweltschutz Durch Internationale Regime: Interessen, Verhandlungsprozesse, Wirkungen by Oberthür, Sebastian
Natural Hybridization and Evolution by Arnold, Michael L.
Project Appraisal and Macroeconomic Policy by Van Der Burg, T.
Ecological Assessment Polymers: Strategies for Product Stewardship and Regulatory Programs by
Applications of Systems Approaches at the Field Level: Volume 2: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Systems Approaches for Agricultu by
In Vitro Haploid Production in Higher Plants: Volume 5 -- Oil, Ornamental and Miscellaneous Plants by
Structured-Population Models in Marine, Terrestrial, and Freshwater Systems by
Ecosystem Function & Human Activities: Reconciling Economics and Ecology by
The Ecological Basis of Conservation: Heterogeneity, Ecosystems, and Biodiversity by Ostfeld, Richard S., Shachak, Moshe, Pickett, Steward
Internationale Umweltregime: Umweltschutz Durch Verhandlungen Und Verträge by
Handbook of Drinking Water Quality by Dezuane, John
Plant Genetic Conservation: The in Situ Approach by Maxted, Nigel, Ford-Lloyd, B. V., Hawkes, J. G.
Life and Death of Coral Reefs by Birkeland, Charles
Plant Genetic Conservation: The in Situ Approach by Maxted, Nigel, Ford-Lloyd, B. V., Hawkes, J. G.
Applications of Systems Approaches at the Farm and Regional Levels: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Systems Approaches for Agricu by
Catfish Ponds and Lily Pads by Riotte, Louise
The Land of Little Rain by Austin, Mary
Reconstructing City Politics: Alternative Economic Development and Urban Regimes by Imbroscio, David L.
Reconstructing City Politics: Alternative Economic Development and Urban Regimes by Imbroscio, David L.
The Practical Guide to Environmental Community Relations by Forrest, Carol J., Mays, Renee Hix
The Dynamics of Sedimentary Basins by National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Geosciences Environment and Resources
Fostering Industry-Initiated Environmental Protection Efforts by Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council
Managing Contaminated Sites: Problem Diagnosis and Development of Site Restoration by Asante-Duah, D. Kofi
Environmental Policy: Transnational Issues and National Trends by
Energy and Environment Regulation by
PVC Und Umwelt: Eine Bestandsaufnahme by Pohle, Horst
Respiratory Protection Handbook by Revoir, William H., Bien, Ching-Tsen
Argument in the Greenhouse: The International Economics of Controlling Global Warming by Mabey, Nick, Gupta, Sujata, Hall, Stephen
Chemical Processes in Atmospheric Oxidation: Laboratory Studies of Chemistry Related to Troposheric Ozone by
The Wisconsin River: An Odyssey Through Time and Space by Durbin, Richard
Behavioural Ecology: An Evolutionary Approach by
The ISO 14001 Implementation Guide: Creating an Integrated Management System by Jackson, Suzan L.
Sediment Records of Biomass Burning and Global Change by
Environmental Radioactivity from Natural, Industrial and Military Sources: From Natural, Industrial and Military Sources by Eisenbud, Merrill, Gesell, Thomas F.
The Vegetation and Physiography of Sumatra by Laumonier, Yves
Percolation Models for Transport in Porous Media: With Applications to Reservoir Engineering by Selyakov, V. I., Kadet, Valery
Plant Production in Closed Ecosystems: The International Symposium on Plant Production in Closed Ecosystems Held in Narita, Japan, August 26-29, 1996 by
Dismantlement and Destruction of Chemical, Nuclear and Conventional Weapons by
Insect Pheromone Research: New Directions by Minks, A. K., Carde, R. T.
Management and Ecology of Freshwater Plants: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Aquatic Weeds, European Weed Research Society by
Radioactive and Stable Isotope Geology by Bowen, R., Attendorn, H. -G
Qualitätssicherung Bei Der Altlastenbearbeitung: Arbeitshilfen, Verfahrensempfehlungen, Zertifizierung by
Modeling Environmental Policy by
Regional Hydrological Response to Climate Change by
Engineering Probabilistic Design and Maintenance for Flood Protection by
Evaluating Theory-Practice and Urban-Rural Interplay in Planning by
Biodiversität Und Tourismus: Konflikte Und Lösungsansätze an Den Küsten Der Weltmeere by
Undiscovered Petroleum and Mineral Resources: Assessment and Controversy by Drew, Lawrence J.
The Evolving Science of Grassland Improvement by Humphreys, L. Ross, Humphreys, Leonard Ross, Humphreys
Varieties of Environmentalism: Essays North and South by Martínez Alier, Joan, Guha, Ramachandra
The Greening of Economic Policy Reform: Principles by World Bank, Bank, World Bank, Policy, World Book, Inc
Fire in America: A Cultural History of Wildland and Rural Fire by Pyne, Stephen J.
