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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Environmental Studies in 2003

Nitrobenzene by Davies, John
The EXXON Valdezoil Spill by Margulies, Phillip
A History of the Thermometer and Its Use in Meteorology by Middleton, W. E. Knowles
Smokestacks and Progressives: Environmentalists, Engineers, and Air Quality in America, 1881-1951 by Stradling, David
A Different Nature: The Paradoxical World of Zoos and Their Uncertain Future by Hancocks, David
Ecology of Streams and Rivers by Angelier, Eugene
Water Resources Management by Stephenson, David
The History of the Barometer by Middleton, W. E. Knowles
Hydrology and Water Resources: Volume 5- Additional Volume International Conference on Water Resources Management in Arid Regions, 23-27 March 2002, by
Advances in Water Supply Management: Proceedings of the CCWI '03 Conference, London, 15-17 September 2003 by
DARE's Dictionary of Environmental Sciences and Engineering by
Land Reclamation - Extending Boundaries: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference, Runcorn, UK, 13-16 May 2003 by
Lubrication in Inland and Coastal Water Activities by Broekhuizen, P. Van, Theodori, D., Blansch, K. Le
Environmental Issues in Botswana. A Handbook by
Deterministic Methods in Systems Hydrology: IHE Delft Lecture Note Series by Dooge, James C. I., O'Kane, Philip
Towards an Environment Research Agenda: A Second Selection of Papers by
Mother/Nature: Popular Culture and Environmental Ethics by Roach, Catherine M.
Deterministic Methods in Systems Hydrology: IHE Delft Lecture Note Series by O'Kane, Philip, Dooge, James C. I.
Powder Burn: Arson, Money, and Mystery on Vail Mountain by Glick, Daniel
Natural Grace: The Charm, Wonder, and Lessons of Pacific Northwest Animals and Plants by Dietrich, William
Landscape Ecology: Concepts, Methods, and Applications by
The River's Tale: A Year on the Mekong by Gargan, Edward
Managing Natural Resources for Sustainable Livelihoods: Uniting Science and Participation by
Generalist Practice: A Task-Centered Approach by Garvin, Charles, Reid, William J., Tolson, Eleanor Reardon
Tourism and Sustainable Community Development by
The Differentiated Countryside by Marsden and, Terry, Murdoch, Jonathan, Lowe, Philip
Green Phoenix: Restoring the Tropical Forests of Guanacaste, Costa Rica by Allen, William
Ecology: From Ecosystem to Biosphere by
Applied Ecology and Natural Resource Management by DeStefano, Stephen, McPherson, Guy R.
Applied Ecology and Natural Resource Management by McPherson, Guy R., DeStefano, Stephen
Fossil Crinoids by Simms, Michael J., Ausich, William I., Brett, Carlton E.
The Yosemite by Muir, John
Environmental Activism: How Horses Open New Doors for Children with Asd by Vaughn, Jacqueline
Regional Issues in Aquifer Storage and Recovery for Everglades Restoration: A Review of the ASR Regional Study Project Management Plan of the Comprehe by Division on Earth and Life Studies, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, National Research Council
Sustainable Planet: Solutions for the Twenty-first Century by
Physiological Plant Ecology: Ecophysiology and Stress Physiology of Functional Groups by Larcher, Walter
Air Quality by
Mycorrhizal Ecology by
The Earth Around Us: Maintaining A Livable Planet by Schneiderman, Jill
Beach Nourishment: Theory and Practice by Dean, Robert G.
Políticas del Bosque: Expertos, Politicos Y Ciudadanos En La Polémica del Eucalipto En Asturias by González García, Marta Isabel, López Cerezo, José Antonio
Return of the Crazy Bird: The Sad, Strange Tale of the Dodo by Pinto-Correia, Clara
Reproductive Science and Integrated Conservation by
Reproductive Science and Integrated Conservation by
The Dynamics of Deforestation and Economic Growth in the Brazilian Amazon by Granger, Clive W. J., Andersen, Lykke E., Reis, Eustaquio J.
Soils, Land and Food by Wild, Alan
Coasts: Form, Process and Evolution by Woodroffe, Colin D., Colin D., Woodroffe, Woodroffe, C. D.
UV Effects in Aquatic Organisms and Ecosystems by
Invisible Light Or the Electrical Theory of Creation by Warder, George W.
Lake and Pond Management Guidebook by McComas, Steve
Observational Manifestation of Chaos in Astrophysical Objects: Invited Talks for a Workshop Held in Moscow, Sternberg Astronomical Institute, 28-29 Au by
Making Forest Policy Work by Fraser, A. I.
Physical Methods in Agriculture: Approach to Precision and Quality by
Color of Inland and Coastal Waters: A Methodology for Its Interpretation by Graßl, Hartmut, Pozdnyakov, Dmitry
EcoDesign Pilot: Product Investigation, Learning and Optimization Tool for Sustainable Product Development with CD-ROM by Züst, Rainer, Wimmer, Wolfgang
Aquatic Telemetry: Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Fish Telemetry in Europe by
Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Insect-Plant Relationships by
Development and Perspectives of Landscape Ecology by
Coastal Monitoring Through Partnerships: Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (Emap) Pensacola Be by
Modern Trends in Applied Terrestrial Ecology by
Handbook for the Assessment of Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Using Environmental Radionuclides by
The Biology of Complex Organisms: Creation and Protection of Integrity by Eichmann, Klaus
Modern Trends in Applied Aquatic Ecology by
Predator-Prey Interactions in the Fossil Record by
The Patagonian Icefields: A Unique Natural Laboratory for Environmental and Climate Change Studies by Casassa, Gino
Remote Sensing of Atmosphere and Ocean from Space: Models, Instruments and Techniques by
Mangrove Ecology, Silviculture and Conservation by Saenger, Peter
The Benthos of Lakes by Brinkhurst, Ralph O.
Ethnographies of Conservation: Environmentalism and the Distribution of Privilege by
The Earthscan Reader on World Transport Policy and Practice by
Texas Earthquakes by Frohlich, Cliff
Eco-Phenomenology: Back to the Earth Itself by
Evidence for Hope: The Search for Sustainable Development by Cross, Nigel
Complex Population Dynamics: A Theoretical/Empirical Synthesis by Turchin, Peter
Practical Methods in Ecology by Henderson, Peter A.
Sensory Processing in Aquatic Environments by
Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants: Crassulaceae by
Zukunft Der Energieversorgung by Innovationsbeirat Der Landesregierung Von
Geo-Logic: Breaking Ground between Philosophy and the Earth Sciences by Frodeman, Robert
Urban Land: Degradation - Investigation - Remediation by Genske, Dieter D.
The Commons in the New Millennium: Challenges and Adaptation by
The Silver Lining: The Benefits of Natural Disasters by Reice, Seth R.
Methoden Der Konfliktbewältigung Bei Grenzüberschreitenden Umweltproblemen Im Wandel: Überwindung Der Grenzen Herkömmlicher Streitbeilegung Durch Syst by Ohlhoff, Stefan
Verwaltungskooperation Am Beispiel Administrativer Informationsverfahren Im Europäischen Umweltrecht by Sommer, Julia
Supply-Side Sustainability by Tainter, Joseph, Hoekstra, Thomas, Allen, Timothy
Modeling Extinction by Newman, Mark, Newman, M. E. J., Palmer, R. G.
Breakwaters, Coastal Structures and Coastlines by Institute of Civil Engineers
Scientific Data for Decision Making Toward Sustainable Development: Senegal River Basin Case Study: Summary of a Workshop by National Research Council, Policy and Global Affairs, Senegal National Committee for Codata
Weaving a National Map: A Review of the U.S. Geological Survey Concept of 'The National Map' by Division on Earth and Life Studies, Board on Earth Sciences and Resources, National Research Council
From Apocalypse to Way of Life: Environmental Crisis in the American Century by Buell, Frederick
Die Energiefrage: Bedarf Und Potentiale, Nutzung, Risiken Und Kosten by Heinloth, Klaus
Weather Forecasting Accuracy for FAA Traffic Flow Management: A Workshop Report by Division on Earth and Life Studies, Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, National Research Council
Wind-Waves in Oceans: Dynamics and Numerical Simulations by Lavrenov, Igor
Fluxes of Carbon, Water and Energy of European Forests by
Tree Islands of the Everglades by
Ark of the Broken Covenant: Protecting the World's Biodiversity Hotspots by Kunich, John Charles
An Institutional Basis for Environmental Stewardship: The Structure and Quality of Property Rights by Fuchs, D. a.
Recent Accomplishments in Applied Forest Economics Research by
The Utilization of Bioremediation to Reduce Soil Contamination: Problems and Solutions by
Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (Scs-Cn) Methodology by Singh, V. P., Mishra, S. K.