Continuity of Noaa Satellites by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems
Geochemie Und Umwelt: Relevante Prozesse in Atmo-, Pedo- Und Hydrosphäre by
Metapopulation Biology: Ecology, Genetics, and Evolution by
Mathematical Methods for Oceanographers: An Introduction by Laws, Edward A.
Ecology and Natural Resource Management: Systems Analysis and Simulation by Grant, William E., Marín, Sandra L., Pedersen, Ellen K.
Trade, Environment and Sustainable Development: A South Asian Perspective by
Environmental Issues in the New World Trading System by Uimonen, Peter, Whalley, John
Flächenrecycling Durch Kontrollierten Rückbau: Ressourcenschonender Abbruch Von Gebäuden Und Industrieanlagen by
Last Stand: Protected Areas and the Defense of Tropical Biodiversity by
The Ecological Detective: Confronting Models with Data by Mangel, Marc, Hilborn, Ray
Meteorologie Und Umwelt: Eine Einführung by Warnecke, Günter
Physics of Microwave Discharges: Artificially Ionized Regions in the Atmosphere by Borisov, N., Milikh, G., Gurevich, A.
Zukunftsfähiges Deutschland: Ein Beitrag Zu Einer Global Nachhaltigen Entwicklung by Loske, Reinhard, Bleischwitz, Raimund
Umweltbildung ALS Innovation: Bilanzierungen Und Empfehlungen Zu Modellversuchen Und Forschungsvorhaben by Jungk, Dieter, Kutt, Konrad, Haan, Gerhard De
Öko-Intelligentes Produzieren Und Konsumieren: Ein Workshop Im Rahmen Des Verbundprojektes Technologiebedarf Im 21. Jahrhundert Des Wissenschaftszentr by
But Is It True?: A Citizen's Guide to Environmental Health and Safety Issues by Wildavsky, Aaron
Ecophysiology of Amphibians Inhabiting Xeric Environments by Warburg, Michael
Fields Without Dreams: Defending the Agrarian Idea by Hanson, Victor Davis
The Global Ocean Observing System: Users, Benefits, and Priorities by Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Geosciences Environment and Resources, National Research Council
The Sea Surface and Global Change by Liss, Peter S.
Beech Forests by Peters, R.
Disturbance and Recovery in Arctic Lands: An Ecological Perspective by
Microbial Degradation Processes in Radioactive Waste Repository and in Nuclear Fuel Storage Areas by
Species: The Units of Biodiversity by
Rock Stress and Its Measurement by Amadei, B., Stephansson, O.
Climate Trend Atlas of Europe Based on Observations 1891-1990 by Schönwiese, Christian-D, Rapp, J.
Adaptive Radiations of Neotropical Primates by Conference on Neotropical Primates Setting the Future Resear, Norconk, Marilyn A.
Diseases of Wild Waterfowl by Wobeser, Gary A.
When Dinosaurs Roamed New Jersey by Gallagher, William
An Introduction to Satellite Image Interpretation by Conway, Eric D.
Dilemmas of Urban Economic Development: Issues in Theory and Practice by
People, Politics, Policies and Plans: The City Planning Process in Contemporary Britain by Kitchen, Ted
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Environmental Chemistry by Nanny
Role of the Sun in Climate Change by Hoyt, Douglas V.
The Role of the Sun in Climate Change by Schatten, Kenneth H., Hoyt, Douglas V.
Rural Sustainable Development in America by
A Solution to the Ecological Inference Problem: Reconstructing Individual Behavior from Aggregate Data by King, Gary
The Life Region: The Social and Cultural Ecology of Sustainable Development by
With Broadax and Firebrand: The Destruction of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest by Dean, Warren
How to Control Costs in Your Pollution Prevention Program by Cichowicz, Judith A.