Ark of the Broken Covenant: Protecting the World's Biodiversity Hotspots by Kunich, John
A Companion to Environmental Philosophy by
Effects of Deregulation on Safety: Implications Drawn from the Aviation, Rail, and United Kingdom Nuclear Power Industries by Bier, Vicki, Joosten, James, Glyer, David
The Asian Vigna:: Genus Vigna Subgenus Ceratotropis Genetic Resources by Vaughan, D., Moss, Helen, Tomooka, Norihiko
Tools for Drought Mitigation in Mediterranean Regions by Pereira, Luis S., Rossi, Giuseppe, Cancelliere, Antonino
The Utilization of Bioremediation to Reduce Soil Contamination: Problems and Solutions by
The Earth Policy Reader: Today's Decisions, Tomorrow's World by Brown, Lester R., Larsen, Janet, Fischlowitz-Roberts, Bernie
The Secret Life of Dust: From the Cosmos to the Kitchen Counter, the Big Consequences of Little Things by Holmes, Hannah
George Perkins Marsh: Prophet of Conservation by Lowenthal, David
Beautiful Lies: Population and Environment in Australia: Quarterly Essay 9 by Flannery, Tim
A Naturalist's Guide to Seashore Plants: An Ecology for Eastern North America by Cox, Donald D.
El Nino: Unlocking the Secrets of the Master Weather-Maker by Nash, J. Madeleine
Wildest Alaska: Journeys of Great Peril in Lituya Bay by Fradkin, Philip L.
Mount Mitchell and the Black Mountains: An Environmental History of the Highest Peaks in Eastern America by Silver, Timothy
Virtual Clearcut: Or, the Way Things Are in My Hometown by Fawcett, Brian
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology: Continuation of Residue Reviews by
The River in Winter: New and Selected Essays by Crawford, Stanley
Protecting the Ozone Layer: Science and Strategy by Parson, Edward A.
Great Wildlife of the Great Plains by Johnsgard, Paul A.
Sea Fables Explained by Lee, Henry
To Save the Land and People: A History of Opposition to Surface Coal Mining in Appalachia by Montrie, Chad
Where There Are Mountains by Davis, Donald Edward
The Future of Life: ALA Notable Books for Adults by Wilson, Edward O.
Making Urban Transport Sustainable by
Exploration of the Seas: Interim Report by Ocean Studies Board, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies
Engineering the Risks of Hazardous Wastes by Vallero, Daniel A.
Urban Ecosystem Studies in Malaysia: A Study of Change by Rainis, Ruslan, MD-Hashim, Noorazuan
Shaping the Upper Canadian Frontier: Environment, Society, and Culture in the Trent Valley by Forkey, Neil S.
Systemanalyse: Einführung in Die Mathematische Modellierung Natürlicher Systeme by Koch, Sabine, Imboden, Dieter
Water from Heaven: The Story of Water from the Big Bang to the Rise of Civilization, and Beyond by Kandel, Robert
Long River Winding: Life, Love, and Death Along the Connecticut by Bissland, Jim
Sustaining Abundance: Environmental Performance in Industrial Democracies by Scruggs, Lyle
Ecosystem Succession: A General Hypothesis and a Test Model of a Grassland by Gutierrez, Luis T., Fey, Willard R.
A Linear Programming Model for Air Pollution Control by Kohn, Robert
Urban Air Pollution Modeling by Benarie, Michel M.
Structural Equation Modeling by
Sustaining Abundance by Scruggs, Lyle
Ökotoxikologie-Forschung: Bilanzierung Der Ergebnisse Des Bmbf-Förderschwerpunkts by Herrchen, Monika
Fundamentals of Ocean Acoustics by Brekhovskikh, L. M., Lysanov, Yu P.
Modellierung Des Strukturwandels Beim Übergang Zu Einer Materialeffizienten Kreislaufwirtschaft: Kopplung Eines Input-Output-Modells Mit Einem Stoffst by Nathani, Carsten
Sugarloaf: The Mountain's History, Geology, and Natural Lore by Choukas-Bradley, Melanie
Primary Succession and Ecosystem Rehabilitation by Walker, Lawrence R.
Primary Succession and Ecosystem Rehabilitation by del Moral, Roger, Moral, Roger Del, Walker, Lawrence R.
Exposure of the American Population to Radioactive Fallout from Nuclear Weapons Tests: A Review of the CDC-Nci Draft Report on a Feasibility Study of by Division on Earth and Life Studies, Board on Radiation Effects Research, National Research Council
Nature's Geography: New Lessons for Conservation in Developing Countries by Zimmerer, Karl S.
Chesapeake Bay Blues: Science, Politics, and the Struggle to Save the Bay by Ernst, Howard R.
After Nature's Revolt by
Silent Scourge: Children, Pollution, and Why Scientists Disagree by Moore, Colleen F.
The Truth of Ecology: Nature, Culture, and Literature in America by Phillips, Dana
Virginia's Wild Side: 50 Outdoor Adventures from the Mountains to the Ocean by Badger, Curtis J.