Eco-Labelling and International Trade by Vossenaar, Rene, Zarrilli, Simonetta, Jha, Veena
The Song of the Dodo: Island Biogeography in an Age of Extinctions by Quammen, David
Dilemmas of Urban Economic Development: Issues in Theory and Practice by Bingham, Richard D., Mier, Robert
Don't Burn it Here: Grassroots Challenges to Trash Incinerators by Smith, Douglas Clayton, Hanson, Rex, Walsh, Ed
Canoeing North Into the Unknown: A Record of River Travel, 1874 to 1974 by Hodgins, Bruce W., Hoyle, Gwyneth
Globale Erwärmung: Fakten, Gefahren Und Lösungswege by Houghton, John
Biological Invasions: Theory and Practice by Kawasaki, Kohkichi, Shigesada, Nanako
Solar Ultraviolet Radiation: Modelling, Measurements and Effects by
Environmentalism and the Mass Media: The North/South Divide by Chapman, Graham, Gaber, Ivor, Fraser, Caroline
Environmentalism and the Mass Media: The North/South Divide by Gaber, Ivor, Chapman, Graham, Fraser, Caroline
Horn of Darkness: Rhinos on the Edge by Berger, Joel, Cunningham, Carol
Cloud Multi-Phase Processes and High Alpine Air and Snow Chemistry: Ground-Based Cloud Experiments and Pollutant Deposition in the High Alps by
The Environmental Challenge for Central European Economies in Transition by
Introduction to Ecological Modelling by Gillman, Mike, Hails, Rosemary
Rationalität Und Umweltverhalten: Die Beispiele Recycling Und Verkehrsmittelwahl by
Deregulatory Reforms of the Electricity Supply Industry by Yajima, Masayuki
Healing a Wounded World: Economics, Ecology, and Health for a Sustainable Life by Sauer-Thompson, Gary, Lyons, Graham, Smith, Joseph Wayne
John Muir: Nature Writings (Loa #92): The Story of My Boyhood and Youth / My First Summer in the Sierra / The Mountains of California / Stickeen / Ess by Muir, John
Boundary Layer Dynamics by National Research Council, Commission on Physical Sciences Mathematics and Applications, Naval Studies Board
Applied Climatology: Principles and Practice by Perry, Allen, Thompson, Russell
Flashpoints in Environmental Policymaking: Controversies in Achieving Sustainability by
Contaminated Land and Its Reclamation by
Regional Frequency Analysis: An Approach Based on L-Moments by Hosking, J. R. M., Wallis, James R.
Sensitivity to Change: Black Sea, Baltic Sea and North Sea by
Theoretical and Mathematical Foundations of Human Health Risk Analysis: Biophysical Theory of Environmental Health Science by Crawford-Brown, Douglas J.
Enviro-Capitalists: Doing Good While Doing Well by Anderson, Terry L., Leal, Donald R.
The Greeks and the Environment by Robinson, Thomas M., Westra, Laura
The Greeks and the Environment by Westra, Laura, Robinson, Thomas M.
Decentralization and Coordination of Water Resource Management by
The Climate Change Convention and Developing Countries: From Conflict to Consensus? by Gupta, J.
Geostatistics Wollongong' 96: Volume 2 by
Humans as Components of Ecosystems: The Ecology of Subtle Human Effects and Populated Areas by
Shallow Lakes '95: Trophic Cascades in Shallow Freshwater and Brackish Lakes by
Global Action for Biodiversity: An International Framework for Implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity by Swanson, Timothy
Mathematics of Climate Modeling by Dymnikov, Valentin P., Filatov, Aleksander N.
World Fire: The Culture of Fire on Earth by Pyne, Stephen J.
Perfect Storm by Junger, Sebastian
Ecofeminism: Women, Culture, Nature by
Valuing Nature?: Economics, Ethics and Environment by
Valuing Nature?: Economics, Ethics and Environment by
Evolutionary Ecology Across Three Trophic Levels: Goldenrods, Gallmakers, and Natural Enemies by Weis, Arthur E., Abrahamson, Warren G.
Einführung Eines Umweltmanagementsystems in Kleinen Und Mittleren Unternehmen: Ein Arbeitsbuch by Krinn, Helmut
Dimensionen Europäischer Wasserpolitik: Band 2 Eurowater 2 Themenberichte by
International Trade, Factor Movements, and the Environment by Rauscher, Michael
Oceanography and Acoustics: Prediction and Propagation Models by
Watershed Research in the U.S. Geological Survey by National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Geosciences Environment and Resources
Environmental Issues in the New World Trading System by Uimonen, Peter, Whalley, John
Geostatistical Error Management: Quantifying Uncertainty for Environmental Sampling and Mapping by Myers, Jeffrey C.
Plant Functional Types: Their Relevance to Ecosystem Properties and Global Change by
Introduction to Geostatistics: Applications in Hydrogeology by Kitanidis, P. K., Kitanidis
Global Warming: Implications for Freshwater and Marine Fish by Wood, C. M.
Farben Und Lacke: Daten Und Fakten Zum Umweltschutz Band 1 by Muth, Anneliese, Baumann, Werner
Vital Signs 1997 by Worldwatch Institute, Brown, Lester R., Flavin, Christopher
Schadstoffe Im Boden: Eine Einführung in Analytik Und Bewertung by Lewandowski, Jörg, Leitschuh, Stephan, Koß, Volker
Umweltqualitätsziele: Schritte Zur Umsetzung by
Umweltmonitoring Mit Natürlichen Indikatoren: Pflanzen -- Boden -- Wasser -- Luft by Zierdt, Michael
Enhancing Children's Wellness by Gullotta, Thomas P., Hampton, Robert L., Weissberg, Roger P.
Bodenökologie: Mikrobiologie Und Bodenenzymatik Band III: Pflanzenschutzmittel, Agrarhilfsstoffe Und Organische Umweltchemikalien by Sonnleitner, Renate, Schinner, Franz
Großräumige Bodenkontaminationen: Wirkungsgefüge, Erkundungsmethoden Und Lösungsansätze by Grunewald, Karsten
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