Ecological Agrarian: Agriculture's First Evolution in 10,000 Years by Conko, Greg, Grewell, J. Bishop, Landry, Clay J.
Sustainable Mobility: Renewable Energies for Powering Fuel Cell Vehicles by Kaul, Sanjay, Edinger, Raphael
Encyclopedia of Water by Newton, David E.
Protected Areas and the Regional Planning Imperative in North America by
The Climate of Israel: Observation, Research and Application by Goldreich, Yair
Coastal and Marine Geo-Information Systems: Applying the Technology to the Environment by
Natural Growth Inhibitors and Phytohormones in Plants and Environment by Kalevitch, M. V., Kefeli, V.
Science and Politics of Foreign Aid: Swedish Environmental Support to the Baltic States by Hassler, B.
Dam Politics: Restoring America's Rivers by Lowry, William R.
Riverbank Filtration: Improving Source-Water Quality by
Biotechnology for the Environment: Wastewater Treatment and Modeling, Waste Gas Handling by
Fate of the Wild by Burgess, Bonnie B.
Biodiversity: Biomolecular Aspects of Biodiversity and Innovative Utilization by Sener, Bilge, Iupac International Conference on Biodiversity
Conservation Agriculture: Environment, Farmers Experiences, Innovations, Socio-Economy, Policy by
Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences [With CDROM] by Mienert, Murgen, Boisvert, Luc, Locat, Jacques
Arctic Quest: Odyessy Through a Threatened Wilderness by Kister, Chad
Colour and Clarity of Natural Waters by Davies-Colley, R. J., Vant, W. N., Smith, D. G.
Water for People - Water for Life by Report, The United Nations World Water Development
Freshwater Management: Global Versus Local Perspectives by
Understanding Environmental Policy Processes: Cases from Africa by Keeley, James
Water for People - Water for Life by Report, The United Nations World Water Development
Eye of the Albatross: Visions of Hope and Survival by Safina, Safina, Carl
Man and Nature: Or, Physical Geography as Modified by Human Action by Marsh, George Perkins
Transforming the Dream: Ecologism and the Shaping of an Alternative American Vision by Bednar, Charles Sokol
From Greenhouse to Icehouse: The Marine Eocene-Oligocene Transition by
Safety Is Seguridad: A Workshop Summary by Board on Earth Sciences and Resources, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies
Advances in Agronomy: Volume 78 by
Impact Markers in the Stratigraphic Record by
Ocean Biogeochemistry: The Role of the Ocean Carbon Cycle in Global Change by
Exploring the Atmosphere by Remote Sensing Techniques by
Effects of Air Pollution on The.....(V2) by Brimblecombe, Peter
Because It's There: A Celebration of Mountaineering from 200 B.C. to Today by Weber, Alan
Conflict, Consensus, and Rationality in Environmental Planning: An Institutional Discourse Approach by Rydin, Yvonne
Dr. Beach's Survival Guide: What You Need to Know about Sharks, Rip Currents, and More Before Going in the Water by Leatherman, Stephen P.
Environmental Engineering by
Numerical Simulation in Tunnelling by
Insect Pest Management and Ecological Research by Walter, G. H.
Environmental Politics in Japan, Germany, and the United States by Schreurs, Miranda A.
Environmental Politics in Japan, Germany, and the United States by Schreurs, Miranda
Silver Fox of the Rockies: Delphus E. Carpenter and Western Water Compacts by Tyler, Daniel
Ocean Politics and Policy: A Reference Handbook by Jacques, Peter J., Smith, Zachary A.
Ecology of Humic Substances in Freshwaters: Determinants from Geochemistry to Ecological Niches by Steinberg, Christian
Culture and the Question of Rights: Forests, Coasts, and Seas in Southeast Asia by
The Oil Spill Recovery Institute: Past, Present, and Future Directions by Division on Earth and Life Studies, Ocean Studies Board, National Research Council
Alternativen Der Kommunalen Wasserversorgung Und Abwasserentsorgung Akwa 2100 by Hiessl, Harald
Rivers and Floodplains: Forms, Processes, and Sedimentary Record by Bridge, John S.
Lifeplace: Bioregional Thought and Practice by Thayer, Robert L.
Freshwater Issues: A Reference Handbook by Smith, Zachary A., Ph D., Grenetta Thomassey
A Fascination for Fish: Adventures of an Underwater Pioneer Volume 3 by Powell, David C.
Win-Win Ecology: How the Earth's Species Can Survive in the Midst of Human Enterprise by Rosenzweig, Michael L.
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